
本文介绍了如何使用shell脚本和expect工具,将MySQL中的三张表全量同步到Sybase。通过select into outfile导出MySQL数据,然后利用bcp导入到Sybase,并使用expect进行远程文件操作和命令执行。

同步三张表,每次全量同步。利用select into outfile 导出,利用bcp导入。
利用expect 进行远程拷贝和删除。此方法也可复用至其他数据库。 主操作脚本
exec_on_remote.expect expect远程执行命令脚本
copy_remotefile_to_local.expect expectscp远程执行命令脚本
#sync from GParner to dw_trandata
#table mapping as following:
**# t_pnr_base_authorization > t_sync_d_pnr_base_auth

source ~/.bash_profile

if [ ! -f /usr/bin/expect ]; then
echo “can not find file: /usr/bin/expect”
exit -1

echo “************************************************************************************************”
echo “BEGIN date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' Sync GPartner Tables From MySQL To Sybase”
echo “************************************************************************************************”

mysqllogin=“mysql -uexportData -pvcittt -h${mysqlHost} -c UserCenter”

dwlogin="-Udw_trandata -PGome_DwUserWater -Syfuatsybdb01"

currentday=date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'

m y s q l l o g i n < < E O F s e l e c t I F N U L L ( a u t h i d , ′ ′ ) a s a u t h i d , I F N U L L ( e n t c o d e , ′ ′ ) a s e n t c o d e , I F N U L L ( p r o i d , ′ ′ ) a s p r o i d , I F N U L L ( p k g i d , ′ ′ ) a s p k g i d , I F N U L L ( t r a n s m e r n o , ′ ′ ) a s t r a n s m e r n o , I F N U L L ( a u t h s t a t u s , ′ ′ ) a s a u t h s t a t u s , I F N U L L ( s t a r t a u t h d a t e , ′ ′ ) a s s t a r t a u t h d a t e , I F N U L L ( e n d a u t h d a t e , ′ ′ ) a s e n d a u t h d a t e , I F N U L L ( d i s a b l e , ′ ′ ) a s d i s a b l e , I F N U L L ( s t a t u s , ′ ′ ) a s s t a t u s , I F N U L L ( r e m a r k , ′ ′ ) a s r e m a r k , I F N U L L ( c r e a t e t i m e , ′ ′ ) a s c r e a t e t i m e , I F N U L L ( c r e a t o r , ′ ′ ) a s c r e a t o r , I F N U L L ( m o d i f i e d t i m e , ′ ′ ) a s m o d i f i e d t i m e , I F N U L L ( m o d i f i e r , ′ ′ ) a s m o d i f i e r , I F N U L L ( i s d e l e t e , ′ ′ ) a s i s d e l e t e , I F N U L L ( v e r s i o n , ′ ′ ) a s v e r s i o n , I F N U L L ( e x p a n s i o n m o d e , ′ ′ ) a s e x p a n s i o n m o d e , I F N U L L ( p l a t s e r c o d e , ′ ′ ) a s p l a t s e r c o d e , I F N U L L ( a u t h c o d e , ′ ′ ) a s a u t h c o d e , I F N U L L ( r o l e c o d e , ′ ′ ) a s r o l e c o d e f r o m t p n r b a s e a u t h o r i z a t i o n i n t o o u t f i l e ′ mysqllogin << EOF select IFNULL(auth_id ,'') as auth_id , IFNULL(ent_code ,'') as ent_code , IFNULL(pro_id ,'') as pro_id , IFNULL(pkg_id ,'') as pkg_id , IFNULL(trans_mer_no ,'') as trans_mer_no , IFNULL(auth_status ,'') as auth_status , IFNULL(start_auth_date,'') as start_auth_date , IFNULL(end_auth_date ,'') as end_auth_date , IFNULL(disable ,'') as disable , IFNULL(status ,'') as status , IFNULL(remark ,'') as remark , IFNULL(create_time ,'') as create_time , IFNULL(creator ,'') as creator , IFNULL(modified_time ,'') as modified_time , IFNULL(modifier ,'') as modifier , IFNULL(is_delete ,'') as is_delete , IFNULL(version ,'') as version , IFNULL(expansion_mode,'') as expansion_mode , IFNULL(plat_ser_code ,'') as plat_ser_code , IFNULL(auth_code ,'') as auth_code , IFNULL(role_code ,'') as role_code from t_pnr_base_authorization into outfile ' mysqllogin<<EOFselectIFNULL(authid,)asauthid,IFNULL(entcode,)asentcode,IFNULL(proid,)asproid,IFNULL(pkgid,)aspkgid,IFNULL(transmerno,)astransmerno,IFNULL(authstatus,)asauthstatus,IFNULL(startauthdate,)asstartauthdate,IFNULL(endauthdate,)asendauthdate,IFNULL(disable,)asdisable,IFNULL(status,)asstatus,IFNULL(remark,)asremark,IFNULL(createtime,)ascreatetime,IFNULL(creator,)ascreator,IFNULL(modifiedtime,)asmodifiedtime,IFNULL(modifier,)asmodifier,IFNULL(isdelete,)asisdelete,IFNULL(version,)asversion,IFNULL(expansionmode,)asexpansionmode,IFNULL(platsercode,)asplatsercode,IFNULL(authcode,)asauthcode,IFNULL(rolecode,)asrolecodefromtpnrbaseauthorizationintooutfile{mysqldir}/t_pnr_base_authorization_${currentday}.txt’ CHARACTER SET gb2312 fields terminated by ‘|@@|’ lines terminated by ‘@||@\n’ ;

if [ ? − n e 0 ] ; t h e n e c h o " ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ " e c h o " f a i l e d t o g e t t p n r b a s e a u t h o r i z a t i o n d a t a f r o m M Y S Q L : ? -ne 0 ]; then echo "************************************************************" echo "failed to get t_pnr_base_authorization data from MYSQL: ?ne0];thenecho""echo"failedtogettpn





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