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原创 TAL/TALES & METAL Reference Guide

TAL/TALES & METAL Reference GuideCurrentHomeWeb JournalAbout MeResourcesSimpleTALPubTalWSGIUtilsTimeFormatRSyncBackupPhoto AlbumsThoughtsLinksArchiveItalianFidoNetDeskNotesDircTALAggregatorTaglinesAcronymsIntroduction<br />This is a simple reference guide

2010-08-28 18:02:00 476

原创 Using WebDav to connect to Plone ZODB

Plone 2.0.5 WebDAV 相容性心得tag on Zope<br />最近每個晚上都很累;昨天在搞 Plone 和 Windows XP 間的 WebDAV 連線。<br />我的「很舊很舊版 IE (Product ID: 55274-642-7115725-23781)」一直可以正常地對 Plone 2.0.5 WebDAV 分享進行連線,http/https 都很健康正常;這個版本的 IE 在紀錄檔裡給出的 PROPFIND 項目會有 MicrosoftDataAccessInternet

2010-08-28 17:05:00 543

原创 Customizing Plone

5.6. Customizing Plone <br /> IntroductionThrough-the-web changesThrough the code changesIntroduction<br />Plone can be customized in two different ways, depending on which kind of component you are trying to changeThrough-the-webBy add-on products<br />Yo

2010-08-28 17:03:00 274

原创 how to manually traverse the ZODB tree in your code to locate objects by their path?

<br />needs to be studied.<br /> <br />Each content object has an id string which identifies the object in the parent container. Besides id strings, the content objects have Unique Identifiers, or UID, which does not change even if the object is moved or r

2010-08-28 08:02:00 409

原创 Plone - What controls what you see

<br />http://plone.org/documentation/kb/where-is-what/tutorial-all-pages<br /> Before we start: About roles<br />Plone has the ability to recognize various user roles. An assigned role (usually one of Anonymous, Member, Reviewer, or Manager, and possibly a

2010-08-28 07:44:00 306

原创 acl_users and user folder and user management in ZOpe

<br />A Zope User object defines a user account. A Zope User has a name, a password, one or more roles, and various other properties. Roles are granted to a user in order to make it easier to control the scope of what he or she may do within a Zope site.<b

2010-08-18 23:20:00 321

原创 How to develop a zope application

11.6. Building “Instance-Space” Applications¶<br />In Zope, there are a few ways to develop a web application. The simplest and fastest way, and the one we’ve been concentrating on thus far in this book, is to build an application in instance space. To und

2010-08-18 23:14:00 301

原创 how to manage Zope objects programmatically.

<br />Any URL your browser requests from the server is mapped to both an object and a method. The method is executed on the object, and a response is sent to your browser.<br /> http://localhost:8080/<br />returns the Zope Quick Start page. In this case, w

2010-08-18 23:10:00 219

原创 study the accessrule.py for plone and for zope....compare the differencess...

<br />things to be done.

2010-08-18 22:09:00 307

原创 http://docs.zope.org/zope2/zope2book/ZopeArchitecture.html


2010-08-18 16:24:00 282

原创 ZOPE plugins

<br />However, freely available Plugins built on top of Zope offer these kinds of services. At the time of this writing, the Python Package Index lists roughly 400 Plugins that you can browse and even reuse in your own applications. These include Plugins f

2010-08-18 16:21:00 297

原创 Why uses ZOPE

<br />zope2<br />==<br />Free of cost/inclusive/many ready to use packages./scalable/security/cross the platforms/fast development -python<br /> <br />or<br /> <br />Fast and Cheap and security/inclusive in functions/scalable and cross the platforms.<br />

2010-08-18 16:18:00 192

原创 Why uses ZOPE

<br />zope2<br />==<br />Free of cost/inclusive/many ready to use packages./scalable/security/cross the platforms/fast development -python<br /> <br />or<br /> <br />Fast and Cheap and security/inclusive in functions/scalable and cross the platforms.<br />

2010-08-18 16:16:00 216

原创 Why uses ZOPE

<br />zope2<br />==<br />Free of cost/inclusive/many ready to use packages./scalable/security/cross the platforms/fast development -python<br /> <br />or<br /> <br />Fast and Cheap and security/inclusive in functions/scalable and cross the platforms.<br />

2010-08-18 16:15:00 215

原创 how websites are perceived by their visitors and the basic ways in which websites can be constructed.

<br />From Zope2 book:<br /> <br />How a user use website:<br />==<br /> <br />In general, many website visitors think about navigation in terms of moving “from page-to-page” within a website. When they click a hyperlink, their browser transports them to a

2010-08-18 16:08:00 255

原创 how websites are perceived by their visitors and the basic ways in which websites can be constructed.

<br />From Zope2 book:<br /> <br />How a user use website:<br />==<br /> <br />In general, many website visitors think about navigation in terms of moving “from page-to-page” within a website. When they click a hyperlink, their browser transports them to a

2010-08-18 16:07:00 265

原创 how websites are perceived by their visitors and the basic ways in which websites can be constructed.

<br />From Zope2 book:<br /> <br />How a user use website:<br />==<br /> <br />In general, many website visitors think about navigation in terms of moving “from page-to-page” within a website. When they click a hyperlink, their browser transports them to a

2010-08-18 16:07:00 205

原创 how websites are perceived by their visitors and the basic ways in which websites can be constructed.

<br />From Zope2 book:<br /> <br />How a user use website:<br />==<br /> <br />In general, many website visitors think about navigation in terms of moving “from page-to-page” within a website. When they click a hyperlink, their browser transports them to a

2010-08-18 16:06:00 309

原创 how websites are perceived by their visitors and the basic ways in which websites can be constructed.

<br />From Zope2 book:<br /> <br />How a user use website:<br />==<br /> <br />In general, many website visitors think about navigation in terms of moving “from page-to-page” within a website. When they click a hyperlink, their browser transports them to a

2010-08-18 16:06:00 330

原创 The process of developing websites using zope concepts.

<br />Requirements analysis<br />===<br />1. The uses of the website<br />2. The use cases, which decides the contents of the website: static contents, dynamic contents, logic contents<br />3. the way of the content being presented.<br />4. the security re

2010-08-18 15:50:00 173

原创 The process of developing websites using zope concepts.

<br />Requirements analysis<br />===<br />1. The uses of the website<br />2. The use cases, which decides the contents of the website: static contents, dynamic contents, logic contents<br />3. the way of the content being presented.<br />4. the security re

2010-08-18 15:47:00 194

原创 ZOPE 2 Concepts

TTW: through the webOne of the most notable differences between the original Zope2 approach and todays best-practices is in the way you develop applications with Zope2. The original Zope2 approach has focussed on a Through-The-Web (TTW) development model.

2010-08-18 15:38:00 247

原创 tomoorrw's task

<br />reread zope book <br />understand the ZCA.<br />understand other z...<br />how to dive into plone souce code.....<br /> 

2010-08-17 22:52:00 170

原创 Web 应用整理

<br />看了很多资料,但基本的概念还需要重新整理一下,避免糊涂。<br /> <br />1. 我们研究的是软件开发。<br />2。软件分为 BS 结构, CS 结构,单机结构, 单片机结构。我们研究的主要是 BS 结构。<br />3. 对于BS结构,来说,客户端就是浏览器,客户端和服务器端的联系就是:http address。<br />4. 对于服务器端,无论任何应用程序,其第一个接口都是 地址解释器,或者称为 WEB SERVER。<br />5. ZOPE 就是这样一个WEB SERVER,

2010-08-17 22:38:00 232

原创 check ip address

<br />http://www.91cool.net/

2010-08-15 12:06:00 971

原创 How to display a Variable ?

<br />under Windows: Set<br />under Xunix: Echo<br /> <br />我们能够用echo命令来显示PATH变量,用$给变量名加前缀以向shell表示我们需要这个变量的值。我们看到/home/swaroop/bin是PATH变量中的目录之一。swaroop是我的系统中使用的用户名。通常,在你的系统中也会有一个相似的目录。你也可以把你选择的目录添加到PATH变量中去——这可以通过运行PATH=$PATH:/home/swaroop/mydir完成,其中“/hom

2010-08-14 11:50:00 198

原创 Good Plone Lesson

<br />http://www.insmallsteps.com/lessons/lesson-customizing-design/creating-the-website-skin

2010-08-06 21:41:00 184



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