
PyObject* Py_BuildValue (const char  *format, ... ) Return value: New reference.

Create a new value based on a format string similar to those accepted by the PyArg_Parse*() family of functions and a sequence of values. Returns the value or NULL in the case of an error; an exception will be raised if NULL is returned.

Py_BuildValue() does not always build a tuple. It builds a tuple only if its format string contains two or more format units. If the format string is empty, it returns None; if it contains exactly one format unit, it returns whatever object is described by that format unit. To force it to return a tuple of size 0 or one, parenthesize the format string.

When memory buffers are passed as parameters to supply data to build objects, as for the s and s# formats, the required data is copied. Buffers provided by the caller are never referenced by the objects created by Py_BuildValue(). In other words, if your code invokes malloc() and passes the allocated memory to Py_BuildValue(), your code is responsible for calling free() for that memory once Py_BuildValue() returns.

In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that the format unit will return; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C value(s) to be passed.

The characters space, tab, colon and comma are ignored in format strings (but not within format units such as s#). This can be used to make long format strings a tad more readable.

s (string) [char *]
Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python object. If the C string pointer is NULL, None is used.
s# (string) [char *, int]
Convert a C string and its length to a Python object. If the C string pointer is NULL, the length is ignored and None is returned.
z (string or None) [char *]
Same as s.
z# (string or None) [char *, int]
Same as s#.
u (Unicode string) [Py_UNICODE *]
Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is NULL, None is returned.
u# (Unicode string) [Py_UNICODE *, int]
Convert a Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data buffer and its length to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is NULL, the length is ignored and None is returned.
i (integer) [int]
Convert a plain C int to a Python integer object.
b (integer) [char]
Convert a plain C char to a Python integer object.
h (integer) [short int]
Convert a plain C short int to a Python integer object.
l (integer) [long int]
Convert a C long int to a Python integer object.
B (integer) [unsigned char]
Convert a C unsigned char to a Python integer object.
H (integer) [unsigned short int]
Convert a C unsigned short int to a Python integer object.
I (integer/long) [unsigned int]
Convert a C unsigned int to a Python integer object or a Python long integer object, if it is larger than sys.maxint.
k (integer/long) [unsigned long]
Convert a C unsigned long to a Python integer object or a Python long integer object, if it is larger than sys.maxint.
L (long) [PY_LONG_LONG]
Convert a C long long to a Python long integer object. Only available on platforms that support long long.
K (long) [unsigned PY_LONG_LONG]
Convert a C unsigned long long to a Python long integer object. Only available on platforms that support unsigned long long.
n (int) [Py_ssize_t]

Convert a C Py_ssize_t to a Python integer or long integer.

New in version 2.5.

c (string of length 1) [char]
Convert a C int representing a character to a Python string of length 1.
d (float) [double]
Convert a C double to a Python floating point number.
f (float) [float]
Same as d.
D (complex) [Py_complex *]
Convert a C Py_complex structure to a Python complex number.
O (object) [PyObject *]
Pass a Python object untouched (except for its reference count, which is incremented by one). If the object passed in is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that this was caused because the call producing the argument found an error and set an exception. Therefore, Py_BuildValue() will return NULL but won’t raise an exception. If no exception has been raised yet, SystemError is set.
S (object) [PyObject *]
Same as O.
N (object) [PyObject *]
Same as O, except it doesn’t increment the reference count on the object. Useful when the object is created by a call to an object constructor in the argument list.
O& (object) [ converter, anything]
Convert anything to a Python object through a converter function. The function is called with anything (which should be compatible with void *) as its argument and should return a “new” Python object, or NULL if an error occurred.
(items) (tuple) [ matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python tuple with the same number of items.
[items] (list) [ matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python list with the same number of items.
{items} (dictionary) [ matching-items]
Convert a sequence of C values to a Python dictionary. Each pair of consecutive C values adds one item to the dictionary, serving as key and value, respectively.

If there is an error in the format string, the SystemError exception is set and NULL returned.

PyObject* Py_VaBuildValue (const char  *format, va_list  vargs )

Identical to Py_BuildValue(), except that it accepts a va_list rather than a variable number of arguments.





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