
     * 将某个日期以固定格式转化成字符串
     * @param date
     * @return String
     public static String dateToStr ( java . util . Date date )
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) ;
         String str = sdf . format ( date ) ;
         return str ;
     * 判断任意一个整数是否素数
     * @param n
     * @return boolean
     public static boolean isPrimes ( int n )
         for ( int i = 2 ; i <= Math . sqrt ( n ) ; i ++ )
             if ( n % i == 0 )
                 return false ;
         return true ;
     * 获得任意一个整数的阶乘,递归
     * @param n
     * @return n!
     public static int factorial ( int n )
         if ( n == 1 )
             return 1 ;
         return n * factorial ( n - 1 ) ;
     * 将指定byte数组以16进制的形式打印到控制台
     * @param hint
     *            String
     * @param b
     *            byte[]
     * @return void
     public static void printHexString ( String hint , byte [ ] b )
         System . out . print ( hint ) ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < b . length ; i ++ )
             String hex = Integer . toHexString ( b & 0xFF ) ;
             if ( hex . length ( ) == 1 )
                 hex = '0' + hex ;
             System . out . print ( hex . toUpperCase ( ) + " " ) ;
         System . out . println ( "" ) ;
package net . java2000 . tools ;
* Title:        Java Bean 工具
* @version 1.0
import java . util . * ;
import java . util . regex . Pattern ;
public class StrTools {
   * 分割字符串
   * @param str String 原始字符串
   * @param splitsign String 分隔符
   * @return String[] 分割后的字符串数组
   @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
   public static String [ ] split ( String str , String splitsign ) {
     int index ;
     if ( str == null || splitsign == null )
       return null ;
     ArrayList al = new ArrayList ( ) ;
     while ( ( index = str . indexOf ( splitsign ) ) != - 1 ) {
       al . add ( str . substring ( 0 , index ) ) ;
       str = str . substring ( index + splitsign . length ( ) ) ;
     al . add ( str ) ;
     return ( String [ ] ) al . toArray ( new String [ 0 ] ) ;
   * 替换字符串
   * @param from String 原始字符串
   * @param to String 目标字符串
   * @param source String 母字符串
   * @return String 替换后的字符串
   public static String replace ( String from , String to , String source ) {
     if ( source == null || from == null || to == null )
       return null ;
     StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer ( "" ) ;
     int index = - 1 ;
     while ( ( index = source . indexOf ( from ) ) != - 1 ) {
       bf . append ( source . substring ( 0 , index ) + to ) ;
       source = source . substring ( index + from . length ( ) ) ;
       index = source . indexOf ( from ) ;
     bf . append ( source ) ;
     return bf . toString ( ) ;
   * 替换字符串,能能够在HTML页面上直接显示(替换双引号和小于号)
   * @param str String 原始字符串
   * @return String 替换后的字符串
   public static String htmlencode ( String str ) {
     if ( str == null ) {
       return null ;
     return replace ( "\"" , "&quot;" , replace ( "<" , "&lt;" , str ) ) ;
   * 替换字符串,将被编码的转换成原始码(替换成双引号和小于号)
   * @param str String
   * @return String
   public static String htmldecode ( String str ) {
     if ( str == null ) {
       return null ;
     return replace ( "&quot;" , "\"" , replace ( "&lt;" , "<" , str ) ) ;
   private static final String _BR = "<br/>" ;
   * 在页面上直接显示文本内容,替换小于号,空格,回车,TAB
   * @param str String 原始字符串
   * @return String 替换后的字符串
   public static String htmlshow ( String str ) {
     if ( str == null ) {
       return null ;
     str = replace ( "<" , "&lt;" , str ) ;
     str = replace ( " " , "&nbsp;" , str ) ;
     str = replace ( "\r\n" , _BR , str ) ;
     str = replace ( "\n" , _BR , str ) ;
     str = replace ( "\t" , "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" , str ) ;
     return str ;
   * 返回指定字节长度的字符串
   * @param str String 字符串
   * @param length int 指定长度
   * @return String 返回的字符串
   public static String toLength ( String str , int length ) {
     if ( str == null ) {
       return null ;
     if ( length <= 0 ) {
       return "" ;
     try {
       if ( str . getBytes ( "GBK" ) . length <= length ) {
         return str ;
     } catch ( Exception ex ) {
     StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
     int index = 0 ;
     char c ;
     length -= 3 ;
     while ( length > 0 ) {
       c = str . charAt ( index ) ;
       if ( c < 128 ) {
         length -- ;
       } else {
         length -- ;
         length -- ;
       buff . append ( c ) ;
       index ++ ;
     buff . append ( "..." ) ;
     return buff . toString ( ) ;
   * 判断是否为整数
   * @param str 传入的字符串
   * @return 是整数返回true,否则返回false
   public static boolean isInteger ( String str ) {
     Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( "^[-\\+]?[\\d]*$" ) ;
     return pattern . matcher ( str ) . matches ( ) ;
   * 判断是否为浮点数,包括double和float
   * @param str 传入的字符串
   * @return 是浮点数返回true,否则返回false
   public static boolean isDouble ( String str ) {
     Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( "^[-\\+]?[.\\d]*$" ) ;
     return pattern . matcher ( str ) . matches ( ) ;
   * 判断输入的字符串是否符合Email样式.
   * @param str 传入的字符串
   * @return 是Email样式返回true,否则返回false
   public static boolean isEmail ( String str ) {
     Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( "^\\w+([-+.]\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*$" ) ;
     return pattern . matcher ( str ) . matches ( ) ;
   * 判断输入的字符串是否为纯汉字
   * @param str 传入的字符窜
   * @return 如果是纯汉字返回true,否则返回false
   public static boolean isChinese ( String str ) {
     Pattern pattern = Pattern . compile ( "[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$" ) ;
     return pattern . matcher ( str ) . matches ( ) ;
   * 是否为空白,包括null和""
   * @param str
   * @return
   public static boolean isBlank ( String str ) {
     return str == null || str . trim ( ) . length ( ) == 0 ;
   * 判断是否为质数
   * @param x
   * @return
   public static boolean isPrime ( int x ) {
     if ( x <= 7 ) {
       if ( x == 2 || x == 3 || x == 5 || x == 7 )
         return true ;
     int c = 7 ;
     if ( x % 2 == 0 )
       return false ;
     if ( x % 3 == 0 )
       return false ;
     if ( x % 5 == 0 )
       return false ;
     int end = ( int ) Math . sqrt ( x ) ;
     while ( c <= end ) {
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 4 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 2 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 4 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 2 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 4 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 6 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 2 ;
       if ( x % c == 0 ) {
         return false ;
       c += 6 ;
     return true ;
   public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
     String [ ] numbers = { "12345" , "-12345" , "123.45" , "-123.45" , ".12345" , "-.12345" , "a12345" , "12345a" , "123.a45" } ;
     for ( String str : numbers ) {
       System . out . println ( str + "=" + isInteger ( str ) + " " + isDouble ( str ) ) ;
     String [ ] emails = { "" , "" , "" } ;
     for ( String str : emails ) {
       System . out . println ( str + "=" + isEmail ( str ) ) ;
     String [ ] chineses = { "中国" , "1中国" , "中国1" , "1中国2" , "中1国" } ;
     for ( String str : chineses ) {
       System . out . println ( str + "=" + isChinese ( str ) ) ;
/* *
Created on 2007年8月20日, 上午 8:37
import java . io . * ;
import java . sql . * ;
import java . util . Properties ;
public class Db {
     private String driver ;
     private String url ;
     private String user ;
     private String password ;
     private Connection conn ;
     private Statement stm ;
     private ResultSet rs ;
     public Db ( ) {
         this ( "" ) ;
     public Db ( String conf ) {
         loadProperties ( conf ) ;
         setConn ( ) ;
     public Connection getConn ( ) {
         return this . conn ;
   //handle the properties file to get the informations for connection
     private void loadProperties ( String conf ) {
         Properties props = new Properties ( ) ;
         try {
             props . load ( new FileInputStream ( conf ) ) ;
         } catch ( FileNotFoundException e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
         } catch ( IOException e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
         this . driver = props . getProperty ( "driver" ) ;
         this . url = props . getProperty ( "url" ) ;
         this . user = props . getProperty ( "user" ) ;
         this . password = props . getProperty ( "password" ) ;
     //implement the Connection
     private void setConn ( ) {
         try {
             Class . forName ( driver ) ;
             this . conn = DriverManager . getConnection ( url , user , password ) ;
         } catch ( ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception ) {
               classnotfoundexception . printStackTrace ( ) ;
             System . err . println ( "db: " + classnotfoundexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException sqlexception ) {
             System . err . println ( "db.getconn(): " + sqlexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
       public void doInsert ( String sql ) {
         try {
             Statement statement = conn . createStatement ( ) ;
             int i = stm . executeUpdate ( sql ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException sqlexception ) {
             System . err . println ( "db.executeInset:" + sqlexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
     public void doDelete ( String sql ) {
         try {
             stm = conn . createStatement ( ) ;
             int i = stm . executeUpdate ( sql ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException sqlexception ) {
             System . err . println ( "db.executeDelete:" + sqlexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
     public void doUpdate ( String sql ) {
         try {
             stm = conn . createStatement ( ) ;
             int i = stm . executeUpdate ( sql ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException sqlexception ) {
             System . err . println ( "db.executeUpdate:" + sqlexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
     public ResultSet doSelect ( String sql ) {
         try {
             stm = conn . createStatement ( java . sql . ResultSet . TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE , java . sql . ResultSet . CONCUR_READ_ONLY ) ;
             rs = stm . executeQuery ( sql ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException sqlexception ) {
             System . err . println ( "db.executeQuery: " + sqlexception . getMessage ( ) ) ;
         return rs ;
     public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
         try {
             Db db = new Db ( ) ;
             Connection conn = db . getConn ( ) ;
             if ( conn != null && ! conn . isClosed ( ) ) {
                 System . out . println ( "連結成功" ) ;
                 ResultSet rs = db . doSelect ( "select * from content" ) ;
                 while ( rs . next ( ) ) {
                     System . out . println ( rs . getString ( 1 ) + ":" + rs . getString ( 2 ) + ":" + rs . getString ( 3 ) ) ;
                 rs . close ( ) ;
                 conn . close ( ) ;
         } catch ( SQLException e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
DBConf . properties :
driver = oracle . jdbc . driver . OracleDriver
url = jdbcracle : thintdt151 : 1521 : train
user = XX
password = XX
     * 人民币转成大写
     * @param value
     * @return String
     public static String hangeToBig ( double value )
         char [ ] hunit = { '拾' , '佰' , '仟' } ; // 段内位置表示
         char [ ] vunit = { '万' , '亿' } ; // 段名表示
         char [ ] digit = { '零' , '壹' , '贰' , '叁' , '肆' , '伍' , '陆' , '柒' , '捌' , '玖' } ; // 数字表示
         long midVal = ( long ) ( value * 100 ) ; // 转化成整形
         String valStr = String . valueOf ( midVal ) ; // 转化成字符串
         String head = valStr . substring ( 0 , valStr . length ( ) - 2 ) ; // 取整数部分
         String rail = valStr . substring ( valStr . length ( ) - 2 ) ; // 取小数部分
         String prefix = "" ; // 整数部分转化的结果
         String suffix = "" ; // 小数部分转化的结果
         // 处理小数点后面的数
         if ( rail . equals ( "00" ) )
         { // 如果小数部分为0
             suffix = "整" ;
             suffix = digit [ rail . charAt ( 0 ) - '0' ] + "角" + digit [ rail . charAt ( 1 ) - '0' ] + "分" ; // 否则把角分转化出来
         // 处理小数点前面的数
         char [ ] chDig = head . toCharArray ( ) ; // 把整数部分转化成字符数组
         char zero = '0' ; // 标志'0'表示出现过0
         byte zeroSerNum = 0 ; // 连续出现0的次数
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < chDig . length ; i ++ )
         { // 循环处理每个数字
             int idx = ( chDig . length - i - 1 ) % 4 ; // 取段内位置
             int vidx = ( chDig . length - i - 1 ) / 4 ; // 取段位置
             if ( chDig == '0' )
             { // 如果当前字符是0
                 zeroSerNum ++ ; // 连续0次数递增
                 if ( zero == '0' )
                 { // 标志
                     zero = digit [ 0 ] ;
                 else if ( idx == 0 && vidx > 0 && zeroSerNum < 4 )
                     prefix += vunit [ vidx - 1 ] ;
                     zero = '0' ;
                 continue ;
             zeroSerNum = 0 ; // 连续0次数清零
             if ( zero != '0' )
             { // 如果标志不为0,则加上,例如万,亿什么的
                 prefix += zero ;
                 zero = '0' ;
             prefix += digit [ chDig - '0' ] ; // 转化该数字表示
             if ( idx > 0 )
                 prefix += hunit [ idx - 1 ] ;
             if ( idx == 0 && vidx > 0 )
                 prefix += vunit [ vidx - 1 ] ; // 段结束位置应该加上段名如万,亿
         if ( prefix . length ( ) > 0 )
             prefix += '圆' ; // 如果整数部分存在,则有圆的字样
         return prefix + suffix ; // 返回正确表示
     * 全角字符转半角字符
     * @param QJStr
     * @return String
     public static final String QJToBJChange ( String QJStr )
         char [ ] chr = QJStr . toCharArray ( ) ;
         String str = "" ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < chr . length ; i ++ )
             chr = ( char ) ( ( int ) chr - 65248 ) ;
             str += chr ;
         return str ;
     * 去掉字符串中重复的子字符串
     * @param str
     * @return String
     private static String removeSameString ( String str )
         Set <String> mLinkedSet = new LinkedHashSet <String> ( ) ;
         String [ ] strArray = str . split ( " " ) ;
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < strArray . length ; i ++ )
             if ( ! mLinkedSet . contains ( strArray ) )
                 mLinkedSet . add ( strArray ) ;
                 sb . append ( strArray + " " ) ;
         System . out . println ( mLinkedSet ) ;
         return sb . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , sb . toString ( ) . length ( ) - 1 ) ;
     * 设置JSpinner的编辑属性
     * @param spinner 目标JSpinner
     * @param isAllowInvalid 是否允许输入非法值
     * @param isEditable 是否允许编辑
     public static void setAllowsInvalid ( JSpinner spinner , boolean isAllowInvalid , boolean isEditable )
         JSpinner . NumberEditor editor = new JSpinner . NumberEditor ( spinner , "#" ) ;
         spinner . setEditor ( editor ) ;
         JFormattedTextField tf = ( ( JSpinner . NumberEditor ) spinner . getEditor ( ) ) . getTextField ( ) ;
         tf . setEditable ( isEditable ) ;
         DefaultFormatterFactory factory = ( DefaultFormatterFactory ) tf . getFormatterFactory ( ) ;
         NumberFormatter formatter = ( NumberFormatter ) factory . getDefaultFormatter ( ) ;
         formatter . setAllowsInvalid ( isAllowInvalid ) ;
     * 根据指定方法的参数去构造一个新的对象的拷贝并将他返回
     * @param obj 原始对象
     * @return 新对象
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException    
     * @throws InvocationTargetException    
     * @throws IllegalAccessException    
     * @throws InstantiationException    
     * @throws SecurityException    
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException    
     @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked" )
     public static Object copy ( Object obj ) throws IllegalArgumentException , SecurityException , InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException ,
                     InvocationTargetException , NoSuchMethodException
         Class classType = obj . getClass ( ) ;
         Object objectCopy = classType . getConstructor ( new Class [ ] { } ) . newInstance ( new Object [ ] { } ) ;
         Field [ ] fields = classType . getDeclaredFields ( ) ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields . length ; i ++ )
             Field field = fields ;
             String fieldName = field . getName ( ) ;
             String stringLetter = fieldName . substring ( 0 , 1 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
             String getName = "get" + stringLetter + fieldName . substring ( 1 ) ;
             String setName = "set" + stringLetter + fieldName . substring ( 1 ) ;
             Method getMethod = classType . getMethod ( getName , new Class [ ] { } ) ;
             Method setMethod = classType . getMethod ( setName , new Class [ ] { field . getType ( ) } ) ;
             Object value = getMethod . invoke ( obj , new Object [ ] { } ) ;
             setMethod . invoke ( objectCopy , new Object [ ] { value } ) ;
         return objectCopy ;
public static String encoding ( String src ) {
         if ( src == null )
             return "" ;
         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
         if ( src != null ) {
             src = src . trim ( ) ;
             for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < src . length ( ) ; pos ++ ) {
                 switch ( src . charAt ( pos ) ) {
                     case '\"' : result . append ( "&quot;" ) ; break ;
                     case '<' : result . append ( "&lt;" ) ; break ;
                     case '>' : result . append ( "&gt;" ) ; break ;
                     case '\'' : result . append ( "&apos;" ) ; break ;
                     case '&' : result . append ( "&amp;" ) ; break ;
                     case '%' : result . append ( "&pc;" ) ; break ;
                     case '_' : result . append ( "&ul;" ) ; break ;
                     case '#' : result . append ( "&shap;" ) ; break ;
                     case '?' : result . append ( "&ques;" ) ; break ;
                     default : result . append ( src . charAt ( pos ) ) ; break ;
         return result . toString ( ) ;
     public static String decoding ( String src ) {
         if ( src == null )
             return "" ;
         String result = src ;
         result = result . replace ( "&quot;" , "\"" ) . replace ( "&apos;" , "\'" ) ;
         result = result . replace ( "&lt;" , "<" ) . replace ( "&gt;" , ">" ) ;
         result = result . replace ( "&amp;" , "&" ) ;
         result = result . replace ( "&pc;" , "%" ) . replace ( "&ul" , "_" ) ;
         result = result . replace ( "&shap;" , "#" ) . replace ( "&ques" , "?" ) ;
         return result ;
     public static <T> void invokeMethods ( String part , T src , Class root ) throws ExceptionManager {
         if ( root != null ) {
             if ( ! root . isInstance ( src ) ) return ;
             root = ( Class ) root . getGenericSuperclass ( ) ;
         HashMap < String , Method > invokees = new HashMap < String , Method > ( ) ;
         Class target = src . getClass ( ) ;
         do {
             Method [ ] methods = target . getDeclaredMethods ( ) ;
             for ( Method method : methods ) {
                 String mn = method . getName ( ) ;
                 Boolean isPass = mn . startsWith ( part ) ;
                 if ( isPass ) {
                     Integer nopt = method . getParameterTypes ( ) . length ;
                     Boolean isStatic = Modifier . isStatic ( method . getModifiers ( ) ) ;
                     if ( ( nopt == 0 ) && ( ! isStatic ) ) {
                         if ( ! invokees . containsKey ( mn ) )
                             invokees . put ( mn , method ) ;
             target = ( Class ) target . getGenericSuperclass ( ) ;
         } while ( target != root ) ;
         Iterator <String> methods = invokees . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
         while ( methods . hasNext ( ) ) {
             Method invokee = invokees . get ( methods . next ( ) ) ;
             Boolean access = invokee . isAccessible ( ) ;
             invokee . setAccessible ( true ) ;
             try {
                 invokee . invoke ( src ) ;
             } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                 throw ExceptionManager . wrap ( e . getTargetException ( ) ) ;
             } catch ( Exception e ) { }
             invokee . setAccessible ( access ) ;
     String Driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ;      //驱动程序
     String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_name" ;      //连接的URL,db_name为数据库名    
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . new Instance ( ) ;
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
Microsoft SQL Server 2.0驱动 ( 3jar的那个 ) :
     String Driver = "" ;      //连接SQL数据库的方法
     String URL = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=db_name" ;      //db_name为数据库名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . new Instance ( ) ;      //加载数据可驱动
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , UserName , Password ) ;      //
Microsoft SQL Server 3.0驱动 ( 1jar的那个 ) : // 老紫竹完善
     String Driver = "" ;      //连接SQL数据库的方法
     String URL = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=db_name" ;      //db_name为数据库名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . new Instance ( ) ;      //加载数据可驱动
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , UserName , Password ) ;      //
Sysbase :
     String Driver = "com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver" ;      //驱动程序
     String URL = "jdbc:Sysbase://localhost:5007/db_name" ;      //db_name为数据可名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;     
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
Oracle (thin模式 ) :
     String Driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ;      //连接数据库的方法
     String URL = "jdbcracle:thinloaclhost:1521rcl" ;      //orcl为数据库的SID
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;      //加载数据库驱动
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;     
PostgreSQL :
     String Driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" ;      //连接数据库的方法
     String URL = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/db_name" ;      //db_name为数据可名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;     
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
     String Driver = "" ;      //连接具有DB2客户端的Provider实例
     //String Driver="";    //连接不具有DB2客户端的Provider实例
     String URL = "jdbc:db2://localhost:5000/db_name" ;      //db_name为数据可名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;     
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
Informix :
     String Driver = "com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver" ;     
     String URL = "jdbc:Informix-sqli://localhost:1533/db_name:INFORMIXSER=myserver" ;      //db_name为数据可名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;     
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
     String Driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" ;
     String URL = "jdbcdbc:dbsource" ;      //dbsource为数据源名
     String Username = "username" ;      //用户名
     String Password = "password" ;      //密码
     Class . forName ( Driver ) . newInstance ( ) ;     
     Connection con = DriverManager . getConnection ( URL , Username , Password ) ;
*  把TXT转换为XML
import java . io . BufferedReader ;
import java . io . BufferedWriter ;
import java . io . FileReader ;
import java . io . FileWriter ;
import java . util . StringTokenizer ;
public class TxtToXml {
private String strTxtFileName ;
private String strXmlFileName ;
public TxtToXml ( ) {
   strTxtFileName = new String ( ) ;
   strXmlFileName = new String ( ) ;
public void createXml ( String strTxt , String strXml ) {
   strTxtFileName = strTxt ;
   strXmlFileName = strXml ;
   String strTmp ;
   try {
   BufferedReader inTxt = new BufferedReader ( new FileReader (
     strTxtFileName ) ) ;
   BufferedWriter outXml = new BufferedWriter ( new FileWriter (
     strXmlFileName ) ) ;
   outXml . write ( "<?xml version= \"1.0\" encoding=\"gb2312\"?>" ) ;
   outXml . newLine ( ) ;
   outXml . write ( "<people>" ) ;
   while ( ( strTmp = inTxt . readLine ( ) ) != null ) {
     StringTokenizer strToken = new StringTokenizer ( strTmp , "," ) ;
     String arrTmp [ ] ;
     arrTmp = new String [ 3 ] ;
     for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ )
     arrTmp = new String ( "" ) ;
     int index = 0 ;
     outXml . newLine ( ) ;
     outXml . write ( "    <students>" ) ;
     while ( strToken . hasMoreElements ( ) ) {
     strTmp = ( String ) strToken . nextElement ( ) ;
     strTmp = strTmp . trim ( ) ;
     arrTmp [ index ++ ] = strTmp ;
     outXml . newLine ( ) ;
     outXml . write ( "        <name>" + arrTmp [ 0 ] + "</name>" ) ;
     outXml . newLine ( ) ;
     outXml . write ( "        <sex>" + arrTmp [ 1 ] + "</sex>" ) ;
     outXml . newLine ( ) ;
     outXml . write ( "        <age>" + arrTmp [ 2 ] + "</age>" ) ;
     outXml . newLine ( ) ;
     outXml . write ( "    </students>" ) ;
   outXml . newLine ( ) ;
   outXml . write ( "</people>" ) ;
   outXml . flush ( ) ;
   } catch ( Exception e ) {
   e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
   String txtName = "testtxt.txt" ;
   String xmlName = "testxml.xml" ;
   TxtToXml thisClass = new TxtToXml ( ) ;
   thisClass . createXml ( txtName , xmlName ) ;
  * 写入日志
  * filePath 日志文件的路径
  * code 要写入日志文件的内容
public static boolean print ( String filePath , String code ) {
   try {
   File tofile = new File ( filePath ) ;
   FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ( tofile , true ) ;
   BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter ( fw ) ;
   PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter ( bw ) ;
   System . out . println ( getDate ( ) + ":" + code ) ;
   pw . println ( getDate ( ) + ":" + code ) ;
   pw . close ( ) ;
   bw . close ( ) ;
   fw . close ( ) ;
   return true ;
   } catch ( IOException e ) {
   return false ;
  * 判断是不是合法手机
  * handset 手机号码
public static boolean isHandset ( String handset ) {
   try {
   if ( ! handset . substring ( 0 , 1 ) . equals ( "1" ) ) {
     return false ;
   if ( handset == null || handset . length ( ) != 11 ) {
     return false ;
   String check = "^[0123456789]+$" ;
   Pattern regex = Pattern . compile ( check ) ;
   Matcher matcher = regex . matcher ( handset ) ;
   boolean isMatched = matcher . matches ( ) ;
   if ( isMatched ) {
     return true ;
   } else {
     return false ;
   } catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
   return false ;
字符串匹配的算法 .
public String getMaxMatch ( String a , String b ) {   
         StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer ( ) ;   
         String maxString = "" ;   
         int max = 0 ;   
         int len = 0 ;   
         char [ ] aArray = a . toCharArray ( ) ;   
         char [ ] bArray = b . toCharArray ( ) ;   
         int posA = 0 ;   
         int posB = 0 ;   
         while ( posA < aArray . length - max ) {   
             posB = 0 ;   
             while ( posB < ( bArray . length - max ) ) {                                   
                 if ( aArray [ posA ] == bArray [ posB ] ) {   
                       len = 1 ;   
                       tmp = new StringBuffer ( ) ;   
                       tmp . append ( aArray [ posA ] ) ;                                           
                       while ( ( posA + len < aArray . length ) && ( posB + len < bArray . length ) && ( aArray [ posA + len ] == bArray [ posB + len ] ) ) {   
                           tmp . append ( aArray [ posA + len ] ) ;   
                           len ++ ;   
                       if ( len > max ) {   
                             max = len ;   
                             maxString = tmp . toString ( ) ;   
                       posB ++ ;   
                       posA ++ ;   
             return maxString ;                       
import java . text . DecimalFormat ;
import java . util . Arrays ;
* 时间计算工具类
public class Time {
     * 时间字段常量,表示“秒”
     public final static int SECOND = 0 ;
     * 时间字段常量,表示“分”
     public final static int MINUTE = 1 ;
     * 时间字段常量,表示“时”
     public final static int HOUR = 2 ;
     * 时间字段常量,表示“天”
     public final static int DAY = 3 ;
     * 各常量允许的最大值
     private final int [ ] maxFields = { 59 , 59 , 23 , Integer . MAX_VALUE - 1 } ;
     * 各常量允许的最小值
     private final int [ ] minFields = { 0 , 0 , 0 , Integer . MIN _VALUE } ;
     * 默认的字符串格式时间分隔符
     private String timeSeparator = ":" ;
     * 时间数据容器
     private int [ ] fields = new int [ 4 ] ;     
     * 无参构造,将各字段置为 0
     public Time ( ) {
         this ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
     * 使用时、分构造一个时间
      * @param hour      小时
      * @param minute    分钟
     public Time ( int hour , int minute ) {
         this ( 0 , hour , minute , 0 ) ;
     * 使用时、分、秒构造一个时间
      * @param hour      小时
      * @param minute    分钟
      * @param second    秒
     public Time ( int hour , int minute , int second ) {
         this ( 0 , hour , minute , second ) ;
     * 使用一个字符串构造时间<br/>
     * Time time = new Time("14:22:23");
     * @param time      字符串格式的时间,默认采用“:”作为分隔符
     public Time ( String time ) {         
         this ( time , null ) ;
     * 使用天、时、分、秒构造时间,进行全字符的构造
      * @param day       天
      * @param hour      时
      * @param minute    分
      * @param second    秒
     public Time ( int day , int hour , int minute , int second ) {
         set ( DAY , day ) ;
         set ( HOUR , hour ) ;
         set ( MINUTE , minute ) ;
         set ( SECOND , second ) ;
     * 使用一个字符串构造时间,指定分隔符<br/>
     * Time time = new Time("14-22-23", "-");
     * @param time      字符串格式的时间
     public Time ( String time , String timeSeparator ) {
         if ( timeSeparator != null ) {
             setTimeSeparator ( timeSeparator ) ;
         String pattern = patternQuote ( this . timeSeparator ) ;
         String matcher = new StringBuffer ( )
                                 . append ( "\\d+?" ) . append ( pattern )
                                 . append ( "\\d+?" ) . append ( pattern )
                                 . append ( "\\d+?" )
                                 . toString ( ) ;
         if ( ! time . matches ( matcher ) ) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException ( time + ", time format error, HH"
                     + this . timeSeparator + "mm" + this . timeSeparator + "ss" ) ;
         String [ ] times = time . split ( pattern ) ;
         set ( DAY , 0 ) ;
         set ( HOUR , Integer . parseInt ( times [ 0 ] ) ) ;
         set ( MINUTE , Integer . parseInt ( times [ 1 ] ) ) ;
         set ( SECOND , Integer . parseInt ( times [ 2 ] ) ) ;
     * 设置时间字段的值
     * @param field     时间字段常量
     * @param value     时间字段的值
     public void set ( int field , int value ) {         
         if ( value < minFields [ field ] ) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException ( value +
                     ", time value must be positive." ) ;
         fields [ field ] = value % ( maxFields [ field ] + 1 ) ;
         // 进行进位计算
         int carry = value / ( maxFields [ field ] + 1 ) ;
         if ( carry > 0 ) {
             int upFieldValue = get ( field + 1 ) ;
             set ( field + 1 , upFieldValue + carry ) ;
     * 获得时间字段的值
      * @param field     时间字段常量
      * @return          该时间字段的值
     public int get ( int field ) {
         if ( field < 0 || field > fields . length - 1 ) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException ( field + ", field value is error." ) ;
         return fields [ field ] ;
     * 将时间进行“加”运算,即加上一个时间
      * @param time      需要加的时间
      * @return          运算后的时间
     public Time addTime ( Time time ) {
         Time result = new Time ( ) ;
         int up = 0 ;      // 进位标志
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields . length ; i ++ ) {
             int sum = fields + time . fields + up ;
             up = sum / ( maxFields + 1 ) ;
             result . fields = sum % ( maxFields + 1 ) ;
         return result ;
     * 将时间进行“减”运算,即减去一个时间
      * @param time      需要减的时间
      * @return          运算后的时间
     public Time subtractTime ( Time time ) {
         Time result = new Time ( ) ;
         int down = 0 ;        // 退位标志
         for ( int i = 0 , k = fields . length - 1 ; i < k ; i ++ ) {
             int difference = fields + down ;
             if ( difference >= time . fields ) {
                 difference -= time . fields ;
                 down = 0 ;
             } else {
                 difference += maxFields + 1 - time . fields ;
                 down = - 1 ;
             result . fields = difference ;
         result . fields [ DAY ] = fields [ DAY ] - time . fields [ DAY ] + down ;
         return result ;
     * 获得时间字段的分隔符
      * @return
     public String getTimeSeparator ( ) {
         return timeSeparator ;
     * 设置时间字段的分隔符(用于字符串格式的时间)
      * @param timeSeparator     分隔符字符串
     public void setTimeSeparator ( String timeSeparator ) {
         this . timeSeparator = timeSeparator ;
     * 正则表达式引用处理方法,源自 JDK @link java.util.regex.Pattern#quote(String)
     private String patternQuote ( String s ) {
         int slashEIndex = s . indexOf ( "\\E" ) ;
         if ( slashEIndex == - 1 )
             return "\\Q" + s + "\\E" ;
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( s . length ( ) * 2 ) ;
         sb . append ( "\\Q" ) ;
         slashEIndex = 0 ;
         int current = 0 ;
         while ( ( slashEIndex = s . indexOf ( "\\E" , current ) ) != - 1 ) {
             sb . append ( s . substring ( current , slashEIndex ) ) ;
             current = slashEIndex + 2 ;
             sb . append ( "\\E\\\\E\\Q" ) ;
         sb . append ( s . substring ( current , s . length ( ) ) ) ;
         sb . append ( "\\E" ) ;
         return sb . toString ( ) ;
     public String toString ( ) {
         DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "00" ) ;
         return new StringBuffer ( ) . append ( fields [ DAY ] ) . append ( ", " )
                     . append ( df . format ( fields [ HOUR ] ) ) . append ( timeSeparator )
                     . append ( df . format ( fields [ MINUTE ] ) ) . append ( timeSeparator )
                     . append ( df . format ( fields [ SECOND ] ) )
                     . toString ( ) ;
     public int hashCode ( ) {
         final int PRIME = 31 ;
         int result = 1 ;
         result = PRIME * result + Arrays . hashCode ( fields ) ;
         return result ;
     public boolean equals ( Object obj ) {
         if ( this == obj )
             return true ;
         if ( obj == null )
             return false ;
         if ( getClass ( ) != obj . getClass ( ) )
             return false ;
         final Time other = ( Time ) obj ;
         if ( ! Arrays . equals ( fields , other . fields ) ) {
             return false ;
         return true ;
public class Test {
     public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
         System . out . println ( "9787302155638 " + ISBN . checkISBN ( "9787302155638" ) ) ;
         System . out . println ( "7564105607 " + ISBN . checkISBN ( "7564105607" ) ) ;
         System . out . println ( "730213880X " + ISBN . checkISBN ( "730213880X" ) ) ;
         System . out . println ( "7302138800 " + ISBN . checkISBN ( "7302138800" ) ) ;
         System . out . println ( "9790000000000 " + ISBN . checkISBN ( "9790000000000" ) ) ;
         try {
             System . out . println ( ISBN . checkISBN ( "9770000000000" ) ) ;
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             System . out . println ( "9770000000000 " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
         try {
             System . out . println ( ISBN . checkISBN ( "123456545" ) ) ;
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             System . out . println ( "123456545 " + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
public final class ISBN {
     * 根据输入的ISBN号,检验ISBN的有效性。依据 GB/T 5795-2006 和 ISO 2108:2005 ISBN
     * 10位标准和13位标准实现(13位标准自2007年1月1日开始实行,在此之前采用10位标准)。
     * @param String isbn:需要进行校验的ISBN字符串
      * @return true:所输入的ISBN校验正确;<br/> false:所输入的ISBN校验错误
     public static boolean checkISBN ( String isbn ) {
         int count = 0 ;
         int checkBitInt = 0 ;
         // 将ISBN数据全取大写字母
         //isbn = isbn.toUpperCase();
         char [ ] cs = isbn . toCharArray ( ) ;         
         switch ( isbn . length ( ) ) {
         case 10 :
             // ****************************************************************
             // 当ISBN为10位时,进行的校验,用于2007年1月1日前的出版物
               // 数据格式:从左至右前9位为ISBN数据,第10位为校验位
               // 校验方法:
               // (1) 从左至右将前9位数据从10开始至2进行编号,作为位权
               // (2) 将9位数据与各位位权进行加权,并求其9位和(称为加权和,记作M)
               // (3) 第10位校验位计算方法,校验位为C:
               //         M + C ≡ 0 (mod 11)
             //  C为10时,记作“X”
               // ****************************************************************
             // 取出前9位数字进行加权和计算            
               for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i ++ ) {
                 // 若前9位数据中有非数字字符,则抛出异常
                   if ( cs < '0' || cs > '9' ) {
                     throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN " + isbn +
                             " 第 " + ( i + 1 ) + " 位中出现非法字符 " + cs ) ;
                 int c = cs - '0' ;
                 // 求加权和
                   count += c * ( 10 - i ) ;
             // 取出校验位数据0~9和X符合校验字符要求
               if ( cs [ 9 ] >= '0' && cs [ 9 ] <= '9' ) {
                 checkBitInt = cs [ 9 ] - '0' ;
             } else if ( cs [ 9 ] == 'X' || cs [ 9 ] == 'x' ) {
                 // 校验位中的“X”表示数据“10”
                   checkBitInt = 10 ;
             } else {
                 // 非0~9或X时抛出异常
                   throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN " + isbn +
                         " 第 10 位中出现非法字符 " + cs [ 9 ] ) ;
             // 进行校验
               if ( ( count + checkBitInt ) % 11 == 0 ) {
                 return true ; // 校验成功
               } else {
                 return false ; // 校验失败
         case 13 :
             // ****************************************************************
             // 当ISBN为13位时,进行的校验,用于2007年1月1日后的出版物
               // 数据格式:从左至右前12位为ISBN数据,第13位为校验位
               // 校验方法:
               // (1) 从左至右将前12位数的取其奇位数和和偶位数和
               // (2) 将偶位数和乘3,并其与奇位数和的和,得加权和
               // (3) 第13位校验位计算方法,校验位为C:
               //         M + C ≡ 0 (mod 10)
             // ****************************************************************
             // ISBN为13位数据时,前3位目前只能是“978”(已实行)或“979”(暂未实行)
               if ( ! isbn . startsWith ( "978" ) && ! isbn . startsWith ( "979" ) ) {
                 throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN-13 格式不符合标准" ) ;
             // 取出前12位数字进行加权和计算
               int countEven = 0 ;
             int countOdd = 0 ;
             for ( int i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ ) {
                 int c = cs - '0' ;
                 // 若前12位数据中有非数字字符,则抛出异常
                   if ( c < 0 || c > 9 ) {
                     throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN " + isbn +
                             " 第 " + ( i + 1 ) + " 位中出现非法字符 " + cs ) ;
                 // 分别计算奇位数和偶位数的和
                   if ( ( i & 0x1 ) == 0 ) {
                     countOdd += c ;
                 } else {
                     countEven += c ;
             // 求加权和
             count = countOdd + ( countEven * 3 ) ;
             // 取出校验位数据            
             if ( cs [ 12 ] < '0' || cs [ 12 ] > '9' ) {
                 // 校验位为非0~9字符时,抛出异常
                   throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN " + isbn
                         + " 第 13 位中出现非法字符 " + cs [ 12 ] ) ;
             checkBitInt = cs [ 12 ] - '0' ;
             // 进行校验
             if ( ( count + checkBitInt ) % 10 == 0 ) {
                 return true ; // 校验成功
             } else {
                 return false ; // 校验失败
         default :
             // ISBN为非10位或13位时抛出异常
             throw new ISBNFormatException ( "ISBN 格式不符合标准" ) ;
import java . util . ArrayList ;
import java . util . Iterator ;
import java . util . LinkedHashMap ;
import java . util . List ;
import java . util . Map ;
* JSON utility class
* @since 2008-04-21
public class Json {
     // test
     public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
         Json json1 = new Json ( ) ;
         json1 . add ( "totalCount" , 2 ) ;
         json1 . add ( "isTest" , true ) ;
         Json json_a = new Json ( ) ;
         json_a . add ( "menuid" , 1 ) ;
         json_a . add ( "menuname" , "testmenu" ) ;
         json1 . add ( "topics" , json_a ) ;
         Json json_b = new Json ( ) ;
         json_b . add ( "menuid" , 2 ) ;
         json_b . add ( "menuname" , "testmenu" ) ;
         json1 . add ( "topics" , json_b ) ;
         System . out . println ( json1 . toString ( ) ) ;
     private Map map = new LinkedHashMap ( ) ;
     * 添加一个 JSON 属性,值为一个字符串,重复添加时产生数组<p/>
     * add("name", "value");<br/>
     * 添加一个字符串,产生的 JSON 如:{"name":"value"}<p/>
     * add("name", "value1");<br/>
     * add("name", "value2");<br/>
     * 添加两个同属性的字符串,产生的 JSON 如:{"name":["value1", "value2"]}<p/>
     * @param key       JSON 属性名
      * @param str       字符串格式的属性值
     public void add ( String key , String value ) {
         addElement ( key , value ) ;
     public void add ( String key , int num ) {
         addElement ( key , new Integer ( num ) ) ;
     public void add ( String key , boolean b ) {
         addElement ( key , new Boolean ( b ) ) ;
     * 添加一个 JSON 属性,值为一个 JSON,重复添加时产生 JSON 数组<p/>
     * Json json1 = new Json();<br/>
     * json1.add("name1", "value1");<br/>
     * json1.add("name2", "value2");<br/>
     * Json json = new Json();<br/>
     * json.add("message", json1);<br/>
     * 添加一个 JSON,产生的 JSON 如:{"message":{"name1":"value1", "name2":"value2"}}<p/>
     * Json json1 = new Json();<br/>
     * json1.add("name1", "value1");<br/>
     * json1.add("name2", "value2");<br/>
     * Json json2 = new Json();<br/>
     * json2.add("name1", "value3");<br/>
     * json2.add("name2", "value4");<br/>
     * Json json = new Json();<br/>
     * json.add("message", json1);<br/>
     * json.add("message", json2);<br/>
     * 添加两个同属性的 JSON,产生的 JSON 如:{"message":[{"name1":"value1", "name2":"value2"}, {"name1":"value3", "name2":"value4"}]}<p/>
     * @param key       JSON 属性名
      * @param json      JSON 格式的属性值
     public void add ( String key , Json json ) {
         addElement ( key , json ) ;
     public String toString ( ) {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
         sb . append ( "{" ) ;
         int k = 0 ;
         for ( Iterator i = map . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ; i . hasNext ( ) ; ) {
             String key = ( String ) ( i . next ( ) ) ;
             Object obj = map . get ( key ) ;
             if ( k > 0 ) {
                 sb . append ( "," ) ;
             appendKey ( sb , key ) ;
             if ( obj instanceof String ) {
                 appendString ( sb , ( String ) obj ) ;
             } else if ( obj instanceof List ) {
                 appendList ( sb , ( List ) obj ) ;
             } else if ( obj instanceof Json ) {
                 appendJson ( sb , ( Json ) obj ) ;
             } else {
                 appendOther ( sb , obj ) ;
             k ++ ;
         sb . append ( "}" ) ;
         return sb . toString ( ) ;
     private void addElement ( String key , Object obj ) {
         if ( ! map . containsKey ( key ) ) {
             if ( obj instanceof Json ) {
                 List list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
                 list . add ( obj ) ;
                 map . put ( key , list ) ;
             } else {
                 map . put ( key , obj ) ;
             return ;
         Object o = map . remove ( key ) ;
         if ( o instanceof List ) {
             ( ( List ) o ) . add ( obj ) ;
             map . put ( key , o ) ;
             return ;
         // o is a String
         List list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
         list . add ( o ) ;
         list . add ( obj ) ;
         map . put ( key , list ) ;
     * Append JSON property name
     * @param sb
     * @param key
     private void appendKey ( StringBuilder sb , String key ) {
         sb . append ( "\"" ) . append ( key ) . append ( "\":" ) ;
     * Append JSON property value that is a String
     * @param sb
     * @param str
     private void appendString ( StringBuilder sb , String str ) {
         sb . append ( "\"" ) . append ( str ) . append ( "\"" ) ;
     * Append JSON property value that is a Integer
     * @param sb
     * @param num
     private void appendOther ( StringBuilder sb , Object obj ) {
         sb . append ( obj ) ;
     * Append JSON property value that is a List
     * @param sb
     * @param list
     private void appendList ( StringBuilder sb , List list ) {
         sb . append ( "[" ) ;
         for ( int j = 0 , m = list . size ( ) ; j < m ; j ++ ) {
             if ( j > 0 ) {
                 sb . append ( "," ) ;
             Object obj = list . get ( j ) ;
             if ( obj instanceof String ) {
                 appendString ( sb , ( String ) obj ) ;
             } else if ( obj instanceof Json ) {
                 appendJson ( sb , ( Json ) obj ) ;
             } else {
                 appendOther ( sb , obj ) ;
         sb . append ( "]" ) ;
     * Append JSON property value that is a JSON
     * @param sb
     * @param json
     private void appendJson ( StringBuilder sb , Json json ) {
         sb . append ( json . toString ( ) ) ;
  * 从指定的字符串中提取Email
  * content 指定的字符串
public static String parse ( String content ) {
   String email = null ;
   if ( content == null || content . length ( ) < 1 ) {
   return email ;
   int beginPos ;
   int i ;
   String token = "@" ;
   String preHalf = "" ;
   String sufHalf = "" ;
   beginPos = content . indexOf ( token ) ;
   if ( beginPos > - 1 ) {
   String s = null ;
   i = beginPos ;
   while ( i > 0 ) {
     s = content . substring ( i - 1 , i ) ;
     if ( isLetter ( s ) )
     preHalf = s + preHalf ;
     break ;
     i -- ;
   i = beginPos + 1 ;
   while ( i < content . length ( ) ) {
     s = content . substring ( i , i + 1 ) ;
     if ( isLetter ( s ) )
     sufHalf =    sufHalf + s ;
     break ;
     i ++ ;   
   email = preHalf + "@" + sufHalf ;
   if ( isEmail ( email ) ) {
     return email ;
   return null ;
  * 判断是不是合法Email
  * email Email地址
public static boolean isEmail ( String email ) {
   try {
   if ( email == null || email . length ( ) < 1 || email . length ( ) > 256 ) {
     return false ;
   String check = "^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[_.0-9a-zA-Z-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+[.])+([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$" ;
   Pattern regex = Pattern . compile ( check ) ;
   Matcher matcher = regex . matcher ( email ) ;
   boolean isMatched = matcher . matches ( ) ;
   if ( isMatched ) {
     return true ;
   } else {
     return false ;
   } catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
   return false ;
  * 判断是不是合法字符
  * c 要判断的字符
public static boolean isLetter ( String c ) {
   boolean result = false ;
   if ( c == null || c . length ( ) < 0 ) {
   return false ;
   if ( c . compareToIgnoreCase ( "a" ) >= 0 && c . compareToIgnoreCase ( "z" ) <= 0 ) {
   return true ;
   if ( c . compareToIgnoreCase ( "0" ) >= 0 && c . compareToIgnoreCase ( "9" ) <= 0 ) {
   return true ;
   //. - _
   if ( c . equals ( "." ) || c . equals ( "-" ) || c . equals ( "_" ) ) {
   return true ;
   return result ;
     * 列出某文件夹及其子文件夹下面的文件,并可根据扩展名过滤
     * @param path
     public static void list ( File path )
         if ( ! path . exists ( ) )
             System . out . println ( "文件名称不存在!" ) ;
             if ( path . isFile ( ) )
                 if ( path . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . endsWith ( ".pdf" )
                         || path . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . endsWith ( ".doc" )
                         || path . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . endsWith ( ".html" )
                         || path . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . endsWith ( ".htm" ) )
                     System . out . println ( path ) ;
                     System . out . println ( path . getName ( ) ) ;
                 File [ ] files = path . listFiles ( ) ;
                 for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . length ; i ++ )
                     list ( files ) ;
     * 拷贝一个目录或者文件到指定路径下
     * @param source
     * @param target
     public static void copy ( File source , File target )
         File tarpath = new File ( target , source . getName ( ) ) ;
         if ( source . isDirectory ( ) )
             tarpath . mkdir ( ) ;
             File [ ] dir = source . listFiles ( ) ;
             for ( int i = 0 ; i < dir . length ; i ++ )
                 copy ( dir , tarpath ) ;
                 InputStream is = new FileInputStream ( source ) ;
                 OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream ( tarpath ) ;
                 byte [ ] buf = new byte [ 1024 ] ;
                 int len = 0 ;
                 while ( ( len = is . read ( buf ) ) != - 1 )
                     os . write ( buf , 0 , len ) ;
                 is . close ( ) ;
                 os . close ( ) ;
             catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                 e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
             catch ( IOException e )
                 e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
1 SimpleDateFormat担当重任 ,怎样格式化都行
import java . util . Date ;
import java . text . SimpleDateFormat ;
public class Demo
public static void main ( String [ ] args )
   Date now = new Date ( ) ;
   SimpleDateFormat f = newSimpleDateFormat ( "今天是" + "yyyy年MM月dd日 E kk点mm分" ) ;
   System . out . println ( f . format ( now ) ) ;
   f = new SimpleDateFormat ( "a hh点mm分ss秒" ) ;
   System . out . println ( f . format ( now ) ) ;
2 从字符串到日期类型的转换:
import java . util . Date ;
import java . text . SimpleDateFormat ;
import java . util . GregorianCalendar ;
import java . text . * ;
publicclass Demo
public static void main ( String [ ] args )
   String strDate = "2005年04月22日" ;
   SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy年MM月dd日" ) ;
   Date date = simpleDateFormat . parse ( strDate ) ;
   System . out . println ( date ) ;
   catch ( ParseException px )
   px . printStackTrace ( ) ;
3 将毫秒数换转成日期类型
import java . util . Date ;
import java . text . SimpleDateFormat ;
import java . util . GregorianCalendar ;
import java . text . * ;
public class Demo
public static void main ( String [ ] args )
   long now = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
   System . out . println ( "毫秒数:" + now ) ;
   Date dNow = new Date ( now ) ;
   System . out . println ( "日期类型:" + dNow ) ;
3例源自 http : //
4 获取系统时期和时间,转换成 SQL格式后更新到数据库
( http : //
java . util . Date d = new java . util . Date ( ) ;      //获取当前系统的时间
new java . text . SimpleDateFormat s = new java . text . SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) ;
String dateStr = s . format ( d ) ; //转为字符串
使用 RS更新数据库,仍然要用 rs . updateString,而不是 rs . updateDade
rs . updateString ( "regtime" , dateStr ) ;    //regtime字段为datetime类型的
下面两例源自 http : //
5 按本地时区输出当前日期
Date myDate = new Date ( ) ;
System . out . println ( myDate . toLocaleString ( ) ) ;
2003 - 5 - 30
6 如何格式化小数
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( ",###.00" ) ;   
double aNumber = 33665448856.6568975 ;
String result = df . format ( aNumber ) ;   
Sytem . out . println ( result ) ;
33 , 665 , 448 , 856.66
其他:获取毫秒时间 System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
7 在数据库里的日期只以年 --日的方式输出
( http : //
定义日期格式: SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ( yy - MM - dd ) ;
sql语句为: String sqlStr = "select bookDate from roomBook where bookDate between '2007-4-10' and '2007-4-25'" ;
System . out . println ( df . format ( rs . getDate ( "bookDate" ) ) ) ;
1、使用 MouseListener借口处理鼠标事件
鼠标事件有 5种:按下鼠标键,释放鼠标键,点击鼠标键,鼠标进入和鼠标退出
鼠标事件类型是 MouseEvent,主要方法有:
getX ( ) , getY ( ) 获取鼠标位置
getModifiers ( ) 获取鼠标左键或者右键
getClickCount ( ) 获取鼠标被点击的次数
getSource ( ) 获取鼠标发生的事件源
事件源获得监视器的方法是 addMouseListener ( ),移去监视器的方法是 removeMouseListener ( )
处理事件源发生的时间的事件的接口是 MouseListener 接口中有如下的方法
mousePressed ( MouseEvent ) 负责处理鼠标按下事件
mouseReleased ( MouseEvent ) 负责处理鼠标释放事件
mouseEntered ( MouseEvent ) 负责处理鼠标进入容器事件
mouseExited ( MouseEvent ) 负责处理鼠标离开事件
mouseClicked ( MouseEvent ) 负责处理点击事件
2、使用 MouseMotionListener接口处理鼠标事件
事件源发生的鼠标事件有 2种:拖动鼠标和鼠标移动
鼠标事件的类型是 MouseEvent
事件源获得监视器的方法是 addMouseMotionListener ( )
处理事件源发生的事件的接口是 MouseMotionListener 接口中有如下的方法
mouseDragged ( ) 负责处理鼠标拖动事件
mouseMoved ( ) 负责处理鼠标移动事件
setCursor ( Cursor . getPreddfinedCursor ( Cursor .鼠标形状定义 ) ) 鼠标形状定义见(书 P 210
键盘事件源使用 addKeyListener 方法获得监视器
键盘事件的接口是 KeyListener 接口中有 3个方法
public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent e ) 按下键盘按键
public void keyReleased ( KeyEvent e ) 释放键盘按键
public class IsChineseOrEnglish {
   public static boolean isChinese ( char c ) {
       Character . UnicodeBlock ub = Character . UnicodeBlock . of ( c ) ;   
       if ( ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
         || ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS
         || ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A
         || ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . GENERAL_PUNCTUATION
         || ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION
         || ub == Character . UnicodeBlock . HALFWIDTH_AND_FULLWIDTH_FORMS ) {
       return true ;
       return false ;
   public static void isChinese ( String strName ) {
       char [ ] ch = strName . toCharArray ( ) ;
       for ( int i = 0 ; i < ch . length ; i ++ ) {
     char c = ch ;
     if ( isChinese ( c ) == true ) {
     System . out . println ( isChinese ( c ) ) ;
     return ;
   } else {
     System . out . println ( isChinese ( c ) ) ;
     return ;
   public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
     isChinese ( "zhongguo" ) ;
     isChinese ( "中国" ) ;
[ code = { 0 } ]
import java . security . MessageDigest ;
public class MD5andKL {
public static String MD5 ( String inStr ) {
MessageDigest md5 = null ;
try {
md5 = MessageDigest . getInstance ( "MD5" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
System . out . println ( e . toString ( ) ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return "" ;
char [ ] charArray = inStr . toCharArray ( ) ;
byte [ ] byteArray = new byte [ charArray . length ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < charArray . length ; i ++ )
byteArray = ( byte ) charArray ;
byte [ ] md5Bytes = md5 . digest ( byteArray ) ;
StringBuffer hexValue = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < md5Bytes . length ; i ++ ) {
int val = ( ( int ) md5Bytes ) & 0xff ;
if ( val < 16 )
hexValue . append ( "0" ) ;
hexValue . append ( Integer . toHexString ( val ) ) ;
return hexValue . toString ( ) ;
public static String KL ( String inStr ) {
//String s = new String(inStr);
char [ ] a = inStr . toCharArray ( ) ;   
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ )    {   
   a = ( char ) ( a ^ 't' ) ;   
   String s = new String ( a ) ;
   return s ;   
public static String JM ( String inStr ) {
char [ ] a = inStr . toCharArray ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a . length ; i ++ )    {   
a = ( char ) ( a ^ 't' ) ;   
   String k = new String ( a ) ;
   return k ;
public static void main ( String args [ ] ) {
String s = new String ( "admin" ) ;
System . out . println ( "原始:" + s ) ;
System . out . println ( "MD5后:" + MD5 ( s ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "MD5后再加密:" + KL ( MD5 ( s ) ) ) ;
System . out . println ( "解密为MD5后的:" + JM ( KL ( MD5 ( s ) ) ) ) ;
[ / code ]
* 取得服务器当前的各种具体时间
* 回车:日期时间
import java . util . * ;
public class GetNowDate {
     Calendar   calendar = null ;
     public GetNowDate ( ) {
         calendar = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
         calendar . setTime ( new Date ( ) ) ;
     public int getYear ( ) {
         return calendar . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) ;
     public int getMonth ( ) {
         return 1 + calendar . get ( Calendar . MONTH ) ;
     public int getDay ( ) {
         return calendar . get ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH ) ;
     public int getHour ( ) {
         return calendar . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) ;
     public int getMinute ( ) {
         return calendar . get ( Calendar . MINUTE ) ;
     public int getSecond ( ) {
         return calendar . get ( Calendar . SECOND ) ;
     public String getDate ( ) {
         return getMonth ( ) + "/" + getDay ( ) + "/" + getYear ( ) ;
     public String getTime ( ) {
         return getHour ( ) + ":" + getMinute ( ) + ":" + getSecond ( ) ;
     public String getDate2 ( ) {
         String yyyy = "0000" , mm = "00" , dd = "00" ;
         yyyy = yyyy + getYear ( ) ;
         mm    = mm    + getMonth ( ) ;
         dd    = dd + getDay ( ) ;
         yyyy = yyyy . substring ( yyyy . length ( ) - 4 ) ;
         mm    = mm . substring ( mm . length ( ) - 2 ) ;
         dd    = dd . substring ( dd . length ( ) - 2 ) ;
         return yyyy + "/" + mm + "/" +    dd ;
     public String getTime2 ( ) {
         String hh = "00" , mm = "00" , ss = "00" ;
         hh = hh + getHour ( ) ;
         mm = mm + getMinute ( ) ;
         ss = ss + getSecond ( ) ;
         hh = hh . substring ( hh . length ( ) - 2 , hh . length ( ) ) ;
         mm = mm . substring ( mm . length ( ) - 2 , mm . length ( ) ) ;
         ss = ss . substring ( ss . length ( ) - 2 , ss . length ( ) ) ;
         return hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss ;
* 用半角的特殊符号代替全角的特殊符号
* 防止特殊字符在传输参数时出现错误
public class ReplaceStrE {
     public static String rightToError ( String ss ) {
         String strs ;
         String strs1 ;
         String strs2 ;
         String strs3 ;
         String strs4 ;
         try {
             strs = ss . replace ( '#' , '#' ) ;
         catch ( Exception ex ) {
             return ss ;
         try {
             strs1 = strs . replace ( '"' , '"' ) ;
         catch ( Exception ex ) {
             return strs ;
         try {
             strs2 = strs1 . replace ( '  ' , '&' ) ;
         catch ( Exception ex ) {
             return strs1 ;
         try {
             strs3 = strs2 . replace ( '+' , '+' ) ;
         catch ( Exception ex ) {
             return strs2 ;
         try {
             strs4 = strs3 . replace ( ''' , '\'' ) ;
         catch ( Exception ex ) {
             return ss ;
         return strs4 ;
* Big5字与Unicode的互换
* 转换后的正常字型
import java . io . * ;
public class MyUtil {
     public static String big5ToUnicode ( String s ) {
         try {
             return new String ( s . getBytes ( "ISO8859_1" ) , "Big5" ) ;
         catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {
             return s ;
     public static String UnicodeTobig5 ( String s ) {
         try {
             return new String ( s . getBytes ( "Big5" ) , "ISO8859_1" ) ;
         catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee ) {
             return s ;
     public static String toHexString ( String s ) {
         String str = "" ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < s . length ( ) ; i ++ ) {
             int ch = ( int ) s . charAt ( i ) ;
             String s4 = "0000" + Integer . toHexString ( ch ) ;
             str = str + s4 . substring ( s4 . length ( ) - 4 ) + " " ;
         return str ;
import java . io . * ;
import java . util . ArrayList ;
import java . util . List ;
public class FileCopy {
private String message = "" ;
public String getMessage ( ) {
   return message ;
public void setMessage ( String message ) {
   this . message = message ;
  * 将源文件拷贝到目标文件
  * @param src
  *            写源文件地址,需文件名
  * @param des
  *            写目标文件地址,无需文件名
public boolean copyFile ( String src , String des ) {
   File srcFile = new File ( src ) ;
   File desDir = new File ( des ) ;
   File desFile = new File ( des + "/" + srcFile . getName ( ) ) ;
   // 判断源文件是否存在
   if ( ! srcFile . exists ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( "源文件不存在!" ) ;
   return false ;
   } else if ( ! srcFile . isFile ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( "源文件格式错!" ) ;
   return false ;
   // 判断源文件是否存在
   if ( ! desDir . exists ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( "目标目录不存在!" ) ;
   return false ;
   } else if ( ! desDir . isDirectory ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( "不是有效的目录!" ) ;
   return false ;
   BufferedReader reader = null ;
   BufferedWriter writer = null ;
   String str ;
   try {
   reader = new BufferedReader ( new FileReader ( srcFile ) ) ;
   writer = new BufferedWriter ( new FileWriter ( desFile ) ) ;
   // 判断目标文件是否存在及其格式,不存在就创建,格式不对先删除,存在就替代
   if ( ! desFile . exists ( ) || ! desFile . isFile ( ) ) {
     if ( desFile . exists ( ) ) {
     desFile . delete ( ) ;
     desFile . createNewFile ( ) ;
   // 从源文件读取数据,并写入目标文件
   str = reader . readLine ( ) ;
   while ( str != null ) {
     writer . write ( str ) ;
     writer . newLine ( ) ;
     str = reader . readLine ( ) ;
   } catch ( IOException e ) {
   this . setMessage ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
   return false ;
   } finally {
   if ( reader != null ) {
     try {
     reader . close ( ) ;
     } catch ( IOException e ) {
     this . setMessage ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
   if ( writer != null ) {
     try {
     writer . close ( ) ;
     } catch ( IOException e ) {
     this . setMessage ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
   return true ;
private List fileList = new ArrayList ( ) ;
  * 列出所有文件
  * @param srcFile
private void file ( File srcFile ) {
   if ( srcFile . isDirectory ( ) ) {
   String [ ] files = srcFile . list ( ) ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < files . length ; i ++ ) {
     File f = new File ( srcFile + "/" + files ) ;
     // 如果是文件加入列表,否则递归列出
     if ( f . isFile ( ) ) {
     fileList . add ( f ) ;
     } else
     file ( f ) ;
   } else this . setMessage ( srcFile . getAbsolutePath ( ) + "不是目录" ) ;
  * 建立目录
  * @param des
  * @throws IOException
  */ private void mkdir ( File des ) {
   if ( ! des . exists ( ) || ! des . isDirectory ( ) ) {
   mkdir ( des . getParentFile ( ) ) ;
   if ( des . exists ( ) ) {
     des . delete ( ) ;
   des . mkdir ( ) ;
  * 复制目录  将源目录下所有文件拷贝到目标目录下
  * @param src  源目录
   * @param des  目标目录
public boolean copyDir ( String src , String des ) {
   File srcFile = new File ( src ) ;
   if ( ! srcFile . exists ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( "源目录不存在!" ) ;
   return false ;
   } else if ( ! srcFile . isDirectory ( ) ) {
   this . setMessage ( src + "不是有效的目录!" ) ;
   return false ;
   file ( srcFile ) ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < fileList . size ( ) ; i ++ ) {
   String srcName = ( ( File ) fileList . get ( i ) ) . getPath ( ) ;
   String desName = srcName . substring ( src . length ( ) , srcName . length ( ) ) ;
   desName = des + desName ;
   File dir = new File ( desName ) . getParentFile ( ) ;
   mkdir ( dir ) ;
   if ( ! copyFile ( srcName , dir . getPath ( ) ) ) {
     return false ;
   return true ;
public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
   FileCopy t = new FileCopy ( ) ;
   System . out . println ( t . copyFile ( "D:/aaa.txt" , "E:" ) ) ;
   String src = "D:/asdf" ;
   String des = "E:/adf" ;
   System . out . println ( t . copyDir ( src , des ) ) ;
   System . out . println ( t . getMessage ( ) ) ;
     * Description: 获取GMT8时间
     * @return 将当前时间转换为GMT8时区后的Date
     public static Date getGMT8Time ( ) {
         Date gmt8 = null ;
         try {
             Calendar cal = Calendar . getInstance ( TimeZone . getTimeZone ( "GMT+8" ) , Locale . CHINESE ) ;
             Calendar day = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . YEAR , cal . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . MONTH , cal . get ( Calendar . MONTH ) ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . DATE , cal . get ( Calendar . DATE ) ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY , cal . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . MINUTE , cal . get ( Calendar . MINUTE ) ) ;
             day . set ( Calendar . SECOND , cal . get ( Calendar . SECOND ) ) ;
             gmt8 = day . getTime ( ) ;
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             System . out . println ( "获取GMT8时间 getGMT8Time() error !" ) ;
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
             gmt8 = null ;
         return    gmt8 ;
import java . io . File ;
import java . io . FileInputStream ;
import java . io . FileNotFoundException ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import java . util . Properties ;
* Description: 读取操作属性配置文件
* @author li.b
* @version 2.0
* Jun 26, 2008
public class ReadProperties {
     * Description: 获取属性配置文件
     * @param path 资源文件路径
     * @return    Properties Object
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     public static Properties getProperties ( String path ) throws FileNotFoundException , IOException {
         Properties props = null ;
         File file = new File ( path ) ;
         if ( file . exists ( ) && file . isFile ( ) ) {
             props = new Properties ( ) ;
             props . load ( new FileInputStream ( file ) ) ;
         } else {
             System . out . println ( file . toString ( ) + "不存在!" ) ;
         return props ;
     * Description: 从属性文件获取值
     * @param props Properties Object
     * @param key
     * @return 通过key匹配到的value
     public static String getValue ( Properties props , String key , String encod ) {
         String result = "" ;
         String en = "" ;
         String localEN = System . getProperty ( "file.encoding" ) ;
         if ( encod != null && ! encod . equals ( "" ) ) {
             en = encod ;
         } else {
             en = localEN ;
         try {
             key = new String ( key . getBytes ( en ) , "ISO-8859-1" ) ;
             result = props . getProperty ( key ) ;
             if ( ! result . equals ( "" ) ) {
                     result = new String ( result . getBytes ( "ISO-8859-1" ) , en ) ;                 
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
         } finally {
             if ( result == null ) result = "" ;
             return result ;
     public static String getValue ( Properties props , String key ) {
         return getValue ( props , key , "" ) ;
import java . lang . reflect . Array ;
import java . util . Date ;
public class TestCast {
     * @param args
     //public static void main(String[] args) {
             /** */ /**
              * 一般情况下数组和数组是不能直接进行转换的,例如:
              * Object[] t1={"1","2"};
              * String[] t2=(String[])t1;//这里会出现转换错误
              * 下面提供了一种方式进行转换
     /*        Object[] t1={"1","2","3","4","5"};
            String[] m1=(String[])TestCast.cast(t1,String.class);
             for(int i=0;i<m1.length;i++)
            Object[] t2={new Date(1000),new Date(2000)};
            Date[] m2=(Date[])TestCast.cast(t2,Date.class);
             for(int i=0;i<m2.length;i++)
     //    }
         /** */ /**
          * 将数组array转换成clss代表的类型后返回
          * @param array 需要转换的数组
          * @param clss  要转换成的类型
          * @return  转换后的数组
         public    static Object cast ( Object array , Class clss ) {
             if ( null == clss )
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "argument clss cannot be null" ) ;
             if ( null == array )
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "argument array cannot be null" ) ;
             if ( false == array . getClass ( ) . isArray ( ) )
                 throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "argument array must be array" ) ;
             Object [ ] src = ( Object [ ] ) array ;
             Object [ ] dest = ( Object [ ] ) Array . newInstance ( clss , src . length ) ;
             System . arraycopy ( src , 0 , dest , 0 , src . length ) ;
             return dest ;
处理特殊符号的工具类,这个类是从 sturts源码里挖出来的
* Description:
* @author li.b
* @version 2.0
* Jun 27, 2008
public class DealingCharacter {
     * Description: 转译特殊符号标签
     * @param value 需要处理的字符串
     * @return
     public static String filter ( String value )
             if ( value == null || value . length ( ) == 0 )
                 return value ;
             StringBuffer result = null ;
             String filtered = null ;
             for ( int i = 0 ; i < value . length ( ) ; i ++ )
                 filtered = null ;
                 switch ( value . charAt ( i ) )
                 case 60 : // '<'
                     filtered = "&lt;" ;
                     break ;
                 case 62 : // '>'
                     filtered = "&gt;" ;
                     break ;
                 case 38 : // '&'
                     filtered = "&amp;" ;
                     break ;
                 case 34 : // '"'
                     filtered = "&quot;" ;
                     break ;
                 case 39 : // '\''
                     filtered = "&#39;" ;
                     break ;
                 if ( result == null )
                     if ( filtered != null )
                         result = new StringBuffer ( value . length ( ) + 50 ) ;
                         if ( i > 0 )
                             result . append ( value . substring ( 0 , i ) ) ;
                         result . append ( filtered ) ;
                 } else
                 if ( filtered == null )
                     result . append ( value . charAt ( i ) ) ;
                     result . append ( filtered ) ;
             return result != null ? result . toString ( ) : value ;
     public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
         System . out . println ( DealingCharacter . filter ( "<HTML>sdfasfas</HTML>" ) ) ;
import java . io . IOException ;
import java . util . List ;
import javax . servlet . jsp . JspException ;
import javax . servlet . jsp . tagext . TagSupport ;
import com . formcontent . show . ShowFormTypeOperateDb ;
import com . forum . hibernatePrj . Space ;
public class OutPrintForumType extends TagSupport {
   public int doStartTag ( ) throws JspException
   String printStr = "" ;
   ShowFormTypeOperateDb showtype = new ShowFormTypeOperateDb ( ) ;
   List list = showtype . getForumType ( ) ;
if ( list != null && list . size ( ) > 0 )
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . size ( ) ; i ++ )
   Space space = ( Space ) list . get ( i ) ;
   if ( space != null )
printStr += " <tr> <td>" + " <div align='left' class='TypeCss'>" +
       space . getSpaceName ( ) + "  " + space . getSpaceDescription ( ) + " <br/>目前登陆总人数:" + i + "    人访问数:" + i + "人 </div> </td> </tr>"
       + " <tr> <td> </td> </tr>" ;
   try {
pageContext . getOut ( ) . write ( printStr ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
     return super . doStartTag ( ) ;
匹配中文字符的正则表达式: [ \ u4e00 - \ u9fa5 ]
匹配双字节字符 (包括汉字在内 )[ ^ \ x00 - \ xff ]
评注:可以用来计算字符串的长度(一个双字节字符长度计 2ASCII字符计 1
匹配空白行的正则表达式: \ n \ s * \ r
匹配 HTML标记的正则表达式: < ( \ S * ? ) [ ^ > ] * > . * ? < / \ 1 > | < . * ? / >
匹配首尾空白字符的正则表达式: ^ \ s * | \ s * $
评注:可以用来删除行首行尾的空白字符 (包括空格、制表符、换页符等等 ),非常有用的表达式
匹配 Email地址的正则表达式: \ w + ( [ - + . ] \ w + ) * @ \ w + ( [ - . ] \ w + ) * \ . \ w + ( [ - . ] \ w + ) *
匹配网址 URL的正则表达式: [ a - zA - z ] + : //[^\s]*
匹配帐号是否合法 (字母开头,允许 5 - 16字节,允许字母数字下划线 )^ [ a - zA - Z ] [ a - zA - Z0 - 9_ ] { 4 , 15 } $
匹配国内电话号码: \ d { 3 } - \ d { 8 } | \ d { 4 } - \ d { 7 }
评注:匹配形式如 0511 - 4405222 021 - 87888822
匹配腾讯 QQ号: [ 1 - 9 ] [ 0 - 9 ] { 4 , }
评注:腾讯 QQ号从 10000开始
匹配中国邮政编码: [ 1 - 9 ] \ d { 5 } ( ? ! \ d )
评注:中国邮政编码为 6位数字
匹配身份证: \ d { 15 } | \ d { 18 }
评注:中国的身份证为 15位或 18
匹配 ip地址: \ d + \ . \ d + \ . \ d + \ . \ d +
评注:提取 ip地址时有用
^ [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * $    //匹配正整数
^ - [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * $   //匹配负整数
^ - ? [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * $   //匹配整数
^ [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * | 0 $  //匹配非负整数(正整数 + 0)
^ - [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * | 0 $   //匹配非正整数(负整数 + 0)
^ [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * \ . \ d * | 0 \ . \ d * [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * $   //匹配正浮点数
^ - ( [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * \ . \ d * | 0 \ . \ d * [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * ) $  //匹配负浮点数
^ - ? ( [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * \ . \ d * | 0 \ . \ d * [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * | 0 ? \ . 0 + | 0 ) $  //匹配浮点数
^ [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * \ . \ d * | 0 \ . \ d * [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * | 0 ? \ . 0 + | 0 $   //匹配非负浮点数(正浮点数 + 0)
^ ( - ( [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * \ . \ d * | 0 \ . \ d * [ 1 - 9 ] \ d * ) ) | 0 ? \ . 0 + | 0 $   //匹配非正浮点数(负浮点数 + 0)
^ [ A - Za - z ] + $   //匹配由26个英文字母组成的字符串
^ [ A - Z ] + $   //匹配由26个英文字母的大写组成的字符串
^ [ a - z ] + $   //匹配由26个英文字母的小写组成的字符串
^ [ A - Za - z0 - 9 ] + $   //匹配由数字和26个英文字母组成的字符串
^ \ w + $   //匹配由数字、26个英文字母或者下划线组成的字符串
     * 将数组转成字符串 在调试或记录日志时用到
     * @param array
     * @return
     public static String byte2string ( byte [ ] array ) {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
         sb . append ( "Length " + array . length + " Content " ) ;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < leng ; i ++ ) {
             sb = sb . append ( String . format ( "%02X" , array ) ) . append ( ":" ) ;
         int ind = sb . lastIndexOf ( ":" ) ;
         sb . delete ( ind , ind + 1 ) ;
         return sb . toString ( ) ;
import java . util . Arrays ;
import java . util . Random ;
* <code>RandomUtil</code> - Random Tool Class.
* @author SageZk
* @version 1.0
public class RandomUtil {
     private RandomUtil ( ) { }
     private static Random rnd = null ;
     * 初始化随机数发生器。
     private static void initRnd ( ) {
         if ( rnd == null ) rnd = new Random ( ) ;
     * 计算并返回无重复值的以 <code>min</code> 为下限 <code>max</code> 为上限的随机整数数组。
     * @param min 随机整数下限(包含)
     * @param max 随机整数上限(包含)
     * @param len 结果数组长度
     * @return 结果数组
     public static int [ ] getLotteryArray ( int min , int max , int len ) {
         if ( len < 0 ) return null ;    //长度小于 0 的数组不存在
         if ( len == 0 ) return new int [ 0 ] ;    //返回长度为 0 的数组
         if ( min > max ) {    //校正参数 min max
             int t = min ;
             min = max ;
             max = t ;
         final int LEN = max - min + 1 ;    //种子个数
         if ( len > LEN ) return null ;    //如果出现 35 选 36 的情况就返回 null
         initRnd ( ) ;    //初始化随机数发生器
         int [ ] seed = new int [ LEN ] ;    //种子数组
         for ( int i = 0 , n = min ; i < LEN ; ) seed [ i ++ ] = n ++ ;    //初始化种子数组
         for ( int i = 0 , j = 0 , t = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
             j = rnd . nextInt ( LEN - i ) + i ;
             t = seed ;
             seed = seed [ j ] ;
             seed [ j ] = t ;
         return Arrays . copyOf ( seed , len ) ;    //注意:copyOf 需要 JRE1.6
     //Unit Testing
     public static void main ( String [ ] args ) {
         final int N = 10000 ;    //测试次数
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++ i ) {
             int [ ] la = RandomUtil . getLotteryArray ( 1 , 35 , 7 ) ;
             if ( la == null ) continue ;
             for ( int v : la ) System . out . printf ( "%0$02d " , v ) ;
             System . out . println ( ) ;
import java . io . FileInputStream ;
import java . io . FileOutputStream ;
import java . io . InputStream ;
import java . util . Properties ;
import java . util . ResourceBundle ;
public class OperatePropertiesFile {
     public OperatePropertiesFile ( ) {
     public static String getValueByPropertyName ( String propertiesFileName , String propertyName ) {
         String s = "" ;
         Properties p = new Properties ( ) ; //加载属性文件读取类
         FileInputStream in ;
         try {
             in = new FileInputStream ( propertiesFileName ) ; //以流的形式读入属性文件
             p . load ( in ) ; //属性文件将该流加入的可被读取的属性中
             in . close ( ) ; //读完了关闭
             s = p . getProperty ( propertyName ) ; //取得对应的属性值
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
         return s ;
     public static String getValueByPropertyName_ ( String propertiesFileNameWithoutPostfix , String propertyName ) {
         String s = "" ;
         ResourceBundle bundel = ResourceBundle . getBundle ( propertiesFileNameWithoutPostfix ) ;
         s = bundel . getString ( propertyName ) ;
         return s ;
     public static boolean changeValueByPropertyName ( String propertiesFileName , String propertyName , String propertyValue ) {
         boolean writeOK = true ;
         Properties p = new Properties ( ) ;
         InputStream in ;
         try {
             in = new FileInputStream ( propertiesFileName ) ;
             p . load ( in ) ; //
             in . close ( ) ;
             p . setProperty ( propertyName , propertyValue ) ; //设置属性值,如不属性不存在新建
             FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream ( propertiesFileName ) ; //输出流
             p . store ( out , "" ) ; //设置属性头,如不想设置,请把后面一个用""替换掉
             out . flush ( ) ; //清空缓存,写入磁盘
             out . close ( ) ; //关闭输出流
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
         return writeOK ;
     * 如果是null,则返回空字符串,如果是非空值则返回该字符串头尾不为空白字符的字符串
     * @param str
     public static String toNoNullTrimedString ( String str ) {
         if ( str == null ) {
             return "" ;
         return new String ( str . trim ( ) ) ;
     * 如果是null,则返回空字符串,如果是非空值则返回该对象所toString后的字符串
     * @param obj
     public static String toNoNullString ( Object obj ) {
         if ( obj == null )
             return "" ;
         return obj . toString ( ) ;
     * 本方法把一个Throwable的StackTrace作为一个字符串输出,以利于对StackTrace的操作。<br />
     * 通常用于把抛出的Exception转化成字符串进行后续操作。
     public static String exceptionToStackTrace ( Throwable throwable ) {
         StringBuffer retu = new StringBuffer ( ) ;
         StackTraceElement [ ] traces = throwable . getStackTrace ( ) ;
         for ( StackTraceElement ste : traces ) {
             retu . append ( "\n" ) . append ( ste . toString ( ) ) ;
         return retu . substring ( 1 ) ;
package com . sipgl . eam . utils ;
import java . text . SimpleDateFormat ;
import java . util . ArrayList ;
import java . util . Calendar ;
import java . util . Date ;
import java . util . GregorianCalendar ;
import java . util . LinkedHashMap ;
* 日期公用处理类
* @author SongJun
* @version 1.3
public class DateUtil {
     * 解析一个日期之间的所有月份
     * @param beginDateStr
     * @param endDateStr
     * @return
     public static ArrayList getMonthList ( String beginDateStr , String endDateStr ) {
         // 指定要解析的时间格式
         SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM" ) ;
         // 返回的月份列表
         String sRet = "" ;
         // 定义一些变量
         Date beginDate = null ;
         Date endDate = null ;
         GregorianCalendar beginGC = null ;
         GregorianCalendar endGC = null ;
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
         try {
             // 将字符串parse成日期
             beginDate = f . parse ( beginDateStr ) ;
             endDate = f . parse ( endDateStr ) ;
             // 设置日历
             beginGC = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
             beginGC . setTime ( beginDate ) ;
             endGC = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
             endGC . setTime ( endDate ) ;
             // 直到两个时间相同
             while ( beginGC . getTime ( ) . compareTo ( endGC . getTime ( ) ) <= 0 ) {
                 sRet = beginGC . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) + "-"
                         + ( beginGC . get ( Calendar . MONTH ) + 1 ) ;
                 list . add ( sRet ) ;
                 // 以月为单位,增加时间
                 beginGC . add ( Calendar . MONTH , 1 ) ;
             return list ;
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
             return null ;
     * 解析一个日期段之间的所有日期
     * @param beginDateStr
     *            开始日期
     * @param endDateStr
     *            结束日期
     * @return
     public static ArrayList getDayList ( String beginDateStr , String endDateStr ) {
         // 指定要解析的时间格式
         SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
         // 定义一些变量
         Date beginDate = null ;
         Date endDate = null ;
         Calendar beginGC = null ;
         Calendar endGC = null ;
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
         try {
             // 将字符串parse成日期
             beginDate = f . parse ( beginDateStr ) ;
             endDate = f . parse ( endDateStr ) ;
             // 设置日历
             beginGC = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
             beginGC . setTime ( beginDate ) ;
             endGC = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
             endGC . setTime ( endDate ) ;
             SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
             // 直到两个时间相同
             while ( beginGC . getTime ( ) . compareTo ( endGC . getTime ( ) ) <= 0 ) {
                 list . add ( sdf . format ( beginGC . getTime ( ) ) ) ;
                 // 以日为单位,增加时间
                 beginGC . add ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH , 1 ) ;
             return list ;
         } catch ( Exception e ) {
             e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
             return null ;
     public static ArrayList getYearList ( ) {
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
         Calendar c = null ;
         c = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;
         c . setTime ( new Date ( ) ) ;
         int currYear = Calendar . getInstance ( ) . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) ;
         int startYear = currYear - 5 ;
         int endYear = currYear + 10 ;
         for ( int i = startYear ; i < endYear ; i ++ ) {
             list . add ( new Integer ( i ) ) ;
         return list ;
     public static int getCurrYear ( ) {
         return Calendar . getInstance ( ) . get ( Calendar . YEAR ) ;
     * 得到某一年周的总数
     * @param year
     * @return
     public static LinkedHashMap getWeekList ( int year ) {
         LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap ( ) ;
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . set ( year , Calendar . DECEMBER , 31 , 23 , 59 , 59 ) ;
         int count = getWeekOfYear ( c . getTime ( ) ) ;
         SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) ;
         String dayOfWeekStart = "" ;
         String dayOfWeekEnd = "" ;
         for ( int i = 1 ; i <= count ; i ++ ) {
             dayOfWeekStart = sdf . format ( getFirstDayOfWeek ( year , i ) ) ;
             dayOfWeekEnd = sdf . format ( getLastDayOfWeek ( year , i ) ) ;
             map . put ( new Integer ( i ) , "第" + i + "周(从" + dayOfWeekStart + "至" + dayOfWeekEnd + ")" ) ;
         return map ;
     * 得到一年的总周数
     * @param year
     * @return
     public static int getWeekCountInYear ( int year ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . set ( year , Calendar . DECEMBER , 31 , 23 , 59 , 59 ) ;
         int count = getWeekOfYear ( c . getTime ( ) ) ;
         return count ;
     * 取得当前日期是多少周
     * @param date
     * @return
     public static int getWeekOfYear ( Date date ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . setFirstDayOfWeek ( Calendar . MONDAY ) ;
         c . setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek ( 7 ) ;
         c . setTime ( date ) ;
         return c . get ( Calendar . WEEK_OF_YEAR ) ;
     * 得到某年某周的第一天
     * @param year
     * @param week
     * @return
     public static Date getFirstDayOfWeek ( int year , int week ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . YEAR , year ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . MONTH , Calendar . JANUARY ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DATE , 1 ) ;
         Calendar cal = ( GregorianCalendar ) c . clone ( ) ;
         cal . add ( Calendar . DATE , week * 7 ) ;
         return getFirstDayOfWeek ( cal . getTime ( ) ) ;
     * 得到某年某周的最后一天
     * @param year
     * @param week
     * @return
     public static Date getLastDayOfWeek ( int year , int week ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . YEAR , year ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . MONTH , Calendar . JANUARY ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DATE , 1 ) ;
         Calendar cal = ( GregorianCalendar ) c . clone ( ) ;
         cal . add ( Calendar . DATE , week * 7 ) ;
         return getLastDayOfWeek ( cal . getTime ( ) ) ;
     * 得到某年某月的第一天
     * @param year
     * @param month
     * @return
     public static Date getFirestDayOfMonth ( int year , int month ) {
         month = month - 1 ;
         Calendar    c    =    Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;   
         c . set ( Calendar . YEAR , year ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . MONTH , month ) ;
         int day = c . getActualMinimum ( c . DAY_OF_MONTH ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH , day ) ;
         return c . getTime ( ) ;
     * 提到某年某月的最后一天
     * @param year
     * @param month
     * @return
     public static Date getLastDayOfMonth ( int year , int month ) {
         month = month - 1 ;
         Calendar    c    =    Calendar . getInstance ( ) ;   
         c . set ( Calendar . YEAR , year ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . MONTH , month ) ;
         int day = c . getActualMaximum ( c . DAY_OF_MONTH ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DAY_OF_MONTH , day ) ;
         return c . getTime ( ) ;
     * 取得当前日期所在周的第一天
     * @param date
     * @return
     public static Date getFirstDayOfWeek ( Date date ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . setFirstDayOfWeek ( Calendar . MONDAY ) ;
         c . setTime ( date ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DAY_OF_WEEK , c . getFirstDayOfWeek ( ) ) ; // Monday
         return c . getTime ( ) ;
     * 取得当前日期所在周的最后一天
     * @param date
     * @return
     public static Date getLastDayOfWeek ( Date date ) {
         Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ;
         c . setFirstDayOfWeek ( Calendar . MONDAY ) ;
         c . setTime ( date ) ;
         c . set ( Calendar . DAY_OF_WEEK , c . getFirstDayOfWeek ( ) + 6 ) ; // Sunday
         return c . getTime ( ) ;
     * 为RootPaneContainer组件添加键盘事件
     * @param rpc RootPaneContainer组件
     * @param action 需要执行的动作
     * @param keyName 键的名称
     * @param keyCode 键的数字代码
     * @param modifiers 任意修饰符的按位或组合
     public static void registerKeyEvent ( RootPaneContainer rpc , Action action , String keyName , int keyCode , int modifiers )
         JRootPane rp = rpc . getRootPane ( ) ;
         InputMap inputMap = rp . getInputMap ( JComponent . WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW ) ;
         inputMap . put ( KeyStroke . getKeyStroke ( keyCode , modifiers ) , keyName ) ;
         rp . getActionMap ( ) . put ( keyName , action ) ;
// 判断一个文件是否为二进制文件
public static boolean isBinary ( File file ) {
boolean isBinary = false ;
try {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream ( file ) ;
long len = file . length ( ) ;
                         for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( int ) len ; j ++ ) {
int t = fin . read ( ) ;
if ( t < 32 && t != 9 && t != 10 && t != 13 ) {
isBinary = true ;
break ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
return isBinary ;
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