(转) Debugging Flex applications with mm.cfg and flashlog.txt

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When working with Flex applications, it may useful to see the output from the trace() function. Well, the good news is that if you have the debug version of the Flash Player installed, it is really easy to redirect the trace() output to an external file which can you browse using any text editor.

There are lots of excellent online resources for this already, but here is a brief run-down…


Create a file named “mm.cfg” in one of the following locations:

  • Windows; C:/Documents and Settings/username/mm.cfg
  • OSX; /Library/Application Support/Macromedia/mm.cfg
  • Linux; home/username/mm.cfg

Open the newly created mm.cfg file in a text editor and add the following text:


The flashlog.txt file will be created in the following location:

  • Windows; C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt
  • OSX; /Users/username/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/Logs/flashlog.txt
  • Linux; home/username/Macromedia/Flash_Player/Logs/flashlog.txt

For more information see “Logging”, “Configuring the debugger version of Flash Player” and “Configuring the debugger version of Flash Player to record trace() output” in the Flex 2.0.1 documentation.

You can also check out the “Debugging Client-Side Code in Flex Applications” article in the adobe Flex Developer Center (although note that the article was written March, 15 2004, and some information may not be 100% accurate anymore).

If you are still having problems, check out the following adobe Technote on “Troubleshooting tips for flashlog.txt not being generated”.

For more information, check out Mark Walters’s excellent post over on digitalflipbook.com, “Trace from the browser, using standard trace()”.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if I have the debug version of the Flash Player already installed?
A: Finding your Flash Player version, and whether or not your Flash Player is a debug version is done by checking the version and isDebugger properties of the flash.system.Capabilities class.


Q: Where can I download a debug version of the Flash Player if I don’t have one already installed?
A: You can download nightly builds of the Flex 3 SDK from the “Adobe Labs – Flex 3 Software Development Kit” page. Simply download and extract a ZIP file, and go to the following directory: “flex_sdk_3.zip/runtimes/player”. In this folder you should find three subfolders: “lnx”, “mac”, and “win” for the Linux, Macintosh and Windows operating systems respectively. Navigate to your appropriate folder/operating system and install away!

If you have the Flex Builder 3 public beta installed, you can navigate to the following directory on a Windows system to find the various Flash Player versions (standalone, ActiveX, Mozilla): “C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flex Builder 3/sdks/moxie/runtimes/player/win”. If you don’t have the Flex Builder 3 beta installed, you can download it from “Adobe Labs – Adobe Flex Builder 3 Public Beta”.

These folder names/locations could change with any future beta/nightly build, but I’ll try and keep them updated. If you notice they are no longer correct, leave a message in the comments and I will investigate/reply.

Hopefully that about covers it. Until next time, be safe and happy Flexing!

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### 回答1: Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个Unity版本相关的调试工具包,其中包含了诸如埋点工具和调试插件等功能丰富的工具。这些工具可以帮助Unity开发者在开发自己的游戏时快速、准确地定位和修复代码中的问题,提高了游戏的开发效率和质量。 这个工具包中最值得注意的一点是它的兼容性。它可以与Unity 2018中的许多不同版本一起使用,这意味着无论开发者使用哪个具体版本的Unity,都可以使用这个工具包进行调试。这为开发过程中遇到的问题提供了更为广泛和全面的支持,从而更好地满足了不同开发者的需求和要求。 另外,这个工具包还有一个很不错的特色,就是它的易用性。它提供了直观和易于操作的界面,即使是那些对调试工具很不熟悉的开发者也可以使用它。开发者可以通过它直接在Unity编辑器中观察代码执行过程中的变化,非常方便。 总的来说,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个非常实用和友好的Unity调试工具包,可以帮助Unity开发者更快速、高效地开发自己的游戏。 ### 回答2: unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是Unity引擎中用于调试的工具包。在程序开发的过程中,会出现各种各样的问题,而调试是解决这些问题的重要手段之一。Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip提供了一系列工具和功能,帮助程序员定位和解决问题。 Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip中包含了各种调试工具,例如调试器、内存分析器、性能分析器等等。这些工具可以帮助开发者监控程序运行的状态,包括内存使用、CPU使用、函数运行时间等等。通过这些信息,开发者可以找到程序中可能存在的性能问题,并对其进行优化。 同时,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip还提供了调试器,帮助开发者调试程序。开发者可以在调试器中设置断点,一步一步地执行程序,查看变量和函数调用的情况。通过调试器,开发者可以快速定位程序中的错误,减少排错的时间。 总之,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是Unity开发中不可或缺的工具包。它可以帮助开发者定位和解决问题,提高程序的稳定性和性能,为游戏开发提供强有力的支持。 ### 回答3: unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个用于Unity引擎调试的文件。Unity是一款流行的游戏开发引擎,但在游戏开发过程中难免会遇到各种问题,例如程序崩溃、游戏运行异常等等。此时就需要进行调试。Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip文件中包含了一系列调试工具,可用于分析和诊断Unity游戏/应用程序的问题。其中包括了Unity自带的Profiler(性能分析器)、Debug.Log、断点调试、MonoDevelop等工具,这些工具可以帮助开发者查找问题所在,快速调试程序。一个好的调试工具不仅能帮助开发者快速找到问题,还能提高开发效率,使开发工作更加顺利。总之,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip文件是Unity调试工具的集合,为开发者解决问题提供了极大的帮助,也是一个值得推广和使用的工具。


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