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转载 网络协议底层协议讲解
视频 01.基本概念.mp4 02.集线器_网桥_交换机.mp4 03.MAC地址_IP地址_子网掩码.mp4 04.超网_静态路由.mp4 05.局域网_NAT.mp4 06.物理层_数据链路层.mp4 07.网络层_UDP.mp4 08.TCP01_可靠传输.mp4 09.TCP_02_流量控制_拥塞控制.mp4 10.TCP03_序号_确认号_建立连接.ts 11.TCP04_释放连接.mp...
2021-02-24 18:36:30 774
转载 如何在Bash中连接字符串变量 [英]How to concatenate string variables in Bash
In PHP, strings are concatenated together as follows:在PHP中,字符串被串联在一起,如下所示:$foo = "Hello";$foo .= " World";Here,$foobecomes "Hello World".在这里,$foo变成了“Hello World”。How is this accomplished in Bash?这是如何在Bash中实现的?27 个解决方案#12773foo="...
2021-02-24 09:36:05 433
翻译 如何查找Linux上包含特定文本的所有文件? [英]How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?
I'm trying to find a way to scan my entire Linux system for all files containing a specific string of text. Just to clarify, I'm looking for text within the file, not in the file name.我正在寻找一种方法来扫描整个Linux系统中包含特定文本字符串的所有文件。澄清一下,我在文件中查找文本,而不是文件名。When I wa
2021-02-02 14:34:35 292
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