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转载 The Agile Manifesto and Principles

<br /><br />The Agile Manifesto<br /> <br />Individuals and interactions    over processes and tools <br /> <br />Working software              over comprehensive documentation <br /> <br />Customer collaboration                 over contract negotiation <

2010-08-01 16:35:00 348

原创 Note - OO

reading note: apply UML and patterns

2010-08-01 16:29:00 449

原创 静态库和共享库库的定位搜索路径

<br />静态库和共享库库的定位搜索路径<br /><br />库文件在连接(静态库和共享库)和运行(仅限于使用共享库的程序)时被使用,其搜索路径是在系统中进行设置的。一般 Linux 系统把 /lib 和 /usr/lib 两个目录作为默认的库搜索路径,所以使用这两个目录中的库时不需要进行设置搜索路径即可直接使用。对于处于默认库搜索路径之外的库,需要将库的位置添加到库的搜索路径之中。设置库文件的搜索路径有下列两种方式,可任选其一使用:<br />1. 在环境变量 LD_LIBRARY_PATH

2010-07-04 10:52:00 507

转载 cisco 交换机命名规则

<br />目前工作中经常接触到的交换机有:2960,3560,3750,4500,6500这些系列,它们在型号命令上有自己相应的规则,总结如下: <br /><br />例如:WS-C3750G-48TS-S <br /><br />C3750表明这款产品属于3750这个系列,也就是产品的型号。 <br /><br />G----表明其所有接口都是支持千兆或以上,如果没有这个就表明其主要端口都是10/100M的或者100M的 <br /><br />48----表明其拥有主要的

2010-06-17 22:37:00 667

转载 Testing for Buffer Overruns

Secure Windows Programming

2010-06-16 12:07:00 800

转载 15 Tips for Secure Win32 Programming

Secure Windows Programming

2010-06-16 12:02:00 548

原创 Python中如何转换C中的结构体

python C struct

2010-06-16 09:37:00 1382

转载 What is EABI?

<br />What is EABI?<br /><br />GNU EABI is a new application binary interface (ABI) for Linux. It is part of a new family of ABI's from ARM?Ltd. known in the arm-linux community as EABI (or sometimes Embedded ABI).<br /><br />How do I use EABI?<br /><b

2010-06-09 07:56:00 319

原创 system call Note -- based on ARM

arm linux systemcall EABI swi

2010-06-09 07:54:00 1031

翻译 一个提高编程能力的有效方法 -- 阅读其他人的代码

<br />the source url: http://fuelyourcoding.com/one-sure-fire-way-to-improve-your-coding/<br /> <br />The most obvious way to improve your coding is to write more code. Everybody knows that. However, another activity which I guarantee will improve your cod

2010-06-06 10:42:00 412

原创 Performance Criterion -- Notes about Multicore Programming

1. Cell Broadband Engine2. In computing, FLOPS (or flops or flop/s) is an acronym meaning FLoating point Operations Per Second.        yottaFLOPS     10^24        zettaFLOPS     10^21        exaFLOPS     10^18        petaFLOPS     10^15        tera

2010-06-03 23:58:00 314

翻译 Note on A Simple Regular Expression Matcher

摘抄自 Chapter1:Robs 实现一个简单的正则表达式匹配程序。支持*^$.四个常规特殊字。 Character Meaning c Matches any literal character c. . (period) Matches any single character.

2010-04-27 23:06:00 307

原创 Note on Quick Sort

如果你想学习、提高改进QuickSort的实现,建议先看   Engineering a sort function; Jon Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy; Software - Practice and Experience; Vol. 23 (11), 1249-1265, 1993.  算法的基本思想:快速排序的基本思想是基于分治策略的。对于

2010-04-25 21:38:00 1199 2

原创 GIT - the stupid content tracker

接触 git 是因为它是 linux kernel 的版本管理工具。 它不仅仅是一个 SCM 工具,"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood.实现本质上是一个可以跟踪历史变化的文件系统。 其主页是个很好的开端:http://git-scm.com/documentation 这里有很多很好文档及其连接,个人觉得video

2010-04-18 22:51:00 641

原创 Solo 小窝开张了

一直想有个博客来记录点点滴滴,似乎在众多博客平台里找谁安家的问题上犹豫了好久,时间一晃而过,却依旧没有任何行动。(我想根本原因还是懒哈) 想想自己在寻找书的路上,开始google了一把,最后经常都是在CSDN下。久而久之,在找书时就首先直接来这里了 开始了,摆上基本闲书,沏上几杯小茶,希望这里的窝能和同学来交流,小憩……

2010-04-18 22:16:00 292

riot 网络协议栈

Analysis and Comparison of Embedded Network Stacks


CMake introduction and best practices

Cmake 已经超越 Autotools 成为C/C++最受欢迎的成熟稳定的编译规则生成系统; Welcome to CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system. CMake is a family of tools designed to build, test and package software. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.


Applying UML and Patterns

Applying UML and Patterns- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Proc


Git Internals

Scott Chacon’s Git Internals PDF is sure to be a hit. If you’re wondering the ins and outs of Git, beyond the porcelain commands, this PDF is for you. It also covers Git day-to-day use, workflow, and best practices. Even if you’re comfortable with Git, you’ll surely pick something up in this.



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