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原创 DAO Advanced Programming
DAO Advanced Programming by Dan HaughtVice President of Product Development http://www.fmsinc.comIntroduction Data Access Objects, or DAO, is a powerful programming model for database services.
2002-04-11 18:07:00 1546
原创 Multi-User Locking Methods in Visual Basic
Multi-User Locking Methods in Visual BasicBy: Kevin LaughtonId like to thank Don Willits (Microsoft) for his assistance.Multi-user database access has been a trial and error approach for mos
2002-04-11 18:06:00 1287
原创 John McGowan's AVI Overview: Programming and Other Technical Topics
John McGowans AVI Overview: Programming and Other Technical Topics Windows Multimedia SystemIn Win16 and Win32, Microsoft created a partially unified systemfor handling multimedia. This system c
2002-04-11 17:57:00 2604
原创 Objectives for Lecture
Objectives for LectureMP3 Real AAC MPEG4Related learning outcomes3) Produce a Multimedia application and deliver it through a browser. L7,8 A2 7) Describe MPEG audio standards for
2002-04-08 09:14:00 2213
原创 VB.NET Data Types
VB.NET Data Typesby Budi Kurniawan07/30/2001 The new version of Visual Basic, VB7 (or VB.NET), is a big jump from VB6. With VB7 you can use the type library in the .NET Framework, and your applicati
2002-04-05 09:20:00 1472
原创 使用 ADO.NET 解锁 Microsoft Access 数据
使用 ADO.NET 解锁 Microsoft Access 数据 Paul CornellMicrosoft Corporation 2001 年 12 月 6 日 Microsoft® Office 提供了多种存储和管理数据的功能和工具,例如,数据访问对象 (DAO)、ActiveX® 数据对象 (ADO)、Microsoft Word 邮件合并、Microsoft Excel Web
2002-03-22 17:37:00 1470
原创 由http暗藏通道看网络安全
由http暗藏通道看网络安全 内容:什么是http暗藏通道什么是HttptunnelHttptunnel带来的安全问题一些解决思路总结参考资料关于作者宫一鸣 (yiming@securit
2002-03-13 08:58:00 1742
原创 Graphics File Formats FAQ
Graphics File Formats FAQ (Part 4 of 4): Tips and Tricks of the Trade==================================================================0. Whats the best way to read a file header?1. Whats this busin
2002-03-13 08:58:00 1069
原创 Create a program the checks all the links in your web page whether they are active or not.
Create a program the checks all the links in your web page whether they are active or not.By S.S. Ahmed This article will show you how to test your web page for the active links. You will learn
2002-03-11 09:19:00 1315
原创 A Thread to Visual Basic
A Thread to Visual Basic This article discusses multithreading issues with Visual Basic. Copyright © 1997-2000 by Daniel Appleman -- All rights reserved.This article may no
2002-03-11 09:16:00 1965
原创 Create Your Own Visual Basic Add-Ins
Create Your Own Visual Basic Add-InsBy S.S. AhmedRating: 3.7 out of 5Rate this article document.write("print this article")print this article email this article to a colleague P
2002-03-09 18:00:00 1191
原创 Adding Hyperlink Capability to RichText Boxes
Adding Hyperlink Capability to RichText BoxesThis tip show how to add hyperlinks into a RichTextBox. What you need to create is two classes that will interact with the RichTextBox.The two class
2002-03-09 17:59:00 1245
原创 Administer SQL Server remotely - Part 2
Administer SQL Server remotely - Part 2By S.S. Ahmed Create a component to administer SQL server remotely, create tasks that remove themselves from the scheduler after performing the assigned jo
2002-03-09 17:57:00 977
原创 Creating a Server Component with VB - Redesigned - Part 1
Creating a Server Component with VB - Redesigned - Part 1By Doug DeanRating: 4.6 out of 5Rate this article document.write("print this article")print this article email this arti
2002-03-09 17:57:00 1346
原创 Creating a Server Component with VB - Redesigned - Part 2
Creating a Server Component with VB - Redesigned - Part 2By Doug DeanRating: 4.1 out of 5Rate this article document.write("print this article")print this article email this arti
2002-03-09 17:56:00 1290
原创 Handling Arrays Between ASP and COM
Handling Arrays Between ASP and COMBy Adam B. RichmanRating: 3.4 out of 5Rate this article document.write("print this article")print this article email this article to a colleag
2002-03-09 17:56:00 912
原创 Administer SQL Server remotely
Administer SQL Server remotelyBy S.S. Ahmed This article shows how to create tasks in the sql server remotely. Advanced VB6, XP, W2K, Win9X Posted 5 Nov 2001Artic
2002-03-09 17:53:00 948
原创 Visual Basic 6 Naming Standards
This contains the Microsoft Recommended naming conventions for Objects, and Variables in Visual Basic 6.0. Why is this here? I believe it is always important to follow some standard when coding, a
2002-03-08 08:59:00 1012
原创 Microsoft Agent Tutorial Chapter 1
Microsoft Agent Tutorial Chapter 1 Author: AbstractvbDate: 4/22/2000 6:53:44 PMID: 83Microsoft Agent Version 2 Needed.This starts a beginner level and shows how to load the control, use speech out
2002-03-08 08:59:00 972
原创 Microsoft Agent Tutorial Chapter 2
Microsoft Agent Tutorial Chapter 2 Author: AbstractvbDate: 4/22/2000 6:54:54 PMID: 84Microsoft Agent Version 2 Needed.Shows how to recieve input from the user via speech. This uses the Text to Sp
2002-03-08 08:59:00 781
原创 DX: Full Screen GUI Development 1
Full Screen GUI DevelopmentPt 1 ?The BasicsBy Jim (Machaira) Perry In this article we抣l look at developing a GUI for full-screen DirectX games. The code accompanying this article may be u
2002-03-08 08:59:00 880
原创 DX: Full Screen GUI Development 2
Full Screen GUI DevelopmentPt 2 ?More Controls & TextBy Jim (Machaira) Perry Welcome back! If you抮e saying 揌uh?!?then you probably haven抰 read the first part of this tutorial. Please read
2002-03-08 08:58:00 775
原创 Starting a separate code thread
Starting aSeparate Code Threadin Visual Basic?/H3> by Rick Meyer TableofContents 1. Overview 2. What is a separate code thread? 3. Why/When to have a separate
2002-03-08 08:58:00 816
原创 Drawing & Animation I
Drawing & AnimationUsing the Win32 GDI #1 This three part tutorial first appeared some years ago on the old VBExplorer.com . Since then several errors and bugs have been discovered by various user
2002-03-08 08:58:00 1070
原创 Drawing & Animation II
Drawing & AnimationUsing the Win32 GDI #2 This three part tutorial first appeared some years ago on the old VBExplorer.com . Since then several errors and bugs have been discovered by various user
2002-03-08 08:58:00 914
原创 Drawing & Animation III
Drawing & AnimationUsing the Win32 GDI #3 This three part tutorial first appeared some years ago on the old VBExplorer.com . Since then several errors and bugs have been discovered by various user
2002-03-08 08:58:00 1086
原创 Managing Windows with WMI
Managing Windows with WMIMichael MastonMicrosoft Corporation November 1999 Summary: Introduces Microsoft® Windows® Management Instrumentation, part of Windows 2000 (but available for Win
2002-02-21 15:47:00 1388
原创 Skinning Your Application
Skinning Your Application Larry RoofTonked.comDecember 11, 2001Knock, knock.Whos there?Angry developer.Angry developer who?Angry developer that didnt get to go surfing last mon
2002-02-18 12:08:00 741
原创 Microsoft .NET 中的基类继承
Microsoft .NET 中的基类继承 升级到 Microsoft .NET Paul D. SheriffPDSA, Inc. 2001 年 12 月 摘要:本文介绍了继承,说明了如何继承基类,并且介绍了 Microsoft .NET 中的实现继承和接口继承。 目标继承概述 了解如何继承基类 了解接口继承 了解实现继承 前提条件要彻底理
2002-02-16 23:34:00 885
原创 Windows XP 的外观风格
使用 Windows XP 的外观风格 Windows 用户体验组Microsoft Corporation 2001年5月 本文只是初步的文档,如有更改,恕不另行通知。概要:本文档说明了如何使用 Microsoft Windows XP 来完成将外观风格应用于应用程序时必需执行的常见任务。 目录简介 ComCtl32.dll 版本 6 外观风格任务 在未使用第
2002-02-16 23:34:00 1945
原创 Win32 多线程的性能
Win32 多线程的性能Ruediger R. AscheMicrosoft Developer Network 技术小组摘要本文讨论将单线程应用程序重新编写成多线程应用程序的策略。它以Microsoft Windows 95和Windows NT的平台为例,从吞吐量(throughput)和响应方面,与兼容的单线程计算相比较而分析了多线程计算的性能。介绍在您所能够找到的有关多线程的资料中,多
2002-02-16 23:33:00 1132
原创 在Win32中管理虚拟内存
在Win32中管理虚拟内存Randy KathMicrosoft Developer Network 技术小组创建于:1993年1月20日单击此处以打开或复制 ProcessWalker 示例程序中的文件。该Win32 示例程序要求Microsoft Windows NT 的环境。摘要在Microsoft Windows NT 操作系统中,假如您对每组函数的功能,以及它们每
2002-02-16 23:32:00 1384
原创 用 eMbedded Visual Basic 编写移动应用程序
用 eMbedded Visual Basic 编写移动应用程序 Larry RoofTonked.com 2001年5月9日 本文最初发表在 MSDN Online Voices 的 Two for the Road 专栏(http://msdn.microsoft.com/voices/road.asp(英文))。 下载此专栏的示例代码(英文)。本月,我从硅村(Silicon V
2002-02-16 23:32:00 1216
原创 运算符重载
帮帮我,我负载过重 Eric GunnersonMicrosoft Corporation 2001年6月21日 作为有关 C# 语言规范漫谈的继续,本月我们将讨论运算符重载的问题。运算符重载(除非特别指明,否则本专栏的其余部分一律将其简称为“重载”)是指允许用户使用用户定义的类型编写表达式的能力。它允许用户定义的类型与预定义的类型具有相同的功能。例如,通常需要编写
2002-02-16 23:32:00 1059
原创 .NET 中的对象序列化
.NET 中的对象序列化 Piet ObermeyerMicrosoft Corporation2001 年 8 月摘要:为什么要使用序列化?最重要的两个原因是:将对象的状态保存在存储媒体中以便可以在以后重新创建出完全相同的副本;按值将对象从一个应用程序域发送至另一个应用程序域。例如,序列化可用于在 ASP.NET 中保存会话状态,以及将对象复制到 Windows 窗体的剪
2002-02-16 23:32:00 1029
原创 Visual Basic 6.0 控件和 .NET 控件的区别
Visual Basic 6.0 控件和 .NET 控件的区别 升级到 Microsoft .NET Paul D. SheriffPDSA, Inc. 2001年11月 摘要:本文简单介绍了 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 中的标准控件和等效的 Microsoft .NET 控件。目标了解哪些 Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX 控件在 .
2002-01-04 10:35:00 1058
原创 NET 世界中的远程脚本
NET 世界中的远程脚本 Andrew ClinickMicrosoft Corporation 2001年11月12日 查看示例 service_vb.htm(英文)查看示例 service_jscript.htm(英文)查看 clsWeatherVB.asmx 的代码(英文)查看 clsWeatherJScript.asmx 的代码(英文)2000 年 3 月,我写了一篇文章,介绍
2002-01-03 16:31:00 892
原创 Store Images in Your Database
February 2001Getting StartedStore Images in Your Database Create an easy way to save and retrieve images in your VB application and Microsoft Access database.by Andy Rosebro
2001-12-07 09:17:00 1207
原创 Visual Basic 的未来
Visual Basic 的未来一个版本中将出现的Web Forms(Web表单), Web services(Web服务)和语言的改进Joshua Trupin本文读者是已经熟悉了Visual Basic的用户。概述: 下一个版本的Microsoft Visual Basic 主要有以下三方面的改进:Web Forms、Web services和面向对象的语法方面的改进。
2001-11-25 21:43:00 745
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