phpmydatagrid.class.php bug修改

phpmydatagrid.class.php 偷懒用来直接改数据库表,今天突然发现mysql 可以显示列表,但无法删除修改,提示access拒绝错误。后来查了下代码,发现是

phpmydatagrid.class.php 代码使用了mysqli 接口,把mysql接口去掉,优先使用mysql api  bug解决。



//把sqli 的连接 修改了下,废除了。因为有bug,不用sqli就好了

class datagrid{
    var $link;
	var $isSqlite			 = false ;
    var $dgVersion           = "Free";     # phpMyDataGrid Version
	var $connectionHandler;	  				# Connection Identifier
	var $strMailErrors       = '';			# Mail to report SQL errors
	var $bolShowErrors       = true;		# Show in screen SQL errors
	var $tablename			 = '';			# Tablename
	var $where               = '';          # Where instruction(s) in query
	var $groupby             = '';          # GROUP BY instruction(s) in query
	var $orderColName        = '';          # Order field
	var $orderExpr           = '';          # Orientation in order
	var $fieldsArray         = array();		# Array with fields Info
	var $friendlyHTML        = false;       # If this is set to true, the HTML generated will have line breaks
	var $recno               = 0;			# Initial Record Number to show in grid.
	var $maxRec              = 20; 			# Number of records to show per page
	var $addBtn 			 = false;		# Tell to script if display the "NEW" button
	var $updBtn 			 = false;		# Tell to script if display the "EDIT" button
	var $delBtn 			 = false;		# Tell to script if display the "DELETE" button
	var $chkBtn 			 = false;		# Tell to script if display the "VIEW" button
	var $imgpath             = "images/";	# Defines the path where the images are located
	var $titulo	             = '';          # Title to show in header
	var $footer              = '';          # Title to show in footer
	var $search              = '';          # List of fields which can be used to perform searches
	var $pagination          = 'mixed';     # Pagination style 'links' 'select' 'mixed'
	var $orderArrows         = true;		# If true show ordering arrows
	var $parameters          = '';          # Parameters needed by script
	var $keyfield            = '';          # This must be set to an unique field to identify the database work
	var $closeTags           = true;		# If this is set to true the XHTML Tags like <IMG> <BR> will be closed with <IMG /> <BR /> etc.
	var $salt                = 'salt&pepper'; # String to add to MD5 Validations.
	var $FormName            = '';          # Defines if the generated HTML will be between <form> and </form> Tags
	var $doForm              = false;       # Defines if the generated HTML will be between <form> and </form> Tags
	var $methodForm          = 'POST';      # Defines method to use to call ajax. valid 'POST', 'GET'
	var $ajaxEditable        = '';			# If enabled, then user will be able to edit fields in place.
	var $linksperpage        = 5;           # Number of links to show contiguous in pagination
	var $decimalDigits       = 2;           # Number of decimal places in numbers
	var $decimalsep          = ".";         # Decimal separator
	var $dgAjaxChanged       = "#FF0000";   # Color to display when data is AJAX updated
	var $addonClic           = "DG_addrow()";  # Function to invoke when add button is pressed
	var $edtonClic			 = "DG_editrow(\"%s\",\"%s\")"; # Function to invoke when editrow button is pressed
	var $delonClic 			 = "DG_deleterow(\"%s\",\"%s\")"; # Function to invoke when delete button is pressed
	var $srconClic 			 = "DG_showSearchBox()"; # Function to invoke when search button is pressed
	var $vieonClic 			 = "DG_viewrow(\"%s\",\"%s\")"; # Function to invoke when view button is pressed
	var $actionCloseDiv      = "DG_sii(\"addDiv\",\"\");"; #Function to invoke when close button is closed when "adding", "editing" or "viewing"
	var $hasChart            = false;       # Defines if chart fields where defined
	var $hasCalcs            = "false";     # Defines if calculated fields where defined
	var $numerics			 = "0-1-2-3-4-double-float-integer-signed-count-percentage-promille";
	var $checkable           = false;       # Allows to select multiples rows simultaneous for make transactions
	var $poweredby           = false;        # Show in the last row the powered by phpMyDataGrid Leyend.
	var $showToOf            = true;        # Show message "Displaying record 1 to 20 of 241"
	var $sql                 = "";          # SQL To execute (optional, if this is empty then is build based on added fields.)
	var $totalize            = array();     # Define columns to totalize.
											# determines the numeric allowed mask
	var $color4Charts        = Array("#B69133","#74D06D","#99DDD2","#6491DA","#3ECC41","#467665","#268B2D","#DE8667","#5ADEA1","#E8A51A","#9A77E4",
									 "#95C97A","#2EC3B0","#A93DD7","#BCC4B4");  // Predefined colors to show BarCharts.
	var $images = array(
			'add'         => 'add.png',
			'ajax'        => 'ajax.gif',
			'ASC'         => 'asc.png',
			'cancel'      => 'cancel.png',
			'close'       => 'close.png',
			'DESC'        => 'desc.png',
			'down'        => 'down.png',
			'down_off'    => 'down_off.png',
			'edit'        => 'edit.png',
			'erase'       => 'erase.png',
			'minidown'    => 'minidown.png',
			'miniup'      => 'miniup.png',
			'save'        => 'save.png',
			'search'      => 'search.png',
			'up'          => 'up.png',
			'up_off'      => 'up_off.png',
			'view'        => 'view.png'
	var $message = array( 
			'cancel' 	  => 'Cancel',
			'close' 	  => 'Close',
			'save'	 	  => 'Save',
			'saving'      => 'Saving . . .',
			'loading'     => 'Loading . . .',
			'edit'	 	  => 'Edit',
			'delete'  	  => 'Delete',
			'add'    	  => 'New',
			'view'    	  => 'View',
			'addRecord'	  => 'Add record',
			'edtRecord'	  => 'Edit record',
			'chkRecord'	  => 'View record',
			'false'       => 'No',
			'true'        => 'Yes',
			'prev'        => 'Previous',
			'next'        => 'Next',
			'confirm'	  => 'Delete record?',
			'search' 	  => 'Search', 
			'resetSearch' => 'Reset Search',
			'doublefield' => 'Duplicate field definition',
			'norecords'   => 'No records found',
			'errcode'     => 'Error in Data [Incorrect verification code]',
			'noinsearch'  => 'Field not available for search',
			'noformdef'   => 'To use "checkable" feature you must define a FORM name by using Form Function',
			'cannotadd'   => 'Can not add records to this grid',
			'cannotedit'  => 'Can not edit records in this grid',
			'cannotsearch'=> 'Can not make searchs in this grid',
			'cannotdel'   => 'Can not delete records in this grid',
			'sqlerror'    => 'SQL Error found in query:',
			'errormsg'    => 'Error Message:',
			'errorscript' => 'SQL Error in script:',
			'display'     => 'Displaying rows',
			'to'          => 'to',
			'of'          => 'of'
	# language: Defines the language to show messages
	function language($language){
    function connectSqlite($file ){

            $this->link=new PDO('sqlite:'.$file); 
        }catch(PDOException $e){ 
                $this->link=new PDO('sqlite2:'.$file); 
            }catch(PDOException $e){ 
                exit('sqlite2 db error!'); 
    /* conectadb: This function is used to connect with the database, native support is for the Mysql driver in php, also, is supported the ADO DB class */
    function connectdb($strServer, $strUsername, $strPassword, $strDatabase, $useADOdb=false, $strType="mysql", $intPort=3306){
        $this -> backtick = "`";
        $strSQL = "";
            if (function_exists('mysqli_connect2')) {
                $this->link = new mysqli($strServer, $strUsername, $strPassword, $strDatabase, $intPort);
                if (mysqli_connect_errno())
                    $this->SQLerror("mysqli_connect('$strServer', $strUsername, ******, '$strDatabase', $intPort))", mysqli_connect_error());

                if (!empty($strSQL))
                    if (!$this->link->query($strSQL)) $this->SQLerror($strSQL, $this->link->error);

				 $this->link->query( 'SET NAMES utf8'  );
            } else {
                $this->link = mysql_connect($strServer . ":" . $intPort, $strUsername, $strPassword) or $this->SQLerror("mysql_connect('$strServer:$intPort', $strUsername, ******))", mysql_error());
                $resSelect = mysql_select_db($strDatabase);
				 mysql_query( 'SET NAMES utf8'  );
                if (!$resSelect) $this->SQLerror("mysql_select_db($strDatabase)", mysql_error());
                if (!empty($strSQL)) mysql_query($strSQL) or $this->SQLerror($strSQL, mysql_error());


    }/* End of conectadb : function() */

	 function SQL_exec($sql ){
		// echo $sql ;
			$this->link->exec($sql) or  die(print_r( $this->link->errorInfo(), true  ));
			if(! mysql_query($sql) )   
				$this->SQLerror($strQuery, mysql_error());
				$this->queryError = true;

    /* SQL_query: function used to query the database */
    function SQL_query($strQuery, $limit=-1, $offset=-1){
        $this->queryError = false;
        $arrResult = array(); $numRows = 0;
			 if (substr(trim(strtolower($strQuery)),0,6) == "select"){
				foreach($rs  as $rstmp){ 

		 $strQuery .= (($limit != -1)?" LIMIT " . $limit : "");
            $strQuery .= (($limit != -1 and $offset != -1) ? "," . $offset : "");
            if (function_exists('mysqli_connect2')) {
                if ($result = $this->link->query($strQuery)) {
                    if (substr(trim(strtolower($strQuery)),0,6) == "select"){
                        $numRows = $result->num_rows;
                        while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) $arrResult[] = $row;
                    unset($result, $row);
                } else {
                    $this->SQLerror($strQuery, $this->link->error);
                    $this->queryError = true;
            } else {
                $objRes = mysql_query($strQuery);
                if ($objRes){
                    if (substr(trim(strtolower($strQuery)),0,6) == "select")
                        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($objRes)){ $arrResult[] = $row; $numRows++;};
                    unset($objRes, $row);
                    $this->SQLerror($strQuery, mysql_error());
                    $this->queryError = true;
        $this->NR_lastQuery = $numRows;
        return $arrResult;
    }/* End of SQL_query : function() */

    /* desconectar: This function is used to disconnect from the database */
    function desconectar(){
        if ($this->isSqlite){
            if (function_exists('mysqli_connect2')) {
                $result = @mysqli_close($this->link);
                if (!$result) $this->SQLerror("mysqli_close()", $this->link->error);
            } else {
                $result = @mysql_close($this->link);
                if (!$result) $this->SQLerror("mysql_close()", mysql_error());
    }/* End of desconectar : function() */

    # SQLerror: This function is used internally to handle SQL errors
	function SQLerror($strQuery, $strError){
		$sl = ($this->closeTags)?"/":"";						    # This variable must be inserted on each XHTML field which need to be closed with an / (<img ... />).
		$errMsg = "<div id='DG_sqlerror' class='dgError'><strong>".$this->message["sqlerror"]."</strong> $strQuery<br $sl><br $sl><strong>".$this->message["errormsg"]." </strong>$strError</div>";
		if (!empty($this->strMailErrors)){
			$strSubjet=$this->message["errorscript"]." ".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
			mail($this->strMailErrors, $strSubjet, $errMsg);
		if ($this->bolShowErrors) echo $errMsg;

	# reportSQLErrorsTo: Define an e-mail to report any SQL errors
	function reportSQLErrorsTo($strMail, $bolShow=true){
		$this->strMailErrors = $strMail;
		$this->bolShowErrors = $bolShow;
	# sqlstatement: Set the SELECT SQL instructions to execute#
	function sqlstatement($sql){
		$this->sql = $sql;

	# tabla: Defines the table name to make the query
	function tabla($tabla){
		$this->tablename = $tabla;

	# where: Defines the where statement in query
	function where($strWhere){
		$this->where= $strWhere;
	# groupby: Defines the GROUP BY statement in query
	function groupby($strGroup){
		$this->groupby= $strGroup;

	# orderby: Defines the ordering field and orientation
	function orderby($field, $order="ASC"){
		$this->orderColName = $field;
		if (!($order=="ASC" or $order=="DESC")) $order="ASC";
		$this->orderExpr    = $order;

	# keyfield: This must be set to an unique field to identify the database rows
	function keyfield($keyfield){
		$this->keyfield = $keyfield;

	# setAction: used to change the original function of buttons
	function setAction($action, $event){
		$action = strtolower($action);
		if (in_array($action, array("add", "edit", "delete", "search", "view"))) {
			switch ($action){
				case "add"   : $this->addonClic = $event; break;
				case "edit"  : $this->edtonClic = $event; break;
				case "delete": $this->delonClic = $event; break;
				case "search": $this->srconClic = $event; break;
				case "view"  : $this->vieonClic = $event; break;
	# validField: Determines if a field is in Fieldlist or Not to avoid SQL injection
	function validField($strfieldName){
		if (in_array($strfieldName, $this->getFields())) return true; else return false;

	# decimalDigits: Number of decimal places in numbers
	function decimalDigits($digits){
		$this->decimalDigits = $digits;

	# decimalPoint: Defines the decimal separator
	function decimalPoint($char){

	# getFields: returns an array with fields defined in FormatColumn
	function getFields($filter=''){
		$arrFilter = explode(",",$filter);
		$arrField = array();
		foreach($this->fieldsArray as $value) {
			$fldType = $value["inputtype"]; 
			if (empty($filter)){
				$arrField[] = $value["strfieldName"]; 
				if(in_array($fldType, $arrFilter)){
					$arrField[] = $value["strfieldName"]; 
		return $arrField;
	# friendlyHTML: Defines if make linebreaks on generated HTML
	function friendlyHTML(){
		$this->friendlyHTML = true;

	# closeTags: If this is set to true the XHTML Tags like <IMG> <BR> will be closed with <IMG /> <BR /> etc.
	function closeTags($bolStat){
		$this->closeTags = $bolStat;
	# Form: Defines if the generated HTML will be between <form> and </form> Tags
	function Form($formName, $doForm=true){
		$this->doForm = $doForm;
		$this->FormName = $formName;

	# methodForm: Defines METHOD to use to call ajax. valid 'POST', 'GET'
	function methodForm($methodForm){
		$this->methodForm = strtoupper($methodForm);
		if (!($methodForm=="POST" or $methodForm=="GET")) $methodForm="GET";

	# salt: String to add to MD5 Validations.
	function salt($salt){
		$this->salt = $salt;

	# total: Defines the fields to be totalized per page in the grid.
	function total($fields){
		$this->totalize = explode(",",$fields);
	# AjaxChanged: Color to display when data is AJAX updated
	function AjaxChanged($strColor){
		$this->dgAjaxChanged = $strColor;

	# checkable: Allows to select multiples rows simultaneous for make transactions
	function checkable($status=true){
		if (empty($this->FormName))
			die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['noformdef']."</div>");
			$this->checkable = $status;

	# TituloGrid: Defines the title to show in the Grid Header
	function TituloGrid($titulo){
		$this->titulo = $titulo;

	# FooterGrid: Defines the footer to show in the Grid 
	function FooterGrid($text){
		$this->footer = $text;

	# linksperpage: Defines the number of links to show contiguous in pagination
	function linksperpage($amount){
		$this->linksperpage = $amount;

	# pathtoimages: Defines the path for images
	function pathtoimages($path){
		$this->imgpath = $path;
	# noorderarrows: if this function is called, the ordering arrows will not be show
	function noorderarrows(){
		$this->orderArrows = false;

	# datarows: Is used to define the amount of records to be shown in the grid
	function datarows($intLines){
		$this->maxRec = $intLines;

	# buttons: Define what buttons do you want to show
	function buttons($bolAdd,$bolUpd,$bolDel,$bolChk=false){
		$this->addBtn = $bolAdd;
		$this->updBtn = $bolUpd;
		$this->delBtn = $bolDel;
		$this->chkBtn = $bolChk;

	# paginationmode: Defines the pagination style
	function paginationmode ($pgm){
		if (!in_array($pgm, array("links","select","mixed"))) $pgm="mixed";

	# FormatColumn: Define fields to show and their settings
	function FormatColumn($strfieldName, $strHeader, $fieldWidth=0, $maxlength=0, $inputtype=0, $columnwidth=0, $align= 'center', $Mask='text', $default='', $cutChar=0){
		if ( $strfieldName=="" or !$this->validField( $strfieldName)){
			$mask = strtolower($Mask);
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["strfieldName"] = $strfieldName; 		  # Field Name
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["strHeader"]    = $strHeader; 			  # Title to show in top of grid
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["fieldWidth"]   = $fieldWidth;			  # Input size
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["maxlength"]    = $maxlength; 			  # Input maxlength
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["columnwidth"]  = intval($columnwidth)."px"; # Column width
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["align"]        = $align;                 # Left, center, right, justify
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["mask"]         = $Mask;                  # Mask for data output
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["default"]      = $default;  			  # Default value for new records
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["select"]       = '';                     # Auxiliar field for data in masks (check, select)

			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["cutChar"]      = $cutChar;               # Amount of chars to show.
			if ($mask=='textarea') $datatype='textarea';
			if (substr($mask,0,5)=='image') $datatype='image';
			if (substr($mask,0,9)=='imagelink'){ $datatype='imagelink'; }
			$pmask = !(strpos($this->numerics,trim($mask)) === false);
			if (substr($mask,0,5)=='money' or $pmask)$datatype='number';
			if (substr($mask,0,4)=='date') $datatype='date';
			if (substr($mask,0,4)=='link') $datatype='link';
			if (substr($mask,0,4)=='calc') {$datatype='calc'; $this->hasCalcs = "true"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'> var thereisCalc = true;</script>";  $inputtype=3; }
			if (substr($mask,0,5)=='chart'){$datatype='chart'; $this->hasChart = true; $inputtype=5; 
				if (strpos($mask,':') > 0) {
					$arrMask=explode(':',$Mask); $arrMask=array_slice($arrMask,1);
				$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["select"] = $arrMask;
			if (substr($mask,0,4)=='bool' or substr($mask,0,5)=='check'){ $datatype='check';
				if (strpos($mask,':') > 0) {
					$arrMask=explode(':',$Mask); $arrMask=array_slice($arrMask,1);
				$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["select"] = $arrMask;
			if (substr($mask,0,6)=='select'){ $datatype='select';
				$maskData = array();
				if (strpos($mask,':') >0 ){
					if (strtoupper(substr($mask[1],0,7)) == 'SELECT ') {					#Select data from Table. Format [SELECT key, value FROM table]
                        $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($mask[1]);
                        foreach($arrData as $arrResult){
					}else{ 																	#literal select: keyfield must be of the same datatype as the list
						foreach ($arrMask as $ArrData)	{
							$arrOptions = explode( '_', $ArrData);
							$rowID = $arrOptions[0];
							if (isset($arrOptions[1])) $rowName = $arrOptions[1]; else $rowName = $rowID;
					$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["select"] = $maskData;
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["datatype"] = $datatype;
			$this->fieldsArray["$strfieldName"]["inputtype"] = $inputtype; 			  # 0=text 1=readonly 2=hidden, 4=non-field relation Image or Calc
				// numberformats:  with decimals as 0,1,2,3,4, integer, signed, count, percentage, promille, boolean
				// text: gives an input; textarea gives a textarea
				// money as money:sign  i.e money:$ or money:&euro
				// date as date:format:separator i.e. date:dmy:- or date:mdy:/
			die("<div id='DG_sqlerror' class='dgError'>".$this->message['doublefield'].":<strong> [$strfieldName]</strong></div>");
	# setHeader: Defines the CSS and JS files to be used
	function setHeader($phpScriptFile="", $jsFile = "js/dgscripts.js", $cssFile = "css/dgstyle.css"){
		if (empty($phpScriptFile)) $phpScriptFile = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
		$sl = ($this->closeTags)?"/":"";						    # This variable must be inserted on each XHTML field which need to be closed with an / (<img ... />).
		$br = ($this->friendlyHTML)?"\n":"";						# This variable must be inserted on each HTML output to format the generated code.
		if (!isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"])) {
			echo "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='$cssFile' $sl>$br";
			echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='$jsFile'></script>$br";
			echo "<script type='text/javascript'>$br".
					"var scrName = '$phpScriptFile';$br".
					"var imgpath = '$this->imgpath';$br".
					"var params = '$this->parameters';$br".
					"var camposearch = '$this->search';$br".
					"var txtDelete = '".$this->message["confirm"]."';$br".
					"var txtSave = '".$this->message["save"]."';$br".
					"var txtCancel = '".$this->message["cancel"]."';$br".
					"var methodForm = '$this->methodForm';$br".
					"var dgAjaxChanged = '$this->dgAjaxChanged';$br".
					"var txtSaving = '".$this->message["saving"]."';$br".
					"var txtLoading = '".$this->message["loading"]."';$br".
					"var thereisCalc = ".$this->hasCalcs.";$br".
					"var decimalPoint = '$this->decimalsep';$br".
					"var decimals = '$this->decimalDigits';$br".
					"var imgSave = '".$this->images["save"]."';$br".
					"var imgCancel = '".$this->images["cancel"]."';$br".
					"var imgAjax = '".$this->images["ajax"]."';$br".
					"function selected_checks(){".$br.
						"var sel_checks = new Array();$br";
		if ($this->checkable){
			echo "var type_elts = typeof(document.forms['$this->FormName'].elements['chksel[]']);$br".
				"var elts_a = ((type_elts) != 'undefined')?document.forms['$this->FormName'].elements['chksel[]']:'';$br".
				"var elts_cnt_a  = (typeof(elts_a.length) != 'undefined')?elts_a.length:0;$br".
				"if (elts_cnt_a) {".$br.
				"	counter_a = 0;$br".
				"	for (var i_a = 0; i_a < elts_cnt_a; i_a++) {".$br.
				"		if ( elts_a[i_a].checked){".$br.
				"			sel_checks[counter_a] = elts_a[i_a].value;$br".
				"			counter_a++;$br".
				"		};$br".
				"	};$br".
		echo "return sel_checks;$br".

	# searchby: Defines the list of fields which can be used to perform searches
	function searchby($listoffields=''){
		$this->search = $listoffields;

	# searchby: Defines the ajax style to edit 'DEFAULT', 'SILENT', '' -> If not ajax edition allowed
	function ajax($style='DEFAULT'){
		$br = ($this->friendlyHTML)?"\n":"";						# This variable must be inserted on each HTML output to format the generated code.
		if (!in_array($style = strtolower($style),array ("default","silent",""))) $style = "";
		if ($style!=''){
			echo "<script type='text/javaScript'>$br";
			echo "var aColumns= ".$this->PhpArrayToJsObject_Recurse($this->fieldsArray).";$br";
			echo "var ajaxStyle = '$style';$br";
			echo "</script>$br";

	# linkparam: Defines the list of parameters needed to propagate
	function linkparam($param){
		if (substr($param,0,1) != "&") $param = "&".$param;
		$this->parameters = $param;
	# selectCombo: Create a Select option pop up to search in :select defined fieldsagate
	function selectCombo($strCampo, $Actual){
		$br = ($this->friendlyHTML)?"\n":"";						# This variable must be inserted on each HTML output to format the generated code.
		$sl = ($this->closeTags)?"/":"";						    # This variable must be inserted on each XHTML field which need to be closed with an / (<img ... />).
		if (in_array($strCampo,explode(",",str_replace(":select","",$this->search)))){
			$strSQL = "SELECT $strCampo FROM ".$this->tablename." GROUP BY $strCampo ORDER BY $strCampo;";
            $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($strSQL);
			$strSelect = "<select size='1' id='dg_schrstr' class='dgSelectpage' >";
			$exitLoop = false; $conteo = 0;
            foreach ($arrData as $rowRes){
				$value = $rowRes[$strCampo];
				if (!$exitLoop and !empty($value)){
					$strSelect.="<option value='$value' ";
					if ($Actual==$value) $strSelect.="selected='selected'";
			if ($conteo>0){
				echo $strSelect;
				echo "<input type='text' id='dg_schrstr' class='input' size='35' value='$Actual' οnkeypress='return DG_bl_enter(event)' $sl>$br";
			die("<div id='DG_sqlerror' class='dgError'>".$this->message['noinsearch'].":<strong> [$strCampo]</strong></div>");

	# extractLink: Build links in imagelink and in link styles
	function extractLink ($valuelist, $rowRes){
		$valuelist = str_replace("\\,","[comma]",$valuelist);
		if (strpos($valuelist,',')>0){
			$i=0; $comma = "";
			foreach ($arrAction as $therow){ 
				$arrAction[$i]= $comma."'".$rowRes[$arrAction[$i]]."'";
		return $action;

	# putAcutes: Convert characters like á é í ... in the á equivalent
	function putAcutes($strText){
		$strText = str_replace( "á" , "á", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "é" , "é", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "í" , "í", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "ó" , "ó", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "ú" , "ú", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "Á" , "Á", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "É" , "É", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "Í" , "Í", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "Ó" , "Ó", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "Ú" , "Ú", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "Ñ" , "Ñ", $strText);
		$strText = str_replace( "ñ" , "ñ", $strText);
		return $strText;

	# grid: Main function, draws the table
	function grid(){
		$br = ($this->friendlyHTML)?"\n":"";						# This variable must be inserted on each HTML output to format the generated code.
		$sl = ($this->closeTags)?"/":"";						    # This variable must be inserted on each XHTML field which need to be closed with an / (<img ... />).
		$strNew=""; $strSearch=""; $orderby =""; $where= ""; $orderExpr="";
		foreach ($this->fieldsArray as $column){
			$columnName = $column["strfieldName"];
			if (substr($mask,0,5)=='money') {
				$mask = $mask.":".$this->decimalsep;
				if (strpos($this->numerics,$mask) > 0) $mask.= ":x:".$this->decimalsep;
			$this->fieldsArray[$columnName]["mask"] = $mask;
		if (empty($this->keyfield) and ($this->delBtn or $this->updBtn or $this->chkBtn or !empty($this->ajaxEditable)))   # If the keyfield is empty and delete, edit, view or ajaxedition is enabled, then not run
			die("<span class='dgError'>You must define the Key Field for transactions like View, Edit, Delete or AJAX edition</span>");
		$DG_ajaxid  = (isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"]))?$_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"]:0;
		$schrstr = (isset($_REQUEST["dg_schrstr"]))?$_REQUEST["dg_schrstr"]:"";
		$ss      = trim(isset($_REQUEST["dg_ss"]))?$_REQUEST["dg_ss"]:"";

		# Create the where string
		$where = $this->where;
		if (!empty($where)) $where = " WHERE $where";
		if (in_array($ss,explode(",",str_replace(":select","",$this->search))) and !empty($schrstr)){
			$schrstr = $this->GetSQLValueString($schrstr, $this->fieldsArray[$ss]["mask"]);
			$where = ((empty($where))?" WHERE (":$where." AND (")." $ss like '%$schrstr%' )";

		# Create the GROUP BY string
		$groupby = $this->groupby;
		if (!empty($groupby)) $groupby = " GROUP BY $groupby";
		# End of where string creation
		switch ($DG_ajaxid) {
			case 2;
				if (!empty($this->search)){
					$fs = (isset($_REQUEST["fs"]))?$_REQUEST["fs"]:"";
					die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotsearch']."</div>");
			case 3:
				if ($this->delBtn){
					$rtd = $_REQUEST["dgrtd"];
					$vcode = $_REQUEST["dgvcode"];
					$md = md5($this->salt."Delete".$rtd);
					if ($vcode == $md){
						if (empty($where))
							$delWhere = " WHERE $this->keyfield=".magic_quote($rtd)." ";
							$delWhere = str_replace("WHERE", "WHERE ($this->keyfield=".magic_quote($rtd).") and ",$where);
						$strDelete = "DELETE FROM $this->tablename $delWhere  ";
                        $this -> SQL_exec($strDelete);
						die("<span class='dgError'>".$this->message["errcode"]."</span>");
					die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotdel']."</div>");
			case 4:
				if (!empty($this->ajaxEditable)){
					$dgrtd = $_REQUEST["dgrtd"];
					$vcode = $_REQUEST["dgvcode"];
					$nt = $_REQUEST["nt"];
					$arrDummy_a = explode("_AjaxDhtml", $dgrtd );
					$arrDummy_b = explode(".-.", $arrDummy_a[0]);
					$value = $arrDummy_b[0];
					$keyValue = trim($arrDummy_b[1]);
					$md = md5($this->salt.$value.":toEdit:".$keyValue);
					if ($vcode == $md){
						if (empty($where))
							$updWhere = " WHERE $this->keyfield='$keyValue' ";
							$updWhere = str_replace("WHERE", "WHERE ($this->keyfield='$keyValue') and ",$where);
						$nt = $this->GetSQLValueString($nt, $this->fieldsArray[$value]["mask"]);
						$strUpdate = "UPDATE $this->tablename set $value=".magic_quote($nt)." $updWhere  ";
                        $this -> SQL_exec($strUpdate);
						die("<span class='dgError'>".$this->message["errcode"]."</span>");
					die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotedit']."</div>");
			case 5;
				if ($this->addBtn or $this->updBtn or $this->chkBtn){
					echo "<div id='dgAdd$this->FormName' align='center' class='dgAddDiv' style='width:".$x."px; height:".$y."px;";
					if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")===false) echo "filter:alpha(opacity=97);";
					echo "'> ";
					$alt = false;
					echo "<table border='1' style='margin-top:30px' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
					echo "<tr align='left' class='dgAddTitle'>$br";
					echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'>$br";
					$dtrtd = $_REQUEST["dgrtd"];
					$isadding = (empty($dtrtd))?true:false;
					if ($isadding){
						if (!$this->addBtn){
							die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotadd']."</div>");
						$dtrtd = -1;
						$isediting = false;
						$isviewing = false;
						echo $this->message["addRecord"].$br;
						$rtd = $_REQUEST["dgrtd"];
						$vcode = $_REQUEST["dgvcode"];
						if (substr($vcode,0,4)=="view"){
							$md = "view".md5($this->salt."ViewRow".$rtd);
							$isediting = false;
							$isviewing = true;
							$md = md5($this->salt."EditRow".$rtd);
							$isediting = true;
							$isviewing = false;
						if ($vcode != $md){
							die("<span class='dgError'>".$this->message["errcode"]."</span>");
						if (!$this->updBtn and $isediting){
							die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotedit']."</div>");
						if (!$this->chkBtn and !$isediting){
							die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotedit']."</div>");
						if ($isediting){
							echo $this->message["edtRecord"].$br;
							echo $this->message["chkRecord"].$br;
						if (empty($where))
							$updWhere = " WHERE $this->keyfield=".magic_quote($dtrtd)." ";
							$updWhere = str_replace("WHERE", "WHERE ($this->keyfield=".magic_quote($dtrtd).") and ",$where);

						$strSelect = "SELECT ".implode(",",$this->getFields("0,1,2"))." FROM $this->tablename $updWhere  ";
                        $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($strSelect);
                        $rowRes = (isset($arrData[0])?$arrData[0]:array());
					echo "</td>$br</tr>$br";
					$hiddenFl = "";
					$campos = array();
					foreach ($this->getFields("0,1,2") as $value){
						$clAlt = ($alt)?"alt":"norm";
						$dataType   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['datatype'];
						$isreadonly =($this->fieldsArray[$value]['inputtype']==1)?true:false;
						$mask       = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['mask'];
						$ishidden   =($this->fieldsArray[$value]['inputtype']==2)?true:false;
						$fldLengt   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['maxlength'];
						$fldname    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strfieldName'];
						$selData    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['select'];
						$strHeader  = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strHeader'];
						if ($isadding)
							$default= $this->fieldsArray[$value]['default'];
							$default= $this->mask($rowRes[$value],$mask,$dataType,$selData,$rowRes);
						$class = "dgRows".$clAlt."TR";
						$strInput = "<tr align='left' class='$class'>$br";
						$strInput.= "<td class='dgAddNames' >$strHeader</td>$br";
						$strInput.= "<td class='dgAddInputs'>";
						if ($isreadonly or $ishidden or $isviewing){
							$fldData = "<input id='$fldname' type='hidden' value='$default' $sl>$br";
							if ($isreadonly or $isviewing) $strInput.=$default;
							if ($ishidden) $strInput = "";
							$campos[] = $fldname;
							switch ($dataType){
								case 'image': case 'imagelink': case 'link': case 'calc': case 'chart':
								case 'select':
									$strInput.= "<select id='$fldname' class='dgSelectpage' >$br";
									foreach ($selData as $key=>$value){
										$strInput.= "<option value='$key' $selected. >$value</option>$br";
									$strInput.= "</select>";	
									$campos[] = $fldname;
								case "check":
									$strInput.= $this->fieldsArray[$value]["select"][0]."/".$this->fieldsArray[$value]["select"][1]."$br";
									$strInput.= "<input id='$fldname' type='checkbox' $checked class='dgCheck'>$br";
									$campos[] = $fldname.":check";
								case "textarea":
									$strInput.= "<textarea id='$fldname' class'input' maxlength='$fldLengt' rows='".$this->fieldsArray[$value]["fieldWidth"]."' >$default</textarea>$br";
									$campos[] = $fldname;
									$strInput.= "<input id='$fldname' type='text' class='input' value='$default' maxlength='$fldLengt' $sl>";
									$campos[] = $fldname;
						if ($strInput!="") $strInput.= "</td>$br</tr>$br";
						echo $strInput;
						$alt = !$alt;
					echo "<tr class='dgAddButons'>$br";
					echo "<td colspan='2' align='center'>$br";
					echo "$hiddenFl$br";
					$strArrFields = "arrFields = new Array(\"".implode("\",\"",$campos)."\")";
					if ($isediting or $isadding){
						echo "<input type='button' value='".$this->message["save"]."' class='dgInput' οnclick='$strArrFields;DG_doSave(arrFields,\"$dtrtd\")' $sl>$br";
						echo "<input type='button' value='".$this->message["cancel"]."' class='dgInput' οnclick='DG_sii(\"addDiv\",\"\");' $sl>$br";
						echo "<input type='button' value='".$this->message["close"]."' class='dgInput' οnclick='{$this->actionCloseDiv}' $sl>$br";
					echo "</td>$br</tr>$br";
					echo "</table></div>";
					die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotadd']."</div>");
			case "6":
				if ($this->addBtn or $this->updBtn){
					$dtrtd = $_REQUEST["dgrtd"];
					$isadding = (empty($dtrtd))?true:false;
					if ($isadding){
						if (!$this->addBtn){
							die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotadd']."</div>");
						if (!$this->updBtn){
							die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotedit']."</div>");
						if (empty($where))
							$updWhere = " WHERE $this->keyfield='$dtrtd' ";
							$updWhere = str_replace("WHERE", "WHERE ($this->keyfield='$dtrtd') and ",$where);
					$sqlFields = "";$comma=""; $sqlValues="";
					foreach ($this->getFields("0,1,2") as $fldName){
						$vrField = $this->GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST[$fldName],$this->fieldsArray[$fldName]['mask']);
						if ($dtrtd==-1){
							$sqlFields = $sqlFields.$comma.$fldName;
							$sqlValues = $sqlValues.$comma.magic_quote($vrField);
							$sqlFields = $sqlFields.$comma.$fldName."=".magic_quote($vrField);
						$comma = ",";
					}//end foreach
					if ($dtrtd==-1)
						$strSQL = "INSERT INTO $this->tablename ($sqlFields) VALUES ($sqlValues)";
						$strSQL = "UPDATE $this->tablename SET $sqlFields $updWhere  ";

                        $this -> SQL_exec($strSQL);
					die("<div class='dgError'>".$this->message['cannotadd']."</div>");
		# Create the orderby string
		$order = $this->orderColName;
		if (isset($_REQUEST["dg_order"])) if ( $this->validField( $_REQUEST["dg_order"]) and !empty($_REQUEST["dg_order"])) $order = $_REQUEST["dg_order"];
		if (!empty($order)){
			$orderby   = " ORDER BY ".$order;
			$orderExpr = $this->orderExpr;
			if (isset($_REQUEST["dg_oe"])) $orderExpr = strtoupper($_REQUEST["dg_oe"]); 
			if ($orderExpr=="ASC" or $orderExpr=="DESC")
				$orderby.= " $orderExpr";
		# End of order by string creation
		# Define the number for the initial record to show
		$recno = $this->recno;
		if (isset($_REQUEST["dg_r"])) $recno = $_REQUEST["dg_r"];
		$recno = intval($recno);
		if (!isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"])) {
			if ($this->doForm)	 # if true then generate <form> and </form> Tags
				echo "$br<form method='".strtolower($this->methodForm)."' action='".basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])."' id='$this->FormName' >$br"; 
			echo "<!-- Powered by phpMyDataGrid - Version: ".$this->dgVersion."-->$br";
			# Draw the search box
			if (!empty($this->search)){
				echo "<div id='DG_srchDIV' align='center' class='dgSearchDiv'>$br";
				echo "<span class='dgSearchTit' οnmοusedοwn='DG_clickCapa(event, this)' οnmοuseup='DG_liberaCapa()'>".$this->message["search"]."</span>$br";
				echo "<img style='cursor:pointer; float:right' src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["close"]."' alt='[X]' width='16' height='16' οnclick='DG_hss(\"DG_srchDIV\",\"none\")' $sl>$br";
				echo "<div id='DG_subdiv' class='dgInnerDiv' align='center'>$br";
				echo "<br $sl><br $sl><select size='1' id='dg_ss' class='dgSelectpage' ";
				if (substr_count($this->search, ':')>0) echo "οnchange='DG_setsearch(this.value,\"$schrstr\")'";
				echo ">$br";
				$selectFields = ""; $ActualIsSelect=0;
				foreach ($fields4search as $FldOption){
		   	    	if ($hasSelect= (substr_count($FldOption, ':')>0)){
						$ActualIsSelect=(($FldOption = trim(str_replace(":select", "", $FldOption)))==$ss);
					foreach ($this->fieldsArray as $column){
							if ($hasSelect){
								$coma=(!empty($selectFields) and !empty($column["strfieldName"]))?",":"";
							echo "<option value='".$column["strfieldName"]."' ";
							if ($ss==$column["strfieldName"]) echo "selected";
							echo ">".$column["strHeader"]."</option>$br";
				echo "</select><br $sl><br $sl>$br<span id='searchBox'>$br";
				echo "<input type='hidden' id='boxshr' value='0' $sl>$br";
				if ($ActualIsSelect){
					echo "<input type='text' id='dg_schrstr' class='input' size='35' value='$schrstr' οnkeypress='return DG_bl_enter(event)' $sl>$br";
				$display = (empty($schrstr))?"none":"inline";
				echo "</span><img border='0' id='imgsearch' src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["view"]."' width='16' height='16' alt='".$this->message['search']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='DG_doSearch();' $sl>$br";
				echo "<br $sl><br $sl><span id='rstsearch' style='display:$display'>$br";
				echo "<a href='javascript:DG_resetSearch();' class='dgBold' >".$this->message['resetSearch']."</a></span>$br";
				echo "</div></div>$br";
				echo "<input type='hidden' id='dg_ss' value='' $sl>$br";
				echo "<input type='hidden' id='dg_schrstr' value='' $sl>$br";
			#End searchBox
			echo "<div id='ajaxDHTMLDiv' style='display:inline;position:absolute;'></div>$br";
			echo "<div id='addDiv' class='dgAddDiv' style='display:inline;position:absolute;'></div>$br";
			echo "<div id='dgDiv' class='dgMainDiv'>$br"; 
		# Build SELECT SQL String to count total of records
		$pagSelect = "SELECT count(*) FROM $this->tablename $where $groupby $orderby";
		$fltypes = "0,1,3,4,5";
		#Draw the Grid
		echo "<table id='dgTable' class='dgTable' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>$br";
		$strHeader = "<tr align='center'>$br"; $fieldsCount = 0;
		if ($this->checkable) {
			$strHeader.="<td class='dgTitles' style='width:16px'>$br";
			$strHeader.="<div class='checkbox' οnclick='DG_setCheckboxes(\"$this->FormName\", this.checked)'>$br";
			$strHeader.="<input type='checkbox' $sl>$br";
		foreach ($this->getFields($fltypes) as $fldName){					# Show table headers
			$strHeader.="<td class='dgTitles'>";
			if ($this->orderArrows and !in_array($this->fieldsArray[$fldName]['inputtype'], array(2,3,4))){
				$strHeader.="<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='width:100%'>$br";
				$strHeader.="<tr>$br<td class='dgArrows' style='vertical-align:bottom'>$br";
				$strHeader.="<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["miniup"]."' class='dgImgLink' alt='^' onClick=\"DG_orderby('".$this->fieldsArray[$fldName]["strfieldName"]."','ASC')\" $sl></td>$br";
				$strHeader.="<td rowspan='2' style='vertical-align:middle;' align='center'>$br";
			if ($order == $this->fieldsArray[$fldName]['strfieldName']){
				if (!empty($orderExpr)){
					$arrowName = $this->imgpath.$this->images["$orderExpr"];
					if (file_exists($arrowName)) $strHeader.= "<img src='$arrowName' alt='$orderExpr' width='10' height='10' $sl>$br";
			if ($this->orderArrows and !in_array($this->fieldsArray[$fldName]['inputtype'], array(2,3,4))){
				$strHeader.="<tr>$br<td class='dgArrows' style='vertical-align:top'>$br";
				$strHeader.="<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["minidown"]."' class='dgImgLink' alt='v' onClick=\"DG_orderby('".$this->fieldsArray[$fldName]["strfieldName"]."','DESC')\" $sl></td>$br</tr>$br</table>$br";
			$strHeader.= "</td>$br";
		$widthtop = 0;
		if ($this->addBtn) $widthtop+= 22;
		if (!empty($this->search)) $widthtop+= 22;
		$widthbottom = 0;
		if ($this->chkBtn) $widthbottom+= 22;
		if ($this->updBtn) $widthbottom+= 22;
		if ($this->delBtn) $widthbottom+= 22;
		$width = ($widthtop>$widthbottom)?$widthtop:$widthbottom;
		if ($width != 0){
			# Add cell to header for buttons add & Search
			$strHeader.= "<td align='right' class='dgTitles' style='width:".$width."px'><div style='width:".$width."px'>";
			$strNew    = ($this->addBtn)?"<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["add"]."' alt='".$this->message['add']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='$this->addonClic' $sl>":"";
			$strSearch = (!empty($this->search))?"<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["search"]."' alt='".$this->message['search']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='$this->srconClic' $sl>":"";
			$strHeader.= $strNew . $strSearch."</div></td>$br</tr>$br";
			$colsToAdd = 1;
			$colsToAdd = 0;
		if ($this->checkable) $colsToAdd++;
		if (!empty($this->titulo))
			$strHeader = "<tr align='center'><td colspan='".($fieldsCount+$colsToAdd)."' class='dgHeader'>$this->titulo</td></tr>$br" . $strHeader;
		echo $strHeader;

        $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($pagSelect);

        if (empty($groupby))
            $intRecords = $arrData[0][0];
            $intRecords = $this -> NR_lastQuery;
		$recno = ($recno>$intRecords)?$intRecords:$recno;
		# Build SELECT SQL String to count total of records

		$arrSQLFld = $this->getFields("0,1,4,5");
		if (!empty($this->keyfield) and !in_array($this->keyfield,$arrSQLFld)) $arrSQLFld[] = $this->keyfield;
		$sqlFields = implode(",", $arrSQLFld);

		if ($this->hasChart){  // If chart fields are defined
			$arrChart = array();
			$maxValues = array();
			if (empty($this->sql)) 
				$strSelect = "SELECT $sqlFields FROM $this->tablename $where $groupby $orderby LIMIT $recno, $this->maxRec";
				$strSelect = $this->sql." $where $orderby $orderby LIMIT $recno, $this->maxRec";
			$exitLoop = false;
			$chartColor = 0;
            $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($strSelect);
            foreach ($arrData as $rowRes){
				if (!$exitLoop){
					$keyValue = $rowRes[$this->keyfield];
					foreach ($this->getFields("5") as $key=>$value){
						$dataType   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['datatype'];
						$fldname    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strfieldName'];
						$select     = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['select'];
						$rowValue = $rowRes[$value]; 
						if ($dataType=="chart") {
							$arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue] = $rowValue;
							$arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue."c"] = $this->color4Charts[$chartColor];
							$arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue."s"] = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['select'];
							$maxValue = (isset($select[1]))?$select[1]:"max";
							switch ($maxValue){
								case "sum" : 
									$actualValue = (isset($maxValues[$fldname]))?$maxValues[$fldname]:0;
									$actualValue+= $rowValue;
									$maxValues[$fldname] = $actualValue;
								case "max" :
									$actualValue = (isset($maxValues[$fldname]))?$maxValues[$fldname]:0;
									if ($rowValue > $actualValue) 
										$maxValues[$fldname] = $rowValue;
										$maxValues[$fldname] = $actualValue;
								case "val" : 
									$maxValues[$fldname] = $select[2];
							$chartColor++; if ($chartColor>70) $chartColor=0;
		if (empty($this->sql)) 
			$strSelect = "SELECT $sqlFields FROM $this->tablename $where $groupby $orderby LIMIT $recno, $this->maxRec";
			$strSelect = $this->sql." $where $groupby $orderby LIMIT $recno, $this->maxRec";
        $arrData = $this -> SQL_query($strSelect);

		$paginas = ceil(($intRecords/$this->maxRec));

		## Begin of process to draw rows
		$exitLoop = false;
		$alt = false; $countRecords = 0;
		$totalColumn = array();
		$keyTemp = 0;
		foreach ($arrData as $rowRes){
			if (!$exitLoop){
				if (empty($this->keyfield)){
					$keyValue = $keyTemp; $keyTemp++;
					$keyValue = $rowRes[$this->keyfield];
				$clAlt = ($alt)?"alt":"norm";
				echo "<tr class='dgRows".$clAlt."TR'>$br";

				if ($this->checkable){
					echo "<td align='center' class='dgRow$clAlt' >$br";
					echo "<div class='checkbox'>$br";
					echo "<input type='checkbox' name='chksel[]' value='$keyValue' $sl></div>$br</td>$br";

				foreach ($this->getFields($fltypes) as $key=>$value){
					$dataType   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['datatype'];
					$isreadonly =($this->fieldsArray[$value]['inputtype']==1)?true:false;
					$mask       = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['mask'];
					$fldLengt   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['maxlength'];
					$columnwidth= $this->fieldsArray[$value]['columnwidth'];
					$fldAlign   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['align'];
					$fldname    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strfieldName'];
					$selData    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['select'];
					$strHeader  = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strHeader'];
					$cutChar    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['cutChar'];
					echo "<td class='dgRow$clAlt' align='$fldAlign'>$br";
					echo "<div id='$value.-.$keyValue' style='width:$columnwidth;' ";

					if (empty($this->ajaxEditable) or $isreadonly or in_array($dataType,array("link","image","imagelink","calc","chart"))){
						if ($dataType=='link') echo "class='dgLinks'"; 
						if ($dataType=='calc') echo "class='dgBold'";
						echo "οnclick='DG_D_edit(this,\"".md5($this->salt.$value.":toEdit:".$keyValue)."\")' ";
					echo ">$br";
					$rowValue = (isset($rowRes[$value]))?$this->putAcutes($rowRes[$value]):""; 
					$rowValue = ($rowValue=="" or is_null($rowValue))?" ":$rowValue;
					if (in_array($fldname, $this->totalize)){
						if (isset($totalColumn[$fldname]))
							$totalColumn[$fldname]+= $rowValue;
							$totalColumn[$fldname] = $rowValue;
					switch ($dataType){
						case 'image': case 'imagelink':
							if ($dataType=="imagelink"){
								list( $type, $imagedata, $valuelist) = explode( ':', $mask);
								list( $type, $imagedata) = explode( ':', $mask);
							if (!empty($imagedata)) $value=str_replace("%s",str_replace(" ","",$rowValue),$imagedata);
							if (file_exists($value)){
								echo "<img id='icn_{$fldname}.-.{$keyValue}' alt='$strHeader' src='$value' ";
									echo 'class="dgImgLink" οnclick="'.$this->extractLink ($valuelist, $rowRes).'"';
								echo " $sl>$br";
								echo "File not found: $value";
						case 'link': 
							list( $type, $valuelist) = explode( ':', $mask);
							echo "<a href=\"javascript:";
							echo $this->extractLink ($valuelist, $rowRes);
							echo "\">$rowValue</a>$br";
						case 'calc':
							list( $type, $e) = explode( ':', $mask); $eTC=$e;
							$e=str_replace("+"," ",$e);$e=str_replace("-"," ",$e);$e=str_replace("/"," ",$e);
							$e=str_replace("*"," ",$e);$e=str_replace("("," ",$e);$e=str_replace(")"," ",$e);
							$eTC=str_replace("+"," + ",$eTC);$eTC=str_replace("-"," - ",$eTC);
							$eTC=str_replace("/"," / ",$eTC);$eTC=str_replace("*"," * ",$eTC);
							$eTC=str_replace("("," ( ",$eTC);$eTC=str_replace(")"," ) ",$eTC);
							$varExpresion = explode(' ',$e);
							foreach ($varExpresion as $Field){
								$vrField = (empty($rowRes[$Field]))?0:$rowRes[$Field]; $mayDo= 0;
								foreach ($this->getFields() as $i){
									$vartmp = $this->fieldsArray[$i]["strfieldName"];
									if($vartmp==$Field) $mayDo=1;
								if ($mayDo==1) $eTC=str_replace(" ".$Field." ",$vrField, $eTC);
							eval("echo number_format(".$eTC.",$this->decimalDigits);");
						case 'chart':
							$percentChart = round((( $arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue] / $maxValues[$fldname] ) * 100),2); 
							$vts = $arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue."s"];
							switch ($vts[0]){
								case "percent": $valuetoShow = "$percentChart%"; break;
								case "value" : $valuetoShow = $this->mask($arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue],2,"number","",$rowRes); break;
								default : $valuetoShow = " "; break;
							echo "<div style='width:".$percentChart."%; background:".$arrChart[$fldname][$keyValue."c"]."' >".$valuetoShow."</div>$br";
							$rowValue = trim($rowValue); $rowValue = ($rowValue=="" or is_null($rowValue))?" ":$rowValue;
							if ($cutChar>0 and strlen($rowValue)>$cutChar) $rowValue = substr($rowValue,0,$cutChar)."...";
							echo $this->mask($rowValue,$mask,$dataType,$selData,$rowRes);
					echo "</div>$br";
					echo "</td>$br";
				if ($width != 0){
					echo "<td align='center' class='dgRow$clAlt'>";
					if ($this->chkBtn) printf ("<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["view"]."' alt='".$this->message['view']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='".$this->vieonClic."' $sl>",$keyValue,md5($this->salt."ViewRow".$keyValue));
					if ($this->updBtn) printf ("<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["edit"]."' alt='".$this->message['edit']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='".$this->edtonClic."' $sl>",$keyValue,md5($this->salt."EditRow".$keyValue));
					if ($this->delBtn) printf ("<img src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["erase"]."' alt='".$this->message['delete']."' class='dgImgLink' οnclick='".$this->delonClic."' $sl>",$keyValue,md5($this->salt."Delete".$keyValue));
					echo "</td>$br</tr>$br";
				$alt = !$alt;
		if ($countRecords==0){
			echo "<tr align='center'><td colspan='".($fieldsCount+$colsToAdd)."' class='dgError'>$br<strong>";
			echo $this->message['norecords'];
			echo "</strong></td>$br</tr>$br";
			if (!empty( $this->totalize)){
				echo "<tr class='dgTotRowsTR'>$br";
				if ($this->checkable) echo "<td class='dgRowsTot'> </td>";
				foreach ($this->getFields($fltypes) as $key=>$value){
					$dataType   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['datatype'];
					$mask       = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['mask'];
					$fldAlign   = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['align'];
					$fldname    = $this->fieldsArray[$value]['strfieldName'];
					echo "<td align='$fldAlign' class='dgRowsTot'>$br";
					if (in_array($fldname, $this->totalize))
						echo $this->mask($totalColumn[$fldname],$mask,$dataType,"",array());
						echo " ";
					echo "</td>$br";
				if ($width != 0){
					echo "<td colspan='".($colsToAdd)."' align='right' class='dgRowsTot'>$strNew$strSearch</td>$br</tr>$br";
					$strNew = "";
					$strSearch = " ";
		## Fin del proceso principal
		echo "<tr align='center'><td align='left' colspan='".($fieldsCount+($colsToAdd-1))."' class='dgPagRow'>$br";
		# Begin of Pagination Module
		if ($paginas>1) {				
			$pm = $this->pagination;
			$pinto=0; $pActual=-9999;
			for ($conteoPag=0; $conteoPag < $paginas; $conteoPag++)
				if (($recno>=$conteoPag * $this->maxRec) and ($recno < ( $conteoPag + 1 ) * $this->maxRec)) $pActual = $conteoPag;
			$pAnterior  = (($pActual - 1<0)?0:$pActual - 1)*$this->maxRec;
			$pSiguiente = (($pActual + 1>$paginas)?$paginas:$pActual + 1)*$this->maxRec;
			$imgTop = (($recno - $this->maxRec) < 0)?'_off':'';
			$imgBot = (($recno + $this->maxRec) >= $intRecords)?'_off':'';
			echo "<img class='dgImgLink' src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["up$imgTop"]."' alt='".$this->message['prev']."' border='0'";
			if ($imgTop!="_off") echo " οnclick='DG_chgpg($pAnterior)'";
			echo " $sl> $br";
			for ($conteoPag=0; $conteoPag < $paginas; $conteoPag++){
				$newinicial = $conteoPag * $this->maxRec;
				if ($pm == 'links' or $pm=='mixed'){
					$dgLA = $this->linksperpage;
					if ((($conteoPag > $pActual - ($dgLA + 1)) and ($conteoPag <= $pActual + $dgLA)) or ($conteoPag < $dgLA or $conteoPag>= $paginas - $dgLA)){
						if ($conteoPag==$pActual) {
							$strLink = "class='dgBold'"; $prn=0;
							$strLink = "class='dgLinks' οnclick='DG_chgpg($newinicial)'"; $prn=1;
						if ($prn == 1 or ($prn==0 and $pm=='links'))
							echo "<span $strLink>".($conteoPag+1)."</span> $br";
						if ($pinto==0){
							echo "...  $br";
				if (($pm == 'select' or $pm=='mixed') and $conteoPag==$pActual){
					echo "<select class='dgSelectpage' name='pages' size='1' οnchange='DG_chgpg(this.value);' >$br";
					for ($conteoSelect=0; $conteoSelect < $paginas; $conteoSelect++){
						$newinselect = ($conteoSelect ) * $this->maxRec;
						echo '<option ';
						if ($conteoSelect==$pActual) {
							echo 'selected ';
						echo "value='$newinselect'>".($conteoSelect+1)."</option>$br";
					echo "</select> $br";
			echo "<img class='dgImgLink' src='".$this->imgpath.$this->images["down$imgBot"]."' alt='".$this->message['next']."' border='0' ";
			if ($imgBot!="_off") echo " οnclick='DG_chgpg($pSiguiente)'";
			echo " $sl> <br $sl>$br";
		# End of Pagination Module
		if ($intRecords>0 and $this->showToOf) echo $this->message['display']." ".($recno+1)." ".$this->message['to']." ".($recno+$countRecords)." ".$this->message['of']." $intRecords<br $sl>$br";
		echo "</td>$br";

		echo "<td class='dgPagRow' align='right'>$strNew$strSearch</td>$br</tr>$br";
		if (!empty($this->footer))
			echo "<tr align='center'><td colspan='".($fieldsCount+$colsToAdd)."' class='dgFooter'>$this->footer</td></tr>$br";
		if (!empty($this->poweredby))
			echo "<tr align='center'><td colspan='".($fieldsCount+$colsToAdd)."'><br $sl><a href='' target='_blank'><img src='".$this->imgpath."poweredby.png' alt='Powered by phpMyDataGrid' border='0' $sl></a><br $sl></td></tr>$br";
		echo "</table>$br";

		# Control fields
		echo "<input type='hidden' id='dg_r' value='$recno' $sl>$br";
		echo "<input type='hidden' id='dg_order' value='$order' $sl>$br";
		echo "<input type='hidden' id='dg_oe' value='$orderExpr' $sl>$br";
		echo "<input type='hidden' id='ajaxDHTMLediting' value='0' $sl>$br"; 

		if (!isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"])) echo "</div>$br";
		if (!isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"]) and $this->doForm)	 # if true then generate <form> and </form> Tags
			echo "</form>$br"; 
		if (isset($_REQUEST["DG_ajaxid"])) die();

	function mask($value,$mask,$datatype,$aselect,$row){
		switch ($datatype){
			case 'number': 
				return $this->number_mask($value,$mask);
			case 'date':
				return $this->date_mask($value,$mask);
			case 'check':
				if (strpos($mask,':')>0){
					return  $arrMask[$value+1];
			case 'select':
				if (is_array($aselect) && !empty($value) && isset($aselect[$value])) return $aselect[$value]; else return $value;
				return $value;
	function number_mask($value,$mask){
		if (is_null($value) || is_numeric($value)==false) return $value;
		$decimalsep = $this->decimalsep; 
		if (strpos($mask,':')>0){
			$moneySign  = (empty($arrMask[1])) ? $moneySign:$arrMask[1];
			$decimalsep = (empty($arrMask[2])) ? $decimalsep:$arrMask[2];
		$thousandsep= ($decimalsep=='.') ? ',': '.';
		switch ($mask){
			case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': $retval=sprintf ('%s', number_format($value,$mask,$decimalsep,$thousandsep)); break; 
			case 'money': $retval=sprintf ('%s  %s', $moneySign, number_format($value,$this->decimalDigits,$decimalsep,$thousandsep)) ; break; 
			case 'count': case 'integer': case 'unsigned': $retval=sprintf ('%s', number_format($value,0,$decimalsep,$thousandsep)) ; break; 
			case 'percentage':$value=$value*100; $retval=sprintf ('%s ', number_format($value,$this->decimalDigits,$decimalsep,$thousandsep)).'%' ; break; 
			case 'promille': $value=$value*1000;$retval=sprintf ('%s ‰', number_format($value,$this->decimalDigits,$decimalsep,$thousandsep)) ; break; 
			default: $retval= number_format($value ,2,$decimalsep,$thousandsep); break;
		return $retval; 

	function date_mask($value,$mask){	
		if($value != "") {
			if (strpos($mask,':')>0){
				$format=(empty($arrMask[1])) ? $format : $arrMask[1];
				$separator=(empty($arrMask[2])) ? $separator: $arrMask[2];
			$arrDdate = $this->datecheck($value,'ymd','-', $format, $separator);
			if ($arrDdate != false)	$value =$arrDdate['todate'] ;
		return  $value;

	function datecheck($date,$format='ymd',$separator='-',$toformat='mdy',$toseparator='-') {
		$format = ($format=='')?'ymd':strtolower($format);
		if (count($datebits=explode($separator,$date))!=3) return false;
		$year = intval($datebits[strpos($format, 'y')]);
		$month = intval($datebits[strpos($format, 'm')]);
		$day = intval($datebits[strpos($format, 'd')]);
		$year=($year <10 )? '200'.$year:$year;
		$year=($year <50 )? '20' .$year:$year;
		$year=($year <100)? '19' .$year:$year;
		$month=($month <10)? '0' .$month:$month;
		$day=($day <10)? '0' .$day:$day;
		if (($month<1) || ($month>12) || ($day<1) || (($month==2) && ($day>28+(!($year%4))-(!($year%100))+(!($year%400)))) || ($day>30+(($month>7)^($month&1)))) return false; // date out of range 
		$arrDate= array('y' => $year, 'm' => $month, 'd' => $day, 'iso' => $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day, 'fromdate'=> $date, 'todate' => '' );
		$arrDate['todate'] = $arrDate[$toformat[0]].$toseparator.$arrDate[$toformat[1]].$toseparator.$arrDate[$toformat[2]];
		return $arrDate;

	function PhpArrayToJsObject_Recurse($array){   
		if(! is_array($array) ){
			if ($array === null) return null;
			return '"' . $array . '"';
		$retVal = "{"; $first = true;
		foreach($array as $key => $value){
			if (! $first ) $retVal .= ', '; $first = false;
			if (is_string($key)) $key = "\"$key\"";
			$retVal .= $key . " : " . $this->PhpArrayToJsObject_Recurse($value);
		return $retVal . "}";

	function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = 1, $theNotDefinedValue = 0) {
		$theValue = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
		if (strpos($theType,':')>0){
			$format=(empty($arrMask[1])) ? $format: $arrMask[1];
			$separator=(empty($arrMask[2])) ? $separator: $arrMask[2];
			$thousandsep= ($separator=='.') ? ',': '.';
		switch ($theType) {
			case "textarea": case "text": 
				$theValue = (!empty($theValue)) ? $theValue : ""; 
			case "0" : case "signed" : case 'count' : case "integer": 
				if ($theValue == "") { 
					$theValue = 0;
					$theValue = str_replace($thousandsep, '', $theValue);    
					$theValue = str_replace($separator, '.', $theValue);    
					$theValue = intval($theValue) ;
			case "money": 
				$Value= $theValue;
				while (!is_numeric(substr($Value,0,1))) $Value= trim(substr($Value,1,20));
				$theValue = $Value;
			case "1" : case "2" : case "3" : case "4" : case "float" : case "double":
				if ($theValue == "") {
					$theValue = 0;
					$theValue = str_replace($thousandsep, '', $theValue);    
					$theValue = str_replace($separator, '.', $theValue);  
					$theValue = floatval($theValue) ; 
			case "percentage":
				if ($theValue == "") {
					$theValue = 0;
					$theValue = trim(str_replace('%', '', $theValue));
					$theValue = str_replace($thousandsep, '', $theValue);    
					$theValue = str_replace($separator, '.', $theValue);    
					$theValue = floatval($theValue)/100 ;}
			case "promille":
				if ($theValue == "") {
					$theValue = 0;
					$theValue = trim(str_replace('‰', '', $theValue));
					$theValue = str_replace($thousandsep, '', $theValue);    
					$theValue = str_replace($separator, '.', $theValue);    
					$theValue = floatval($theValue)/1000 ;
			case "date": 
				if($theValue != "") {
					$adate = $this->datecheck($theValue,$format,$separator);
					$theValue = ($adate != false) ? $adate['iso'] : "0000-00-00";
					$theValue ="0000-00-00";
			case "bool": case "boolean": case "check": 
				$theValue = ($theValue ==""||$theValue=="0"||$theValue =="false") ?$theNotDefinedValue:$theDefinedValue;
				$theValue = ($theValue=="" or is_null($theValue)) ? "" : $theValue ;
		return $theValue;
function DGXtract($strHeader,$strInic,$strFin){
	$pInicial = strpos($strHeader, $strInic);
	$strFinal = substr($strHeader,$pInicial+strlen($strInic),strlen($strHeader));
	$pFinal = strpos($strFinal, $strFin);
	$strFinal = substr($strFinal,0,$pFinal);
	return $strFinal;
function oldmagic_quote($value){
   if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value = stripslashes($value);
   if (!is_numeric($value)) $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
   return $value;

function magic_quote($value)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value = stripslashes($value);
    if (!is_numeric($value)) $value = "'" . my_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
    return $value;

if (!function_exists('my_real_escape_string')){
    function my_real_escape_string($text){
        return strtr($text, array( "\x00" => '\x00', "\n" => '\n', "\r" => '\r', '\\' => '\\\\', "'" => "\'", '"' => '\"', "\x1a" => '\x1a'));


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template.class.php是一个在th3框架中用于处理模板的类文件。th3框架是一个开源的PHP框架,用于快速开发Web应用程序。 template.class.php提供了一些常用的方法和功能,用于加载、渲染和处理模板文件。它可以帮助开发人员将业务逻辑与界面展示分离,提高代码的可维护性和复用性。 在template.class.php中,最重要的方法是render方法。通过render方法可以加载指定的模板文件,并将传入的数据传递给模板。模板文件可以使用特定的标记语言或语法来插入变量、条件语句、循环等。在render方法中,可以使用相关的解析器将模板文件中的标记解析成对应的内容,并将解析后的内容返回给调用者。 除了render方法,template.class.php还提供了一些其他的辅助方法。例如,它可以在模板中引入其他模板文件,实现模块化的开发方式。还可以设置模板文件存放的路径、缓存模板文件等。 在使用template.class.php时,通常首先需要实例化template类对象,然后通过调用render方法加载指定的模板文件。可以通过传入不同的参数来动态地渲染不同的模板。渲染后的模板可以直接输出到浏览器,也可以保存到文件中,以供后续使用。 总之,template.class.php是一个在th3框架中用于处理模板的重要类文件,它提供了一些方法和功能,可以方便地加载、渲染和处理模板文件,是开发Web应用程序的重要工具之一。




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