
    “好的东西应该分享”,Linux之父Linus Torvards的话进一步阐述了这种思想。Linus不希望Linux走传统商业化道路,他希望Linux能被自由的传播和学习,能成为全人类的财富。
    1991年10月,11月,Linus Torvalds又陆续发布了0.02和0.03版。
    Linux发展的另一个重要方面来自于众多Linux厂商的支持,像RedHat,SuSE, Debian,Ubuntu等,他们对开源和Linux的推广以及对开源之路商业模式的探索,做了大量而又艰苦的前期性工作,而这些对Linux和整个开源社区的发展都起了至关重要的作用。
    现在,Linux的产品已进入很多领域并开始产生或已经产生影响,服务器,游戏制作,桌面机,嵌入式等等,几乎无处不见Linux的身影。因为Linux能在广泛的硬件平台上良好的运行,因而它能被广泛的部署,再加上越来越多的开发商和组织也开始开发基于Linux平台的产品和提供Linux平台的服务,随着产品线的扩充和完善, Linux在这些领域不断得到发展,其重要性也不断提高。
    Linux is decided to spread in the way of Open-Source and free .From then on, Linux itself is considered to be so unique and special. From its history, we may see, Linux is not a diamond of one guy, nor is it the outcome of a single company, Its growth and improvement go with the wisdom and efforts of numbers of Linux-fans. They  work hard and voluntarily, demanding nothing. It is a kind of great spirit and strong belief.
    "We are eager for freedom, and hope that we can live freely. "This is the voice of Linux enthusiasts.
    "Good things should be shared," Linux’s father--- Linus Torvards elaborated this thinking further. Linus do not want Linux grow in the traditional commercial way. He hoped that Linux could be spreaded and learned freely, becoming the wealth of every.
    Newton ever said : "I can see farther,only because I ‘m standing on the shoulders of giants. " The words have a causal relationship with the reason why  Linux become Open-Source.It is the interpretation of Open-Source.Also it voices that: thinking should not be detained.
    Accompanying  with this ideological turmoil, Linux wins numbers of loyal supporters who love it more and more. This prompts the rapid development of Linux and make it stronger.
    September 17, 1991, Linus released the first Linux kernel Version : 0.01 version.
    In October and November 1991,  Linus Torvalds  released  Linux version 0.02 and 0.03.
    From the beginning of 1992, more and more people began to use Linux, the number of users raised rapidly.
    In May of the same year, the Linux Kernel Version 0.95 with graphical interface was done and released.
    In May 1994, the Linux Kernel Version 1.0 was officially released, Linux becomes more and more popular.
    Meanwhile, the kernel-based release also has emerged. ...
    So far, just 10 years, Linux gets extraordinary development and the growing influence that Linus never expected.What a miracle of freedom!
    Linux developed with the development of the Open-Source community, Even more, Linux represented the all Open-Source community, becoming a synonym. Now, with the development of Open-Source software in various fields, it is difficult for Linux has  to cover all Open-Source software. But it does not affect the Linux’s  position and weight in the Open-Source community. To the addtion, IBM, SUN, Oracle and other international providers of software and services all joined in the group to develop Linux. Thus,Linux has been constantly improving and optimizing.Moreover, its function is also strengthed timely.
    Another reason for Linux’s development comes from the support of  many Linux-Manufacturers, like RedHat, SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu,etc. They did a lot of hard preparatory work  to the promotion of Linux and the exploration of business model of Open-Source. They play a crucial role in the Linux’s and the entire Open-Source community’s development.
    Nowadays, Linux products have entered many fields and start to create an impact on the server, game production, desktop machine, embedded, and so on. We can find Linux everywhere. For Linux can run well in a wide range of hardware platforms, it can be widely deployed. Addtionally, a growing number of vendors and organizations have also begun to develop Linux-based platform for the products and provide Linux - based service. Along with the expansion of product lines and improved, Linux continued to develop in these areas. Its importance is also rising.
    Microsoft started to feel scared, which is normal: the shackles of freedom  was so full and complete released for the first time. Microsoft take Open-Source software for nothing .Gates surposed that Linux is limited, and its influence is also limited. It is nothing but entertainment only  of a group of hackers. Now, we can see that Linux is no longer going to fight with Microsoft, in fact, it’s fighting. Over the years, in the cruel business world, Microsoft defeated many powerful rivals. However, this power from wild rang get Microsoft confused. Because all of the existing business rules are ineffective. Microsoft's market power suddenly get lost. Linux’s effect on Microsoft , is to destroy the closed software right repesented by Windows and traditional software business model from the foundation.
    Microsoft’s internal report admitted : Linux as the representative of free software in the short term, has posed a threat on Microsoft’s income. And for the long term, this free ideas will greatly against Microsoft.
    Information and test reports in many areas also indicate that Linux in some properties has been nearly Windows family of products. Linux is even better than Microsoft in some areas. More importantly, it is free of charge.
    Now,Open-Source and Linux’s business model is gradually perfected. For the future of Linux, it is also full of imagination. Challengeing Microsoft’s hegemony and monopoly, getting the people out of providing the low-level software products to the providing advanced services and technical support, are the series of important mission and responsibility for Linux to undertake. Perhaps there is still a long way ahead, a very difficult way, but we also believe that with the growth of Linux, the further spreading of freedom, Linux will increasingly deep and eventually open a new gate to software industry.




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