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原创 Let us learn C in Code <11> flowchart while

So many days passed since the last C tutorial about the flowchart, this chapter we will go on  the flowchart and while loops

2014-05-03 21:34:57 1962

原创 C column of Pointer <3> malloc() free()

What a nice day, ok ,let go on the malloc() and free() chapter, if you have

2014-04-22 20:54:20 837

原创 C column of Pointer <2> malloc() free()

Ok, let us go on the pointer, previous chapters we get the definition of pointer and how the difference variables allocate in the memory,this chapter i will introduce how to allocate a fixed size of b

2014-04-20 20:03:49 998

原创 C column of Pointer <2>

Ok, let us go on the pointer, previous chapters we the definition of pointer and difference variable

2014-04-19 21:36:23 750

原创 Let us learn C in Code <10> flowchart

Flowchart which is a types of diagram in programming uses simple geometric symbols and arrows to define relationships among the difference sections ,represent an algorithm or data processing.  The flo

2014-04-16 20:41:42 1125

原创 Let us learn C in Code <10>

SysbolNameFunctionDirestion of FlowUsed to indicate the flow of connected parts.Start or stopUsed to represent the start or the end of the flowc

2014-04-14 20:53:08 717

原创 C column of Pointer <1>

Now , let us go on talking about the pointer , in the "C column of Pointer " had detailed the definition ,initialization and access the pointer . Most of us maybe have been  clear about the  the memor

2014-04-12 12:49:27 740

原创 Let us learn C in Code <9> pseudocode

Hi, everyone, this chapter just shows some method before coding. In our daily life

2014-04-07 20:46:54 784

原创 C column of Pointer <0>

In C language , most of us will meet the pointer variable. The pointer represents a memory location which can be accessed by the ampersand (&) operator .If you want to get the value of this address, y

2014-04-05 18:51:24 1492

原创 Let us learn C in Code <8> decision making

Hi, everyone. Today is April 1. who maybe the April one at this funny day. This chapter we'll learn the decision making structures. What 's the decision making? As it means , we must making decision .

2014-04-01 20:54:00 855

原创 Let us learn C in Code <7> operators

Hi, everyone! This article will introduce some mathematical and logical manipulation called operators. Actually we have learnt some operators in code through previous chapters, like the assignment sig

2014-03-28 18:02:18 899

原创 Let us learn C in Code <6> _printf()

Now , last chapter told us that if u wanted our pc to output something, we can use the printf() function, but that's just the one thing we want, much more important thing we cared is how the printf()

2014-03-26 20:13:46 804

原创 Let us learn C in Code <5>_printf()_function

Ok, let's review the previous chapters, all the main() function just followed some variables and equation, for example main(){int a = 1;int b  = 2;int c = 0;c = a + b;}We know the resu

2014-03-24 20:57:44 703

原创 Let us learn C in Code <4> _data type

We have declared two types of data , the integer and float, but actually C language supports three data types. 0) As integer(int) and float(float) are belong to the fundamental data type. Except for

2014-03-21 21:53:38 736

原创 Let us learn C in Code <3>_constant

This chapter relates with some basic conception , the constant ,as this word means , the constant is never changed. In C language, the constants are fixed value that don't change during the executio

2014-03-19 20:23:18 670

原创 Let us learn C in Code <2>

Now let us finish the the program refers to "Let us learn C in Code ". In that article, we  wrote a program to calculate the 1+2=?. The base program as followingmain(){int a = 1;int b = 2;

2014-03-17 21:00:05 658

原创 Let us learn C in Code <1>

Previous article just details the base main() function, themain() function just like the door of a house.If u want to walk into the house , firstly open the door .We have got the main() function, th

2014-03-16 13:48:25 717

原创 Let us learn C in Code <0>

In program, C just is a language, this language is really like the language in our society used to communicate with other gays, so C language 's purposes are used to communicate with ur PC or embedded

2014-03-14 17:46:08 819

原创 Test Blog!!!

This is My first blog in csdn, hello csdners!

2013-05-17 08:50:55 499



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