【hive】行转列—explode()/posexplode()/lateral view 函数使用场景

一、lateral view函数

  • 功能:

    • 用于和UDTF函数(explode,split)结合使用,把某一行数据拆分成多行数据,再将多行结果组合成一个支持别名的虚拟表。
    • 主要解决select使用UDTF做查询的过程中查询只能包含单个UDTF,不能包含其它字段以及多个UDTF的情况。
  • 语法:LATERAL VIEW udtf(expression) tableAlias AS columnAlias (‘,’ columnAlias)

    • columnAlias是给udtf(expression)列起的别名。
    • tableAlias 虚拟表的别名。
  • lateral view函数会将lUDTF生成的结果放到一个虚拟表中,然后这个虚拟表和输入行进行join来达到连接UDTF外的select字段的目的。


举例1:与explode() 函数连用

> desc test_2;

|  col_name   |   data_type    | comment  |
| id          | string         |          |
| rule_array  | array<string>  |          |

> select * from test_2;

| test_2.id  |           test_2.rule_array            |
| a          | ["501","502","503","501","512"]        |
| b          | ["511","512","513","511","512","511"]  |
| c          | ["512","513","511","512"]              |

> select id, rule_explode 
> from test_2
> lateral view explode(rule_array) adTable AS rule_explode;

| id  | rule_explode  |
| a   | 501           |
| a   | 502           |
| a   | 503           |
| a   | 501           |
| a   | 512           |
| b   | 511           |
| b   | 512           |
| b   | 513           |
| b   | 511           |
| b   | 512           |
| b   | 511           |
| c   | 512           |
| c   | 513           |
| c   | 511           |
| c   | 512           |


  • parse_url_tuple()函数
    • 语法:parse_url(string urlString, string partToExtract [, string keyToExtract])
    • 功能:UDTF函数,解析URL字符串,它通过一次指定多个参数,从URL中解析出多个参数值返回多列。
    • 注意:在使用 select 时不能同时返回其他字段,不能嵌套调用,不能与group by放在一起调用等。为解决此问题,可以通过测试图(Lateral View)搭配调用。
> desc tb_url;

| col_name  | data_type  | comment  |
| id        | int        |          |
| url       | string     |          |

> select * from tb_url;

| tb_url.id  |                   tb_url.url                    |
| 1          | http://facebook.com/path/p1.php?query=1         |
| 2          | http://www.baidu.com/news/index.jsp?uuid=frank  |
| 3          | http://www.jd.com/index?source=baidu            |

> select
> a.id as id,
> c.query as query
> from tb_url a
> lateral view parse_url_tuple(url,"QUERY") c as query
> ;

| id  |     query     |
| 1   | query=1       |
| 2   | uuid=frank    |
| 3   | source=baidu  |

举例3:多个lateral view连用

> select
> a.id as id,
> b.host as host,
> b.path as path,
> c.query as query
> from tb_url a
> lateral view parse_url_tuple(url,"HOST","PATH") b as host,path
> lateral view parse_url_tuple(url,"QUERY") c as query
> ;

| id  |      host      |       path       |     query     |
| 1   | facebook.com   | /path/p1.php     | query=1       |
| 2   | www.baidu.com  | /news/index.jsp  | uuid=frank    |
| 3   | www.jd.com     | /index           | source=baidu  |


  • lateral view函数的位置在from后where条件前。
  • 生成虚拟表的别名不可省略。
  • from后可带多个 lateral view函数。
  • 如果要拆分的字段有null值,需要使用 lateral view outer替代,避免数据缺失。


  • 功能:UDTF函数,可以将一个array或者map展开
  • 语法:explode(map<string> ,array <string>)
    • explode(array):将array列表里的每个元素生成一行
    • explode(map):每一对元素作为一行,key为一列,value为一列



> select explode(array(11,22,33)) as item;

| item  |
| 11    |
| 22    |
| 33    |

> select explode(map("id",11,"name","lily","age",18)) as (k,v);

|   k   |   v   |
| id    | 11    |
| name  | lily  |
| age   | 18    |

举例2:与lateral view一起使用

  • 语法:lateral view explode(字段) 表别名 as 列别名
  • 如果字段类型是map:lateral view explode(字段) 表别名 as (key别名,value别名)
> select * from test_2;

| test_2.id  |           test_2.rule_array            |
| a          | ["501","502","503","501","512"]        |
| b          | ["511","512","513","511","512","511"]  |
| c          | ["512","513","511","512"]              |

> select id,rule
> from test_2 
> lateral view explode(rule_array) tbl as rule
> ;

| id  | rule  |
| a   | 501   |
| a   | 502   |
| a   | 503   |
| a   | 501   |
| a   | 512   |
| b   | 511   |
| b   | 512   |
| b   | 513   |
| b   | 511   |
| b   | 512   |
| b   | 511   |
| c   | 512   |
| c   | 513   |
| c   | 511   |
| c   | 512   |


  • 不能关联原有的表中其它字段。例如:
> select id, explode(rule_array) as rule from test_2;

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10081]: UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested in expressions (state=42000,code=10081)
  • 不能与group by、cluster by 、distribute by、sort by联用。例如:
> select explode(rule_array) as rule from test_2 group by explode(rule_array);

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10081]: UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested in expressions (state=42000,code=10081)
  • 不能进行UDTF嵌套。例如:
> select explode(explode(rule_array)) from test_2 ;

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10081]: UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested in expressions (state=42000,code=10081)
  • 不允许选择其他表达式。例如:
> select explode("1,2,3,4,5") from test_2 ; 

Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: UDFArgumentException explode() takes an array or a map as a parameter (state=42000,code=40000)


  • 功能:UDTF函数,将一个array或者map展开,可以将index(索引)和数据都取出来,使用两次posexplode()并用where语句使两次取到的index相等,从而实现对多列进行多行转换。explode()函数只能将对一列进行行转换。
  • 语法:posexplode(map<string> ,array <string>)



> desc test_2;

|  col_name   |   data_type    | comment  |
| id          | string         |          |
| dt_array    | array<string>  |          |
| rule_array  | array<string>  |          |

> select * from test_2;

| test_2.id  |                  test_2.dt_array                   |           test_2.rule_array            |
| a          | ["20230809","20230811","20230812","20230812","20230813"] | ["501","502","503","501","512"]        |
| b          | ["20230809","20230811","20230812","20230812","20230813","20230809"] | ["511","512","513","511","512","511"]  |
| c          | ["20230811","20230812","20230812","20230813"]      | ["512","513","511","512"]              |

> select a.id,b.cur_day,c.rule 
> from test_2 a
> lateral view posexplode(dt_array) b as idxb,cur_day,
> lateral view posexplode(rule_array) c as idxc,rule where b.idxb=c.idxc
> ;

| a.id  | b.cur_day  | c.rule  |
| a     | 20230809   | 501     |
| a     | 20230811   | 502     |
| a     | 20230812   | 503     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230813   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230811   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 513     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230813   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| c     | 20230811   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 513     |
| c     | 20230812   | 511     |
| c     | 20230813   | 512     |



举例1:使用explode()+lateral view

> select t.id,a.cur_day
> from test_2 t
> lateral view explode(t.dt_array) a as cur_day
> ;

| t.id  | a.cur_day  |
| b     | 20230809   |
| b     | 20230811   |
| b     | 20230812   |
| b     | 20230812   |
| b     | 20230813   |
| b     | 20230809   |
| c     | 20230811   |
| c     | 20230812   |
| c     | 20230812   |
| c     | 20230813   |
| a     | 20230809   |
| a     | 20230811   |
| a     | 20230812   |
| a     | 20230812   |
| a     | 20230813   |


> desc test_3;

| col_name  | data_type  | comment  |
| id        | string     |          |
| dt        | string     |          |
| rule1     | string     |          |

> select * from test_3;

| test_3.id  |                     test_3.dt                      |       test_3.rule1       |
| a          | 20230809,20230811,20230812,20230812,20230813       | 501,502,503,501,512      |
| b          | 20230809,20230811,20230812,20230812,20230813,20230809 | 511,512,513,511,512,511  |
| c          | 20230811,20230812,20230812,20230813                | 512,513,511,512          |

> select t.id,a.cur_day
> from test_3 t
> lateral view explode(split(t.dt,',')) a as cur_day
> ;

| t.id  | a.cur_day  |
| a     | 20230809   |
| a     | 20230811   |
| a     | 20230812   |
| a     | 20230812   |
| a     | 20230813   |
| b     | 20230809   |
| b     | 20230811   |
| b     | 20230812   |
| b     | 20230812   |
| b     | 20230813   |
| b     | 20230809   |
| c     | 20230811   |
| c     | 20230812   |
| c     | 20230812   |
| c     | 20230813   |


举例1:使用posexplode()+lateral view

先测试使用explode(), 看看效果:

> select  a.id,b.cur_day,c.rule 
> from test_2 a
> lateral view explode(dt_array) b as cur_day,
> lateral view explode(rule_array) c as rule
> ;

| a.id  | b.cur_day  | c.rule  |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230809   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 513     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230809   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230811   | 511     |
| b     | 20230811   | 512     |
| b     | 20230811   | 513     |
| b     | 20230811   | 511     |
| b     | 20230811   | 512     |
| b     | 20230811   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 513     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 513     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230812   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230813   | 511     |
| b     | 20230813   | 512     |
| b     | 20230813   | 513     |
| b     | 20230813   | 511     |
| b     | 20230813   | 512     |
| b     | 20230813   | 511     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230809   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 513     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230809   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| c     | 20230811   | 512     |
| c     | 20230811   | 513     |
| c     | 20230811   | 511     |
| c     | 20230811   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 513     |
| c     | 20230812   | 511     |
| c     | 20230812   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 513     |
| c     | 20230812   | 511     |
| c     | 20230812   | 512     |
| c     | 20230813   | 512     |
| c     | 20230813   | 513     |
| c     | 20230813   | 511     |
| c     | 20230813   | 512     |
| a     | 20230809   | 501     |
| a     | 20230809   | 502     |
| a     | 20230809   | 503     |
| a     | 20230809   | 501     |
| a     | 20230809   | 512     |
| a     | 20230811   | 501     |
| a     | 20230811   | 502     |
| a     | 20230811   | 503     |
| a     | 20230811   | 501     |
| a     | 20230811   | 512     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230812   | 502     |
| a     | 20230812   | 503     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230812   | 512     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230812   | 502     |
| a     | 20230812   | 503     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230812   | 512     |
| a     | 20230813   | 501     |
| a     | 20230813   | 502     |
| a     | 20230813   | 503     |
| a     | 20230813   | 501     |
| a     | 20230813   | 512     |


> select a.id,b.cur_day,c.rule 
> from test_2 a
> lateral view posexplode(dt_array) b as idxb,cur_day,
> lateral view posexplode(rule_array) c as idxc,rule where b.idxb=c.idxc
> ;

| a.id  | b.cur_day  | c.rule  |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| b     | 20230811   | 512     |
| b     | 20230812   | 513     |
| b     | 20230812   | 511     |
| b     | 20230813   | 512     |
| b     | 20230809   | 511     |
| c     | 20230811   | 512     |
| c     | 20230812   | 513     |
| c     | 20230812   | 511     |
| c     | 20230813   | 512     |
| a     | 20230809   | 501     |
| a     | 20230811   | 502     |
| a     | 20230812   | 503     |
| a     | 20230812   | 501     |
| a     | 20230813   | 512     |
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