

Simple multimedia streams analyzer
usage: ffprobe [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]

Main options:
-L                  show license
-h topic            show help
-? topic            show help
-help topic         show help
--help topic        show help
-version            show version
-buildconf          show build configuration
-formats            show available formats
-muxers             show available muxers
-demuxers           show available demuxers
-devices            show available devices
-codecs             show available codecs
-decoders           show available decoders
-encoders           show available encoders
-bsfs               show available bit stream filters
-protocols          show available protocols
-filters            show available filters
-pix_fmts           show available pixel formats
-layouts            show standard channel layouts
-sample_fmts        show available audio sample formats
-colors             show available color names
-loglevel loglevel  set logging level
-v loglevel         set logging level
-report             generate a report
-max_alloc bytes    set maximum size of a single allocated block
-cpuflags flags     force specific cpu flags
-hide_banner hide_banner  do not show program banner
-sources device     list sources of the input device
-sinks device       list sinks of the output device
-f format           force format
-unit               show unit of the displayed values
-prefix             use SI prefixes for the displayed values
-byte_binary_prefix  use binary prefixes for byte units
-sexagesimal        use sexagesimal format HOURS:MM:SS.MICROSECONDS for time units
-pretty             prettify the format of displayed values, make it more human readable
-print_format format  set the output printing format (available formats are: default, compact, csv, flat, ini, json, xml)
-of format          alias for -print_format
-select_streams stream_specifier  select the specified streams
-sections           print sections structure and section information, and exit
-show_data          show packets data
-show_data_hash     show packets data hash
-show_error         show probing error
-show_format        show format/container info
-show_frames        show frames info
-show_format_entry entry  show a particular entry from the format/container info
-show_entries entry_list  show a set of specified entries
-show_log           show log
-show_packets       show packets info
-show_programs      show programs info
-show_streams       show streams info
-show_chapters      show chapters info
-count_frames       count the number of frames per stream
-count_packets      count the number of packets per stream
-show_program_version  show ffprobe version
-show_library_versions  show library versions
-show_versions      show program and library versions
-show_pixel_formats  show pixel format descriptions
-show_private_data  show private data
-private            same as show_private_data
-bitexact           force bitexact output
-read_intervals read_intervals  set read intervals
-default            generic catch all option
-i input_file       read specified file
-find_stream_info   read and decode the streams to fill missing information with heuristics

AVFormatContext AVOptions:
  -avioflags         <flags>      ED....... (default 0)
     direct                       ED....... reduce buffering
  -probesize         <int64>      .D....... set probing size (from 32 to I64_MAX) (default 5e+06)
  -formatprobesize   <int>        .D....... number of bytes to probe file format (from 0 to 2.14748e+09) (default 1.04858e+06)
  -fflags            <flags>      ED....... (default autobsf)
     ignidx                       .D....... ignore index
     genpts                       .D....... generate pts
     nofillin                     .D....... do not fill in missing values that can be exactly calculated
     noparse                      .D....... disable AVParsers, this needs nofillin too
     igndts                       .D....... ignore dts
     discardcorrupt               .D....... discard corrupted frames
     sortdts                      .D....... try to interleave outputted packets by dts
     keepside                     .D....... deprecated, does nothing
     fastseek                     .D....... fast but inaccurate seeks
     nobuffer                     .D....... reduce the latency introduced by optional buffering
  -seek2any          <boolean>    .D....... allow seeking to non-keyframes on demuxer level when supported (default false)
  -analyzeduration   <int64>      .D....... specify how many microseconds are analyzed to probe the input (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -cryptokey         <binary>     .D....... decryption key
  -indexmem          <int>        .D....... max memory used for timestamp index (per stream) (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 1.04858e+06)
  -rtbufsize         <int>        .D....... max memory used for buffering real-time frames (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3.04128e+06)
  -fdebug            <flags>      ED....... print specific debug info (default 0)
     ts                           ED.......
  -max_delay         <int>        ED....... maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
  -fpsprobesize      <int>        .D....... number of frames used to probe fps (from -1 to 2.14748e+09) (default -1)
  -f_err_detect      <flags>      .D....... set error detection flags (deprecated; use err_detect, save via avconv) (default crccheck)
     crccheck                     .D....... verify embedded CRCs
     bitstream                    .D....... detect bitstream specification deviations
     buffer                       .D....... detect improper bitstream length
     explode                      .D....... abort decoding on minor error detection
     ignore_err                   .D....... ignore errors
     careful                      .D....... consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors
     compliant                    .D....... consider all spec non compliancies as errors
     aggressive                   .D....... consider things that a sane encoder shouldn't do as an error
  -err_detect        <flags>      .D....... set error detection flags (default crccheck)
     crccheck                     .D....... verify embedded CRCs
     bitstream                    .D....... detect bitstream specification deviations
     buffer                       .D....... detect improper bitstream length
     explode                      .D....... abort decoding on minor error detection
     ignore_err                   .D....... ignore errors
     careful                      .D....... consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors
     compliant                    .D....... consider all spec non compliancies as errors
     aggressive                   .D....... consider things that a sane encoder shouldn't do as an error
  -use_wallclock_as_timestamps <boolean>    .D....... use wallclock as timestamps (default false)
  -skip_initial_bytes <int64>      .D....... set number of bytes to skip before reading header and frames (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -correct_ts_overflow <boolean>    .D....... correct single timestamp overflows (default true)
  -f_strict          <int>        ED....... how strictly to follow the standards (deprecated; use strict, save via avconv) (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default normal)
     very                         ED....... strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
     strict                       ED....... strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences
     normal                       ED.......
     unofficial                   ED....... allow unofficial extensions
     experimental                 ED....... allow non-standardized experimental variants
  -strict            <int>        ED....... how strictly to follow the standards (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default normal)
     very                         ED....... strictly conform to a older more strict version of the spec or reference software
     strict                       ED....... strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences
     normal                       ED.......
     unofficial                   ED....... allow unofficial extensions
     experimental                 ED....... allow non-standardized experimental variants
  -max_ts_probe      <int>        .D....... maximum number of packets to read while waiting for the first timestamp (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 50)
  -dump_separator    <string>     ED....... set information dump field separator (default ", ")
  -codec_whitelist   <string>     .D....... List of decoders that are allowed to be used
  -format_whitelist  <string>     .D....... List of demuxers that are allowed to be used
  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D....... List of protocols that are allowed to be used
  -protocol_blacklist <string>     .D....... List of protocols that are not allowed to be used
  -max_streams       <int>        .D....... maximum number of streams (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 1000)

AVIOContext AVOptions:
  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D....... List of protocols that are allowed to be used

URLContext AVOptions:
  -protocol_whitelist <string>     .D....... List of protocols that are allowed to be used
  -protocol_blacklist <string>     .D....... List of protocols that are not allowed to be used
  -rw_timeout        <int64>      ED....... Timeout for IO operations (in microseconds) (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)

Async AVOptions:

bluray AVOptions:
  -playlist          <int>        .D.......  (from -1 to 99999) (default -1)
  -angle             <int>        .D.......  (from 0 to 254) (default 0)
  -chapter           <int>        .D.......  (from 1 to 65534) (default 1)

Cache AVOptions:
  -read_ahead_limit  <int>        .D....... Amount in bytes that may be read ahead when seeking isn't supported, -1 for unlimited (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default 65536)

crypto AVOptions:
  -key               <binary>     ED....... AES encryption/decryption key
  -iv                <binary>     ED....... AES encryption/decryption initialization vector
  -decryption_key    <binary>     .D....... AES decryption key
  -decryption_iv     <binary>     .D....... AES decryption initialization vector

ffrtmpcrypt AVOptions:
  -ffrtmpcrypt_tunneling <int>        .D....... Use a HTTP tunneling connection (RTMPTE). (from 0 to 1) (default 0)

ffrtmphttp AVOptions:
  -ffrtmphttp_tls    <boolean>    .D....... Use a HTTPS tunneling connection (RTMPTS). (default false)

file AVOptions:
  -follow            <int>        .D....... Follow a file as it is being written (from 0 to 1) (default 0)

ftp AVOptions:
  -timeout           <int>        ED....... set timeout of socket I/O operations (from -1 to INT_MAX) (default -1)
  -ftp-anonymous-password <string>     ED....... password for anonymous login. E-mail address should be used.

http AVOptions:
  -seekable          <boolean>    .D....... control seekability of connection (default auto)
  -http_proxy        <string>     ED....... set HTTP proxy to tunnel through
  -headers           <string>     ED....... set custom HTTP headers, can override built in default headers
  -content_type      <string>     ED....... set a specific content type for the POST messages
  -user_agent        <string>     .D....... override User-Agent header (default "Lavf/58.12.100")
  -referer           <string>     .D....... override referer header
  -user-agent        <string>     .D....... override User-Agent header (default "Lavf/58.12.100")
  -multiple_requests <boolean>    ED....... use persistent connections (default false)
  -post_data         <binary>     ED....... set custom HTTP post data
  -cookies           <string>     .D....... set cookies to be sent in applicable future requests, use newline delimited Set-Cookie HTTP field value syntax
  -icy               <boolean>    .D....... request ICY metadata (default true)
  -auth_type         <int>        ED....... HTTP authentication type (from 0 to 1) (default none)
     none                         ED....... No auth method set, autodetect
     basic                        ED....... HTTP basic authentication
  -location          <string>     ED....... The actual location of the data received
  -offset            <int64>      .D....... initial byte offset (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -end_offset        <int64>      .D....... try to limit the request to bytes preceding this offset (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -method            <string>     ED....... Override the HTTP method or set the expected HTTP method from a client
  -reconnect         <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect after disconnect before EOF (default false)
  -reconnect_at_eof  <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect at EOF (default false)
  -reconnect_streamed <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect streamed / non seekable streams (default false)
  -reconnect_delay_max <int>        .D....... max reconnect delay in seconds after which to give up (from 0 to 4294) (default 120)
  -listen            <int>        ED....... listen on HTTP (from 0 to 2) (default 0)

https AVOptions:
  -seekable          <boolean>    .D....... control seekability of connection (default auto)
  -http_proxy        <string>     ED....... set HTTP proxy to tunnel through
  -headers           <string>     ED....... set custom HTTP headers, can override built in default headers
  -content_type      <string>     ED....... set a specific content type for the POST messages
  -user_agent        <string>     .D....... override User-Agent header (default "Lavf/58.12.100")
  -referer           <string>     .D....... override referer header
  -user-agent        <string>     .D....... override User-Agent header (default "Lavf/58.12.100")
  -multiple_requests <boolean>    ED....... use persistent connections (default false)
  -post_data         <binary>     ED....... set custom HTTP post data
  -cookies           <string>     .D....... set cookies to be sent in applicable future requests, use newline delimited Set-Cookie HTTP field value syntax
  -icy               <boolean>    .D....... request ICY metadata (default true)
  -auth_type         <int>        ED....... HTTP authentication type (from 0 to 1) (default none)
     none                         ED....... No auth method set, autodetect
     basic                        ED....... HTTP basic authentication
  -location          <string>     ED....... The actual location of the data received
  -offset            <int64>      .D....... initial byte offset (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -end_offset        <int64>      .D....... try to limit the request to bytes preceding this offset (from 0 to I64_MAX) (default 0)
  -method            <string>     ED....... Override the HTTP method or set the expected HTTP method from a client
  -reconnect         <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect after disconnect before EOF (default false)
  -reconnect_at_eof  <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect at EOF (default false)
  -reconnect_streamed <boolean>    .D....... auto reconnect streamed / non seekable streams (default false)
  -reconnect_delay_max <int>        .D....... max reconnect delay in seconds after which to give up (from 0 to 4294) (default 120)
  -listen            <int>        ED....... listen on HTTP (from 0 to 2) (default 0)

icecast AVOptions:

pipe AVOptions:

prompeg AVOptions:

rtmp AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)
     any                          .D....... both
     live                         .D....... live stream
     recorded                     .D....... recorded stream
  -rtmp_pageurl      <string>     .D....... URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent.
  -rtmp_playpath     <string>     ED....... Stream identifier to play or to publish
  -rtmp_subscribe    <string>     .D....... Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath.
  -rtmp_swfhash      <binary>     .D....... SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes).
  -rtmp_swfsize      <int>        .D....... Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -rtmp_swfurl       <string>     ED....... URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent
  -rtmp_swfverify    <string>     .D....... URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically.
  -rtmp_tcurl        <string>     ED....... URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.
  -rtmp_listen       <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -listen            <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -timeout           <int>        .D....... Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)

rtmpe AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)
     any                          .D....... both
     live                         .D....... live stream
     recorded                     .D....... recorded stream
  -rtmp_pageurl      <string>     .D....... URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent.
  -rtmp_playpath     <string>     ED....... Stream identifier to play or to publish
  -rtmp_subscribe    <string>     .D....... Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath.
  -rtmp_swfhash      <binary>     .D....... SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes).
  -rtmp_swfsize      <int>        .D....... Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -rtmp_swfurl       <string>     ED....... URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent
  -rtmp_swfverify    <string>     .D....... URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically.
  -rtmp_tcurl        <string>     ED....... URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.
  -rtmp_listen       <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -listen            <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -timeout           <int>        .D....... Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)

rtmps AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)
     any                          .D....... both
     live                         .D....... live stream
     recorded                     .D....... recorded stream
  -rtmp_pageurl      <string>     .D....... URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent.
  -rtmp_playpath     <string>     ED....... Stream identifier to play or to publish
  -rtmp_subscribe    <string>     .D....... Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath.
  -rtmp_swfhash      <binary>     .D....... SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes).
  -rtmp_swfsize      <int>        .D....... Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -rtmp_swfurl       <string>     ED....... URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent
  -rtmp_swfverify    <string>     .D....... URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically.
  -rtmp_tcurl        <string>     ED....... URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.
  -rtmp_listen       <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -listen            <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -timeout           <int>        .D....... Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)

rtmpt AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)
     any                          .D....... both
     live                         .D....... live stream
     recorded                     .D....... recorded stream
  -rtmp_pageurl      <string>     .D....... URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent.
  -rtmp_playpath     <string>     ED....... Stream identifier to play or to publish
  -rtmp_subscribe    <string>     .D....... Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath.
  -rtmp_swfhash      <binary>     .D....... SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes).
  -rtmp_swfsize      <int>        .D....... Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -rtmp_swfurl       <string>     ED....... URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent
  -rtmp_swfverify    <string>     .D....... URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically.
  -rtmp_tcurl        <string>     ED....... URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.
  -rtmp_listen       <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -listen            <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -timeout           <int>        .D....... Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)

rtmpte AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)
     any                          .D....... both
     live                         .D....... live stream
     recorded                     .D....... recorded stream
  -rtmp_pageurl      <string>     .D....... URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent.
  -rtmp_playpath     <string>     ED....... Stream identifier to play or to publish
  -rtmp_subscribe    <string>     .D....... Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath.
  -rtmp_swfhash      <binary>     .D....... SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes).
  -rtmp_swfsize      <int>        .D....... Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -rtmp_swfurl       <string>     ED....... URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent
  -rtmp_swfverify    <string>     .D....... URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically.
  -rtmp_tcurl        <string>     ED....... URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app.
  -rtmp_listen       <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -listen            <int>        .D....... Listen for incoming rtmp connections (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default 0)
  -timeout           <int>        .D....... Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default -1)

rtmpts AVOptions:
  -rtmp_app          <string>     ED....... Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server
  -rtmp_buffer       <int>        ED....... Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 3000)
  -rtmp_conn         <string>     ED....... Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message
  -rtmp_flashver     <string>     ED....... Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player.
  -rtmp_live         <int>        .D....... Specify that the media is a live stream. (from INT_MIN to INT_MAX) (default any)





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