
3. Detailed specification

   3.1. Overall conventions In the diagrams below, a box like this:
         |   | <-- the vertical bars might be missing

      represents one byte; a box like this:

         |              |
      represents a variable number of bytes.
      Bytes stored within a computer do not have a "bit order", since
      they are always treated as a unit.  However, a byte considered as
      an integer between 0 and 255 does have a most- and least-
      significant bit, and since we write numbers with the most-
      significant digit on the left, we also write bytes with the most-
      significant bit on the left.  In the diagrams below, we number the
      bits of a byte so that bit 0 is the least-significant bit, i.e.,
      the bits are numbered:
      Within a computer, a number may occupy multiple bytes.  All
      multi-byte numbers in the format described here are stored with
      the least-significant byte first (at the lower memory address).
      For example, the decimal number 520 is stored as:
             0        1
          ^        ^
          |        |
          |        + more significant byte = 2 x 256
          + less significant byte = 8
      3.1.1. Packing into bytes
         This document does not address the issue of the order in which
         bits of a byte are transmitted on a bit-sequential medium,
         since the final data format described here is byte- rather than

         bit-oriented.  However, we describe the compressed block format
         in below, as a sequence of data elements of various bit
         lengths, not a sequence of bytes.  We must therefore specify
         how to pack these data elements into bytes to form the final
         compressed byte sequence:

   Huffman 编码以最重要的位开始。
             * Data elements are packed into bytes in order of
               increasing bit number within the byte, i.e., starting
               with the least-significant bit of the byte.
             * Data elements other than Huffman codes are packed
               starting with the least-significant bit of the data
             * Huffman codes are packed starting with the most-
               significant bit of the code.

         In other words, if one were to print out the compressed data as
         a sequence of bytes, starting with the first byte at the
         *right* margin and proceeding to the *left*, with the most-
         significant bit of each byte on the left as usual, one would be
         able to parse the result from right to left, with fixed-width
         elements in the correct MSB-to-LSB order and Huffman codes in
         bit-reversed order (i.e., with the first bit of the code in the
         relative LSB position).

   3.2. Compressed block format 压缩的块结构

      3.2.1. Synopsis of prefix and Huffman coding

         Prefix coding represents symbols from an apriori known
         alphabet by bit sequences (codes), one code for each symbol, in
         a manner such that different symbols may be represented by bit
         sequences of different lengths, but a parser can always parse
         an encoded string unambiguously symbol-by-symbol.

         We define a prefix code in terms of a binary tree in which the
         two edges descending from each non-leaf node are labeled 0 and
         1 and in which the leaf nodes correspond one-for-one with (are
         labeled with) the symbols of the alphabet; then the code for a
         symbol is the sequence of 0's and 1's on the edges leading from
         the root to the leaf labeled with that symbol.  For example:

                          /\              Symbol    Code
                         0  1             ------    ----
                        /    \                A      00
                       /\     B               B       1
                      0  1                    C     011
                     /    \                   D     010
                    A     /\
                         0  1
                        /    \
                       D      C

         A parser can decode the next symbol from an encoded input
         stream by walking down the tree from the root, at each step
         choosing the edge corresponding to the next input bit.

前缀编码,这样的编码被称作Huffman 编码。
         Given an alphabet with known symbol frequencies, the Huffman
         algorithm allows the construction of an optimal prefix code
         (one which represents strings with those symbol frequencies
         using the fewest bits of any possible prefix codes for that
         alphabet).  Such a code is called a Huffman code.  (See
         reference [1] in Chapter 5, references for additional
         information on Huffman codes.)

  注意,在"deflate"格式中,Huffman 编码对于不同的字母表来说
         Note that in the "deflate" format, the Huffman codes for the
         various alphabets must not exceed certain maximum code lengths.
         This constraint complicates the algorithm for computing code
         lengths from symbol frequencies.  Again, see Chapter 5,
         references for details.

      3.2.2. Use of Huffman coding in the "deflate" format 在"deflate"格式中使用Huffman编码

         The Huffman codes used for each alphabet in the "deflate"
         format have two additional rules:

             * All codes of a given bit length have lexicographically
               consecutive values, in the same order as the symbols
               they represent;
             * Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.

         We could recode the example above to follow this rule as
         follows, assuming that the order of the alphabet is ABCD:

            Symbol  Code
            ------  ----
            A       10
            B       0
            C       110
            D       111

         I.e., 0 precedes 10 which precedes 11x, and 110 and 111 are
         lexicographically consecutive.

         Given this rule, we can define the Huffman code for an alphabet
         just by giving the bit lengths of the codes for each symbol of
         the alphabet in order; this is sufficient to determine the
         actual codes.  In our example, the code is completely defined
         by the sequence of bit lengths (2, 1, 3, 3).  The following
         algorithm generates the codes as integers, intended to be read
         from most- to least-significant bit.  The code lengths are
         initially in tree[I].Len; the codes are produced in
         1)  Count the number of codes for each code length.  Let
             bl_count[N] be the number of codes of length N, N >= 1.

         2)  Find the numerical value of the smallest code for each
             code length:

                code = 0;
                bl_count[0] = 0;
                for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
                    code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
                    next_code[bits] = code;

         3)  Assign numerical values to all codes, using consecutive
             values for all codes of the same length with the base
             values determined at step 2. Codes that are never used
             (which have a bit length of zero) must not be assigned a

                for (n = 0;  n <= max_code; n++) {
                    len = tree[n].Len;
                    if (len != 0) {
                        tree[n].Code = next_code[len];

         Consider the alphabet ABCDEFGH, with bit lengths (3, 3, 3, 3,
         3, 2, 4, 4).  After step 1, we have:

            N      bl_count[N]
            -      -----------
            2      1
            3      5
            4      2

         Step 2 computes the following next_code values:

            N      next_code[N]
            -      ------------
            1      0
            2      0
            3      2
            4      14
         Step 3 produces the following code values:

            Symbol Length   Code
            ------ ------   ----
            A       3        010
            B       3        011
            C       3        100
            D       3        101
            E       3        110
            F       2         00
            G       4       1110
            H       4       1111

      3.2.3. Details of block format  块结构的详细资料

         Each block of compressed data begins with 3 header bits
         containing the following data:

            first bit       BFINAL  第一位
            next 2 bits     BTYPE  下二位

         Note that the header bits do not necessarily begin on a byte
         boundary, since a block does not necessarily occupy an integral
         number of bytes.

         BFINAL is set if and only if this is the last block of the data
         BTYPE specifies how the data are compressed, as follows:

            00 - no compression    非压缩
            01 - compressed with fixed Huffman codes 用固定的Huffman编码来压缩。
            10 - compressed with dynamic Huffman codes 用动态的Huffman编码来压缩。
            11 - reserved (error)    保留(错误)

         The only difference between the two compressed cases is how the
         Huffman codes for the literal/length and distance alphabets are
         In all cases, the decoding algorithm for the actual data is as

  if 非压缩存贮
   if 动态的Huffman编码
    if value < 256
     if value = 块的结尾(256)
     else (value = 257到285)

   end loop
 while 不是最后一块时

               read block header from input stream.   
               if stored with no compression    
                  skip any remaining bits in current partially    
                     processed byte 
                  read LEN and NLEN (see next section)  
                  copy LEN bytes of data to output   
                  if compressed with dynamic Huffman codes   
                     read representation of code trees (see  
                        subsection below) 
                  loop (until end of block code recognized)  
                     decode literal/length value from input stream  
                     if value < 256      
                        copy value (literal byte) to output stream   
                        if value = end of block (256)       
                           break from loop      
                        otherwise (value = 257..285)      
                           decode distance from input stream    

                           move backwards distance bytes in the output  
                           stream, and copy length bytes from this   
                           position to the output stream.   
                  end loop       
            while not last block    

及:<length = 5,distance = 2>,则向输出中增加X,Y,X,Y,X。

         Note that a duplicated string reference may refer to a string
         in a previous block; i.e., the backward distance may cross one
         or more block boundaries.  However a distance cannot refer past
         the beginning of the output stream.  (An application using a

         preset dictionary might discard part of the output stream; a
         distance can refer to that part of the output stream anyway)
         Note also that the referenced string may overlap the current
         position; for example, if the last 2 bytes decoded have values
         X and Y, a string reference with <length = 5, distance = 2>
         adds X,Y,X,Y,X to the output stream.

         We now specify each compression method in turn.

      3.2.4. Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00) 非压缩的块

         Any bits of input up to the next byte boundary are ignored.
         The rest of the block consists of the following information:

              0   1   2   3   4...
            |  LEN  | NLEN  |... LEN bytes of literal data...|

         LEN is the number of data bytes in the block.  NLEN is the
         one's complement of LEN.

      3.2.5. Compressed blocks (length and distance codes) 

         As noted above, encoded data blocks in the "deflate" format
         consist of sequences of symbols drawn from three conceptually
         distinct alphabets: either literal bytes, from the alphabet of
         byte values (0..255), or <length, backward distance> pairs,
         where the length is drawn from (3..258) and the distance is
         drawn from (1..32,768).  In fact, the literal and length
         alphabets are merged into a single alphabet (0..285), where
         values 0..255 represent literal bytes, the value 256 indicates
         end-of-block, and values 257..285 represent length codes
         (possibly in conjunction with extra bits following the symbol
         code) as follows:

                 Extra               Extra               Extra
            Code Bits Length(s) Code Bits Lengths   Code Bits Length(s)
            ---- ---- ------     ---- ---- -------   ---- ---- -------
             257   0     3       267   1   15,16     277   4   67-82
             258   0     4       268   1   17,18     278   4   83-98
             259   0     5       269   2   19-22     279   4   99-114
             260   0     6       270   2   23-26     280   4  115-130
             261   0     7       271   2   27-30     281   5  131-162
             262   0     8       272   2   31-34     282   5  163-194
             263   0     9       273   3   35-42     283   5  195-226
             264   0    10       274   3   43-50     284   5  227-257
             265   1  11,12      275   3   51-58     285   0    258
             266   1  13,14      276   3   59-66

         The extra bits should be interpreted as a machine integer
         stored with the most-significant bit first, e.g., bits 1110
         represent the value 14.

                  Extra           Extra               Extra
             Code Bits Dist  Code Bits   Dist     Code Bits Distance
             ---- ---- ----  ---- ----  ------    ---- ---- --------
               0   0    1     10   4     33-48    20    9   1025-1536
               1   0    2     11   4     49-64    21    9   1537-2048
               2   0    3     12   5     65-96    22   10   2049-3072
               3   0    4     13   5     97-128   23   10   3073-4096
               4   1   5,6    14   6    129-192   24   11   4097-6144
               5   1   7,8    15   6    193-256   25   11   6145-8192
               6   2   9-12   16   7    257-384   26   12  8193-12288
               7   2  13-16   17   7    385-512   27   12 12289-16384
               8   3  17-24   18   8    513-768   28   13 16385-24576
               9   3  25-32   19   8   769-1024   29   13 24577-32768

      3.2.6. Compression with fixed Huffman codes (BTYPE=01)

         The Huffman codes for the two alphabets are fixed, and are not
         represented explicitly in the data.  The Huffman code lengths
         for the literal/length alphabet are:

                   Lit Value    Bits        Codes
                   ---------    ----        -----
                     0 - 143     8          00110000 through
                   144 - 255     9          110010000 through
                   256 - 279     7          0000000 through
                   280 - 287     8          11000000 through

         The code lengths are sufficient to generate the actual codes,
         as described above; we show the codes in the table for added
         clarity.  Literal/length values 286-287 will never actually
         occur in the compressed data, but participate in the code

  distance的代码 0-31被表示成5位的编码以及可能存在的附加位,
         Distance codes 0-31 are represented by (fixed-length) 5-bit
         codes, with possible additional bits as shown in the table
         shown in Paragraph 3.2.5, above.  Note that distance codes 30-
         31 will never actually occur in the compressed data.

      3.2.7. Compression with dynamic Huffman codes (BTYPE=10)

  一个块中的Huffman 编码(对两个字母表的编码)存在于头位的后面,
实际压缩内容的前面。第一个是文字/length 编码,第二个是distance编码。每个

         The Huffman codes for the two alphabets appear in the block
         immediately after the header bits and before the actual
         compressed data, first the literal/length code and then the
         distance code.  Each code is defined by a sequence of code
         lengths, as discussed in Paragraph 3.2.2, above.  For even
         greater compactness, the code length sequences themselves are
         compressed using a Huffman code.  The alphabet for code lengths
         is as follows:

  0 - 15: 表示编码长度为0 - 15
                   16: 复制前面的编码长度3 - 6次,
                          (0 = 3, ... , 3 = 6)
                         如:编码: 8, 16 (+2 bits 11),16 (+2 bits 10)
                                    12个长度为8 的编码 (12 = 1 + 6 + 5)
                   17: 重复3 - 10 次长度为0
                   18: 重复11 - 138 次长度为0


               0 - 15: Represent code lengths of 0 - 15
                   16: Copy the previous code length 3 - 6 times.
                       The next 2 bits indicate repeat length
                             (0 = 3, ... , 3 = 6)
                          Example:  Codes 8, 16 (+2 bits 11),
                                    16 (+2 bits 10) will expand to
                                    12 code lengths of 8 (1 + 6 + 5)
                   17: Repeat a code length of 0 for 3 - 10 times.
                       (3 bits of length)
                   18: Repeat a code length of 0 for 11 - 138 times
                       (7 bits of length)


         A code length of 0 indicates that the corresponding symbol in
         the literal/length or distance alphabet will not occur in the
         block, and should not participate in the Huffman code
         construction algorithm given earlier.  If only one distance
         code is used, it is encoded using one bit, not zero bits; in
         this case there is a single code length of one, with one unused
         code.  One distance code of zero bits means that there are no
         distance codes used at all (the data is all literals).

         We can now define the format of the block:

               5 Bits: HLIT, # 文字/length编码 - 257 (见3.2.5节。
                length, 所以,这里的5位表示本块中所能用到的最大的
               5 Bits: HDIST, # of Distance 编码 - 1 (同理,这里保存

               4 Bits: HCLEN, # of "编码长度"的编码 - 4    (其实这4
                位中保存的是所能用到的编码长度的种类 - 4,这里的“编
                句话说,有下面一个数组:16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6,
                10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,HCLEN+4的值就

               5 Bits: HLIT, # of Literal/Length codes - 257 (257 - 286)
               5 Bits: HDIST, # of Distance codes - 1        (1 - 32)
               4 Bits: HCLEN, # of Code Length codes - 4     (4 - 19)

   (HCLEN + 4) x 3 bits: 编码长度表中的编码长度按照如下顺序排列(关键的
                中就要分别指出每个字符的编码长度了 ---- 在Huffman解码
               (HCLEN + 4) x 3 bits: code lengths for the code length
                  alphabet given just above, in the order: 16, 17, 18,
                  0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15

                  These code lengths are interpreted as 3-bit integers
                  (0-7); as above, a code length of 0 means the
                  corresponding symbol (literal/length or distance code
                  length) is not used.

               HLIT + 257 code lengths for the literal/length alphabet,
                  encoded using the code length Huffman code

               HDIST + 1 code lengths for the distance alphabet,
                  encoded using the code length Huffman code

               The actual compressed data of the block,
                  encoded using the literal/length and distance Huffman

               The literal/length symbol 256 (end of data),
                  encoded using the literal/length Huffman code

         The code length repeat codes can cross from HLIT + 257 to the
         HDIST + 1 code lengths.  In other words, all code lengths form
         a single sequence of HLIT + HDIST + 258 values.

   3.3. Compliance

      A compressor may limit further the ranges of values specified in
      the previous section and still be compliant; for example, it may
      limit the range of backward pointers to some value smaller than
      32K.  Similarly, a compressor may limit the size of blocks so that
      a compressible block fits in memory.

      A compliant decompressor must accept the full range of possible
      values defined in the previous section, and must accept blocks of
      arbitrary size.





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