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原创 web server 502错误

最近进行load test,发现在测试环境中当repquest时间长时会出现502错误,提示连接关闭。测试环境是通过apache作为web服务器转到jboss服务器的,用mod-jk进行设置。出错后,查看mod-jk.log可以看到这样的信息信息(引用其它网页里的错误信息):[Date/Time] [4994:52144] [error]ajp_connection_tcp

2012-04-24 10:29:24 4190 1

原创 备忘:在web.xml中使用org.springframework.js.resource.ResourceServlet的配置对静态资源的访问

查询了org.springframework.js.resource.ResourceServlet的源程序,发现需要使用这个servlet类时应该可以对以下这些参数进行设置:gzipEnabled allowedResourcePaths compressedMimeTypes jarPathPrefix cacheTimeout 我们项

2011-06-08 18:21:00 2080


CMMI开发模型1.2版本的描述文档(英文)具体说明了各个过程域及GG,GP, SG,SP。从www.sei.cmu.edu下载的原文件,在www.sei.cmu.edu中还有word格式文件可下。 目录: 18 Purpose Statements 19 Introductory Notes 19 CMMI for Development Version 1.2 viii Table of Contents Related Process Areas 19 Specific Goals 19 Generic Goals 19 Specific Goal and Practice Summaries 20 Specific Practices 20 Typical Work Products 20 Subpractices 21 Generic Practices 21 Generic Practice Elaborations 21 Supporting Informative Components 22 Notes 22 Examples 22 Amplifications 22 References 23 Numbering Scheme 23 Typographical Conventions 24 Representation-Specific Content 27 Additions 28 3 Tying It All Together 29 Understanding Levels 29 Structures of the Continuous and Staged Representations 30 Understanding Capability Levels 32 Capability Level 0: Incomplete 33 Capability Level 1: Performed 33 Capability Level 2: Managed 33 Capability Level 3: Defined 33 Capability Level 4: Quantitatively Managed 34 Capability Level 5: Optimizing 34 Advancing through Capability Levels 34 Understanding Maturity Levels 35 Maturity Level 1: Initial 36 Maturity Level 2: Managed 36 Maturity Level 3: Defined 37 Maturity Level 4: Quantitatively Managed 37 Maturity Level 5: Optimizing 38 Advancing through Maturity Levels 39 Process Areas 41 Generic Goals and Practices 45 Representation Comparison 46 Equivalent Staging 47 4 Relationships Among Process Areas 51 Four Categories of CMMI Process Areas 51 Process Management 52 CMMI for Development Version 1.2 Table of Contents ix Basic Process Management Process Areas 52 Advanced Process Management Process Areas 54 Project Management 55 Basic Project Management Process Areas 55 Advanced Project Management Process Areas 57 Engineering 58 Recursion and Iteration of Engineering Processes 61 Support 62 Basic Support Process Areas 62 Advanced Support Process Areas 64 5 Using CMMI Models 65 Adopting CMMI 65 Your Process Improvement Program 66 Selections That Influence Your Program 66 CMMI Models 67 Using CMMI Appraisals 68 Appraisal Requirements for CMMI 68 SCAMPI Appraisal Methods 69 Appraisal Considerations 69 CMMI-Related Training 70 Generic Goals and Generic Practices, and the Process Areas 73 Generic Goals and Generic Practices 75 Overview 75 Process Institutionalization 75 Performed Process 76 Managed Process 76 Defined Process 77 Quantitatively Managed Process 78 Optimizing Process 79 Relationships among Processes 80 Generic Goals and Generic Practices 81 Applying Generic Practices 94 Process Areas That Support Generic Practices 94 Causal Analysis and Resolution 101 Configuration Management 114 Decision Analysis and Resolution 131 Integrated Project Management +IPPD 145 Measurement and Analysis 178 Organizational Innovation and Deployment 198 Organizational Process Definition +IPPD 219 Organizational Process Focus 241 Organizational Process Performance 261 CMMI for Development Version 1.2 x Table of Contents Organizational Training 275 Product Integration 293 Project Monitoring and Control 313 Project Planning 327 Process and Product Quality Assurance 353 Quantitative Project Management 364 Requirements Development 388 Requirements Management 408 Risk Management 420 Supplier Agreement Management 439 Technical Solution 456 Validation 483 Verification 496 The Appendices and Glossary 515 A. References 517 Publicly Available Sources 517 Regularly Updated Sources 521 B. Acronyms 522 C. CMMI for Development Project Participants 526 Product Team 526 Model Team Members 526 SCAMPI Upgrade Team Members 527 Training Team Members 527 Architecture Team Members 527 Hardware Team Members 528 Piloting Team Members 528 Quality Team Members 528 Sponsors 529 Steering Group 529 Steering Group Members 529 Ex-Officio Steering Group Members 530 Steering Group Support: Acquisition 530 Steering Group Support: CCB 530 Configuration Control Board 530 CCB Members 530 Non-Voting CCB Members 531 D. Glossary 532



hibernate参考书,很有参考价值 About This Book We introduce the object/relational paradigm mismatch in this book and give you a high-level overview of current solutions for this time-consuming problem. You’ll learn how to use Hibernate as a persistence layer with a richly typed domain object model in a single, continuing example application. This persistence layer implementation covers all entity association, class inheritance, and special type mapping strategies. We teach you how to tune the Hibernate object query and transaction system for the best performance in highly concurrent multiuser applications. The flexible Hibernate dual-layer caching system is also an important topic in this book. We discuss Hibernate integration in different scenarios and also show you typical architectural problems in two- and three-tiered Java database applications. If you have to work with an existing SQL database, you’ll also be interested in Hibernate’s legacy database integration features and the Hibernate development toolset.



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