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My aphorism:Don't Be Defeated By Myself!

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原创 Dynamically Binding Menus to TreeView

First:Create a table: --用户表--目录参考:--父结点1 +--孩子结点1 +---孩子结点2 +--孩子结点3--父结点2 +--孩子结点1 +--孩子结点2if object_id(tb_menu,U)>0drop table tb_menucreate table tb_menu       --目录表( id   int identity(1

2008-04-11 16:55:00 442

原创 对桌面菜单系统的总结(1)

最近写了一个桌面菜单系统,可以扩充成网吧菜单系统。我总结下用到的技术,以及重要的算法:1.使用MSXML时需要:   加载库文件  #import  然后 在APP里 AfxOleInit();  然后开始读文件:StrVec LoadXmlByID(const char* filePath,const char* pathID){ StrVec ret; MSXML2::

2008-08-07 13:56:00 341

转载 Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make

  Top Ten Errors Java Programmers Make(How to spot them. How to fix/prevent them.)By David Reilly转自:http://www.javacoffeebreak.com/articles/toptenerrors.htmlWhether you program regularly in

2008-07-22 20:37:00 430

转载 从一则笑话分析需求的陷阱

转自:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20080611/14/B5647C94-DD21-4331-93D2-1D33D0F1CDBB.html 某日,老师在课堂上想考考学生们的智商,就问一个男孩:“树上有十只鸟,开枪打死一只,还剩几只?” 男孩反问:“是无声枪么?” “不是。” “枪声有多大?” “80~100分贝。” “那就是说会震的耳朵疼?” “是。” “在这个城市里打鸟

2008-07-22 19:50:00 322

转载 [SOA介绍]什么是SOA?

 [SOA介绍]什么是SOA? Varargs  An introduction to SOA  作者:Raghu R. Kodali  译者:tetsu摘要:在最近的软件发展中,面向服务架构(SOA, service-oriented architecture)成为了时下的热门话题。这篇文章将向大家介绍SOA, 讨论企业为什么需要SOA,什么是SOA, 从核心,平

2008-07-19 18:34:00 479

原创 VC版本的声明

#include #include #if _MSC_VER > 1020   // if VC++ version is > 4.2   using namespace std;  // std c++ libs implemented in std#endifint main(){deque myDeque(10,1);int x=0;deque::iterator iter;for(iter

2008-02-03 20:22:00 360

原创 class()的妙用

#pragma warning(disable:4786) #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const string ToothbrushCode("0003"); class IsAToothbrush {public:   bool operator() ( string& SalesRecord ) {

2008-02-03 20:20:00 392

原创 set的使用

#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;struct ltstr{  bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { return strcmp(s1, s2) int main(){  const int N = 6;  co

2008-02-03 20:18:00 356

原创 multiset的使用

#include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { const int N = 10;   int a[N] = {4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 5, 1, 0};   int b[N] = {4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 0, 1, 5, 5};   multiset A(a, a + N);   mu

2008-02-03 20:17:00 755

原创 map的使用


2008-02-03 20:15:00 309

原创 map与pair的使用


2008-02-03 20:14:00 649

原创 multimap的使用


2008-02-03 20:12:00 327

原创 find的使用

find的使用#pragma warning(disable:4786)#include #include #include using namespace std; void main (void) {   vector Fruit;   vector::iterator FruitIterator;   Fruit.push_back("Apple");   Fru

2008-02-03 20:11:00 348

原创 deque的用法

#include #include int main() { //default constructor std::deque c1 ; //create deque with 10 copies of 4 std::deque c2(10, 4) ; //copy constructor std::deque c3(c2) ; int ai[] = {

2008-02-03 20:08:00 2075

原创 Information About This Blog(blog guider)

 In this blog,the DSA(data structure and algorithms)  codes for VC are in the article list  "DSA for VC".Space for MFC is about the gets of mine in MFC when I studied MFC.Somehow,I m just a novic

2006-08-13 20:51:00 677

原创 Information About The Space of MFC and C#,ASP.NET

   Its in my summer vacation of 2006,when I started to study MFC myself. Well,the fun is so much,that Im inclined to have the embedded study with it.  If you have the same interest,just join wit

2006-08-13 20:39:00 739

原创 (codes)二叉树的系列算法,递归与非递归

// tree_li.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//程序共能有://递归与非递归:创建树,先序、中序、后续遍历二叉树,求某一结点的所有祖先//VC60下调试通过!//#include "stdafx.h"# include # include #include using std::stack;# define    ERROR          -1# de

2006-08-09 08:43:00 578

原创 (codes)a program convert a dec into a hex

// keyhex.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include# include #define ESC  0x001b  /* exit*/# define    ERROR          -1# define    OK             1#d

2006-07-29 16:29:00 672

原创 (codes)eight queens program

// eight_queen.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "stdio.h"#include "Stdlib.h"#define max 8struct qipan{    int k[max+1];//0号不用,k[i]存放第i行棋子的列位置,k

2006-07-28 17:53:00 715

原创 (codes)a program that could be used to restart computer

// RestartComputer.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "windows.h"void main(int argc, char* argv[]){typedef int (CALLBACK *SHUTDOWNDLG)(int); //

2006-07-28 17:52:00 722

原创 a QQ group(27416147) for VC fan

 In this QQ group,members are novices,while we wish masters will attend the group,and also,novices are welcome here.:)

2006-07-28 13:42:00 598



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