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原创 Dive into Deep Learning
Dive into Deep Learning1 IntroduceMost neural networks contain a few principles:using linear or nonlinear units alternately,which are called layer.using gradient descent to update network parameters,which is base on chain rule(back propagation BP) in
2021-12-19 22:15:28
原创 [NLP] Why does Network Need Memory
Why?There is an enlightening example, slot-filing is a significant task in a variety of NLP tasks which is finding pieces of information that we need.Here are two sentences for exampling:arrive Taipei on November 2ndleave Taipei on November 2ndWe ar
2021-12-19 22:12:07
原创 A Little Tips on Constructing Neuronal Network Based on Pytorch(1)
In python coding, we can divide the whole code into some parts, difference of every part of code with different functions.Using Manual Experiment of Fully Connected Neuronal Network Based on MNIST as an example, in this task, we have several subtasks:su
2021-12-12 21:36:25
原创 Manual Experiment of Fully Connected Neuronal Network Based on MNIST
Manual Experiment of Fully Connected Neuronal Network Based on MNIST1.Experiment Preparation1.1Task OverviewIn this task, it is mainly about constructing a FNN model for handwriting recognition. FNN is a fundamental model in deep learning, which means a
2021-12-12 20:59:25
原创 Manual Experiment of Linear Regression
Manual Experiment of Linear Regression1. Experiment preparation1.1 Task overview The order of task is to be familiar with pytorch and gradient descent. Detail: Given x which is randomly generated, and define a function which is fitting target. Usi
2021-11-26 16:45:34
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