



       process通过寻找关键字比如if then,fi等来管理脚本流程,在适当的时候调用fork和exec,其必须记录条件命令的结果以便处理then和else块。


      2. 下面再加入变量的功能,要在shell中加入变量,必须有个地方能存放这些变量的名称和值,而且这个变量存储系统必须能够分辨局部和全局变量。下面是这个存储系统的抽象模型:

        接口:VLstore(char *var,char *val)   增加/更新var = val

                    VLookup(char *var) 取得var的值



         stuct  var{

               char  *str;       /*name*/

               int global;      /*a boolean*/


        static struct var tab[MAXVARS];






#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<string.h>
#include	<ctype.h>
#include	"smsh.h"
#include	"varlib.h"

int assign(char *);
int okname(char *);

int builtin_command(char **args, int *resultp)
	int rv = 0;

	if ( strcmp(args[0],"set") == 0 ){	     /* 'set' command? */
		*resultp = 0;
		rv = 1;
	else if ( strchr(args[0], '=') != NULL ){   /* assignment cmd */
		*resultp = assign(args[0]);
		if ( *resultp != -1 )		    /* x-y=123 not ok */
			rv = 1;
	else if ( strcmp(args[0], "export") == 0 ){
		if ( args[1] != NULL && okname(args[1]) )
			*resultp = VLexport(args[1]);
			*resultp = 1;
		rv = 1;
	return rv;

int assign(char *str)
	char	*cp;
	int	rv ;

	cp = strchr(str,'=');
	*cp = '\0';
	rv = ( okname(str) ? VLstore(str,cp+1) : -1 );
	*cp = '=';
	return rv;
int okname(char *str)
 * purpose: determines if a string is a legal variable name
 * returns: 0 for no, 1 for yes
	char	*cp;

	for(cp = str; *cp; cp++ ){
		if ( (isdigit(*cp) && cp==str) || !(isalnum(*cp) || *cp=='_' ))
			return 0;
	return ( cp != str );	/* no empty strings, either */



/** smsh3.c
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<unistd.h>
#include	<signal.h>
#include	<sys/wait.h>
#include	"smsh.h"

#define	DFL_PROMPT	"> "

int main()
	char	*cmdline, *prompt, **arglist;
	int	result, process(char **);
	void	setup();

	prompt = DFL_PROMPT ;

	while ( (cmdline = next_cmd(prompt, stdin)) != NULL ){
		if ( (arglist = splitline(cmdline)) != NULL  ){
			result = process(arglist);
	return 0;

void setup()
 * purpose: initialize shell
 * returns: nothing. calls fatal() if trouble
	signal(SIGINT,  SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

void fatal(char *s1, char *s2, int n)
	fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s,%s\n", s1, s2);

/* process2.c  

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	"smsh.h"
int is_control_command(char *);
int do_control_command(char **);
int ok_to_execute();
int builtin_command(char **, int *);

int process(char **args)
 * purpose: process user command
 * returns: result of processing command
 * details: if a built-in then call appropriate function, if not execute()
 *  errors: arise from subroutines, handled there
	int		rv = 0;

	if ( args[0] == NULL )
		rv = 0;
	else if ( is_control_command(args[0]) )
		rv = do_control_command(args);
	else if ( ok_to_execute() )
		if ( !builtin_command(args,&rv) )
			rv = execute(args);
	return rv;

/* execute.c - code used by small shell to execute commands */

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<unistd.h>
#include	<signal.h>
#include	<sys/wait.h>

int execute(char *argv[])
 * purpose: run a program passing it arguments
 * returns: status returned via wait, or -1 on error
 *  errors: -1 on fork() or wait() errors

	int	pid ;
	int	child_info = -1;

	if ( argv[0] == NULL )		/* nothing succeeds	*/
		return 0;

	if ( (pid = fork())  == -1 )
	else if ( pid == 0 ){
		signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
		signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
		execvp(argv[0], argv);
		perror("cannot execute command");
	else {
		if ( wait(&child_info) == -1 )
	return child_info;

/* controlflow.c
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	"smsh.h"

enum states   { NEUTRAL, WANT_THEN, THEN_BLOCK };
enum results  { SUCCESS, FAIL };

static int if_state  = NEUTRAL;
static int if_result = SUCCESS;
static int last_stat = 0;

int	syn_err(char *);

int ok_to_execute()
 * purpose: determine the shell should execute a command
 * returns: 1 for yes, 0 for no
 * details: if in THEN_BLOCK and if_result was SUCCESS then yes
 *          if in THEN_BLOCK and if_result was FAIL    then no
 *          if in WANT_THEN  then syntax error (sh is different)
	int	rv = 1;		/* default is positive */

	if ( if_state == WANT_THEN ){
		syn_err("then expected");
		rv = 0;
	else if ( if_state == THEN_BLOCK && if_result == SUCCESS )
		rv = 1;
	else if ( if_state == THEN_BLOCK && if_result == FAIL )
		rv = 0;
	return rv;

int is_control_command(char *s)
 * purpose: boolean to report if the command is a shell control command
 * returns: 0 or 1
    return (strcmp(s,"if")==0 || strcmp(s,"then")==0 || strcmp(s,"fi")==0);

int do_control_command(char **args)
 * purpose: Process "if", "then", "fi" - change state or detect error
 * returns: 0 if ok, -1 for syntax error
 *   notes: I would have put returns all over the place, Barry says "no"
	char	*cmd = args[0];
	int	rv = -1;

	if( strcmp(cmd,"if")==0 ){
		if ( if_state != NEUTRAL )
			rv = syn_err("if unexpected");
		else {
			last_stat = process(args+1);
			if_result = (last_stat == 0 ? SUCCESS : FAIL );
			if_state = WANT_THEN;
			rv = 0;
	else if ( strcmp(cmd,"then")==0 ){
		if ( if_state != WANT_THEN )
			rv = syn_err("then unexpected");
		else {
			if_state = THEN_BLOCK;
			rv = 0;
	else if ( strcmp(cmd,"fi")==0 ){
		if ( if_state != THEN_BLOCK )
			rv = syn_err("fi unexpected");
		else {
			if_state = NEUTRAL;
			rv = 0;
		fatal("internal error processing:", cmd, 2);
	return rv;

int syn_err(char *msg)
/* purpose: handles syntax errors in control structures
 * details: resets state to NEUTRAL
 * returns: -1 in interactive mode. Should call fatal in scripts
	if_state = NEUTRAL;
	fprintf(stderr,"syntax error: %s\n", msg);
	return -1;

/* varlib.c

#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	"varlib.h"
#include	<string.h>

#define	MAXVARS	200		/* a linked list would be nicer */

struct var {
		char *str;		/* name=val string	*/
		int  global;		/* a boolean		*/

static struct var tab[MAXVARS];			/* the table	*/

static char *new_string( char *, char *);	/* private methods	*/
static struct var *find_item(char *, int);

int VLstore( char *name, char *val )
 * traverse list, if found, replace it, else add at end
 * since there is no delete, a blank one is a free one
 * return 1 if trouble, 0 if ok (like a command)
	struct var *itemp;
	char	*s;
	int	rv = 1;

	/* find spot to put it              and make new string */
	if ((itemp=find_item(name,1))!=NULL && (s=new_string(name,val))!=NULL) 
		if ( itemp->str )		/* has a val?	*/
			free(itemp->str);	/* y: remove it	*/
		itemp->str = s;
		rv = 0;				/* ok! */
	return rv;

char * new_string( char *name, char *val )
 * returns new string of form name=value or NULL on error
	char	*retval;

	retval = malloc( strlen(name) + strlen(val) + 2 );
	if ( retval != NULL )
		sprintf(retval, "%s=%s", name, val );
	return retval;

char * VLlookup( char *name )
 * returns value of var or empty string if not there
	struct var *itemp;

	if ( (itemp = find_item(name,0)) != NULL )
		return itemp->str + 1 + strlen(name);
	return "";


int VLexport( char *name )
 * marks a var for export, adds it if not there
 * returns 1 for no, 0 for ok
	struct var *itemp;
	int	rv = 1;

	if ( (itemp = find_item(name,0)) != NULL ){
		itemp->global = 1;
		rv = 0;
	else if ( VLstore(name, "") == 1 )
		rv = VLexport(name);
	return rv;

static struct var * find_item( char *name , int first_blank )
 * searches table for an item
 * returns ptr to struct or NULL if not found
 * OR if (first_blank) then ptr to first blank one
	int	i;
	int	len = strlen(name);
	char	*s;

	for( i = 0 ; i<MAXVARS && tab[i].str != NULL ; i++ )
		s = tab[i].str;
		if ( strncmp(s,name,len) == 0 && s[len] == '=' ){
			return &tab[i];
	if ( i < MAXVARS && first_blank )
		return &tab[i];
	return NULL;

void VLlist()
 * performs the shell's  `set'  command
 * Lists the contents of the variable table, marking each
 * exported variable with the symbol  '*' 
	int	i;
	for(i = 0 ; i<MAXVARS && tab[i].str != NULL ; i++ )
		if ( tab[i].global )
			printf("  * %s\n", tab[i].str);
			printf("    %s\n", tab[i].str);

int VLenviron2table(char *env[])
 * initialize the variable table by loading array of strings
 * return 1 for ok, 0 for not ok
	int     i;
	char	*newstring;

	for(i = 0 ; env[i] != NULL ; i++ )
		if ( i == MAXVARS )
			return 0;
		newstring = malloc(1+strlen(env[i]));
		if ( newstring == NULL )
			return 0;
		strcpy(newstring, env[i]);
		tab[i].str = newstring;
		tab[i].global = 1;
	while( i < MAXVARS ){		/* I know we don't need this	*/
		tab[i].str = NULL ;	/* static globals are nulled	*/
		tab[i++].global = 0;	/* by default			*/
	return 1;

char ** VLtable2environ()
 * build an array of pointers suitable for making a new environment
 * note, you need to free() this when done to avoid memory leaks
	int	i,			/* index			*/
		j,			/* another index		*/
		n = 0;			/* counter			*/
	char	**envtab;		/* array of pointers		*/

	 * first, count the number of global variables

	for( i = 0 ; i<MAXVARS && tab[i].str != NULL ; i++ )
		if ( tab[i].global == 1 )

	/* then, allocate space for that many variables	*/
	envtab = (char **) malloc( (n+1) * sizeof(char *) );
	if ( envtab == NULL )
		return NULL;

	/* then, load the array with pointers		*/
	for(i = 0, j = 0 ; i<MAXVARS && tab[i].str != NULL ; i++ )
		if ( tab[i].global == 1 )
			envtab[j++] = tab[i].str;
	envtab[j] = NULL;
	return envtab;

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