springboot启动报错Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputExce

E:\JDK8\bin\java.exe -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=,suspend=y,server=n -Drebel.base=C:\Users\lijunxuan.jrebel -Drebel.env.ide.plugin.version=2019.1.3 -Drebel.env.ide.version=2018.2.2 -Drebel.env.ide.product=IU -Drebel.env.ide=intellij -Drebel.notification.url=http://localhost:17434 -agentpath:C:\Users\lijunxuan.IntelliJIdea2018.2\config\plugins\jr-ide-idea\lib\jrebel6\lib\jrebel64.dll -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 -noverify -Dspring.output.ansi.enabled=always -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=53699 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost -Dspring.liveBeansView.mbeanDomain -Dspring.application.admin.enabled=true -javaagent:C:\Users\lijunxuan.IntelliJIdea2018.2\system\captureAgent\debugger-agent.jar=file:/C:/Users/lijunxuan/AppData/Local/Temp/capture1.props -Dfile.encoding=GBK -classpath 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IDEA\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2.2\lib\idea_rt.jar” com.william.EurekaServerApplication
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2019-07-03 20:57:56 JRebel: Starting logging to file: C:\Users\lijunxuan.jrebel\jrebel.log
2019-07-03 20:57:56 JRebel:
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2019-07-03 20:58:07.189 INFO 22368 — [ main] trationDelegate B e a n P o s t P r o c e s s o r C h e c k e r : B e a n ′ o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c l o u d . a u t o c o n f i g u r e . C o n f i g u r a t i o n P r o p e r t i e s R e b i n d e r A u t o C o n f i g u r a t i o n ′ o f t y p e [ o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c l o u d . a u t o c o n f i g u r e . C o n f i g u r a t i o n P r o p e r t i e s R e b i n d e r A u t o C o n f i g u r a t i o n BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean 'org.springframework.cloud.autoconfigure.ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfiguration' of type [org.springframework.cloud.autoconfigure.ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfiguration BeanPostProcessorChecker:Beanorg.springframework.cloud.autoconfigure.ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfigurationoftype[org.springframework.cloud.autoconfigure.ConfigurationPropertiesRebinderAutoConfiguration E n h a n c e r B y S p r i n g C G L I B EnhancerBySpringCGLIB EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$e02d0bf5] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2019-07-03 20:58:09.014 ERROR 22368 — [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load property source from location ‘classpath:/application.yml’
at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener L o a d e r . l o a d ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 524 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:524) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:524) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListenerLoader.loadForFileExtension(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:473) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener L o a d e r . l o a d ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 443 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:443) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:443) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListenerLoader.lambda$null 6 ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 425 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t j a v a . l a n g . I t e r a b l e . f o r E a c h ( I t e r a b l e . j a v a : 75 )   [ n a : 1.8. 0 1 81 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r 6(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:425) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) ~[na:1.8.0_181] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener 6(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:425) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atjava.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) [na:1.8.0181]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListenerLoader.lambda$load 7 ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 425 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t j a v a . l a n g . I t e r a b l e . f o r E a c h ( I t e r a b l e . j a v a : 75 )   [ n a : 1.8. 0 1 81 ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r 7(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:425) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) ~[na:1.8.0_181] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener 7(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:425) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atjava.lang.Iterable.forEach(Iterable.java:75) [na:1.8.0181]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListenerLoader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:422) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener L o a d e r . l o a d ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 321 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . a d d P r o p e r t y S o u r c e s ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 202 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . p o s t P r o c e s s E n v i r o n m e n t ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 186 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . o n A p p l i c a t i o n E n v i r o n m e n t P r e p a r e d E v e n t ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 176 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . o n A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t ( C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 164 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c o n t e x t . e v e n t . S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . d o I n v o k e L i s t e n e r ( S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . j a v a : 172 )   [ s p r i n g − c o n t e x t − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c o n t e x t . e v e n t . S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . i n v o k e L i s t e n e r ( S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . j a v a : 165 )   [ s p r i n g − c o n t e x t − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c o n t e x t . e v e n t . S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . m u l t i c a s t E v e n t ( S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . j a v a : 139 )   [ s p r i n g − c o n t e x t − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . c o n t e x t . e v e n t . S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . m u l t i c a s t E v e n t ( S i m p l e A p p l i c a t i o n E v e n t M u l t i c a s t e r . j a v a : 127 )   [ s p r i n g − c o n t e x t − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . e v e n t . E v e n t P u b l i s h i n g R u n L i s t e n e r . e n v i r o n m e n t P r e p a r e d ( E v e n t P u b l i s h i n g R u n L i s t e n e r . j a v a : 75 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n R u n L i s t e n e r s . e n v i r o n m e n t P r e p a r e d ( S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n R u n L i s t e n e r s . j a v a : 53 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . p r e p a r e E n v i r o n m e n t ( S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . j a v a : 340 ) [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . r u n ( S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . j a v a : 304 ) [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . r u n ( S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . j a v a : 1213 ) [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . r u n ( S p r i n g A p p l i c a t i o n . j a v a : 1202 ) [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t c o m . w i l l i a m . E u r e k a S e r v e r A p p l i c a t i o n . m a i n ( E u r e k a S e r v e r A p p l i c a t i o n . j a v a : 12 ) [ c l a s s e s / : n a ] C a u s e d b y : o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . e r r o r . Y A M L E x c e p t i o n : j a v a . n i o . c h a r s e t . M a l f o r m e d I n p u t E x c e p t i o n : I n p u t l e n g t h = 2 a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . r e a d e r . S t r e a m R e a d e r . u p d a t e ( S t r e a m R e a d e r . j a v a : 218 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . r e a d e r . S t r e a m R e a d e r . e n s u r e E n o u g h D a t a ( S t r e a m R e a d e r . j a v a : 176 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . r e a d e r . S t r e a m R e a d e r . e n s u r e E n o u g h D a t a ( S t r e a m R e a d e r . j a v a : 171 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . r e a d e r . S t r e a m R e a d e r . p e e k ( S t r e a m R e a d e r . j a v a : 126 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . s c a n n e r . S c a n n e r I m p l . s c a n T o N e x t T o k e n ( S c a n n e r I m p l . j a v a : 1177 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . s c a n n e r . S c a n n e r I m p l . f e t c h M o r e T o k e n s ( S c a n n e r I m p l . j a v a : 287 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . s c a n n e r . S c a n n e r I m p l . c h e c k T o k e n ( S c a n n e r I m p l . j a v a : 227 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . y a m l . s n a k e y a m l . p a r s e r . P a r s e r I m p l Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:321) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.addPropertySources(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:202) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.postProcessEnvironment(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:186) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:176) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.onApplicationEvent(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:164) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:172) ~[spring-context-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:165) ~[spring-context-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:139) ~[spring-context-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:127) ~[spring-context-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.event.EventPublishingRunListener.environmentPrepared(EventPublishingRunListener.java:75) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplicationRunListeners.environmentPrepared(SpringApplicationRunListeners.java:53) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.prepareEnvironment(SpringApplication.java:340) [spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:304) [spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1213) [spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1202) [spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at com.william.EurekaServerApplication.main(EurekaServerApplication.java:12) [classes/:na] Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 2 at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(StreamReader.java:218) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.ensureEnoughData(StreamReader.java:176) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.ensureEnoughData(StreamReader.java:171) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.peek(StreamReader.java:126) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanToNextToken(ScannerImpl.java:1177) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:287) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:227) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:321) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.addPropertySources(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:202) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.postProcessEnvironment(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:186) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:176) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener.onApplicationEvent(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:164) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:172) [springcontext5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:165) [springcontext5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:139) [springcontext5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.java:127) [springcontext5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.event.EventPublishingRunListener.environmentPrepared(EventPublishingRunListener.java:75) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.SpringApplicationRunListeners.environmentPrepared(SpringApplicationRunListeners.java:53) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.prepareEnvironment(SpringApplication.java:340)[springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:304)[springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1213)[springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1202)[springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atcom.william.EurekaServerApplication.main(EurekaServerApplication.java:12)[classes/:na]Causedby:org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException:java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException:Inputlength=2atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(StreamReader.java:218) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.ensureEnoughData(StreamReader.java:176) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.ensureEnoughData(StreamReader.java:171) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.peek(StreamReader.java:126) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanToNextToken(ScannerImpl.java:1177) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.java:287) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(ScannerImpl.java:227) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImplParseImplicitDocumentStart.produce(ParserImpl.java:195) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(ParserImpl.java:158) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(ParserImpl.java:148) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.checkNode(Composer.java:72) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.checkData(BaseConstructor.java:112) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml 1. h a s N e x t ( Y a m l . j a v a : 542 )   [ s n a k e y a m l − 1.23. j a r : n a ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b e a n s . f a c t o r y . c o n f i g . Y a m l P r o c e s s o r . p r o c e s s ( Y a m l P r o c e s s o r . j a v a : 160 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b e a n s . f a c t o r y . c o n f i g . Y a m l P r o c e s s o r . p r o c e s s ( Y a m l P r o c e s s o r . j a v a : 134 )   [ s p r i n g − b e a n s − 5.1.8. R E L E A S E . j a r : 5.1.8. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . e n v . O r i g i n T r a c k e d Y a m l L o a d e r . l o a d ( O r i g i n T r a c k e d Y a m l L o a d e r . j a v a : 75 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . e n v . Y a m l P r o p e r t y S o u r c e L o a d e r . l o a d ( Y a m l P r o p e r t y S o u r c e L o a d e r . j a v a : 49 )   [ s p r i n g − b o o t − 2.1.6. R E L E A S E . j a r : 2.1.6. R E L E A S E ] a t o r g . s p r i n g f r a m e w o r k . b o o t . c o n t e x t . c o n f i g . C o n f i g F i l e A p p l i c a t i o n L i s t e n e r 1.hasNext(Yaml.java:542) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na] at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlProcessor.process(YamlProcessor.java:160) ~[spring-beans-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlProcessor.process(YamlProcessor.java:134) ~[spring-beans-5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.env.OriginTrackedYamlLoader.load(OriginTrackedYamlLoader.java:75) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.env.YamlPropertySourceLoader.load(YamlPropertySourceLoader.java:49) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE] at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener 1.hasNext(Yaml.java:542) [snakeyaml1.23.jar:na]atorg.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlProcessor.process(YamlProcessor.java:160) [springbeans5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.beans.factory.config.YamlProcessor.process(YamlProcessor.java:134) [springbeans5.1.8.RELEASE.jar:5.1.8.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.env.OriginTrackedYamlLoader.load(OriginTrackedYamlLoader.java:75) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.env.YamlPropertySourceLoader.load(YamlPropertySourceLoader.java:49) [springboot2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]atorg.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListenerLoader.loadDocuments(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:542) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.boot.context.config.ConfigFileApplicationListener$Loader.load(ConfigFileApplicationListener.java:497) ~[spring-boot-2.1.6.RELEASE.jar:2.1.6.RELEASE]
… 23 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 2
at java.nio.charset.CoderResult.throwException(CoderResult.java:281) ~[na:1.8.0_181]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:339) ~[na:1.8.0_181]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:178) ~[na:1.8.0_181]
at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:184) ~[na:1.8.0_181]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.UnicodeReader.read(UnicodeReader.java:125) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(StreamReader.java:183) ~[snakeyaml-1.23.jar:na]
… 41 common frames omitted

Disconnected from the target VM, address: ‘’, transport: ‘socket’

Process finished with exit code 1

造成 org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = 2这种原因的情况







评论 4




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


