所用库为boost_1_62_0,IDE为Visual Studio 2013,win7/8系统。
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>//ptree
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>//read,write
#include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>//BOOST_AUTO
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- 请不要编辑此文件 -->
<userInfo account="1990wyb" isLastLogin="0" isSave="0"/>
<userInfo account="tt01234" isLastLogin="1" isSave="1" pass="272E7B02A23578284113B15BA99BA770"/>
<userInfo account="tietang" isLastLogin="0" isSave="1" pass="2D1A3AAC3243AC9FAA9CE1B6A2286FE8"/>
<userInfo account="t93" isLastLogin="0" isSave="1" pass="72977BE688F2C369524076B5E9FAA184"/>
<setting sound="1" soundVol="3" lagFrame="0" videoEnhance="1" inputEnhance2="1" fullscreenMode="1" fullscreenScale="1" replayDelayFrame="60" win7FixStutter="1" pspvideo="0" vsync="0" triplebuffer="1" displaypowermode="1" additionalSendInterval="0" fullWindowType="1" hintDisable="0" videoD3D="0" joyStickSensitivity="4" noFocusGetInput="1" emuCoinKeyCode="8" emuFCSelectKeyCode="4" vip_enter_room_announcement="0"/>
<server id="0"/>
<skin id="0"/>
<yyinfo keydownid="146714688" speakmode="3" speaklevel="0" volume="100" microphone="100" audioonoff="0"/>
<bosskey id="0"/>
<psp cpu_clock="222"/>
<resolution horizontal="1" vertical="1"/>
<sound_warning join_game="1"/>
<MSGID_CLOSEAPP> 已经打开。需要关闭才能安装。是否继续?</MSGID_CLOSEAPP>
<!-- Optional.
This is the title to display on the messagebox title bar.
If extraCmd is set (parameter is presentand the value is not empty), the 3rd button will be appear.
extraCmd (with its wParam and lParam) will be sent to the handle of application indicated in ClassName2Close
<MessageBoxTitle extraCmd="" ecWparam="" ecLparam="">xzone update</MessageBoxTitle>
ptree pt;
read_xml("info.xml", pt, boost::property_tree::xml_parser::trim_whitespace, std::locale());
cout << "server" << endl;
cout << pt.get_child("localinfo.server").get<int>("<xmlattr>.id", 9) << endl;//如果没有id或者id的值为空,就返回9
BOOST_AUTO(child, pt.get_child("localinfo"));//获取根节点的子节点
BOOST_AUTO(pos, child.begin());
for (; pos != child.end(); ++pos)//循环遍历
if ("<xmlattr>" == pos->first)//xmlattr
cout << "<xmlattr>:" << pos->first << endl;
else if ("<xmlcomment>" == pos->first)//注释
cout << "<xmlcomment>:"<< pos->first << endl;
cout << "content:" << pos->second.data() << endl;
else if("player_info" == pos->first)//player_info
cout << pos->first << endl;
BOOST_AUTO(nodes, pos->second.get_child(""));
for (; node!=nodes.end(); ++node)
if ("<xmlattr>" == node->first)
cout << "<xmlattr>:" << node->first << endl;
else if ("<xmlcomment>" == node->first)
cout << "\t" << node->first << endl;//节点名称
cout << "\t\t" << node->second.get<string>("<xmlattr>.account") << endl;
cout << "\t\t" << node->second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.isLastLogin") << endl;
cout << "\t\t" << node->second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.isSave") << endl;
cout << "\t\t" << node->second.get<string>("<xmlattr>.pass","none") << endl;
else if ("PopupMessages" == pos->first)//PopupMessages
cout << pos->first << endl;
BOOST_AUTO(nodes, pos->second.get_child(""));
BOOST_AUTO(node, nodes.begin());
for (; node != nodes.end(); ++node)
if ("<xmlattr>" == node->first)
cout << "<xmlattr>:" << node->first << endl;
else if ("<xmlcomment>" == node->first)
cout << "\t<xmlcomment>:" << node->first << endl;
cout << "\t" << node->second.data() << endl;
cout << "\t" << node->first << endl;//节点名称
cout << "\t\t" << node->second.data() << endl;//节点值