
mp4(H264容器)的详细文件格式分析(转载) 开花结果 收录于2010-08-02 阅读数:公众公开 ftyp Box 00 00 00 1C: size ,28,表示此BOX有28个字节,表示长度的四个字节也计算在内。以下同 66 74 79 70: type,表示BOX TYPE,此处为ftyp 6D 70 34 32: 可能是兼容的格式信息,/mp42 00 00 00 00: 可能是插入的空字节,/也可能是version ,flags 6D 70 34 32: 可能是兼容的格式信息,mp42/ major-brand 6D 70 34 31: 可能是兼容的格式信息,mp41/ minor-version 69 73 6F 6D: isom, ftyp中的最后一个标识,compatible-brands[]; // to end of the box The brand ‘mp41’ is defined as identifying version 1 of this specification (ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001), and the brand ‘mp42’ identifies this version of the specification; at least one of these brands shall appear in the compatible-brands list in the file-type box, in all files conforming to this specification. moov Box 00 03 B0 59: size of moov.241753个字节 6D 6F 6F 76: moov mvhd Box 00 00 00 6C: size,mvhd Box的大小为108个字节 6D 76 68 64: mvhd 00 00 00 00: version,flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间,是距离1904年1月1日0点的秒数 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间, 00 01 5F 90: timescale时标,时间刻度的单位,为1/90 000秒 01 A8 61 B8: duration持续时间 00 01 00 00: rate播放描述的等级 01 00: volume播放时的音量 00 00: 保留的16bits的0 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 : matrix给视频提供的转换矩阵 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 6个32bits的pre-defined 的0 00 01 00 CA: next-track-ID下一个轨迹ID iods Box 00 00 00 21: size of iods,33个字节 69 6F 64 73: iods, Initial Object Descriptor 00 00 00 00: version,flags 10 13 00 4F: 可能是OD, Object Descriptor FF FF 0F FE: FF 0E 04 00: 00 00 01 0E: 04 00 00 00: 02 udta Box 00 00 06 8F: size of udta ,1679 75 64 74 61: udta, uuid Box 00 00 04 A9: size of uuid,1193 75 75 69 64: uuid F7 8C AA 0C 36 BE 4C E9 88 D2 03 C2 56 DA BE B2 : 由于boxtype = uuid而定义的16个字节的usertype EES-3-0-410 VE AE AudioEncoder-2-1-11 V bitRate=2000000bps V keyFrame Period In Ms=10000 V number of Pass=2 V progressive Interlaced=0 V rateControlMode=cbr V smoothVsSharp=0 V sourceNature=natural V useBFrame =false.此处表明本码流没有使用B帧 V videoEncoderType=mpeg4 V advVideo EncoderType=mpeg4 V allowBitRateUnderflow=false V change Rgb Yuv Conversion=false V setCustomBitmapSize=false V useCustomPixedAspectRatio=false V useExpertFeaturesASP=false V useMotionFiltering=false V useVideoPacket=false V vbvSizeInMs=1000 V burnLogo=false V changeframerate=false V useColorAdjustment=false V useCropFilter=false V useScaleFilter=false V useSpatialFilter=false V useTimecodes=false A audioEncoderType=aac A bitRate=64000bps A useAutomaticBandwidth=true A useMS=true A balanceLeftRight=0 A volumeInDB=0 starttime=0 stoptime=9223372036854775807, MTUSize=1448 exportType=mp4 hinted=true progressiveDownload=true allowDebugInformationInStream=true avoidQuickTime6Warnings=false forceETV15compatibility=false forcePlayerCompatibility=false multiThreadedOptimization=0 openAVIWith=DirectShow previewOnOff=1 previewlayout=0 showEncodingStatistics=true ....................... hnti Box 00 00 01 DE:size of hnti,478 68 6E 74 69:hnti rtp Box 00 00 01 D6:size of rtp,470 72 74 70 20:rtp 73 64 70 20:sdp a=mpeg4-iod:”data:application/mpeg4-iod; base64 ................................ trak Box 00 00 01 A4: size of trak,420 74 72 61 6B: trak tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd, track head box 00 00 00 01: 00,version; 00 00 01,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 00 01: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 5E 16: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 00 00 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 00 00 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia Box 00 00 01 28: size of mdia,296 6D 64 69 61: mdia mdhd Box 00 00 00 20: size of mdhd ,32 6D 64 68 64: mdhd 00 00 00 00: version BE EE 87 C5: creation-time BE EE 87 C5: modification-time 00 00 03 E8: timescale 00 04 B7 17: duration 0 :pad 10101 01110 00100: 3个5bits的language 00 00 :pre-defined 0 hdlr Box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 6F 64 73 6D: odsm,handler-type. ObjectDescriptorStream 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 00 00 DF: size of minf,223 6D 69 6E 66: minf nmhd Box 00 00 00 0C: size of nmhd,12 6E 6D 68 64: nmhd 00 00 00 00: version dinf Box 00 00 00 24: size of dinf,36 64 69 6E 66: dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl Box 00 00 00 A7: size of stbl,167 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 43: size of stsd,67 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count mp4s Box 00 00 00 33: size of mp4s, 51 6D 70 34 73: mp4s 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: ES esds Box 00 00 00 23: size of esds,35 65 73 64 73: esds 00 00 00 00: version 03 15 00 00: 00 04 0D 01: 05 00 00 C8: 00 00 00 00: 00 00 00 00: 06 01 02: stts Box 00 00 00 18: size of stts,24 73 74 74 73: stts 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 00 01: sample-count 00 04 B7 17: sample-delta stsc Box 00 00 00 1C: size of stsc ,28 73 74 73 63: stsc 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 01: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index stsz Box 00 00 00 14: size of stsz,20 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 12: sample-size 00 00 00 01: sample-count stco Box 00 00 00 14: size of stco,20 73 74 63 6F: stco 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 03 B0 7D: chunk-offset tref Box 00 00 00 18: size of tref,24 74 72 65 66: tref mpod Box 00 00 00 10: size of mpod,16 6D 70 6F 64: mpod 00 00 00 C9: 00 00 00 65: trak Box 00 00 01 91: size of trak,401 74 72 61 6B: trak tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd 00 00 00 01: 00,version; 00 00 01,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 00 02: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 5E 16: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 00 00 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 00 00 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia Box 00 00 01 2D:size of mdia,301 6D 64 69 61:mdia mdhd Box 00 00 00 20: 32 6D 64 68 64:mdhd 00 00 00 00 :version,flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 03 E8: timescale时标 00 04 B7 17: duration持续的时间 55 C4:pad, 3个5bits的language 00 00: pre-defined 0 hdlr Box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr ,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 73 64 73 6D: sdsm,handler-type, SceneDescriptionStream 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 00 00 E4: size of minf,228 6D 69 6E 66: minf nmhd Box 00 00 00 0C: size of nmhd,12 6E 6D 68 64: nmhd 00 00 00 00: version dinf Box 00 00 00 24: size of dinf,36 64 69 6E 66: dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl Box 00 00 00 AC: size of stbl,172 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 48: size of stsd,72 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count mp4s Box 00 00 00 38: size of mp4s, 56 6D 70 34 73: mp4s 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: ES esds Box 00 00 00 28: size of esds,40 65 73 64 73: esds 00 00 00 00: version 03 1A 00 00: 00 04 12 02: 0D 00 00 20: 00 00 00 00: 00 00 00 00: 05 03 00 00: 40 06 01 02: stts Box 00 00 00 18: size of stts,24 73 74 74 73: stts 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 00 01: sample-count 00 04 B7 17: sample-delta stsc Box 00 00 00 1C: size of stsc ,28 73 74 73 63: stsc 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 01: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index stsz Box 00 00 00 14: size of stsz,20 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 18: sample-size 00 00 00 01: sample-count stco Box 00 00 00 14: size of stco,20 73 74 63 6F: stco 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 03 B0 8F: chunk-offset trak Box 00 01 71 55:size of trak, 74 72 61 6B:trak tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd, track head box 00 00 00 01: 00,version; 00 00 01,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 00 C9: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 61 B8: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 02 D0 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 01 E0 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia Box 00 01 70 CD: size of mdia 6D 64 69 61: mdia mdhd Box 00 00 00 20: size of mdhd ,32 6D 64 68 64: mdhd 00 00 00 00: version BE EE 87 C5: creation-time BE EE 87 C5: modification-time 00 01 5F 90: timescale 01 A8 61 B8: duration 0 :pad 10101 01110 00100: 3个5bits的language 00 00 :pre-defined 0 hdlr Box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 76 69 64 65: vide,handler-type,表示此trak为视频 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 01 70 84: size of minf,94340 6D 69 6E 66: minf vmhd Box 00 00 00 14: size of nmhd 76 6D 68 64: nmhd 00 00 00 01: version,flags 00 00 00 00: 00 00 00 00: dinf Box 00 00 00 24: size of dinf,36 64 69 6E 66: dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl Box 00 01 70 44: size of stbl 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 AC: size of stsd,72 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count mp4v Box 00 00 00 9C: size of mp4v 6D 70 34 76: mp4v 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: ES 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 D0 01 E0 00 48 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 FF FF esds Box 00 00 00 46: size of esds 65 73 64 73: esds 00 00 00 00: version 03 38 00 00: 00 04 30 20: 11 03 D0 90: 00 1E 84 80: 00 1E 84 80: 05 21 00 00: 01 B0 00 00: 00 01 B5 0E: A0 20 20 2F: 00 00 01 00: 00 00 01 20: 00 C7 88 BA: 98 51 68 43: C1 46 3F 06: 01 02 : stts Box 00 00 E7 90: size of stts 73 74 74 73: stts 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 1C F0: entry-count 00 00 00 01: sample-count 00 00 0B BB: sample-delta 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 97 00 00 00 01 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 9A ........... stsc Box 00 00 0E 8C: size of stsc , 73 74 73 63: stsc 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 35: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 15: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 ............. stsz Box 00 00 73 D8 size of stsz,20 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: sample-size 00 00 1C F1: sample-count 00 00 86 24(从此开始,为当前chunk中每帧视频数据的字节大小,此大小与offset相对应,用offset找到偏移的绝对地址(指向mdat box中)后,从000001B6的第一个字节开始,加上对应的视频字节数,就是本帧的大小。一个视频chunk中首先是连续的视频帧,然后也包含其他数据,暂不清楚视频数据后面的数据类型) 00 00 08 F9 00 00 3B 04 00 00 1D F2 00 00 49 00 00 00 60 A6 00 00 2E 30 00 00 33 F9 00 00 22 19 00 00 15 DB 00 00 17 47 00 00 1D 16 00 00 3A 4A 00 00 1C 1B 00 00 2C EA 00 00 37 28 00 00 3D 70 00 00 36 0B 00 00 16 D0 00 00 39 0F 00 00 22 79 第一个chunk中所有的视频帧大小结束 下面为当前chunk中视频数据后面暂不清楚为什么数据类型的开始 00 00 15 DB 00 00 17 47 ................ stco Box 00 00 04 E4: size of stco,20 73 74 63 6F: stco 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 35: entry-count 00 03 B0 A7: chunk-offset(帧数据偏移的绝对地址(指向mdat box中),此处为视频数据,一个chunk约包含1S的数据,但不固定) 00 07 F1 5D 00 0B 58 D7 00 0E 58 9D 00 11 A5 3E 00 15 11 0B 00 18 15 4E stss Box 00 00 00 B8:size 73 74 73 73:stss 00 00 00 00:version,flags 00 00 00 2A:entry_count 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 38 00 00 01 63 00 00 02 8E 00 00 03 B9 00 00 04 E4 00 00 05 83 00 00 06 AE 00 00 07 26 00 00 07 47 00 00 07 68 00 00 08 67 00 00 08 73 ............... udta Box 00 00 00 24: 75 64 74 61: uuid Box 00 00 00 1C: size of uuid 75 75 69 64: uuid F7 8C AA 0C 36 BE 4C E9 87 D2 03 C2 56 DA BE B2 : 由于boxtype = uuid而定义的16个字节的usertype 与前面不同 00 01 19 9A trak Box 00 01 72 D5 74 72 61 6B tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd, track head box 00 00 00 00: 00,version; 00 00 00,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 01 00 C9: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 61 B8: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 00 00 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 00 00 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia Box 00 01 70 5D: size of mdia 6D 64 69 61: mdia mdhd Box 00 00 00 20: size of mdhd ,32 6D 64 68 64: mdhd 00 00 00 00: version BE EE 87 C5: creation-time BE EE 87 C5: modification-time 00 01 5F 90: timescale 01 A8 61 B8: duration 0 :pad 10101 01110 00100: 3个5bits的language 00 00 :pre-defined 0 hdlr Box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 68 69 6E 74: hint,handler-type 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 01 70 14: size of minf 6D 69 6E 66: minf hmhd Box 00 00 00 1C 68 6D 68 64 00 00 00 00 05 A8 05 3B 00 1E 84 80 00 18 70 4E 00 1E 84 80 dinf Box 00 00 00 24: size of dinf,36 64 69 6E 66: dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl Box 00 01 6F CC: size of stbl, 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 34: size of stsd, 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count rtp 00 00 00 24 72 74 70 20:rtp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 05 A8 tims 00 00 00 0C 74 69 6D 73 00 01 5F 90 stts 00 00 E7 90 73 74 74 73 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 1C F0: entry-count 00 00 00 01: sample-count 00 00 0B BB: sample-delta 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 97 00 00 00 01 00 00 0B BB 00 00 00 01 00 00 11 9A .................. stsc 00 00 0E 8C 73 74 73 63 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 35: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 18: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 .............. stsz Box 00 00 73 D8: size of stsz,20 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: sample-size 00 00 1C F1: sample-count .................. stco 00 00 04 E4 73 74 63 6F 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 35: entry-count 00 07 B1 24:chunk_offset 00 0B 20 81 .............. stss 00 00 00 B8 73 74 73 73 ............. tref 00 00 00 14 74 72 65 66 hint 00 00 00 0C 68 69 6E 74 00 00 00 C9 udta 00 00 02 00 75 64 74 61 hinf 00 00 00 E2 68 69 6E 66 trpy 00 00 00 10 74 72 70 79 00 00 00 00 03 B8 8E 51 nump 00 00 00 10 6E 75 6D 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 B6 0A tpyl 00 00 00 10 74 70 79 6C 00 00 00 00 03 B0 05 D9 totl 00 00 00 0C 74 6F 74 6C 03 B8 8E 51 npck 00 00 00 0C 6E 70 63 6B 00 00 B6 0A tpay 00 00 00 0C 74 70 61 79 03 B0 05 D9 dmed 00 00 00 10 64 6D 65 64 00 00 00 00 03 B0 05 B8 dimm 00 00 00 10 64 69 6D 6D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 drep 00 00 00 10 64 72 65 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tmin 00 00 00 0C 74 6D 69 6E FF FF FC 18 tmax 00 00 00 0C 74 6D 61 78 00 00 00 00 pmax 00 00 00 0C 70 6D 61 78 00 00 05 A8 dmax 00 00 00 0C 64 6D 61 78 00 00 00 32 payt 00 00 00 26 70 61 79 74 00 00 00 60 19 a=rtpmap:96 MP4V-ES/90000 hnti sdp m=video 0 RTP/AVP 96 b=AS:2048 a=rtpmap:96 MP4V-ES/90000 a=fmtp:96 profile-level-id=254;config= a=cliprect:0,0,480,720 a=mpeg4-esid:201 a=x-envivio-verid:0001199A a=control:trackID=65737 trak 00 00 AB 60 74 72 61 6B tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd 00 00 00 01: 00,version; 00 00 01,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 00 65: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 07 40: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 00 00 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 00 00 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia Box 00 00 AA D8:size of mdia,301 6D 64 69 61:mdia mdhd Box 00 00 00 20: 32 6D 64 68 64:mdhd 00 00 00 00 :version,flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 00 7D 00: timescale时标 00 96 C4 00: duration持续的时间 55 C4:pad, 3个5bits的language 00 00: pre-defined 0 hdlr Box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr ,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 73 6F 75 6E: soun,handler-type,表示此trak为音频 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 00 AA 8F:size of minf 6D 69 6E 66:minf smhd Box 00 00 00 10:size of smhd 73 6D 68 64:smhd 00 00 00 00:version 00 00 :balance, balance is a fixed-point 8.8 number that places mono audio tracks in a stereo space; 0 is center (the normal value); full left is -1.0 and full right is 1.0. 00 00:reserved dinf Box 00 00 00 24:size of dinf 64 69 6E 66:dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl Box 00 00 AA 53: size of stbl 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 5B: size of stsd 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count mp4a Box 00 00 00 4B: 6D 70 34 61:mp4a 00 00 00 00:version 00 00 00 01:ES 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 10 00 00 00 00 7D 00 00 00 esds box 00 00 00 27 65 73 64 73 00 00 00 00: version 03 19 00 00: 00 04 11 40: 15 00 06 00: 00 00 FA 00: 00 00 FA 00: 05 02 12 90: 06 01 02 : stts 00 00 00 18 73 74 74 73:stts 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 25 B1: sample-count 00 00 04 00: sample-delta stsc Box 00 00 0E 38: size of stsc 73 74 73 63: stsc 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 2E: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 20: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 01 .......................... stsz box 00 00 96 D8: size of stsz, 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: sample-size 00 00 25 B1: sample-count ................................. stco 00 00 04 C8 73 74 63 6F:stco 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 2E: entry-count 00 07 C9 54: chunk-offset 00 0B 32 0D 00 0E 32 9B ............................ udta box 00 00 00 24 75 64 74 61 uuid 00 00 00 1C 75 75 69 64 F7 8C AA 0C 36 BE 4C E9 87 D2 03 C2 56 DA BE B2 : 由于boxtype = uuid而定义的16个字节的usertype 00 01 19 9A trak 00 00 16 76 74 72 61 6B: trak tkhd Box 00 00 00 5C: size of tkhd,92 74 6B 68 64: tkhd, track head box 00 00 00 00: 00,version; 00 00 00,track enable flags BE EE 87 C5: creation-time创建文件的时间 BE EE 87 C5: modifiation-time修改文件的时间,两个时间应该相同 00 01 00 65: track-ID 00 00 00 00: 保留的32bits的0 01 A8 07 40: duration持续的时间 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: 保留的2个32bits的0 00 00:layer 0 00 00:pre-defined 0 00 00:volume,as non audio,if audio ,0x0100 00 00:reserved 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 :matrix 00 00 00 00:width,if track_is_visual 0x01400000 else 0 00 00 00 00:height,if track_is_visual 0x00F00000 else 0 mdia box 00 00 13 F9 6D 64 69 61 mdhd box 00 00 00 20 6D 64 68 64:mdhd 00 00 00 00 BE EE 87 C5 BE EE 87 C5 00 00 7D 00:timescale 00 96 C4 00:duration 55 C4= 0 :pad 10101 01110 00100: 3个5bits的language 00 00 :pre-defined 0 hdlr box 00 00 00 21:size of hdlr,33 68 64 6C 72: hdlr 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 00: pre-defined 0 68 69 6E 74: hint,handler-type 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 3个reserved 00 :string name minf Box 00 00 13 B0: size of minf 6D 69 6E 66: minf hmhd box 00 00 00 1C 68 6D 68 64 00 00 00 00 05 A8 :maxPDU 01 0C :avgPDU 00 00 FA 00: maxbitrate 00 00 FA 00: avgbitrate 00 00 FA 00:此处应该为保留的0,有误? dinf Box 00 00 00 24: size of dinf,36 64 69 6E 66: dinf dref Box 00 00 00 1C: size of dref,28 64 72 65 66: dref 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count url Box 00 00 00 0C: size of url ,12 75 72 6C 20: url 00 00 00 01: location stbl box 00 00 13 68 73 74 62 6C: stbl stsd Box 00 00 00 34: size of stsd,67 73 74 73 64: stsd 00 00 00 00: version,flags 00 00 00 01: entry-count rtp box 00 00 00 24 72 74 70 20:rtp 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01: hinttrackversion 00 01: highestcompatibleversion 00 01 00 00 : maxpacketsize 05 A8: additionaldata[] tims box 00 00 00 0C 74 69 6D 73 00 00 7D 00: timescale stts box 00 00 00 18 73 74 74 73 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 01: entry-count 00 00 25 B1: sample-count 00 00 04 00: sample-delta stsc Box 00 00 0E 38: size of stsc 73 74 73 63: stsc 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 2E: entry-count 00 00 00 01: first-chunk 00 00 00 20: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 02: first-chunk 00 00 00 20: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 03: first-chunk 00 00 00 20: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index 00 00 00 04: first-chunk 00 00 00 20: samples-per-chunk 00 00 00 01: sample-description-index ............................. stsz Box 00 00 00 14: size of stsz,20 73 74 73 7A: stsz 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 00 30: sample-size 00 00 25 B1: sample-count stco Box 00 00 04 C8: size of stco 73 74 63 6F: stco 00 00 00 00: version 00 00 01 2E: entry-count 00 07 EB 5D: chunk-offset 00 0B 52 D7 ........................... tref Box 00 00 00 14: size of tref, 74 72 65 66: tref hint box 00 00 00 0C 68 69 6E 74 00 00 00 65:track-IDS udta box 00 00 02 05 75 64 74 61 hinf box 00 00 00 EA 68 69 6E 66 trpy Box 00 00 00 10:size of trpy,16 74 72 70 79:trpy 00 00 00 00 00 28 0E DE: uint(64) bytessent; // total bytes sent, including 12-byte RTP headers nump Box 00 00 00 10:size of nump,16 6E 75 6D 70:nump 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 B1: uint(64) packetssent tpyl Box 00 00 00 10:size of tpyl,16 74 70 79 6C:tpyl 00 00 00 00 00 26 4A 92: uint(64) bytessent; // total bytes sent, not including RTP headers totl Box 00 00 00 0C:size of totl,12 74 6F 74 6C:totl 00 28 0E DE: bytessent; } // total bytes sent, including 12-byte RTP headers npck Box 00 00 00 0C:size of npck,12 6E 70 63 6B:npck 00 00 25 B1: packetssent; } // total packets sent tpay Box 00 00 00 0C:size of tpay,12 74 70 61 79:tpay 00 26 4A 92: bytessent; } // total bytes sent, not including RTP headers dmed Box 00 00 00 10:16 64 6D 65 64:dmed 00 00 00 00 00 25 B3 CE: bytessent; } // total bytes sent from media tracks dimm Box 00 00 00 10:16 64 69 6D 6D:dimm 00 00 00 00 00 00 96 C4: bytessent; } // total bytes sent immediate mode drep Box 00 00 00 10:16 64 72 65 70:drep 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: bytessent; } // total bytes in repeated packets tmin Box 00 00 00 0C:12 74 6D 69 6E: tmin FF FF FF 40: time; // smallest relative transmission time, milliseconds tmax Box 00 00 00 0C:12 74 6D 61 78:tmax 00 00 00 00: time; } // largest relative transmission time, milliseconds pmax Box 00 00 00 0C:12 70 6D 61 78:pamx 00 00 01 45: bytes; } // largest packet sent, including RTP header dmax Box 00 00 00 0C:12 64 6D 61 78:dmax 00 00 00 20: time; } // longest packet duration, milliseconds payt Box 00 00 00 2E: 70 61 79 74:payt 00 00 00 61: payloadID 21 : count, a=rtpmap:97 mpeg4-generic/32000/2 hnti Box 00 00 01 13: 68 6E 74 69:hnti sdp Box 00 00 01 0B: 73 64 70 20:sdp sdptext[]: m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 97 b=AS:75 a=rtpmap:97 mpeg4-generic/32000/2 a=fmtp:97 profile-level-id =15 config=1290 streamtype=5 mode=AAC-hbr SizeLength=13 IndexLength=3 IndexDeltaLength=3 a=mpeg4-esid:101 a=x-envivio=verid:0001199A a=control:trackID=65637 mdat box 03 F1 27 F4 6D 64 61 74:mdat ....................................
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