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原创 Applet调用JavaScript函数

在做的的applet中用到了调用javascript程序调用方法如下:1 首先引入JSObject 包 // LiveConnect... for JavaScriptimport netscape.javascript.JSObject ;2 在调用js的地方用:try { // 创创建JSObjectJSObject.getWindow (this).eval ("javascript::wi

2004-10-27 16:45:00 1210

原创 dnsjava1.6

dnsjava (1.6.4)版本dnsjava用java实现了DNS ,支持所有已定义的类型和未知类型http://www.dnsjava.org/可以下载http://www.dnsjava.org/examples.html  例子代码

2004-10-24 21:06:00 949

原创 开源mailserver的介绍

列出几个开源mailserver项目多数项目是java写的 1 james : Apache项目下的一个子项目,在目前所知道的开源mailserver中是最好的 功能最强大的, 详细功能介绍可以看james的介绍2DixieMail  是一个小型的mailserver,100%java编写,            是一个完整的SMTP E-Mail server POP3 E-Mail

2004-10-24 20:53:00 3258

原创 关于HtmlStreamTokenizer

HtmlStreamTokenizer 是纯java写的html 解析器,把html处理成三种类型tags, comments, and text,类试于StreamTokenizer class,但HtmlStreamTokenizer 处理的是html stream数据流,可以用来处理html文件,下面是一个例子import adc.parser.*;//HtmlStreamTokenizer

2004-10-23 22:06:00 887

原创 关于httpclient上传文件是中文名称的处理

在一个项目中,上传文件采用httpclient来post文件,在测试中发现 如果文件是中文名称,上传的文件是乱码经过跟踪发现,原来在httpclient中进行了编码,为ASCII,所以为乱码org/apache/commons/httpclient/util包下EncodingUtil.java  /**     * Converts the specified string to byte ar

2004-10-19 09:32:00 2204

原创 在javascript中执行@formula 或lotuscript

产生一个按钮,给按钮一个id和名称,标识改按钮,增加 style:display:none(如果不想显示改按钮), 在按钮值中写入公式或lotuscript,例如: @Command([ViewRefreshFields]).在javascript中可以调用:document.all.button_id.click(),这样就可以刷新其他如div都一样,

2004-10-17 15:55:00 1079

原创 Showing Windows Progress Bar

If youre clients are all on Windows, you can display the progress bar when performing a long calculation. There are two types of progress bars -- one large graphical (like when youre copying a datab

2004-10-12 21:35:00 917

原创 Programmatically Changing Database Icons

Are you one of those people who havent gotten away from the workspace in Notes 5 or 6? If so, youve probably come to love the little icons on each of the databases. This tip shows you how to program

2004-10-12 21:34:00 832

原创 Get ACL History Class

A customer of ours recently wanted to do an audit of all the ACL changes in all their databases. Luckily, we have an ACL History LotusScript class that is able to read the ACL History (go into the ACL

2004-10-12 21:33:00 1031

原创 Creating Excel Spreadsheets In Notes

Have you wanted to create Excel spreadsheets from within Notes but didnt know how to do it? Standard Notes views are pretty good, but maybe they dont solve all your problems. You can always export a

2004-10-12 21:31:00 991

原创 Creating Excel Spreadsheets In Notes/IE Using OLE/ActiveX

about creating an Excel spreadsheet using OLE Automation in Notes and using ActiveX in Internet Explorer. (Weve also talked about using IE, but not ActiveX). Here, well combine the OLE and ActiveX m

2004-10-12 21:30:00 976

原创 Creating Excel Spreadsheets In IE

Lets use the same example  You have a view, column 1 is categorized, columns 2 and 3 are totals. In the spreadsheet, columns D and E will be computed. To make things easy, lets do this in an agent.

2004-10-12 21:29:00 795

原创 Calculate height and width of GIF/JPG files

这个是转载Function ImageSize(fileName As String) As Variant    Given a source file name (path to the GIF or JPG on disk), return an array containing    the width (1st element) and height (2nd element).  

2004-10-12 21:27:00 1117

原创 理解了塔吊是如何工作的


2004-10-02 20:46:00 1716

spring + hibernate + struts 开发案例

spring + hibernate + struts 开发案例



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