C. Air Conditioner

Gildong owns a bulgogi restaurant. The restaurant has a lot of customers, so many of them like to make a reservation before visiting it.Gildong tries so hard to satisfy the customers that he even memorized all customers’ preferred temperature ranges! Looking through the reservation list, he wants to satisfy all customers by controlling the temperature of the restaurant.The restaurant has an air conditioner that has 3 states: off, heating, and cooling. When it’s off, the restaurant’s temperature remains the same. When it’s heating, the temperature increases by 1 in one minute. Lastly, when it’s cooling, the temperature decreases by 1 in one minute. Gildong can change the state as many times as he wants, at any integer minutes. The air conditioner is off initially.Each customer is characterized by three values: titiiililihihiA customer is satisfied if the temperature is within the preferred range at the instant they visit the restaurant. Formally, the iililihihititiGiven the initial temperature, the list of reserved customers’ visit times and their preferred temperature ranges, you’re going to help him find if it’s possible to satisfy all customers.InputEach test contains one or more test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases qq1≤q≤5001≤q≤500The first line of each test case contains two integers nnmm1≤n≤1001≤n≤100−109≤m≤109−109≤m≤109nnmmNext, nniititililihihi1≤ti≤1091≤ti≤109−109≤li≤hi≤109−109≤li≤hi≤109titiiililihihi is the upper bound of their preferred temperature range. The preferred temperature ranges are inclusive.The customers are given in non-decreasing order of their visit time, and the current time is 00OutputFor each test case, print “YES” if it is possible to satisfy all customers. Otherwise, print “NO”.You can print each letter in any case (upper or lower).Example
3 0
5 1 2
7 3 5
10 -1 0
2 12
5 7 10
10 16 20
3 -100
100 0 0
100 -50 50
200 100 100
1 100
99 -100 0
NoteIn the first case, Gildong can control the air conditioner to satisfy all customers in the following way:At 00At 22At 5511At 66At 7722At 1010In the third case, Gildong can change the state to heating at 001122In the second and the fourth case, Gildong has to make at least one customer unsatisfied.

根据题目要求,我们需要设计一个系统来描述家电制造商和它们所制造的电器。我们可以先列出以下几个类: 1. 家电制造商(Manufacturer):该类用于描述家电制造商,包括制造商的名称(name)、所生产的电器列表(products)等属性,以及向产品列表中添加电器(addProduct)、从产品列表中删除电器(deleteProduct)等方法。 2. 电器(Appliance):该类用于描述电器,包括电器的名称(name)、品牌(brand)、型号(model)、价格(price)等属性,以及打开电器(turnOn)、关闭电器(turnOff)等方法。 3. 电视机(Television):该类继承自电器类,包括电视机的屏幕尺寸(screenSize)、分辨率(resolution)等属性,以及调节音量(adjustVolume)、切换频道(changeChannel)等方法。 4. 空调(AirConditioner):该类继承自电器类,包括空调的制冷能力(coolingCapacity)、制热能力(heatingCapacity)等属性,以及调节温度(adjustTemperature)、调节风速(adjustWindSpeed)等方法。 5. 冰箱(Refrigerator):该类继承自电器类,包括冰箱的容积(volume)、制冷方式(coolingMethod)等属性,以及设置温度(setTemperature)、打开冰箱门(openDoor)等方法。 下面是代码实现: ``` class Manufacturer { private String name; private List<Appliance> products; public Manufacturer(String name) { this.name = name; products = new ArrayList<>(); } public void addProduct(Appliance appliance) { products.add(appliance); } public void deleteProduct(Appliance appliance) { products.remove(appliance); } } class Appliance { protected String name; protected String brand; protected String model; protected double price; protected boolean isOn; public Appliance(String name, String brand, String model, double price) { this.name = name; this.brand = brand; this.model = model; this.price = price; isOn = false; } public void turnOn() { isOn = true; System.out.println(name + " is turned on."); } public void turnOff() { isOn = false; System.out.println(name + " is turned off."); } } class Television extends Appliance { private double screenSize; private String resolution; public Television(String name, String brand, String model, double price, double screenSize, String resolution) { super(name, brand, model, price); this.screenSize = screenSize; this.resolution = resolution; } public void adjustVolume(int volumeLevel) { System.out.println("Volume level is adjusted to " + volumeLevel); } public void changeChannel(int channelNumber) { System.out.println("Channel is switched to " + channelNumber); } } class AirConditioner extends Appliance { private int coolingCapacity; private int heatingCapacity; public AirConditioner(String name, String brand, String model, double price, int coolingCapacity, int heatingCapacity) { super(name, brand, model, price); this.coolingCapacity = coolingCapacity; this.heatingCapacity = heatingCapacity; } public void adjustTemperature(int temperature) { System.out.println("Temperature is adjusted to " + temperature); } public void adjustWindSpeed(int windSpeedLevel) { System.out.println("Wind speed is adjusted to " + windSpeedLevel); } } class Refrigerator extends Appliance { private int volume; private String coolingMethod; public Refrigerator(String name, String brand, String model, double price, int volume, String coolingMethod) { super(name, brand, model, price); this.volume = volume; this.coolingMethod = coolingMethod; } public void setTemperature(int temperature) { System.out.println("Temperature is set to " + temperature); } public void openDoor() { System.out.println("Door is opened."); } } ``` 下面是几个相关问题:




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