
实验五 多表查询















mysql> create database exp07;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> use exp07;
Database changed
  1. 按要求创建以上三张表格,插入相应数据。


mysql> create table customer(
    -> c_id char(6) primary key comment'客户标识',
    -> name varchar(30) not null comment'客户姓名',
    -> location varchar(30) comment'工作地点',
    -> salary decimal(8,2) comment'工资'
    -> )character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
    -> values('101001','孙萌','广州',1234);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
    -> values('101002','王琦','南京',3526);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
    -> values('101003','赵越','北京',6892);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
    -> values('101004','童彤','海南',3492);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from customer;
| c_id   | name | location | salary  |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 广州     | 1234.00 |
| 101002 | 王琦 | 南京     | 3526.00 |
| 101003 | 赵越 | 北京     | 6892.00 |
| 101004 | 童彤 | 海南     | 3492.00 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #创建bank表,并插入数据
mysql> create table bank(
    -> b_id char(6) primary key comment'银行标识',
    -> bank_name varchar(30) not null comment'银行名称'
    -> )character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
    -> values('B0001','工商银行');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
    -> values('B0002','建设银行');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
    -> values('B0003','中国银行');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
    -> values('B0004','农业银行');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from bank;
| b_id  | bank_name |
| B0001 | 工商银行  |
| B0002 | 建设银行  |
| B0003 | 中国银行  |
| B0004 | 农业银行  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #创建deposide表
mysql> create table deposite(
    -> d_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment comment'存款流水账',
    -> c_id char(6) comment'客户标识',
    -> b_id char(6) comment'银行标识',
    -> dep_date date comment'存入日期',
    -> amount decimal(8,2) comment'存款金额'
    -> )character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (1,'101001','B0001','2011-04-05',42526);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (2,'101002','B0003','2012-12-02',66500);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (3,'101003','B0002','2018-11-21',500000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (4,'101004','B0004','2020-03-02',12987);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (5,'101001','B0002','2015-09-02',456);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (6,'101002','B0004','2018-09-02',99000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (7,'101003','B0003','2016-06-22',35000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (8,'101004','B0001','2016-03-12',67890);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (9,'101001','B0004','2019-11-02',400000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (10,'101002','B0001','2017-08-22',12000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (11,'101003','B0002','2015-09-02',12345.98);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
    -> values (12,'101004','B0003','2014-10-13',5678.88);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> #查看创建情况
mysql> select * from deposite;
| d_id | c_id   | b_id  | dep_date   | amount    |
|    1 | 101001 | B0001 | 2011-04-05 |  42526.00 |
|    2 | 101002 | B0003 | 2012-12-02 |  66500.00 |
|    3 | 101003 | B0002 | 2018-11-21 | 500000.00 |
|    4 | 101004 | B0004 | 2020-03-02 |  12987.00 |
|    5 | 101001 | B0002 | 2015-09-02 |    456.00 |
|    6 | 101002 | B0004 | 2018-09-02 |  99000.00 |
|    7 | 101003 | B0003 | 2016-06-22 |  35000.00 |
|    8 | 101004 | B0001 | 2016-03-12 |  67890.00 |
|    9 | 101001 | B0004 | 2019-11-02 | 400000.00 |
|   10 | 101002 | B0001 | 2017-08-22 |  12000.00 |
|   11 | 101003 | B0002 | 2015-09-02 |  12345.98 |
|   12 | 101004 | B0003 | 2014-10-13 |   5678.88 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 将数据表deposite中孙萌的存款金额加10000


mysql> update deposite as d inner join
    -> (select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+10000;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0



mysql> update deposite as d left join
    -> (select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+10000;
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 12  Changed: 12  Warnings: 0


mysql> update deposite as d right join
    -> (select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+10000;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0

  1. 将数据表deposite中所属账户为工商银行并且存入日期为2011-04-05的人员的存款金额加100000


mysql> update deposite as d inner join
    -> (select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
    -> on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+100000
    -> where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


mysql> update deposite as d left join
    -> (select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
    -> on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+100000
    -> where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0


mysql> update deposite as d right join
    -> (select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
    -> on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> set d.amount =d.amount+100000
    -> where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
  1. 将数据表deposite中王琦的银行标识改为建设银行

mysql> update deposite set b_id=(select b_id from bank where bank_name='建设银行')
    -> where c_id in (select c_id from customer where name='王琦');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 3  Changed: 3  Warnings: 0
  1. 将salary低于5000的建行客户的salary变为原来的2倍.


mysql> #方法一:内连接
mysql> update customer as c inner join
    -> (select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set c.salary=c.salary*2
    -> where c.salary<5000;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 2  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0


mysql> #方法二:左连接
mysql> update customer as c left join
    -> (select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set c.salary=c.salary*2
    -> where c.salary<5000;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 2  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0


mysql> #方法三:右连接
mysql> update customer as c right join
    -> (select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> set c.salary=c.salary*2
    -> where c.salary<5000;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
  1. 查询日期为2011-04-05这一天进行过存款的客户ID,客户姓名,银行名称,存款金额


mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> and d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
| c_id   | name | bank_name | amount    |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 工商银行  | 372526.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select,c.c_id,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where d.dep_date='2011-04-05'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id;
| name | c_id   | bank_name | amount    |
| 孙萌 | 101001 | 工商银行  | 372526.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 查询赵越在建设银行的存款信息(显示信息:客户ID,客户姓名,银行标识,银行名称,存款日期,存款金额)


mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.b_id,b.bank_name,d.dep_date,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b
    -> on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> and'赵越' and b.bank_name='建设银行';
| c_id   | name | b_id  | bank_name | dep_date   | amount    |
| 101003 | 赵越 | B0002 | 建设银行  | 2018-11-21 | 480000.00 |
| 101003 | 赵越 | B0002 | 建设银行  | 2015-09-02 |  -7654.02 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select  c.c_id,,b.b_id,b.bank_name,d.dep_date,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where'赵越' and b.bank_name='建设银行'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id;
| c_id   | name | b_id  | bank_name | dep_date   | amount    |
| 101003 | 赵越 | B0002 | 建设银行  | 2018-11-21 | 480000.00 |
| 101003 | 赵越 | B0002 | 建设银行  | 2015-09-02 |  -7654.02 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 查询在农业银行存款前五名的客户存款信息(显示信息:客户姓名,银行名称,存款金额


mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> and b.bank_name='农业银行'
    -> limit 5;
| name | bank_name | amount    |
| 童彤 | 农业银行  |  -7013.00 |
| 孙萌 | 农业银行  | 400000.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where b.bank_name='农业银行'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id
    -> limit 5;
| name | bank_name | amount    |
| 童彤 | 农业银行  |  -7013.00 |
| 孙萌 | 农业银行  | 400000.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> where name like '童%';
| name | bank_name | amount    |
| 童彤 | 农业银行  |  -7013.00 |
| 童彤 | 工商银行  |  47890.00 |
| 童彤 | 中国银行  | -14321.12 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where like '童%'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id;
| name | bank_name | amount    |
| 童彤 | 农业银行  |  -7013.00 |
| 童彤 | 工商银行  |  47890.00 |
| 童彤 | 中国银行  | -14321.12 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> where name='孙萌';
| c_id   | name | bank_name | amount    |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 工商银行  |  42526.00 |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 建设银行  |    456.00 |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 农业银行  | 400000.00 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where'孙萌'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id;
| c_id   | name | bank_name | amount    |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 工商银行  |  42526.00 |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 建设银行  |    456.00 |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 农业银行  | 400000.00 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法三:子查询
mysql> select c.c_id,,d.amount,b.bank_name
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where b.b_id in
    -> (select b_id from deposite where c_id in
    -> (select c_id from customer where name='孙萌'))
    -> and'孙萌'
    -> and c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id=d.b_id;
| c_id   | name | amount    | bank_name |
| 101001 | 孙萌 |  42526.00 | 工商银行  |
| 101001 | 孙萌 |    456.00 | 建设银行  |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 400000.00 | 农业银行  |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(15) 查询工商银行存款大于等于一万的客户ID,姓名,银行名称,存款金额



mysql> #方法一:内联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d
    -> inner join customer as c
    -> on c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
    -> where d.amount>=10000
    -> and b.bank_name = '工商银行';
| c_id   | name | bank_name | amount   |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 工商银行  | 42526.00 |
| 101004 | 童彤 | 工商银行  | 47890.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法二:表联结
mysql> select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where d.amount>=10000
    -> and b.bank_name = '工商银行'
    -> and c.c_id= d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id= d.b_id;
| c_id   | name | bank_name | amount   |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 工商银行  | 42526.00 |
| 101004 | 童彤 | 工商银行  | 47890.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> #方法三:子查询
mysql> select c.c_id,,d.amount,b.bank_name
    -> from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
    -> where c.c_id in
    -> (select c_id from deposite where amount>=10000 and b_id in
    -> (select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行'))
    -> and d. amount>=10000
    -> and b.bank_name='工商银行'
    -> and c.c_id=d.c_id
    -> and b.b_id=d.b_id;
| c_id   | name | amount   | bank_name |
| 101001 | 孙萌 | 42526.00 | 工商银行  |
| 101004 | 童彤 | 47890.00 | 工商银行  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)





create database exp07;
use exp07;
create table customer(
	c_id char(6) primary key comment'客户标识',
	name varchar(30) not null comment'客户姓名',
	location varchar(30) comment'工作地点',
	salary decimal(8,2) comment'工资'
	)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)
insert into customer(c_id,name,location,salary)

select * from customer;
create table bank(
	b_id char(6) primary key comment'银行标识',
	bank_name varchar(30) not null comment'银行名称'
	)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
insert into bank(b_id,bank_name)
select * from bank;
create table deposite(
	d_id int unsigned primary key auto_increment comment'存款流水账',
	c_id char(6) comment'客户标识',
	b_id char(6) comment'银行标识',
	dep_date date comment'存入日期',
	amount decimal(8,2) comment'存款金额'
	)character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (1,'101001','B0001','2011-04-05',42526);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (2,'101002','B0003','2012-12-02',66500);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (3,'101003','B0002','2018-11-21',500000);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (4,'101004','B0004','2020-03-02',12987);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (5,'101001','B0002','2015-09-02',456);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (6,'101002','B0004','2018-09-02',99000);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (7,'101003','B0003','2016-06-22',35000);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (8,'101004','B0001','2016-03-12',67890);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (9,'101001','B0004','2019-11-02',400000);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (10,'101002','B0001','2017-08-22',12000);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (11,'101003','B0002','2015-09-02',12345.98);
insert into deposite (d_id,c_id,b_id,dep_date,amount)
	values (12,'101004','B0003','2014-10-13',5678.88);
select * from deposite;
update deposite as d inner join
	(select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c 
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+10000;

update deposite as d left join
	(select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c 
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+10000;
update deposite as d right join
	(select c_id from customer where name='孙萌') as c 
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+10000;
update deposite as d inner join
	(select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
	on b.b_id=d.b_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+100000
	where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
update deposite as d left join
	(select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
	on b.b_id=d.b_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+100000
	where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
update deposite as d right join
	(select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') as b
	on b.b_id=d.b_id
	set d.amount =d.amount+100000
	where d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
update deposite set b_id=(select b_id from bank where bank_name='建设银行')
	where c_id in (select c_id from customer where name='王琦');
update customer as c inner join
	(select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set c.salary=c.salary*2
	where c.salary<5000;
update customer as c left join
	(select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set c.salary=c.salary*2
	where c.salary<5000;
update customer as c right join
	(select c_id from deposite where b_id='B0002') as d
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	set c.salary=c.salary*2
	where c.salary<5000;
select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
	and d.dep_date='2011-04-05';
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	where d.dep_date='2011-04-05'
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id;
select c.c_id,,b.b_id,b.bank_name,d.dep_date,d.amount
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c 
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b
	on b.b_id=d.b_id
	and'赵越' and b.bank_name='建设银行';
select  c.c_id,,b.b_id,b.bank_name,d.dep_date,d.amount
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	where'赵越' and b.bank_name='建设银行'
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id;
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
	and b.bank_name='农业银行'
	limit 5;
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	where b.bank_name='农业银行'
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id
	limit 5;
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
	where name like '童%';
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	where like '童%'
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id;
select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
	where name='孙萌';
select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id;
select c.c_id,,d.amount,b.bank_name
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b 
	where b.b_id in 
	(select b_id from deposite where c_id in 
	(select c_id from customer where name='孙萌'))
	and c.c_id=d.c_id
	and b.b_id=d.b_id;
select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
	from deposite as d
	inner join customer as c
	on c.c_id=d.c_id
	inner join bank as b on b.b_id=d.b_id
	where d.amount>=10000 
	and b.bank_name = '工商银行';
select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b
	where d.amount>=10000 
	and b.bank_name = '工商银行'
	and c.c_id= d.c_id
	and b.b_id= d.b_id;
select c.c_id,,d.amount,b.bank_name
	from deposite as d,customer as c,bank as b 
	where c.c_id in 
	(select c_id from deposite where amount>=10000 and b_id in 
	(select b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行'))
	and d. amount>=10000
	and b.bank_name='工商银行'
	and c.c_id=d.c_id
	and b.b_id=d.b_id;


select c.c_id,,b.bank_name,d.amount 
     from bank b,deposite d,customer as c  
     WHERE  c.c_id in ( select c_id from deposite  
                   WHERE amount in(select amount from deposite 
                                 WHERE amount>=10000 and b_id IN (select b_id from bank 
                                             where bank_name='工商银行'))) 
    an  b.b_id in select b_id from bank 
                                             where bank_name='工商银行')
                   and d. amount>=10000 
                   and b.bank_name='工商银行'
                   and c.c_id=d.c_id
                   and b.b_id=d.b_id;
Select customer.c_id,name,bank_name,amount\
from deposite , customer,bank
where (deposite.d_id,customer.c_id,bank.b_id)
 in ( select deposite.d_id, deposite.c_id,  deposite.b_id  
from deposite 
where deposite.b_id 
in (select bank.b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') 
and amount>=10000);
Select customer.c_id,name,bank_name,amount\
from deposite , customer,bank
where deposite.b_id in(select bank.b_id from bank where bank_name='工商银行') 
and customer.c_id=deposite.c_id  
and bank.b_id=deposite.b_id 
and amount>=10000;


评论 6




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


