hitag 2 算法 (来源网络)

// Software optimized 48-bit Philips/NXP Mifare Hitag2 PCF7936/46/47/52 stream cipher algorithm by I.C. Wiener 2006-2007.
// For educational purposes only.
// No warranties or guarantees of any kind.
// This code is released into the public domain by its author.

#include <stdio.h>

// Basic macros:

#define u8				unsigned char
#define u32				unsigned long
#define u64				unsigned __int64
#define rev8(x)			((((x)>>7)&1)+((((x)>>6)&1)<<1)+((((x)>>5)&1)<<2)+((((x)>>4)&1)<<3)+((((x)>>3)&1)<<4)+((((x)>>2)&1)<<5)+((((x)>>1)&1)<<6)+(((x)&1)<<7))
#define rev16(x)		(rev8 (x)+(rev8 (x>> 8)<< 8))
#define rev32(x)		(rev16(x)+(rev16(x>>16)<<16))
#define rev64(x)		(rev32(x)+(rev32(x>>32)<<32))
#define bit(x,n)		(((x)>>(n))&1)
#define bit32(x,n)		((((x)[(n)>>5])>>((n)))&1)
#define inv32(x,i,n)	((x)[(i)>>5]^=((u32)(n))<<((i)&31))
#define rotl64(x, n)	((((u64)(x))<<((n)&63))+(((u64)(x))>>((0-(n))&63)))

// Single bit Hitag2 functions:

#define i4(x,a,b,c,d)	((u32)((((x)>>(a))&1)+(((x)>>(b))&1)*2+(((x)>>(c))&1)*4+(((x)>>(d))&1)*8))

static const u32 ht2_f4a = 0x2C79;		// 0010 1100 0111 1001
static const u32 ht2_f4b = 0x6671;		// 0110 0110 0111 0001
static const u32 ht2_f5c = 0x7907287B;	// 0111 1001 0000 0111 0010 1000 0111 1011

static u32 f20 (const u64 x)
	u32					i5;
	i5 = ((ht2_f4a >> i4 (x, 1, 2, 4, 5)) & 1)* 1
	   + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x, 7,11,13,14)) & 1)* 2
	   + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x,16,20,22,25)) & 1)* 4
	   + ((ht2_f4b >> i4 (x,27,28,30,32)) & 1)* 8
	   + ((ht2_f4a >> i4 (x,33,42,43,45)) & 1)*16;
	return (ht2_f5c >> i5) & 1;

static u64 hitag2_init (const u64 key, const u32 serial, const u32 IV)
	u32					i;
	u64					x = ((key & 0xFFFF) << 32) + serial;
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		x >>= 1;
		x += (u64) (f20 (x) ^ (((IV >> i) ^ (key >> (i+16))) & 1)) << 47;
	return x;

static u64 hitag2_round (u64 *state)
	u64					x = *state;
	x = (x >>  1) +
	 ((((x >>  0) ^ (x >>  2) ^ (x >>  3) ^ (x >>  6)
	  ^ (x >>  7) ^ (x >>  8) ^ (x >> 16) ^ (x >> 22)
	  ^ (x >> 23) ^ (x >> 26) ^ (x >> 30) ^ (x >> 41)
	  ^ (x >> 42) ^ (x >> 43) ^ (x >> 46) ^ (x >> 47)) & 1) << 47);
	*state = x;
	return f20 (x);

// Bitslice Hitag2 functions:

#define ht2bs_4a(a,b,c,d)	(~(((a|b)&c)^(a|d)^b))
#define ht2bs_4b(a,b,c,d)	(~(((d|c)&(a^b))^(d|a|b)))
#define ht2bs_5c(a,b,c,d,e)	(~((((((c^e)|d)&a)^b)&(c^b))^(((d^e)|a)&((d^b)|c))))

#define uf20bs				u32		// choose your own type/width

static uf20bs f20bs (const uf20bs *x)
	return ht2bs_5c (
		ht2bs_4a(x[ 1],x[ 2],x[ 4],x[ 5]),
		ht2bs_4b(x[ 7],x[11],x[13],x[14]),

static void hitag2bs_init (uf20bs *x, const uf20bs *key, const uf20bs *serial, const uf20bs *IV)
	u32					i, r;
	for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) x[i] = serial[i];
	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) x[32+i] = key[i];
	for (r = 0; r < 32; r++)
		for (i = 0; i < 47; i++) x[i] = x[i+1];
		x[47] = f20bs (x) ^ IV[i] ^ key[16+i];

static uf20bs hitag2bs_round (uf20bs *x)
	uf20bs				y;
	u32					i;
	y = x[ 0] ^ x[ 2] ^ x[ 3] ^ x[ 6] ^ x[ 7] ^ x[ 8] ^ x[16] ^ x[22]
	  ^ x[23] ^ x[26] ^ x[30] ^ x[41] ^ x[42] ^ x[43] ^ x[46] ^ x[47];
	for (i = 0; i < 47; i++) x[i] = x[i+1];
	x[47] = y;
	return f20bs (x);

// "MIKRON"		=  O  N  M  I  K  R
// Key			= 4F 4E 4D 49 4B 52		- Secret 48-bit key
// Serial		= 49 43 57 69			- Serial number of the tag, transmitted in clear
// Random		= 65 6E 45 72			- Random IV, transmitted in clear
//~28~DC~80~31	= D7 23 7F CE			- Authenticator value = inverted first 4 bytes of the keystream

// The code below must print out "D7 23 7F CE 8C D0 37 A9 57 49 C1 E6 48 00 8A B6".
// The inverse of the first 4 bytes is sent to the tag to authenticate.
// The rest is encrypted by XORing it with the subsequent keystream.

static u32 hitag2_byte (u64 * x)
	u32					i, c;
	for (i = 0, c = 0; i < 8; i++) c += (u32) hitag2_round (x) << (i^7);
	return c;

int main (void)
	u32					i;
	u64					state;
	state = hitag2_init (rev64 (0x524B494D4E4FUL), rev32 (0x69574349), rev32 (0x72456E65));
	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) printf ("%02X ", hitag2_byte (&state));
	printf ("\n");
	return 0;

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