Userenv 1054

事件类型: 错误
事件来源: Userenv
事件种类: 无
事件 ID: 1054
日期:  2005-9-23
事件:  10:13:39
计算机: *****
Windows 不能获得您的计算机网络的域控制器名称。(出现了意外的网络错误)。组策略处理中止。

Product:Windows Operating System
Message:Windows cannot obtain the domain controller name for your computer network. (%1). Group Policy processing aborted.

A network connectivity or configuration problem exists. Group Policy settings cannot be applied until the problem is fixed.

User Action

To troubleshoot the network connectivity or configuration problem, try one or all of the following:

  • In Event Viewer, click System, and check for any networking-related messages, such as Netlogon messages, that indicate a network connectivity issue.
  • At the command prompt, type netdiag, and note any errors. Those errors usually have to be resolved before Group Policy processing can continue.
  • At the command prompt, type gpupdate, and then check Event Viewer to see if the Userenv 1054 event is logged again.
  • To verify that the domain controller can be contacted through Domain Name System (DNS), try to access //, where is the fully qualified DNS name of your domain.
  • Verify that you can access the domain controller by using tools such as the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.
  • Check to see whether other computers on your network are having the same problem.
  • If this computer is a part of a cross-forest domain, verify that the forest for the user account is currently available and can be contacted by the computer on which the Group Policy processing failed.

If none of the above actions identified the problem, see the 'Troubleshooting Group Policy in Windows Server 2003' white paper at the Microsoft Web site.

Event ID: 1054
DescriptionWindows cannot obtain the domain controller name for your computer network. (<error description>). Group Policy processing aborted. 
Things to understandWhat is the Group Policy?
What is the role of Userenv?  
CommentsAnonymous (Last update 9/1/2005):
I had this problem on two Win2k3 member servers and resolved it by disjoining the domain, then re-joining the domain.

Mark Casemore (Last update 8/24/2005):
I was having this problem on a Win2k3 member server using a static IP address. I changed the DNS suffix (was incorrect), and this solved the problem.

Mihai Andrei (Last update 7/26/2005):
As per Microsoft: "A network connectivity or configuration problem exists. Group Policy settings cannot be applied until the problem is fixed". See MSW2KDB for more information about this event.

Anonymous (Last update 2/24/2005):
I was running ZoneAlarm and it had denied access to the Windows Logon Module. Try shutting down ZoneAlarm (or any other personal firewall) and run gpupdate from a command line.

Robbie Foust (Last update 2/18/2005):
This problem can occur if the user is authenticating to a MIT Kerberos realm with a Kerberos name mapping defined in AD. See M827182 for a hotfix applicable to Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

You can also turn on debug logging for Userenv which will give you a lot more information about what is breaking:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon
Value: UserEnvDebugLevel
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data: 10002 (Hex)

The log file created will be located in “<drive>/Windows/debug/usermode/userenv.log”.

Anonymous (Last update 1/24/2005):
See the link to "ICMP Ping and Group Policy Update" for information on this type of problems.

Ionut Marin (Last update 1/13/2005):
As per Microsoft: "This problem may occur if the Group Policy engine or Active Directory times out while it waits for the network to start. A race condition may occur between the TCP/IP protocol and the network adaptor driver when they try to register with the Microsoft Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS). If the TCP/IP protocol registers with NDIS before the network adaptor driver, for a short time it prompts higher user mode networking components that network connectivity is not available. During this short time, the Group Policy startup script cannot be downloaded". See M840669 to resolve this problem.

This behavior can occur if you have not started the Netlogon service. See M299563 for more details.

From a newsgroup post: "I solved the problem. Something odd was happening in the DNS configuration. While in the DNS console everything looked fine, in the SBS administration console, Computer management (local), Service and application, DNS there was something different: The zone was pointing to another address. I had to delete zone and recreate the reverse lookup zone manually. Then stop logon service, flush DNS and register DNS again with IPCONFIG /registerDNS".

From a newsgroup post: "I am using the 4.83 Novell Client and I found an article on the Novell site that indicates that when the Novell Client is installed the Event ID 1054 occurs. See the link to Novell Technical Information Document TID10069023 for the article".

Anonymous (Last update 11/15/2004):
I encountered this problem on my DC. The DC is a Win2k3 and I installed on it a firewall. This firewall was blocking all the connections via, so the Netlogon service was not able to communicate. To fix the problem, I stopped the firewall and I restarted the Netlogon service.

Anonymous (Last update 9/22/2004):
I had the same error message on my Windows XP client. It appeared right after I changed a Domain. UNC-names were resolved right, but I could not search the network environment. The problem was caused by the fact that the server's NIC was configured for IPSec. Since I was not using IPSec I changed this on the server and solved the problem.

Anonymous (Last update 9/22/2004):
In my case, ZonaAlarm caused this problem. After I uninstalled this program, the problem disappeared.

Anonymous (Last update 7/28/2004):
I had this error on several laptops, Dell Latitude C600, they were not processing group policy for software installation. Reinstalling the NIC driver, 3Com 10/100 Mini PCI Ethernet Adapter fixed the problem.

Anonymous (Last update 7/28/2004):
In our particular environment we had a 2003/XP computer separated from the 2003 DC over a VPN. All DNS settings were correct, and NIC drivers updated. We also disabled the DHCPMediaSense feature.  In the end, after looking very closely at the firewall logs, it appears that the firewall product that we were using was dropping ICMP packets larger than 512 bytes (NG SmartDefense) in anticipation of an Denial of Service attack. It appears that at some point in the conversation, the client computer trys to send an ICMP packet of 2048 bytes. Why? Now that we upped the maximum ICMP packet size to 2048 and rebooted the client machine, the group policies process fine.

Maciej Piekulski (Last update 7/28/2004):
I have the same problem in 2k native domain with xp clients. Errors was generated after blocking icmp on workstation with ipsec. XP does not apply group policy until I stopped IPSEC service. After applying policy without blocking icmp everything start working again.

Anonymous (Last update 6/23/2004):
Try flashing with the latest BIOS. We had a Dell Latitude C600 laptop out of the office for three months that would not process GPOs once the person brought it back in, could not find domain controller, etc. This error was among several. Long story short, we flashed the BIOS from A7 to A23 and it processed the GPOs immediately. Nothing else worked, including re-joining the domain, updating the NIC driver and so forth.

Anonymous (Last update 6/23/2004):
I also had this error. My notebooks were not getting the full group policy. Updating the Realtek RTL8139/810x NIC drivers fixed the problem.

Anonymous (Last update 5/1/2004):
Also had this problem on machines with Gigabit NICs. Setting the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Tcpip/Parameters/DisableDHCPMediaSense” to “1” as per M239924 solved it.

Lew Webb (Last update 2/1/2004):
This error did not go away for me until I configured the settings in “Group policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->System->Net Logon->DC Locator DNS Records” on my DNS servers. It seemed a logical place to go. My workstations could not find a DC through DNS and my DNS was not dynamically updating its SRV records. I thought that was dynamic, but apparently not.

Greg (Last update 2/1/2004):
In my case, this error occurred on a domain with 2 servers, one with Win2k and the other one with Windows 2003. The error was caused by Norton Internet Security, which is installed on both. Even the firewall was configured on both machines to trust each other’s IP address, the error was still there. The solution I came up with was to include “localhost” ( to be a trusted IP on both machines.

Richard Sims (Last update 11/22/2003):
I had this problem with a new domain controller running Windows 2003.  DHCP was installed on the server, but not yet configured or authorized.  Removing DHCP, or configuring and authorizing it resolves the issue.

Bill Gilbert (Last update 11/21/2003):
I had the same issue with Broadcom 440x drivers in Dell Inspiron and Dimension computers using the XP built in driver (ver 3.5.1). Updating to the latest driver (3.6.0) solved the issue.

Jeff Thomes (Last update 10/17/2003):
M326152 refers you to M239924 to disable DHCP Media Sensing in the registry. This problem has appeared to all of my machines with Gigabit NICs. Read warning about side affects. This fix will most certainly cause problems for mobile users, but it worked for my desktop machines.

Anonymous (Last update 10/17/2003):
The problem is not with the NIC or DNS, but rather with the Microsoft XP OS. The Netlogon service is not robust enough to account for variances with some network cards and network environments. Most switches will run the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to detect network loops and shut down any ports with a loop. The process of detecting loop causes the switch port to go through multiple states: blocking, listening, learning, and finally forwarding. The switch is not able to transfer any traffic until the port reaches forwarding state. On most switches, this takes about 30 seconds after starting STP initialization. As the PC boots, some NICs perform a reset, which also forces the switch port to reset. If spanning tree is enabled it will take a minimum of 30 seconds before that port is capable of traffic. If XP is not able to transmit during that 30 seconds it will be logged as a failure and it will not retry. Windows 2000 is generally more robust in this respect. PortFast is Cisco terminology and allows you to set specific ports so they go straight from the blocking state to the forwarding state. It should be enabled on all ports with clients attached, to avoid timing problems. The reason you do not see a problem with all NICs is because some never perform a reset. This means the spanning tree cycle is never initiated. See Dell Support Forum for more details.

Michael (Last update 10/17/2003):
I have had the same error with a notebook running XP. Computer Configuration was just not applied to this machine whilst other PCs (even identical Notebooks) had the same GPO applied without problems. After having tried every possible solution on this site, I think the following did the trick:
1. Took PC out of domain and deleted the computer account there.
2. Applied new SID to the PC.
3. Changed the File System of "C:/" from FAT32 to NTFS (wanted to do this on this machine for a long time, so even if it may have nothing to do with the GPO-Problem, I list it up here to be 100% accurate).
4. Joined the domain again & rebooted properly.
5. Then moved the PC-Account in the ActiveDirectory to the container with the GPO I want to apply to the PCs. Then finally, the GPO was applied just as for the other PCs.

Peter Appel (Last update 10/17/2003):
Use "netdiag.exe" (Win2k server support tools). See M247811 for more details.

Anonymous (Last update 10/17/2003):
If you're using DHCP, make sure the DNS Server option (006) is set in your scope options.

Adrian Florin Moisei (Last update 5/24/2003):
For Microsoft Windows Server 2003 see M324174.

Tatiana Mosoi
See the link to M291382 for DNS troubleshooting.

The Intel Pro 1000 MT series of NICs in confuction with Windows XP shows an error code 1054. This problem is related to the initialization rate on the NIC vs. the fast load of the OS. Installing an update driver from Intel resolves this or hacking the registry in this area.

Larry L
If you are experiencing this event on a WinXP Pro Station and Group Policy settings are not being applied properly (whether it be User Policies i.e. Folder redirection or computer Policies i.e. Software Installation) check the local GP settings under Computer/Administrative Templates/System/Logon/[Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon]. What this does is disable the Windows XP Fast Logon Optimization, which causes XP to check cache credentials for logon information and does not wait for the network state to be available; so logon time is faster. On the negative-side of this it can cause group policy defects. See M305293.

Error: "The specified domain either does not exist or exist or could not be contacted". As per Microsoft: "Windows XP-based systems that use Gigabit Ethernet devices may not be able to join an Active Directory domain, which aborts the Group Policy download process. The problem occurs because link status fluctuates as the network adapter (also known as the network interface card, or NIC) driver initializes and as the network adapter hardware negotiates a link with the network infrastructure. The Group Policy application stack executes before the negotiation process is completed and can fail because of the absence of a valid link." See M326152.

Dave B
I have this problem with a Wireless LAN card. The card doesn't support Zero Configuration and the NIC software doesn't load until after logon so it cannot connect to the DC until after the logon to the local workstation.

Adrian Grigorof
Error: "A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host." - As per Microsoft, this event may occur if the address for the configured preferred Domain Name System (DNS) server on the client is not valid or unreachable. See M298656.

Error: "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted." - The error should point to the problem, that is, the domain controller is not available (network problems, the server is down, etc..) or the client computer is not configured properly in order to find it (i.e. wrong DNS server). This error was also reported by users that installed a personal firewall on their computer (i.e. ZoneAlarm) without configuring it properly (so the firewall blocked the access to the domain controller).

From a newsgroup post:
"All computers must point to the DS for DNS resolution. See M260371 - "Troubleshooting Common Active Directory Setup Issues in Windows 2000" and M237675 - "Setting Up the Domain Name System for Active Directory". These two articles fixed the same problem for me. W2K and XP both require an accurate DNS server that accepts active updates.

From a newsgroup post: "I have the same problem and the only thing I have read
that makes any sense is someone saying there was a XP hard drive image problem at Dell. They reinstalled XP from the Cd that can with the computer. They said all the problems were solved."  

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