Skywalking 存储数据定时清理任务失效现象
现网环境deploy Skywalking 后台oap server,采用elasticsearch 6为存储,现象为长达两个星期的数据
- | - | recordDataTTL | The lifecycle of record data. Record data includes traces, top n sampled records, and logs. Unit is day. Minimal value is 2. | SW_CORE_RECORD_DATA_TTL | 3 |
- | - | metricsDataTTL | The lifecycle of metrics data, including the metadata. Unit is day. Recommend metricsDataTTL >= recordDataTTL. Minimal value is 2. | SW_CORE_METRICS_DATA_TTL | 7 |
查看配置文件中有关清理的配置,默认应该是启动数据清理DataKeeperExecutor, 并且是每5分钟运行一次。
- | - | enableDataKeeperExecutor | Controller of TTL scheduler. Once disabled, TTL wouldn’t work. | SW_CORE_ENABLE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTOR | true |
- | - | dataKeeperExecutePeriod | The execution period of TTL scheduler, unit is minute. Execution doesn’t mean deleting data. The storage provider could override this, such as ElasticSearch storage. | SW_CORE_DATA_KEEPER_EXECUTE_PERIOD | 5 |
查看skywalking oap server pod的日志,kubectl logs -f 跟踪查看,发现每五分钟,有这样一条记录
2021-04-26 06:05:51,082 - -325937 [pool-10-thread-1] INFO [] - The selected fir