Explaination to zope.conf


environment * (function cgi_environment)
+ (type str)
Use any key/value pair, e.g. 'MY_PRODUCT_ENVVAR foo_bar'
instancehome (function existing_directory)
The top-level directory which contains the "instance" data for the application server. Typically this is a directory which may contain a "Products" subdirectory (which holds instance-local Zope Products), an "Extensions" subdirectory (which holds instance-local external methods), and an "import" directory (which holds instance-local importable ZODB exports). It may also contain "etc", "bin", "log", and "var" directories depending on how you'ce configured your Zope instance.
clienthome (function existing_directory)
The directory used to store the default filestorage file used to back the ZODB database, as well as other files used by the Zope applications server during runtime.
products (function existing_directory) (default: '[]')
This specifies additional product directories which are added to Products.__path__. Directories are added in the order in which they are specified.
path (function existing_directory) (default: '[]')
This specifies additional paths directories which are inserted into the beginning of Python's module search path. The set of directories specified is inserted into the beginning of the module search path in the order which they are specified here. Note that the processing of this directive may happen too late under some circumstances; it is recommended that you use the PYTHONPATH environment variable if using this directive doesn't work for you.
pid-filename (function existing_dirpath)
The full path to which the Zope process will write its OS process id at startup.
lock-filename (function existing_dirpath)
The full path to a file which the Zope process will attempt to lock at startup (used to signal to other processes that this Zope instance is currently running).
debug-mode (function asBoolean) (default: 'on')
A switch which controls several aspects of Zope operation useful for developing under Zope. When debug mode is on: - The process will not detach from the controlling terminal - Errors in product initialization will cause startup to fail (instead of writing error messages to the event log file). - Filesystem-based scripts such as skins, PageTemplateFiles, and DTMLFiles can be edited while the server is running and the server will detect these changes in real time. When this switch is off, you must restart the server to see the changes. Setting this to 'off' when Zope is in a production environment is encouraged, as it speeds execution (sometimes dramatically).
effective-user (type str)
If you intend to run Zope as the "root" user, you must supply this directive with an effective username or userid number to which Zope will 'suid' after the server ports are bound. This directive only has effect under UNIX and if Zope is started as the root user.
enable-product-installation (function asBoolean) (default: 'on')
If this directive is turned on, Zope performs 'product installation' (the registration of Python modules in various Products directories) at startup. Turning this off can speed Zope startup time, but it can also cause your Control_Panel Product list to become desynchronized with the contents of your Products directories. If the 'zeo_client_name' directive is set, and this directive is unset, this directive will be implicitly turned off.
locale (instance ZConfig.datatypes.MemoizedConversion)
Enable locale (internationalization) support by supplying a locale name to be used. See your operating system documentation for locale information specific to your system. If your Python module does not support the locale module, or if the requested locale is not supported by your system, an error will be raised and Zope will not start.
datetime-format (function datetime_format) (default: 'us')
Set this variable either to "us" or "international" to force the DateTime module to parse date strings either with month-before-days-before-year ("us") or days-before-month-before-year ("international"). The default behaviour of DateTime (when this setting is left unset) is to parse dates as US dates.
zserver-threads (function integer) (default: '4')
Specify the number of threads that Zope's ZServer web server will use to service requests. The default is 4.
python-check-interval (function integer) (default: '500')
Value passed to Python's sys.setcheckinterval() function. The higher this is, the less frequently the Python interpreter checks for keyboard interrupts. Setting this to higher values also reduces the frequency of potential thread switches, which can improve the performance of a busy server.
zserver-read-only-mode (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
If this variable is set, then the database is opened in read only mode. If this variable is set to a string parsable by DateTime.DateTime, then the database is opened read-only as of the time given. Note that changes made by another process after the database has been opened are not visible.
structured-text-header-level (function integer) (default: '3')
Set the default starting HTML header level for structured text documents. The default is 3, which implies that top-level headers will be created with an H3 HTML tag.
rest-input-encoding (type str)
Specifies the input encoding of re-StructuredText documents (e.g. 'utf-8', 'iso-8859' or any other valid encoding recognized by Python). The default is your Python's default encoding.
rest-output-encoding (type str)
Specifies the output encoding of re-StructuredText documents (e.g. 'utf-8', 'iso-8859' or any other valid encoding recognized by Python). The default is your Python's default encoding.
maximum-security-manager-stack-size (function integer) (default: '100')
This variable allows you to customize the size of the Zope SecurityManager stack. You shouldn't change this unless you know what it means.
publisher-profile-file (type str)
Causing this directive to point to a file on the filesystem will cause Zope's profiling capabilities to be enabled. For more information, see the Debug/Profiling tab of Zope's Control_Panel.
cgi_environment * (function cgi_environment)
+ (type str)
Use any key/value pair, e.g. 'HTTPS_PORT 443'
dns-server (function dns_resolver)
Specify the ip address of your DNS server in order to cause resolved hostnames to be written to Zope's access log. By default, Zope will not resolve hostnames unless this is set.
ip-address (instance ZConfig.datatypes.IpaddrOrHostname)
The default IP address on which Zope's various server protocol implementations will listen for requests. If this is unset, Zope will listen on all IP addresses supported by the machine.
http-realm (type str) (default: 'Zope')
The HTTP "Realm" header value sent by this Zope instance. This value often shows up in basic authentication dialogs.
automatically-quote-dtml-request-data (function asBoolean) (default: 'on')
Set this directive to 'off' in order to disable the autoquoting of implicitly retrieved REQUEST data by DTML code which contains a '<' when used in construction. When this directive is 'on', all data implicitly retrieved from the REQUEST in DTML (as opposed to addressing REQUEST.somevarname directly) that contains a '<' will be HTML-quoted when interpolated via a or &dtml-; construct. This mitigates the possibility that DTML programmers will leave their sites open to a "client-side trojan" attack.
trusted-proxy (instance ZConfig.datatypes.IpaddrOrHostname) (default: '[]')
Define one or more 'trusted-proxies' keys, each of which is a hostname or an IP address. The set of definitions comprises a list of front-end proxies that are trusted to supply an accurate X_FORWARDED_FOR header to Zope (security-related).
security-policy-implementation (function security_policy_implementation) (default: 'C')
The default Zope "security policy" implementation is written in C. Set this key to "PYTHON" to use the Python implementation (useful for debugging purposes); set it to "C" to use the C implementation.
skip-authentication-checking (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to prevent Zope from attempting to authenticate users during normal operation. Potentially dangerous from a security perspective. Only works if security-policy-implementation is set to 'C'.
skip-ownership-checking (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
Set this directive to 'on' to cause Zope to ignore ownership checking when attempting to execute "through the web" code. By default, this directive is off in order to prevent 'trojan horse' security problems whereby a user with less privilege can cause a user with more privilege to execute code which the less privileged user has written.
maximum-number-of-session-objects (function integer) (default: '1000')
An integer value representing the number of items to use as a "maximum number of subobjects" value of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container within Zope's object database.
session-add-notify-script-path (type str)
An optional full Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object addition" of the session_data transient object container created in the '/temp_folder' folder at startup.
session-delete-notify-script-path (type str)
An optional full Zope path name of a callable object to be set as the "script to call on object deletion" of the sessioN_data transient object container created in the /temp_folder folder at startup.
session-timeout-minutes (function integer) (default: '20')
An integer value representing the number of minutes to be used as the "data object timeout" of the '/temp_folder/session_data' transient object container in Zope's object database.
suppress-all-access-rules (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
If this directive is set to on, no access rules in your Zope site will be executed. This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper access rule.
suppress-all-site-roots (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
If this directive is set to on, no site roots in your Zope site will be effective. This is useful if you "lock yourself out" of a particular part of your site by setting an improper site root.
database-quota-size (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier)
Set this directive to an integer in bytes in order to place a hard limit on the size which the default FileStorage-backed Zope database can grow. Additions to the database will not be permitted once this filesize is exceeded.
read-only-database (function asBoolean)
If this directive is set to "on", the main Zope FileStorage-backed ZODB database will be opened in read-only mode.
zeo-client-name (type str)
Provide a string value to uniquely identify the local cache files created if this Zope is a ZEO client. Setting this directive implies setting 'enable-product-installation' to 'off' if 'enable-product-installation' is left unset.
eventlog * (classobj EventLogFactory)
level (function logging_level) (default: 'info') zlog.loghandler *
email-notifier (classobj SMTPHandlerFactory)
dateformat (type str) (default: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') level (function logging_level) (default: 'notset') from (type str) to (type str) (default: '[]') subject (type str) (default: 'Message from Zope') smtp-server (function inet_address) (default: 'localhost') format (function log_format) (default: '%(asctime)s %(message)s')
http-logger (classobj HTTPHandlerFactory)
dateformat (type str) (default: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') level (function logging_level) (default: 'notset') url (function http_handler_url) (default: 'http://localhost/') method (function get_or_post) (default: 'GET') format (function log_format) (default: '%(asctime)s %(message)s')
logfile (classobj FileHandlerFactory)
dateformat (type str) (default: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') level (function logging_level) (default: 'notset') path (type str) format (function log_format) (default: '------//n%(asctime)s %(message)s')
syslog (classobj SyslogHandlerFactory)
dateformat (type str) (default: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') level (function logging_level) (default: 'notset') facility (function syslog_facility) (default: 'user') address (classobj SocketAddress) (default: 'localhost:514') format (function log_format) (default: '%(message)s')
win32-eventlog (classobj Win32EventLogFactory)
dateformat (type str) (default: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') level (function logging_level) (default: 'notset') appname (type str) (default: 'Zope') format (function log_format) (default: '%(message)s')
access access (classobj LoggerFactory)
level (function logging_level) (default: 'info') zlog.loghandler *
trace trace (classobj LoggerFactory)
level (function logging_level) (default: 'info') zlog.loghandler *
max-listen-sockets (function integer) (default: '1000')
The maximum number of sockets that ZServer will attempt to open in order to service incoming connections.
zserver.server *
The "server" type is used to describe a single type of server instance. The value for a server section is an object with the ServerFactory interface.
fast-cgi (classobj FCGIServerFactory)
address (classobj SocketAddress)
ftp-server (classobj FTPServerFactory)
address (function inet_address)
http-server (classobj HTTPServerFactory)
address (function inet_address) force-connection-close (function asBoolean) (default: 'off') webdav-source-clients (type str)
Regular expression used to identify clients who should receive WebDAV source responses to GET requests.
icp-server (classobj ICPServerFactory)
address (function inet_address)
monitor-server (classobj MonitorServerFactory)
address (function inet_address)
persistent-cgi (classobj PCGIServerFactory)
path (function existing_file)
webdav-source-server (classobj WebDAVSourceServerFactory)
address (function inet_address) force-connection-close (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
port-base (function integer) (default: '0')
Base port number that gets added to the specific port numbers specified for the individual servers.
zodb.database +
Zope ZODB databases must have a name, and they are required to be referenced via the "zodb_db" database type because it is the only kind of database definition that implements the required mount-point argument. There is another database sectiontype named "zodb", but it cannot be used in the context of a proper Zope configuration (due to lack of a mount-point).
zodb (classobj ZODBDatabase)
zodb.storage *
demostorage (classobj DemoStorage)
name (type str) (default: 'Demo Storage') zodb.storage *
quota (function integer)
filestorage (classobj FileStorage)
path (type str)
Path name to the main storage file. The names for supplemental files, including index and lock files, will be computed from this.
create (function asBoolean) (default: 'false')
Flag that indicates whether the storage should be truncated if it already exists.
read-only (function asBoolean) (default: 'false')
If true, only reads may be executed against the storage. Note that the "pack" operation is not considered a write operation and is still allowed on a read-only filestorage.
quota (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier)
Maximum allowed size of the storage file. Operations which would cause the size of the storage to exceed the quota will result in a ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorageQuotaError being raised.
fullstorage (classobj BDBFullStorage)
name (type str) interval (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '2m') kbyte (function integer) (default: '0') min (function integer) (default: '0') logdir (type str) cachesize (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '128MB') frequency (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '0') packtime (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '4h') classicpack (function integer) (default: '0') read-only (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
mappingstorage (classobj MappingStorage)
name (type str) (default: 'Mapping Storage')
minimalstorage (classobj BDBMinimalStorage)
name (type str) interval (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '2m') kbyte (function integer) (default: '0') min (function integer) (default: '0') logdir (type str) cachesize (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '128MB') frequency (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '0') packtime (instance ZConfig.datatypes.SuffixMultiplier) (default: '4h') classicpack (function integer) (default: '0') read-only (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
temporarystorage (classobj TemporaryStorage)
A nonundoing storage which keeps data in RAM and which does not need to be packed unless cyclic references are kept.
name (type str) (default: 'Temporary Storage')
zeoclient (classobj ZEOClient)
server (classobj SocketAddress) (default: '[]') storage (type str) (default: '1')
The name of the storage that the client wants to use. If the ZEO server serves more than one storage, the client selects the storage it wants to use by name. The default name is '1', which is also the default name for the ZEO server.
cache-size (function integer) (default: '20000000')
The maximum size of the client cache, in bytes.
name (type str) (default: '')
The storage name. If unspecified, the address of the server will be used as the name.
client (type str)
Enables persistent cache files. The string passed here is used to construct the cache filenames. If it is not specified, the client creates a temporary cache that will only be used by the current object.
var (type str)
The directory where persistent cache files are stored. By default cache files, if they are persistent, are stored in the current directory.
min-disconnect-poll (function integer) (default: '5')
The minimum delay in seconds between attempts to connect to the server, in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
max-disconnect-poll (function integer) (default: '300')
The maximum delay in seconds between attempts to connect to the server, in seconds. Defaults to 300 seconds.
wait (function asBoolean) (default: 'on')
A boolean indicating whether the constructor should wait for the client to connect to the server and verify the cache before returning. The default is true.
read-only (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
A flag indicating whether this should be a read-only storage, defaulting to false (i.e. writing is allowed by default).
read-only-fallback (function asBoolean) (default: 'off')
A flag indicating whether a read-only remote storage should be acceptable as a fallback when no writable storages are available. Defaults to false. At most one of read_only and read_only_fallback should be true.
realm (type str)
The authentication realm of the server. Some authentication schemes use a realm to identify the logic set of usernames that are accepted by this server.
cache-size (function integer) (default: '5000') pool-size (function integer) (default: '7') version-pool-size (function integer) (default: '3') version-cache-size (function integer) (default: '100')
zodb_db (classobj ZopeDatabase)
We need to specialize the database configuration section for Zope only by including a (required) mount-point argument, which is a string. A Zope ZODB database can have multiple mount points, so this is a multikey.
zodb.storage *
cache-size (function integer) (default: '5000') pool-size (function integer) (default: '7') version-pool-size (function integer) (default: '3') version-cache-size (function integer) (default: '100') mount-point (function mount_point) (default: '[]')
The mount point is the slash-separated path to which this database will be mounted within the Zope application server.
connection-class (function importable_name)
Change the connection class a database uses on a per-database basis to support different connection policies. Use a Python dotted-path name to specify the connection class.
class-factory (function importable_name) (default: 'DBTab.ClassFactories.autoClassFactory')
Change the class factory function a database uses on a per-database basis to support different class factory policy. Use a Python dotted-path name to specify the class factory function.
container-class (function python_dotted_path)
Change the contiainer class a (mounted) database uses on a per-database basis to support a different container than a plain Folder. Use a Python dotted-path name to specify the container class.
runner * (function null_conversion)
program (type str) (default: '[]')
The program(s) that will be run by the runner
daemon (function asBoolean) (default: 'true')
Command-line option: -d or --daemon. If this option is true, zdrun.py runs in the background as a true daemon. It forks an child process which becomes the subprocess manager, while the parent exits (making the shell that started it believe it is done). The child process also does the following: - if the directory option is set, change into that directory - redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to /dev/null - call setsid() so it becomes a session leader - call umask(022)
backoff-limit (function integer) (default: '10')
Command-line option: -b or --backoff-limit. When the subprocess crashes, zdrun.py inserts a one-second delay before it restarts it. When the subprocess crashes again right away, the delay is incremented by one second, and so on. What happens when the delay has reached the value of backoff-limit (in seconds), depends on the value of the forever option. If forever is false, zdrun.py gives up at this point, and exits. An always-crashing subprocess will have been restarted exactly backoff-limit times in this case. If forever is true, zdrun.py continues to attempt to restart the process, keeping the delay at backoff-limit seconds. If the subprocess stays up for more than backoff-limit seconds, the delay is reset to 1 second.
forever (function asBoolean) (default: 'false')
Command-line option: -f or --forever. If this option is true, zdrun.py will keep restarting a crashing subprocess forever. If it is false, it will give up after backoff-limit crashes in a row. See the description of backoff-limit for details.
hang-around (function asBoolean) (default: 'false')
If this option is true, the zdrun.py process will remain even when the daemon subprocess is stopped. In this case, zopectl will restart zdrun.py as necessary. If this option is false, zdrun.py will exit when the daemon subprocess is stopped (unless zdrun.py intends to restart it).
default-to-interactive (function asBoolean) (default: 'true')
If this option is true, zopectl enters interactive mode when it is invoked without a positional command argument. If it is false, you must use the -i or --interactive command line option to zopectl to enter interactive mode.
prompt (type str) (default: 'zopectl>')
The prompt shown by zopectl program.




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