



• Increase FileSystem cache

To increase the file system cache:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/CacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system cache to zero:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/CacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Increase FileSystem filter cache

To enable the file system filter cache, speeding up overall performance with file mangement:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system filter cache to zero:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/ReplStoreCacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Increase font cache

To increase the font cache, speeding up font rendering at the cost of a bit of memory:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GDI/GLYPHCACHE/limit = 16384 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:


• Disable window animations

To disable window animations (minimizing/maximizing) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Animate = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to switch them back on:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Animate = 1 (DWORD decimal)

• Disable menu animations

To disable menu animations (sliding in/out) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Menu/AniType = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Menu/AniType = 6 (DWORD decimal)

• Enable FileSystem cache
To enable the FileSystem cache, speeding up overall performance at the risk of the cache not being written on a sudden reset:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/EnableCache = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/EnableCache = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that by default, the cache size is zero, and you will see no effect. See "Increase FileSystem cache" to incease the cache size!

• Enable ClearType in Landscape Mode

To enable ClearType in Landscape mode:

HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/OffOnRotation = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To disable:

HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/OffOnRotation = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your PocketPC screen's LCD red/green/blue ordering required for proper ClearType display is only correct for Portrait display. You may or may not prefer to leave ClearType in Landscape mode disabled

• Change the thickness of scrollbars to 9

To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...

For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Change the length of scrollbar arrow buttons to 9

To go with changing the thickness of the scrollbars, you may wish to change the length of the scrollbar arrow buttons...

For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar arrows:

HKLM/System/GWE/cyVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cxHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default length is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Increase FileSystem cache

To increase the file system cache:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/CacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system cache to zero:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/CacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Increase FileSystem filter cache

To enable the file system filter cache, speeding up overall performance with file mangement:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system filter cache to zero:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/Filters/fsreplxfilt/ReplStoreCacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Increase font cache

To increase the font cache, speeding up font rendering at the cost of a bit of memory:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GDI/GLYPHCACHE/limit = 16384 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:


• Disable window animations

To disable window animations (minimizing/maximizing) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Animate = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to switch them back on:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Animate = 1 (DWORD decimal)

• Disable menu animations

To disable menu animations (sliding in/out) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Menu/AniType = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:

HKLM/SYSTEM/GWE/Menu/AniType = 6 (DWORD decimal)

• Enable FileSystem cache
To enable the FileSystem cache, speeding up overall performance at the risk of the cache not being written on a sudden reset:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/EnableCache = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM/System/StorageManager/FATFS/EnableCache = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that by default, the cache size is zero, and you will see no effect. See "Increase FileSystem cache" to incease the cache size!

• Enable ClearType in Landscape Mode

To enable ClearType in Landscape mode:

HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/OffOnRotation = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To disable:

HKLM/System/GDI/ClearTypeSettings/OffOnRotation = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your PocketPC screen's LCD red/green/blue ordering required for proper ClearType display is only correct for Portrait display. You may or may not prefer to leave ClearType in Landscape mode disabled

• Change the thickness of scrollbars to 9

To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...

For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Change the length of scrollbar arrow buttons to 9

To go with changing the thickness of the scrollbars, you may wish to change the length of the scrollbar arrow buttons...

For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar arrows:

HKLM/System/GWE/cyVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM/System/GWE/cxHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default length is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

• Enable 802.11g 54Mbps

To enable 802.11g set:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/COMM/TNETWLN1/PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMask"=dword:00000001

and add this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/COMM/TNETWLN1/PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMaskG"=dword:00000008

• Disable the security warning when installing non-certified application

To disable the security warning when installing a non-certfied application, set:

HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101a = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To restore the warnings:

HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101a = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that this makes it easier for any malware to install itself

• Don't delete CAB files after installing

An method of making WM5 keep the original .CAB file around after installing the application is by adding the "/nodelete" option to the Windows CE loader:

HKCR/cabfile/Shell/open/command = 'wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete' (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

• Move "Temporary Internet Files" to 'Storage Card'

When browsing the web, pages and images are saved in the 'Temporary Internet Files' location. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/Cache = "/Storage Card/cacheie" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/Cache = "/Windows/Profiles/guest/Temporary Internet Files" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

• Enable CAPS Lock indicator

Ja, dat is uiteraard mogelijk. U heeft hier toegang tot via uw controle paneel.

• Improve Sound Quality of Speaker Phone

where 'x' = 0, 1, 2

• Turn SMS Delivery on

If you always want an SMS Delivery notification (see note below!), and are tired of ticking the 'Request message delivery notification' checkbox, set:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SMSDeliveryNotify = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SMSDeliveryNotify = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note 1: Delivery notifications will depend on your and the recipient's operator network capabilities! Note 2: You can still override this with the regular checkbox.

• Enable Wireless Today Item?

By just adding following keys to the registry will get you a nice 'wireless' today item that show Network name/status, WiFi name/status as well as Bluetooth status. Confirmed to work on AKU2 ROMs


• Enable receiving of files over BlueTooth/IrDA

If you want to prevent receiving files over BlueTooth or IrDA, you can set the following value:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Obex/IsEnabled = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to (re-)enable:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Obex/IsEnabled = 1 (DWORD decimal)

• Add time sync page to Phone Settings

To add a time sync page to your Phone Settings (Start > Settings > Phone > Options > Time Zones) , set the following:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/OEM/PhoneSetting/ShowTimeZonesPage = 1 (DWORD decimal)

And to remove again:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/OEM/PhoneSetting/ShowTimeZonesPage = 0 (DWORD decimal)

• Add a 'Disconnect' button (and Timer) to the "GPRS Balloon Tip"

To add a Disconnect button and a timer display showing how long GRPS is in use for the session:

HKLM/ControlPanel/Phone/Flags2 = 16 (DWORD decimal)


• Disables different GPRS/EDGE indicator icon

If your network provider supports the Edge network (and your device does as well), you can use the following to show a little 'E' icon instead of 'G' icon when connected to an Edge network:

HKLM/Drivers/BuiltIn/RIL/EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM/Drivers/BuiltIn/RIL/EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your device -and- your network operator need to support Edge, otherwise you won't see it. Also note that if you connect to GPRS, you will still see the 'G' icon.

• Show Lunar Calendar (showing a 'Month' view with the Lunar months/days)

You can add a Lunar Calendar mode to the Calendar view, showing a 'Month' view with the Lunar months/days.

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Calendar/ShowLunarCalendar = 1 (DWORD decimal)

And to disable again:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Calendar/ShowLunarCalendar = 0 (DWORD decimal)

• Show All Day Event and tomorrow appointments on the Today Screen

If you wish to see tomorrow's Appointments on the Calendar Today item, set:
If you wish to see today's All Day event as well:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Today/Items/Calendar/Flags = 5 (DWORD decimal)

If you do not wish to see today's All Day event:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Today/Items/Calendar/Flags = 4 (DWORD decimal)

Other values (attainable through the "Options..." dialog for the Calendar Today item just as well):

0 = Show Upcoming Appointments
1 = Show Upcoming Appointments and today's "All Day" event
2 = Show Next Appointment
3 = Show Next Appointment and today's "All Day" event

It works out to the following binary structure:

Default Behavior: Show Upcoming Appointments
||'- Show "All Day" events (doesn't show tomorrow's "All Day" events)
|'- Show Next Appointment
'- Show Tomorrow's Appointments

To enable 802.11g set:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/COMM/TNETWLN1/PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMask"=dword:00000001

and add this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/COMM/TNETWLN1/PARMS "dot11SupportedRateMaskG"=dword:00000008

• Disable the security warning when installing non-certified application

To disable the security warning when installing a non-certfied application, set:

HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101a = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To restore the warnings:

HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101a = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that this makes it easier for any malware to install itself

• Don't delete CAB files after installing

An method of making WM5 keep the original .CAB file around after installing the application is by adding the "/nodelete" option to the Windows CE loader:

HKCR/cabfile/Shell/open/command = 'wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete' (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

• Move "Temporary Internet Files" to 'Storage Card'

When browsing the web, pages and images are saved in the 'Temporary Internet Files' location. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/Cache = "/Storage Card/cacheie" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/Cache = "/Windows/Profiles/guest/Temporary Internet Files" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

• Enable CAPS Lock indicator

Ja, dat is uiteraard mogelijk. U heeft hier toegang tot via uw controle paneel.

• Improve Sound Quality of Speaker Phone

where 'x' = 0, 1, 2

• Turn SMS Delivery on

If you always want an SMS Delivery notification (see note below!), and are tired of ticking the 'Request message delivery notification' checkbox, set:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SMSDeliveryNotify = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Inbox/Settings/SMSDeliveryNotify = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note 1: Delivery notifications will depend on your and the recipient's operator network capabilities! Note 2: You can still override this with the regular checkbox.

• Enable Wireless Today Item?

By just adding following keys to the registry will get you a nice 'wireless' today item that show Network name/status, WiFi name/status as well as Bluetooth status. Confirmed to work on AKU2 ROMs


• Enable receiving of files over BlueTooth/IrDA

If you want to prevent receiving files over BlueTooth or IrDA, you can set the following value:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Obex/IsEnabled = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to (re-)enable:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Obex/IsEnabled = 1 (DWORD decimal)

• Add time sync page to Phone Settings

To add a time sync page to your Phone Settings (Start > Settings > Phone > Options > Time Zones) , set the following:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/OEM/PhoneSetting/ShowTimeZonesPage = 1 (DWORD decimal)

And to remove again:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/OEM/PhoneSetting/ShowTimeZonesPage = 0 (DWORD decimal)

• Add a 'Disconnect' button (and Timer) to the "GPRS Balloon Tip"

To add a Disconnect button and a timer display showing how long GRPS is in use for the session:

HKLM/ControlPanel/Phone/Flags2 = 16 (DWORD decimal)

• Disables different GPRS/EDGE indicator icon

If your network provider supports the Edge network (and your device does as well), you can use the following to show a little 'E' icon instead of 'G' icon when connected to an Edge network:

HKLM/Drivers/BuiltIn/RIL/EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM/Drivers/BuiltIn/RIL/EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your device -and- your network operator need to support Edge, otherwise you won't see it. Also note that if you connect to GPRS, you will still see the 'G' icon.

Show Lunar Calendar (showing a 'Month' view with the Lunar months/days)

You can add a Lunar Calendar mode to the Calendar view, showing a 'Month' view with the Lunar months/days.

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Calendar/ShowLunarCalendar = 1 (DWORD decimal)

And to disable again:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Calendar/ShowLunarCalendar = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Show All Day Event and tomorrow appointments on the Today Screen

If you wish to see tomorrow's Appointments on the Calendar Today item, set:
If you wish to see today's All Day event as well:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Today/Items/Calendar/Flags = 5 (DWORD decimal)

If you do not wish to see today's All Day event:

HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Today/Items/Calendar/Flags = 4 (DWORD decimal)

Other values (attainable through the "Options..." dialog for the Calendar Today item just as well):

0 = Show Upcoming Appointments
1 = Show Upcoming Appointments and today's "All Day" event
2 = Show Next Appointment
3 = Show Next Appointment and today's "All Day" event

It works out to the following binary structure:

Default Behavior: Show Upcoming Appointments
||'- Show "All Day" events (doesn't show tomorrow's "All Day" events)
|'- Show Next Appointment
'- Show Tomorrow's Appointments





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


