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转载 是否该用 Core Data

Core Data 是 Cocoa 里面一套非常受欢迎的框架, iPhone OS 3.0 时被引入 Cocoa Touch,这套完善的框架都被认为是管理大量结构化数据所首选的 Cocoa 框架,尤其是因为使用 Core Data 能大大减少需要手工编写的代码量,就使它更受开发者欢迎了....突然 Core Data 就有点被墙倒众人推的意思,好像以前大家都知道它不好用,但都不好意思说,直到突然有经验足够丰富的开发者开头,就一涌而上开始骂了......

2010-08-05 10:09:00 632 2

转载 delphi中的realAudio ActiveX控件的使用

delphi中的realAudio ActiveX控件的使用作者:seeker 日期:2009-04-261:{=====================打开=========================}procedure TRealOneFrm.OpenBtnClick(Sender: TObject);beginif OpenRMDlg.Execute thenbeginReal

2010-01-27 11:08:00 1193

转载 [转]使用SqlConfigDataSource实现ODBC数据源配置

 http://www.cppblog.com/amazon/archive/2009/03/19/67938.html ODBC(Open Database Conectivity)即开放式数据库互联,作为Windows开放性结构的一个重要部分已经为很多的Windows程序员所熟悉,ODBC的工作依赖于数据库制造商提供的驱动程序,使用ODBC API的时候,Windows的ODBC管理程序,

2009-11-06 13:11:00 975

原创 动态创建TImage 在窗体显示出来,动态改变大小

 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var Image1 :timage;begin Image1 := timage.Create(nil); Image1.Parent := self; // 必须指定Parent才能显示出来 Image1.Left := 0; Image1.top :=

2009-09-25 09:06:00 834

转载 OCP DBA考证轻松过关详解

OCP DBA考证轻松过关详解 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.net130.com 日期:2004-6-6 浏览次数:4283 作者:李元华 OCP DBA考证轻松过关详解 终于把 OCP DBA 的课程都考完了,累啊!总的来说ORACLE的认证值

2009-09-18 14:23:00 765

转载 如何编译安装源码包软件

http://www.linuxsir.org/main/?q=node/51如何编译安装源码包软件作者:北南南北来自:LinuxSir.Org提要:源码包软件的安装、卸载,给新手一点帮助和提示;本文也对类型的软件包的安装也做了一个小小的说明; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++正文:++++++++++++++++++++

2009-09-05 21:22:00 464

原创 File size and variable capacity

delphi中integer是32bit signedxp系统中文件大小最多4G也就是32位,理论上是2^32 - 1当file size超过2G时,得到的integer就会变成负数(first bit is 1)要得到正确的数字必须用capacity更大的variable如32bit unsigned 的 cardinal 或 longword.而int64因为也是signe

2009-09-04 10:24:00 448

原创 Delphi 发布带F1book的程序

F1book是delphi7自带的ActiveX控件,生成的EXE并不会把F1book需要的运行库包含进去,所以在其他机子上面用不了。 方法如下:在windows/system32或delphi7安装文件夹下面找到以下四个文件MFCANS32.DLL, msvcrt20.dll, OC30.DLL, VCF132.OCX 放到一个新的文件夹下面,复制到要运行程序的机子上

2009-08-28 08:48:00 1997

原创 最近在用Delphi,总结一下

 读文件,用指定字符分开读取字符串  var MyList : TStringList;procedure readDataFromFile;begin if FileExists(./filename.txt) then begin MyList:=TStringList.Create; MyList.LoadFromFil

2009-08-07 08:55:00 527

转载 [转] 解决 iphone的 memory leak 问题

加深一下,对内存分配的理解,解决 memory leak的问题 http://www.streamingcolour.com/blog/tutorials/tracking-iphone-memory-leaks/Tracking iPhone Memory LeaksI’ve been using Instruments a lot lately as I approac

2009-07-23 18:54:00 1365

原创 Adding images into UIScrollview

Adding a lot of images into a view from sample code "Scrolling" of appleand images need to be layouted later NSUInteger i; for (i = 1; i <= kNumImages; i++) { NSString *image

2009-06-25 20:44:00 602

转载 Heap and Stack

 Name: Don ArnettDate: August 9, 2004 at 10:26:22 Pacifichttp://www.computing.net/answers/programming/heap-vs-stack/11004.htmlReply: Why "nevermind the differences"? Understanding the differences

2009-05-03 11:50:00 601

转载 Pointers to Functions 函数指针

  We saw earlier that functions have a storage class and scope, similar to variables. In C, it is also possible to define and use function pointers, i.e. pointer variables which point to functions

2009-05-03 10:19:00 942

转载 Casting from a base class to a derived class

 Casting from a base class to a derived classAntonio Bello posted on September 27, 2008 05:23This morning a friend of mine asked me how to cast a generic list to a custom class inherited f

2009-02-16 17:44:00 734

原创 Ubuntu

<P>我在电脑上装了ubuntu , 之前一直没有时间,而且功课很忙,要用电脑,怕一有什么差池就会让windows崩溃,我就没时间再重装系统装软件了。</P><br /><P> </P><br /><P>等到放假,去纽约玩完回来,有点无聊的时候,我终于下了决心要装linux了。之前就听说LIJJ说ubuntu是最容易用的,所以直接就去ubuntu.org.cn找链接下了一个iso。因为x61没有光驱,我在网上找硬盘安装的攻略。为了让自己迅速建立起兴趣,减少阻力,我选择了就简单的安装方法。结果很好,

2009-01-05 03:48:00 480

(Weberdo) Play Service Info APK android app

com.weberdo.apps.serviceinfo (Weberdo) Play Service Info APK android app 2017-07 用于检测安卓手机上安装Google Play Service的情况和版本。并提供了安装Play Service的指引和下载链接。 Small utility app to quickly check the status of the Google Play services. It shows the version number, installation date and date of the last update. It also provides links to the Play Store, APK Mirror, developer release notes, and the app info dialog. The app can be used to install or update the Google Play services. To fix "Google Play Services has stopped" errors, try opening the app info dialog and select "clear cache". If that does not work, try the "uninstall updates" option. Then download and re-install the latest version of the Google Play services using the Play Store or APK Mirror link.


Eclipse CDT plug-in 7.02

Eclipse CDT plug-in 7.02


Android File Transfer

Android File Transfer 20140818 size: 3.2m


Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics 2E July.2005.pdf



iPhone例子源代码 Code Sample : Lazy Table Images

LazyTableImages.zip V 1.0, 2009-11-16 这是苹果apple的iphone官方例子,帮助你学习UITableView和显示RSS文本,异步方式加载图片...... 这个例子 分阶段地载入和显示一个UITableView. 一开始载入相关的RSS文本,使表格以最快速度显示出来,然后再异步方式下载图片到每一行,保证UI界面的响应。 This sample demonstrates a multi-stage approach to loading and displaying a UITableView. It begins by loading the relevant text from an RSS feed so the table can load as quickly as possible, and then downloads the images for each row asynchronously so the UI is more responsive.


DsoFramer ActiveX Office控件 FramerControl

微软的office ActiveX 控件 DsoFramer.ocx FramerControl 可以打开 Word,Excel,Powerpoint 版本1.3.1323.0 可以应用在网页,也可以在应用程序中用, 含源代码Visual C++ 6.0工程 含三个VB的例子程序,包括了很多接口的应用



网上搜集到的Java笔试题目汇总122题,找工作必备材料 做成html,可放到便携设备上,方便观看


Random Graph Dynamics

RICK DURRETT Cornell University Cambridge University Press


Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solution

Understanding Microsoft Virtualization Solution from desktop to datacenter Windows server 2008, Application Virtualization 4.5, Enterprise Desktop Virtualization, Vitual Desktop Infrastructure


Illustrated C# 2008

帮助你快速从C++或VB学会C#,包含大量例子和代码 If you're a C++ or VB programmer migrating to C# 2008, this book is well worth reading. The author, Daniel Solis offers a very visual approach – with lots of figures, diagrams and code samples – that will help you get to work with C# fast.



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