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原创 创建git仓库
Git global setupgit config --global user.name "shirleenli"git config --global user.email "shirleenli@tencent.com"Create a new repositorygit clone git@git.woa.com:shirleenli/TEST.gitcd TESTtouch README.mdgit add README.mdgit commit -m "add README"
2021-12-17 11:20:54 319
原创 解决missing go.sum entry
引用原文链接当在代码中使用了第三方库 ,但是go.mod中并没有跟着更新的时候如果直接run或者build就会报这个错误missing go.sum entry for module providing package <package_name>可以使用以下命令来整理依赖:go mod tidy 这个命令会:删除不需要的依赖包下载新的依赖包更新go.sum...
2021-12-17 11:09:04 1985
转载 解决git push: permission denied
引用原文链接Use ssh instead of http. Remove origin if its http.git remote rm originAdd ssh urlgit remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<repo>.gitGenerate ssh key inside .ssh/ folder. It will ask for path and passphrase where you can jus
2021-12-17 11:04:53 583
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