

Get Started with Lynis - Installation Guide - CISOfy


1) Lynis的典型用例包括:

  • 安全审核
  • 一致性测试(例如,PCI,HIPAA,SOx)
  • 渗透测试
  • 漏洞检测
  • 系统强化

2) 受众和用例

  • 开发人员:测试该Docker映像,或改善已部署Web应用程序的强化。
  • 系统管理员:运行日常运行状况扫描,以发现新的漏洞。
  • IT审核员:向同事或客户展示可以采取哪些措施来提高安全性。
  • 渗透测试人员:发现客户端系统上的安全漏洞,最终可能导致系统受损。
  • 支持的操作系统


1) AIX
2) FreeBSD
3) HP-UX
4) Linux
5) macOS
6) NetBSD
7) NixOS
8) OpenBSD
9) Solaris
10) and others
同样也可以在Raspberry Pi,IoT设备和QNAP存储设备等系统上运行。


1) 初始化
2) 执行基本检查,例如文件所有权
3) 确定操作系统和工具
4) 搜索可用的软件组件
5) 检查最新的Lynis版本
6) 运行启用的插件
7) 按类别运行安全测试
8) 执行您的自定义测试(可选)
9) 报告安全扫描状态






每个插件都有收集特定数据的目的。此数据存储在Lynis报告文件(lynis-report.dat)中。根据您对Lynis的使用情况,收集的数据可能会提供系统之间或各个扫描之间的宝贵见解。为了确保持续的开发,作者Michael Boelen创建了一个使用Lynis扫描输出的基于Web的付费解决方案。此解决方案称为Lynis Enterprise,并同时利用Lynis和插件。


Lynis plugins - CISOfy

Lynis Plugins - Development Guide - CISOfy

Available plugins

File systems0NoYes
Software: systemd16YesYes
System integrity8NoYes

1.5 支持的标准

  • CIS benchmarks
  • NIST
  • NSA
  • OpenSCAP data Vendor guides and
    recommendations (e.g. Debian Gentoo, Red Hat)

2 Lynis审计模块介绍
命令行输入lynis show groups后可查看扫描类别.共有41个大类



  • 系统审查
lynis audit system
  • 单独模块审查
lynis --tests-from-group "group name"


lynis --tests-from-group “hardening malware”,需要安装malware scanner才能完成这个功能

Lynis control HRDN-7230: Presence malware scanner - CISOfy




输入指令 lynis show tests,实际只有39个大类
Lynis security controls: Accounting - CISOfy

Test-ID 详细

ACCT-2754	FreeBSD	Check for available FreeBSD accounting information (security)
ACCT-2760	OpenBSD	Check for available OpenBSD accounting information (security)
ACCT-9622	Linux	Check for available Linux accounting information (security)
ACCT-9626	Linux	Check for sysstat accounting data (security)
ACCT-9628	Linux	Check for auditd (security)
ACCT-9630	Linux	Check for auditd rules (security)
ACCT-9632	Linux	Check for auditd configuration file (security)
ACCT-9634	Linux	Check for auditd log file (security)
ACCT-9636	Linux	Check for Snoopy wrapper and logger (security)
ACCT-9650	Solaris	Check Solaris audit daemon (security)
ACCT-9652	Solaris	Check auditd SMF status (security)
ACCT-9654	Solaris	Check BSM auditing in /etc/system (security)
ACCT-9656	Solaris	Check BSM auditing in module list (security)
ACCT-9660	Solaris	Check location of audit events (security)
ACCT-9662	Solaris	Check Solaris auditing stats (security)
AUTH-9204		Check users with an UID of zero (security)
AUTH-9208		Check non-unique accounts in passwd file (security)
AUTH-9212		Test group file (security)
AUTH-9216		Check group and shadow group files (security)
AUTH-9218	FreeBSD	Check harmful login shells (security)
AUTH-9222		Check for non unique groups (security)
AUTH-9226		Check non unique group names (security)
AUTH-9228		Check password file consistency with pwck (security)
AUTH-9234		Query user accounts (security)
AUTH-9240		Query NIS+ authentication support (security)
AUTH-9242		Query NIS authentication support (security)
AUTH-9250		Checking sudoers file (security)
AUTH-9252		Check sudoers file (security)
AUTH-9254	Solaris	Solaris passwordless accounts (security)
AUTH-9262		Checking presence password strength testing tools (PAM) (security)
AUTH-9264		Checking presence pam.conf (security)
AUTH-9266		Checking presence pam.d files (security)
AUTH-9268		Checking presence pam.d files (security)
AUTH-9278		Checking LDAP pam status (security)
AUTH-9282		Checking password protected account without expire date (security)
AUTH-9283		Checking accounts without password (security)
AUTH-9286		Checking user password aging (security)
AUTH-9288		Checking for expired passwords (security)
AUTH-9304	Solaris	Check single user login configuration (security)
AUTH-9306	HP-UX	Check single boot authentication (security)
AUTH-9308	Linux	Check single user login configuration (security)
AUTH-9328		Default umask values (security)
AUTH-9340	Solaris	Solaris account locking (security)
AUTH-9402		Query LDAP authentication support (security)
AUTH-9406		Query LDAP servers in client configuration (security)
AUTH-9408		Logging of failed login attempts via /etc/login.defs (security)
AUTH-9409	OpenBSD	Check for doas file (security)
AUTH-9410	OpenBSD	Check for doas file permissions (security)
AUTH-9489	DragonFly	Check login shells for passwordless accounts (security)
BANN-7113	FreeBSD	Check COPYRIGHT banner file (security)
BANN-7124		Check issue banner file (security)
BANN-7126		Check issue banner file contents (security)
BANN-7128		Check banner file (security)
BANN-7130		Check banner file contents (security)
BOOT-5102	AIX	Check for AIX boot device (security)
BOOT-5104		Determine service manager (security)
BOOT-5106	MacOS	Check EFI boot file on macOS (security)
BOOT-5108	Linux	Test Syslinux boot loader (security)
BOOT-5116		Check if system is booted in UEFI mode (security)
BOOT-5117	Linux	Check for systemd-boot boot loader (security)
BOOT-5121		Check for GRUB boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5122		Check for GRUB boot password (security)
BOOT-5124	FreeBSD	Check for FreeBSD boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5126	NetBSD	Check for NetBSD boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5139		Check for LILO boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5142		Check SPARC Improved boot loader (SILO) (security)
BOOT-5155		Check for YABOOT boot loader configuration file (security)
BOOT-5159	OpenBSD	Check for OpenBSD boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5165	FreeBSD	Check for FreeBSD boot services (security)
BOOT-5177	Linux	Check for Linux boot and running services (security)
BOOT-5180	Linux	Check for Linux boot services (Debian style) (security)
BOOT-5184	Linux	Check permissions for boot files/scripts (security)
BOOT-5202		Check uptime of system (security)
BOOT-5260		Check single user mode for systemd (security)
BOOT-5261	DragonFly	Check for DragonFly boot loader presence (security)
BOOT-5262	OpenBSD	Check for OpenBSD boot daemons (security)
BOOT-5263	OpenBSD	Check permissions for boot files/scripts (security)
CONT-8004	Solaris	Query running Solaris zones (security)
CONT-8102		Checking Docker status and information (security)
CONT-8104		Checking Docker info for any warnings (security)
CONT-8106		Gather basic stats from Docker (security)
CONT-8107		Check number of unused Docker containers (performance)
CONT-8108		Check file permissions for Docker files (security)
CORE-1000		Check all system binaries (performance)
CRYP-7902		Check expire date of SSL certificates (security)
DNS-1600		Validating that the DNSSEC signatures are checked (security)
DBS-1804		Checking active MySQL process (security)
DBS-1816		Checking MySQL root password (security)
DBS-1818		MongoDB status (security)
DBS-1820		Check MongoDB authentication (security)
DBS-1826		Checking active PostgreSQL processes (security)
DBS-1840		Checking active Oracle processes (security)
DBS-1860		Checking active DB2 instances (security)
DBS-1880		Checking active Redis processes (security)
DBS-1882		Redis configuration file (security)
DBS-1884		Redis configuration (requirepass) (security)
DBS-1886		Redis configuration (CONFIG command renamed) (security)
DBS-1888		Redis configuration (bind on localhost) (security)
FILE-6310		Checking /tmp, /home and /var directory (security)
FILE-6311		Checking LVM volume groups (security)
FILE-6312		Checking LVM volumes (security)
FILE-6323	Linux	Checking EXT file systems (security)
FILE-6329		Checking FFS/UFS file systems (security)
FILE-6330	FreeBSD	Checking ZFS file systems (security)
FILE-6332		Checking swap partitions (security)
FILE-6336		Checking swap mount options (security)
FILE-6344	Linux	Checking proc mount options (security)
FILE-6354		Searching for old files in /tmp (security)
FILE-6362		Checking /tmp sticky bit (security)
FILE-6363		Checking /var/tmp sticky bit (security)
FILE-6368	Linux	Checking ACL support on root file system (security)
FILE-6372	Linux	Checking / mount options (security)
FILE-6374	Linux	Checking /boot mount options (security)
FILE-6376	Linux	Determine if /var/tmp is bound to /tmp (security)
FILE-6410		Checking Locate database (security)
FILE-6430		Disable mounting of some filesystems (security)
FILE-6439	DragonFly	Checking HAMMER PFS mounts (security)
FILE-7524		Perform file permissions check (security)
FINT-4310		AFICK availability (security)
FINT-4314		AIDE availability (security)
FINT-4315		Check AIDE configuration file (security)
FINT-4318		Osiris availability (security)
FINT-4322		Samhain availability (security)
FINT-4326		Tripwire availability (security)
FINT-4328		OSSEC syscheck daemon running (security)
FINT-4330		mtree availability (security)
FINT-4334		Check lfd daemon status (security)
FINT-4336		Check lfd configuration status (security)
FINT-4338		osqueryd syscheck daemon running (security)
FINT-4350		File integrity software installed (security)
FINT-4402		Checksums (SHA256 or SHA512) (security)
FIRE-4502	Linux	Check iptables kernel module (security)
FIRE-4508		Check used policies of iptables chains (security)
FIRE-4512		Check iptables for empty ruleset (security)
FIRE-4513		Check iptables for unused rules (security)
FIRE-4518		Check pf firewall components (security)
FIRE-4520		Check pf configuration consistency (security)
FIRE-4524		Check for CSF presence (security)
FIRE-4526	Solaris	Check ipf status (security)
FIRE-4530	FreeBSD	Check IPFW status (security)
FIRE-4532	MacOS	Check macOS application firewall (security)
FIRE-4534	MacOS	Check for outbound firewalls (security)
FIRE-4536	Linux	Check nftables status (security)
FIRE-4538	Linux	Check nftables basic configuration (security)
FIRE-4540	Linux	Test for empty nftables configuration (security)
FIRE-4586		Check firewall logging (security)
FIRE-4590		Check firewall status (security)
FIRE-4594		Check for APF presence (security)
HOME-9302		Create list with home directories (security)
HOME-9310		Checking for suspicious shell history files (security)
HOME-9350		Collecting information from home directories (security)
HRDN-7220		Check if one or more compilers are installed (security)
HRDN-7222		Check compiler permissions (security)
HRDN-7230		Check for malware scanner (security)
HTTP-6622		Checking Apache presence (security)
HTTP-6624		Testing main Apache configuration file (security)
HTTP-6626		Testing other Apache configuration file (security)
HTTP-6632		Determining all available Apache modules (security)
HTTP-6640		Determining existence of specific Apache modules (security)
HTTP-6641		Determining existence of specific Apache modules (security)
HTTP-6643		Determining existence of specific Apache modules (security)
HTTP-6702		Check nginx process (security)
HTTP-6704		Check nginx configuration file (security)
HTTP-6706		Check for additional nginx configuration files (security)
HTTP-6708		Check discovered nginx configuration settings (security)
HTTP-6710		Check nginx SSL configuration settings (security)
HTTP-6712		Check nginx access logging (security)
HTTP-6714		Check for missing error logs in nginx (security)
HTTP-6716		Check for debug mode on error log in nginx (security)
HTTP-6720		Check Nginx log files (security)
INSE-8000		Installed inetd package (security)
INSE-8002		Status of inet daemon (security)
INSE-8004		Presence of inetd configuration file (security)
INSE-8006		Check configuration of inetd when it is disabled (security)
INSE-8016		Check for telnet via inetd (security)
INSE-8050	MacOS	Check for insecure services on macOS systems (security)
INSE-8100		Installed xinetd package (security)
INSE-8116		Insecure services enabled via xinetd (security)
INSE-8200		Usage of TCP wrappers (security)
INSE-8300		Presence of rsh client (security)
INSE-8302		Presence of rsh server (security)
KRNL-5622	Linux	Determine Linux default run level (security)
KRNL-5677	Linux	Check CPU options and support (security)
KRNL-5695	Linux	Determine Linux kernel version and release number (security)
KRNL-5723	Linux	Determining if Linux kernel is monolithic (security)
KRNL-5726	Linux	Checking Linux loaded kernel modules (security)
KRNL-5728	Linux	Checking Linux kernel config (security)
KRNL-5730	Linux	Checking disk I/O kernel scheduler (security)
KRNL-5745	FreeBSD	Checking FreeBSD loaded kernel modules (security)
KRNL-5770	Solaris	Checking active kernel modules (security)
KRNL-5788	Linux	Checking availability new Linux kernel (security)
KRNL-5820	Linux	Checking core dumps configuration (security)
KRNL-5830	Linux	Checking if system is running on the latest installed kernel (security)
KRNL-5831	DragonFly	Checking DragonFly loaded kernel modules (security)
KRNL-6000		Check sysctl key pairs in scan profile (security)
LDAP-2219		Check running OpenLDAP instance (security)
LDAP-2224		Check presence slapd.conf (security)
LOGG-2130		Check for running syslog daemon (security)
LOGG-2132		Check for running syslog-ng daemon (security)
LOGG-2134		Checking Syslog-NG configuration file consistency (security)
LOGG-2136		Check for running systemd journal daemon (security)
LOGG-2138	Linux	Checking kernel logger daemon on Linux (security)
LOGG-2142	Linux	Checking minilog daemon (security)
LOGG-2146		Checking logrotate.conf and logrotate.d (security)
LOGG-2148		Checking logrotated files (security)
LOGG-2150		Checking directories in logrotate configuration (security)
LOGG-2152		Checking loghost (security)
LOGG-2154		Checking syslog configuration file (security)
LOGG-2160		Checking /etc/newsyslog.conf (security)
LOGG-2162		Checking directories in /etc/newsyslog.conf (security)
LOGG-2164		Checking files specified /etc/newsyslog.conf (security)
LOGG-2170		Checking log paths (security)
LOGG-2180		Checking open log files (security)
LOGG-2190		Checking for deleted files in use (security)
LOGG-2192		Checking for opened log files that are empty (security)
LOGG-2210		Check for running metalog daemon (security)
LOGG-2230		Check for running RSyslog daemon (security)
LOGG-2240		Check for running RFC 3195 compliant daemon (security)
MACF-6204		Check AppArmor presence (security)
MACF-6208		Check if AppArmor is enabled (security)
MACF-6232		Check SELINUX presence (security)
MACF-6234		Check SELINUX status (security)
MACF-6240		Detection of TOMOYO binary (security)
MACF-6242		Status of TOMOYO MAC framework (security)
MACF-6290		Check for implemented MAC framework (security)
MAIL-8802		Check Exim status (security)
MAIL-8804		Exim configuration (security)
MAIL-8814		Check postfix process status (security)
MAIL-8816		Check Postfix configuration (security)
MAIL-8817		Check Postfix configuration errors (security)
MAIL-8818		Postfix banner (security)
MAIL-8820		Postfix configuration (security)
MAIL-8838		Check dovecot process (security)
MAIL-8860		Check Qmail status (security)
MAIL-8880		Check Sendmail status (security)
MAIL-8920		Check OpenSMTPD status (security)
MALW-3275		Check for chkrootkit (security)
MALW-3276		Check for Rootkit Hunter (security)
MALW-3278		Check for LMD (security)
MALW-3280		Check if anti-virus tool is installed (security)
MALW-3282		Check for clamscan (security)
MALW-3284		Check for clamd (security)
MALW-3286		Check for freshclam (security)
MALW-3288		Check for ClamXav (security)
NAME-4016		Check /etc/resolv.conf default domain (security)
NAME-4018		Check /etc/resolv.conf search domains (security)
NAME-4020		Check non default options (security)
NAME-4024	Solaris	Solaris uname -n output (security)
NAME-4026	Solaris	Check /etc/nodename (security)
NAME-4028		Check domain name (security)
NAME-4032		Check nscd status (security)
NAME-4034		Check Unbound status (security)
NAME-4036		Check Unbound configuration file (security)
NAME-4202		Check BIND status (security)
NAME-4204		Search BIND configuration file (security)
NAME-4206		Check BIND configuration consistency (security)
NAME-4210		Check DNS banner (security)
NAME-4230		Check PowerDNS status (security)
NAME-4232		Search PowerDNS configuration file (security)
NAME-4236		Check PowerDNS backends (security)
NAME-4238		Check PowerDNS authoritive status (security)
NAME-4304		Check NIS ypbind status (security)
NAME-4306		Check NIS domain (security)
NAME-4402		Check duplicate line in /etc/hosts (security)
NAME-4404		Check /etc/hosts contains an entry for this server name (security)
NAME-4406		Check server hostname mapping (security)
NAME-4408		Check localhost to IP mapping (security)
NETW-2600	Linux	Checking IPv6 configuration (security)
NETW-2704		Basic nameserver configuration tests (security)
NETW-2705		Check availability two nameservers (security)
NETW-3001		Find default gateway (route) (security)
NETW-3004		Search available network interfaces (security)
NETW-3006		Get network MAC addresses (security)
NETW-3008		Get network IP addresses (security)
NETW-3012		Check listening ports (security)
NETW-3014		Checking promiscuous interfaces (BSD) (security)
NETW-3015	Linux	Checking promiscuous interfaces (Linux) (security)
NETW-3028		Checking connections in WAIT state (security)
NETW-3030		Checking DHCP client status (security)
NETW-3032	Linux	Checking for ARP monitoring software (security)
PHP-2211		Check php.ini presence (security)
PHP-2320		Check PHP disabled functions (security)
PHP-2368		Check PHP register_globals option (security)
PHP-2372		Check PHP expose_php option (security)
PHP-2374		Check PHP enable_dl option (security)
PHP-2376		Check PHP allow_url_fopen option (security)
PHP-2378		Check PHP allow_url_include option (security)
PHP-2379		Check PHP suhosin extension status (security)
PKGS-7301		Query NetBSD pkg (security)
PKGS-7302		Query FreeBSD/NetBSD pkg_info (security)
PKGS-7303		Query brew package manager (security)
PKGS-7304		Querying Gentoo packages (security)
PKGS-7306	Solaris	Querying Solaris packages (security)
PKGS-7308		Checking package list with RPM (security)
PKGS-7310		Checking package list with pacman (security)
PKGS-7312		Checking available updates for pacman based system (security)
PKGS-7314		Checking pacman configuration options (security)
PKGS-7320	Linux	Check presence of arch-audit for Arch Linux (security)
PKGS-7322	Linux	Discover vulnerable packages on Arch Linux (security)
PKGS-7328		Querying Zypper for installed packages (security)
PKGS-7330		Querying Zypper for vulnerable packages (security)
PKGS-7332		Detection of macOS ports and packages (security)
PKGS-7334		Detection of available updates for macOS ports (security)
PKGS-7345		Querying dpkg (security)
PKGS-7346		Search unpurged packages on system (security)
PKGS-7348	FreeBSD	Check for old distfiles (security)
PKGS-7350		Checking for installed packages with DNF utility (security)
PKGS-7352		Checking for security updates with DNF utility (security)
PKGS-7354		Checking package database integrity (security)
PKGS-7366		Checking for debsecan utility (security)
PKGS-7370		Checking for debsums utility (security)
PKGS-7378		Query portmaster for port upgrades (security)
PKGS-7380	NetBSD	Check for vulnerable NetBSD packages (security)
PKGS-7381		Check for vulnerable FreeBSD packages with pkg (security)
PKGS-7382		Check for vulnerable FreeBSD packages with portaudit (security)
PKGS-7383		Check for YUM package Update management (security)
PKGS-7384		Check for YUM utils package (security)
PKGS-7386		Check for YUM security package (security)
PKGS-7387		Check for GPG signing in YUM security package (security)
PKGS-7388		Check security repository in Debian/ubuntu apt sources.list file (security)
PKGS-7390	Linux	Check Ubuntu database consistency (security)
PKGS-7392	Linux	Check for Debian/Ubuntu security updates (security)
PKGS-7393		Check for Gentoo vulnerable packages (security)
PKGS-7394	Linux	Check for Ubuntu updates (security)
PKGS-7398		Check for package audit tool (security)
PKGS-7410		Count installed kernel packages (security)
PKGS-7420		Detect toolkit to automatically download and apply upgrades (security)
PRNT-2302	FreeBSD	Check for printcap consistency (security)
PRNT-2304		Check cupsd status (security)
PRNT-2306		Check CUPSd configuration file (security)
PRNT-2307		Check CUPSd configuration file permissions (security)
PRNT-2308		Check CUPSd network configuration (security)
PRNT-2314		Check lpd status (security)
PRNT-2316	AIX	Checking /etc/qconfig file (security)
PRNT-2418	AIX	Checking qdaemon printer spooler status (security)
PRNT-2420	AIX	Checking old print jobs (security)
PROC-3602	Linux	Checking /proc/meminfo for memory details (security)
PROC-3604	Solaris	Query prtconf for memory details (security)
PROC-3612		Check dead or zombie processes (security)
PROC-3614		Check heavy IO waiting based processes (security)
RBAC-6272		Check grsecurity presence (security)
SCHD-7702		Check status of cron daemon (security)
SCHD-7704		Check crontab/cronjobs (security)
SCHD-7718		Check at users (security)
SCHD-7720		Check at users (security)
SCHD-7724		Check at jobs (security)
SHLL-6202	FreeBSD	Check console TTYs (security)
SHLL-6211		Checking available and valid shells (security)
SHLL-6220		Checking available and valid shells (security)
SHLL-6230		Perform umask check for shell configurations (security)
SINT-7010		System Integrity Status (security)
SNMP-3302		Check for running SNMP daemon (security)
SNMP-3304		Check SNMP daemon file location (security)
SNMP-3306		Check SNMP communities (security)
SQD-3602		Check for running Squid daemon (security)
SQD-3604		Check Squid daemon file location (security)
SQD-3606		Check Squid version (security)
SQD-3610		Check Squid version (security)
SQD-3613		Check Squid file permissions (security)
SQD-3614		Check Squid authentication methods (security)
SQD-3616		Check external Squid authentication (security)
SQD-3620		Check Squid access control lists (security)
SQD-3624		Check Squid safe ports (security)
SQD-3630		Check Squid reply_body_max_size option (security)
SQD-3680		Check Squid version suppression (security)
SSH-7402		Check for running SSH daemon (security)
SSH-7404		Check SSH daemon file location (security)
SSH-7406		Detection of OpenSSH server version (security)
SSH-7408		Check SSH specific defined options (security)
SSH-7440		AllowUsers and AllowGroups (security)
STRG-1840	Linux	Check if USB storage is disabled (security)
STRG-1842	Linux	Check USB authorizations (security)
STRG-1846	Linux	Check if firewire storage is disabled (security)
STRG-1902		Check rpcinfo registered programs (security)
STRG-1904		Check nfs rpc (security)
STRG-1906		Check nfs rpc (security)
STRG-1920		Checking NFS daemon (security)
STRG-1926		Checking NFS exports (security)
STRG-1928		Checking empty /etc/exports (security)
STRG-1930		Check client access to nfs share (security)
TIME-3104		Check for running NTP daemon or client (security)
TIME-3106		Check systemd NTP time synchronization status (security)
TIME-3112		Check active NTP associations ID's (security)
TIME-3116		Check peers with stratum value of 16 (security)
TIME-3120		Check unreliable NTP peers (security)
TIME-3124		Check selected time source (security)
TIME-3128		Check preffered time source (security)
TIME-3132		Check NTP falsetickers (security)
TIME-3136	Linux	Check NTP protocol version (security)
TIME-3148	Linux	Check TZ variable (performance)
TIME-3160	Linux	Check empty NTP step-tickers (security)
TIME-3170		Check configuration files (security)
TOOL-5002		Checking for automation tools (security)
TOOL-5102		Check for presence of Fail2ban (security)
TOOL-5104		Enabled tests for Fail2ban (security)
TOOL-5120		Presence of Snort IDS (security)
TOOL-5122		Snort IDS configuration file (security)
TOOL-5160		Check for active OSSEC analysis daemon (security)
TOOL-5190		Check presence of available IDS/IPS tooling (security)
USB-3000	Linux	Check for presence of USBGuard (security)
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