MFC System Error Codes (8200-8999)

System Error Codes 8200-8999

The table in this topic provides a list of system error codes for errors 8200 to 8999. These values are defined in the WinError.h header file. They are returned by the GetLastError function when many functions fail. To retrieve the description text for the error in your application, use the FormatMessage function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag.【本主题中的表提供了错误8200到8999的系统错误代码列表。这些值在WinError.h头文件中定义。当许多函数失败时,GetLastError函数返回它们。要检索应用程序中错误的描述文本,请使用FormatMessage函数和FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM 标志。】

If you are experiencing difficulty with an application you are installing or running, contact customer support for the software that is displaying the error message. To obtain support for a Microsoft product, go to【如果正在安装或运行的应用程序遇到困难,请与客户支持联系以获取显示错误消息的软件。要获得对Microsoft产品的支持,请转到。】

ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED8200An error occurred while installing the directory service. For more information, see the event log.【安装目录服务时出错。有关详细信息,请参阅事件日志。】
ERROR_DS_MEMBERSHIP_EVALUATED_LOCALLY8201The directory service evaluated group memberships locally.【目录服务在本地评估组成员身份。】
ERROR_DS_NO_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE8202The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist.【指定的目录服务属性或值不存在。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX8203The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.【为目录服务指定的属性语法无效。】
ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UNDEFINED8204The attribute type specified to the directory service is not defined.【未定义为目录服务指定的属性类型。】
ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS8205The specified directory service attribute or value already exists.【指定的目录服务属性或值已存在。】
ERROR_DS_BUSY8206The directory service is busy.【目录服务正忙。】
ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE8207The directory service is unavailable.【目录服务不可用。】
ERROR_DS_NO_RIDS_ALLOCATED8208The directory service was unable to allocate a relative identifier.【目录服务无法分配相对标识符。】
ERROR_DS_NO_MORE_RIDS8209The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.【目录服务已耗尽相对标识符池。】
ERROR_DS_INCORRECT_ROLE_OWNER8210The requested operation could not be performed because the directory service is not the master for that type of operation.【无法执行请求的操作,因为目录服务不是该类型操作的主服务器。】
ERROR_DS_RIDMGR_INIT_ERROR8211The directory service was unable to initialize the subsystem that allocates relative identifiers.【目录服务无法初始化分配相对标识符的子系统。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_VIOLATION8212The requested operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of the object.【请求的操作不满足与对象类关联的一个或多个约束。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_NON_LEAF8213The directory service can perform the requested operation only on a leaf object.【目录服务只能对叶对象执行请求的操作。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ON_RDN8214The directory service cannot perform the requested operation on the RDN attribute of an object.【目录服务无法对对象的RDN属性执行请求的操作。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_OBJ_CLASS8215The directory service detected an attempt to modify the object class of an object.【目录服务检测到有人试图修改对象的对象类。】
ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOM_MOVE_ERROR8216The requested cross-domain move operation could not be performed.【无法执行请求的跨域移动操作。】
ERROR_DS_GC_NOT_AVAILABLE8217Unable to contact the global catalog server.【无法联系全局编录服务器。】
ERROR_SHARED_POLICY8218The policy object is shared and can only be modified at the root.【策略对象是共享的,只能在根目录下修改。】
ERROR_POLICY_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND8219The policy object does not exist.【策略对象不存在。】
ERROR_POLICY_ONLY_IN_DS8220The requested policy information is only in the directory service.【请求的策略信息仅在目录服务中。】
ERROR_PROMOTION_ACTIVE8221A domain controller promotion is currently active.【域控制器升级当前处于活动状态。】
ERROR_NO_PROMOTION_ACTIVE8222A domain controller promotion is not currently active【域控制器升级当前未处于活动状态】
ERROR_DS_OPERATIONS_ERROR8224An operations error occurred.【发生操作错误。】
ERROR_DS_PROTOCOL_ERROR8225A protocol error occurred.【发生协议错误。】
ERROR_DS_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED8226The time limit for this request was exceeded.【已超过此请求的时间限制。】
ERROR_DS_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED8227The size limit for this request was exceeded.【已超出此请求的大小限制。】
ERROR_DS_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED8228The administrative limit for this request was exceeded.【已超出此请求的管理限制。】
ERROR_DS_COMPARE_FALSE8229The compare response was false.【比较结果是错误的。】
ERROR_DS_COMPARE_TRUE8230The compare response was true.【比较结果是正确的。】
ERROR_DS_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED8231The requested authentication method is not supported by the server.【服务器不支持请求的身份验证方法。】
ERROR_DS_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED8232A more secure authentication method is required for this server.【此服务器需要更安全的身份验证方法。】
ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH8233Inappropriate authentication.【身份验证不正确。】
ERROR_DS_AUTH_UNKNOWN8234The authentication mechanism is unknown.【身份验证机制未知。】
ERROR_DS_REFERRAL8235A referral was returned from the server.【已从服务器返回引用。】
ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE_CRIT_EXTENSION8236The server does not support the requested critical extension.【服务器不支持请求的关键扩展。】
ERROR_DS_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED8237This request requires a secure connection.【此请求需要安全连接。】
ERROR_DS_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING8238Inappropriate matching.【搭配不当。】
ERROR_DS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION8239A constraint violation occurred.【发生约束冲突。】
ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT8240There is no such object on the server.【服务器上没有这样的对象。】
ERROR_DS_ALIAS_PROBLEM8241There is an alias problem.【存在别名问题。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX8242An invalid dn syntax has been specified.【指定了无效的dn语法。】
ERROR_DS_IS_LEAF8243The object is a leaf object.【对象是叶子对象。】
ERROR_DS_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM8244There is an alias dereferencing problem.【存在别名取消引用问题。】
ERROR_DS_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM8245The server is unwilling to process the request.【服务器不愿意处理该请求。】
ERROR_DS_LOOP_DETECT8246A loop has been detected.【检测到循环。】
ERROR_DS_NAMING_VIOLATION8247There is a naming violation.【存在命名冲突。】
ERROR_DS_OBJECT_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE8248The result set is too large.【结果集太大。】
ERROR_DS_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS8249The operation affects multiple DSAs【该操作影响多个DSA】
ERROR_DS_SERVER_DOWN8250The server is not operational.【服务器无法运行。】
ERROR_DS_LOCAL_ERROR8251A local error has occurred.【发生本地错误。】
ERROR_DS_ENCODING_ERROR8252An encoding error has occurred.【发生编码错误。】
ERROR_DS_DECODING_ERROR8253A decoding error has occurred.【出现解码错误。】
ERROR_DS_FILTER_UNKNOWN8254The search filter cannot be recognized.【无法识别搜索筛选器。】
ERROR_DS_PARAM_ERROR8255One or more parameters are illegal.【一个或多个参数非法。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED8256The specified method is not supported.【不支持指定的方法。】
ERROR_DS_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED8257No results were returned.【未返回任何结果。】
ERROR_DS_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND8258The specified control is not supported by the server.【服务器不支持指定的控件。】
ERROR_DS_CLIENT_LOOP8259A referral loop was detected by the client.【客户端检测到引用循环。】
ERROR_DS_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED8260The preset referral limit was exceeded.【已超出预设的引用限制。】
ERROR_DS_SORT_CONTROL_MISSING8261The search requires a SORT control.【搜索需要排序控件。】
ERROR_DS_OFFSET_RANGE_ERROR8262The search results exceed the offset range specified.【搜索结果超出了指定的偏移范围。】
ERROR_DS_ROOT_MUST_BE_NC8301The root object must be the head of a naming context. The root object cannot have an instantiated parent.【根对象必须是命名上下文的头。根对象不能有实例化的父对象。】
ERROR_DS_ADD_REPLICA_INHIBITED8302The add replica operation cannot be performed. The naming context must be writeable in order to create the replica.【无法执行添加副本操作。命名上下文必须是可写的,才能创建复制副本。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_IN_SCHEMA8303A reference to an attribute that is not defined in the schema occurred.【出现对架构中未定义的属性的引用。】
ERROR_DS_MAX_OBJ_SIZE_EXCEEDED8304The maximum size of an object has been exceeded.【已超过对象的最大大小。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_STRING_NAME_EXISTS8305An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.【试图向目录中添加名称已在使用的对象。】
ERROR_DS_NO_RDN_DEFINED_IN_SCHEMA8306An attempt was made to add an object of a class that does not have an RDN defined in the schema.【试图添加架构中未定义RDN的类的对象。】
ERROR_DS_RDN_DOESNT_MATCH_SCHEMA8307An attempt was made to add an object using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema.【试图使用不是架构中定义的RDN的RDN添加对象。】
ERROR_DS_NO_REQUESTED_ATTS_FOUND8308None of the requested attributes were found on the objects.【在对象上找不到任何请求的属性。】
ERROR_DS_USER_BUFFER_TO_SMALL8309The user buffer is too small.【用户缓冲区太小。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_IS_NOT_ON_OBJ8310The attribute specified in the operation is not present on the object.【对象上不存在操作中指定的属性。】
ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_MOD_OPERATION8311Illegal modify operation. Some aspect of the modification is not permitted.【非法的修改操作。某些方面的修改是不允许的。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_TOO_LARGE8312The specified object is too large.【指定的对象太大。】
ERROR_DS_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE8313The specified instance type is not valid.【指定的实例类型无效。】
ERROR_DS_MASTERDSA_REQUIRED8314The operation must be performed at a master DSA.【该操作必须在主DSA上执行。】
ERROR_DS_OBJECT_CLASS_REQUIRED8315The object class attribute must be specified.【必须指定对象类属性。】
ERROR_DS_MISSING_REQUIRED_ATT8316A required attribute is missing.【缺少必需的属性。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_NOT_DEF_FOR_CLASS8317An attempt was made to modify an object to include an attribute that is not legal for its class.【试图修改对象以包含对其类不合法的属性。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_ALREADY_EXISTS8318The specified attribute is already present on the object.【对象上已存在指定的属性。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_ATT_VALUES8320The specified attribute is not present, or has no values.【指定的属性不存在或没有值。】
ERROR_DS_SINGLE_VALUE_CONSTRAINT8321Multiple values were specified for an attribute that can have only one value.【为只能有一个值的属性指定了多个值。】
ERROR_DS_RANGE_CONSTRAINT8322A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values.【属性的值不在可接受的值范围内。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_VAL_ALREADY_EXISTS8323The specified value already exists.【指定的值已存在。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT8324The attribute cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.【无法删除该属性,因为它不在对象上。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_REM_MISSING_ATT_VAL8325The attribute value cannot be removed because it is not present on the object.【无法删除属性值,因为它不在对象上。】
ERROR_DS_ROOT_CANT_BE_SUBREF8326The specified root object cannot be a subref.【指定的根对象不能是子引用。】
ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINING8327Chaining is not permitted.【不允许链接。】
ERROR_DS_NO_CHAINED_EVAL8328Chained evaluation is not permitted.【不允许链式评估。】
ERROR_DS_NO_PARENT_OBJECT8329The operation could not be performed because the object’s parent is either uninstantiated or deleted.【无法执行该操作,因为对象的父对象未实例化或已删除。】
ERROR_DS_PARENT_IS_AN_ALIAS8330Having a parent that is an alias is not permitted. Aliases are leaf objects.【不允许父级是别名。别名是叶对象。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MIX_MASTER_AND_REPS8331The object and parent must be of the same type, either both masters or both replicas.【对象和父对象必须是同一类型,既可以是主对象,也可以是副本。】
ERROR_DS_CHILDREN_EXIST8332The operation cannot be performed because child objects exist. This operation can only be performed on a leaf object.【无法执行该操作,因为存在子对象。此操作只能在叶对象上执行。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND8333Directory object not found.【找不到目录对象。】
ERROR_DS_ALIASED_OBJ_MISSING8334The aliased object is missing.【缺少别名对象。】
ERROR_DS_BAD_NAME_SYNTAX8335The object name has bad syntax.【对象名语法错误。】
ERROR_DS_ALIAS_POINTS_TO_ALIAS8336It is not permitted for an alias to refer to another alias.【不允许一个别名引用另一个别名。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DEREF_ALIAS8337The alias cannot be dereferenced.【无法取消对别名的引用。】
ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_SCOPE8338The operation is out of scope.【操作超出范围。】
ERROR_DS_OBJECT_BEING_REMOVED8339The operation cannot continue because the object is in the process of being removed.【操作无法继续,因为正在删除对象。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE_DSA_OBJ8340The DSA object cannot be deleted.【无法删除DSA对象。】
ERROR_DS_GENERIC_ERROR8341A directory service error has occurred.【发生目录服务错误。】
ERROR_DS_DSA_MUST_BE_INT_MASTER8342The operation can only be performed on an internal master DSA object.【该操作只能在内部主DSA对象上执行。】
ERROR_DS_CLASS_NOT_DSA8343The object must be of class DSA.【对象必须是DSA类。】
ERROR_DS_INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS8344Insufficient access rights to perform the operation.【访问权限不足,无法执行该操作。】
ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_SUPERIOR8345The object cannot be added because the parent is not on the list of possible superiors.【无法添加对象,因为父对象不在可能的上级列表中。】
ERROR_DS_ATTRIBUTE_OWNED_BY_SAM8346Access to the attribute is not permitted because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager (SAM).【不允许访问该属性,因为该属性归安全帐户管理器(SAM)所有。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_MANY_PARTS8347The name has too many parts.【这个名字有太多的部分。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_TOO_LONG8348The name is too long.【名称太长。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_VALUE_TOO_LONG8349The name value is too long.【名称值太长。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_UNPARSEABLE8350The directory service encountered an error parsing a name.【目录服务在分析名称时遇到错误。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_TYPE_UNKNOWN8351The directory service cannot get the attribute type for a name.【目录服务无法获取名称的属性类型。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_AN_OBJECT8352The name does not identify an object; the name identifies a phantom.【名称不标识对象;名称标识幻像。】
ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_TOO_SHORT8353The security descriptor is too short.【安全描述符太短。】
ERROR_DS_SEC_DESC_INVALID8354The security descriptor is invalid.【安全描述符无效。】
ERROR_DS_NO_DELETED_NAME8355Failed to create name for deleted object.【无法为已删除对象创建名称。】
ERROR_DS_SUBREF_MUST_HAVE_PARENT8356The parent of a new subref must exist.【新子引用的父级必须存在。】
ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MUST_BE_NC8357The object must be a naming context.【对象必须是命名上下文。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_SYSTEM_ONLY8358It is not permitted to add an attribute which is owned by the system.【不允许添加系统拥有的属性。】
ERROR_DS_CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETE8359The class of the object must be structural; you cannot instantiate an abstract class.【对象的类必须是结构化的;不能实例化抽象类。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_DMD8360The schema object could not be found.【找不到架构对象。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_GUID_EXISTS8361A local object with this GUID (dead or alive) already exists.【具有此GUID(死或活)的本地对象已存在。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_ON_BACKLINK8362The operation cannot be performed on a back link.【无法在反向链接上执行该操作。】
ERROR_DS_NO_CROSSREF_FOR_NC8363The cross reference for the specified naming context could not be found.【找不到指定命名上下文的交叉引用。】
ERROR_DS_SHUTTING_DOWN8364The operation could not be performed because the directory service is shutting down.【无法执行该操作,因为目录服务正在关闭。】
ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_OPERATION8365The directory service request is invalid.【目录服务请求无效。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_ROLE_OWNER8366The role owner attribute could not be read.【无法读取角色所有者属性。】
ERROR_DS_COULDNT_CONTACT_FSMO8367The requested FSMO operation failed. The current FSMO holder could not be contacted.【请求的FSMO操作失败。无法联系当前的FSMO持有人。】
ERROR_DS_CROSS_NC_DN_RENAME8368Modification of a DN across a naming context is not permitted.【不允许跨命名上下文修改DN。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_SYSTEM_ONLY8369The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system.【无法修改该属性,因为它属于系统。】
ERROR_DS_REPLICATOR_ONLY8370Only the replicator can perform this function.【只有复制器才能执行此功能。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_DEFINED8371The specified class is not defined.【未定义指定的类。】
ERROR_DS_OBJ_CLASS_NOT_SUBCLASS8372The specified class is not a subclass.【指定的类不是子类。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_REFERENCE_INVALID8373The name reference is invalid.【名称引用无效。】
ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_EXISTS8374A cross reference already exists.【交叉引用已存在。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DEL_MASTER_CROSSREF8375It is not permitted to delete a master cross reference.【不允许删除主交叉引用。】
ERROR_DS_SUBTREE_NOTIFY_NOT_NC_HEAD8376Subtree notifications are only supported on NC heads.【子树通知仅在NC头上受支持。】
ERROR_DS_NOTIFY_FILTER_TOO_COMPLEX8377Notification filter is too complex.【通知筛选器太复杂。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_RDN8378Schema update failed: duplicate RDN.【架构更新失败:重复的RDN。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_OID8379Schema update failed: duplicate OID.【架构更新失败:重复的OID。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_MAPI_ID8380Schema update failed: duplicate MAPI identifier.【架构更新失败:MAPI标识符重复。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_SCHEMA_ID_GUID8381Schema update failed: duplicate schema-id GUID.【架构更新失败:架构id GUID重复。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME8382Schema update failed: duplicate LDAP display name.【架构更新失败:重复的LDAP显示名称。】
ERROR_DS_SEMANTIC_ATT_TEST8383Schema update failed: range-lower less than range upper.【架构更新失败:范围下限小于范围上限。】
ERROR_DS_SYNTAX_MISMATCH8384Schema update failed: syntax mismatch.【架构更新失败:语法不匹配。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MUST_HAVE8385Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in must-contain.【架构删除失败:属性用于必须包含。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_MAY_HAVE8386Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in may-contain.【架构删除失败:属性在可能包含中使用。】
ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MAY_HAVE8387Schema update failed: attribute in may-contain does not exist.【架构更新失败:可能包含的属性不存在。】
ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_MUST_HAVE8388Schema update failed: attribute in must-contain does not exist.【架构更新失败:必须包含的属性不存在。】
ERROR_DS_AUX_CLS_TEST_FAIL8389Schema update failed: class in aux-class list does not exist or is not an auxiliary class.【架构更新失败:辅助类列表中的类不存在或不是辅助类。】
ERROR_DS_NONEXISTENT_POSS_SUP8390Schema update failed: class in poss-superiors does not exist.【架构更新失败:poss superiors中的类不存在。】
ERROR_DS_SUB_CLS_TEST_FAIL8391Schema update failed: class in subclassof list does not exist or does not satisfy hierarchy rules.【架构更新失败:子类列表中的类不存在或不满足层次结构规则。】
ERROR_DS_BAD_RDN_ATT_ID_SYNTAX8392Schema update failed: Rdn-Att-Id has wrong syntax.【架构更新失败:Rdn Att Id语法错误。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_AUX_CLS8393Schema deletion failed: class is used as auxiliary class.【架构删除失败:类用作辅助类。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_SUB_CLS8394Schema deletion failed: class is used as sub class.【架构删除失败:类用作子类。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_POSS_SUP8395Schema deletion failed: class is used as poss superior.【架构删除失败:类用作poss superior。】
ERROR_DS_RECALCSCHEMA_FAILED8396Schema update failed in recalculating validation cache.【架构更新在重新计算验证缓存时失败。】
ERROR_DS_TREE_DELETE_NOT_FINISHED8397The tree deletion is not finished. The request must be made again to continue deleting the tree.【树删除未完成。必须再次发出请求才能继续删除树。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DELETE8398The requested delete operation could not be performed.【无法执行请求的删除操作。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_ID8399Cannot read the governs class identifier for the schema record.【无法读取架构记录的治理类标识符。】
ERROR_DS_BAD_ATT_SCHEMA_SYNTAX8400The attribute schema has bad syntax.【属性架构语法错误。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_ATT8401The attribute could not be cached.【无法缓存属性。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_CACHE_CLASS8402The class could not be cached.【无法缓存该类。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_ATT_CACHE8403The attribute could not be removed from the cache.【无法从缓存中删除属性。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_REMOVE_CLASS_CACHE8404The class could not be removed from the cache.【无法从缓存中删除类。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_DN8405The distinguished name attribute could not be read.【无法读取可分辨名称属性。】
ERROR_DS_MISSING_SUPREF8406No superior reference has been configured for the directory service. The directory service is therefore unable to issue referrals to objects outside this forest.【没有为目录服务配置高级引用。因此,目录服务无法向此林之外的对象发出引用。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_INSTANCE8407The instance type attribute could not be retrieved.【无法检索实例类型属性。】
ERROR_DS_CODE_INCONSISTENCY8408An internal error has occurred.【发生内部错误。】
ERROR_DS_DATABASE_ERROR8409A database error has occurred.【发生数据库错误。】
ERROR_DS_MISSING_EXPECTED_ATT8411An expected attribute is missing.【缺少所需的属性。】
ERROR_DS_NCNAME_MISSING_CR_REF8412The specified naming context is missing a cross reference.【指定的命名上下文缺少交叉引用。】
ERROR_DS_SECURITY_CHECKING_ERROR8413A security checking error has occurred.【发生安全检查错误。】
ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_NOT_LOADED8414The schema is not loaded.【未加载架构。】
ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_ALLOC_FAILED8415Schema allocation failed. Please check if the machine is running low on memory.【架构分配失败。请检查机器内存是否不足。】
ERROR_DS_ATT_SCHEMA_REQ_SYNTAX8416Failed to obtain the required syntax for the attribute schema.【无法获取属性架构所需的语法。】
ERROR_DS_GCVERIFY_ERROR8417The global catalog verification failed. The global catalog is not available or does not support the operation. Some part of the directory is currently not available.【全局编录验证失败。全局编录不可用或不支持该操作。目录的某些部分当前不可用。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_MISMATCH8418The replication operation failed because of a schema mismatch between the servers involved.【由于所涉及的服务器之间的架构不匹配,复制操作失败。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DSA_OBJ8419The DSA object could not be found.【找不到DSA对象。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_EXPECTED_NC8420The naming context could not be found.【找不到命名上下文。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_NC_IN_CACHE8421The naming context could not be found in the cache.【在缓存中找不到命名上下文。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_CHILD8422The child object could not be retrieved.【无法检索子对象。】
ERROR_DS_SECURITY_ILLEGAL_MODIFY8423The modification was not permitted for security reasons.【出于安全原因,不允许修改。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_REPLACE_HIDDEN_REC8424The operation cannot replace the hidden record.【该操作无法替换隐藏记录。】
ERROR_DS_BAD_HIERARCHY_FILE8425The hierarchy file is invalid.【层次结构文件无效。】
ERROR_DS_BUILD_HIERARCHY_TABLE_FAILED8426The attempt to build the hierarchy table failed.【尝试生成层次结构表失败。】
ERROR_DS_CONFIG_PARAM_MISSING8427The directory configuration parameter is missing from the registry.【注册表中缺少目录配置参数。】
ERROR_DS_COUNTING_AB_INDICES_FAILED8428The attempt to count the address book indices failed.【尝试计数通讯簿索引失败。】
ERROR_DS_HIERARCHY_TABLE_MALLOC_FAILED8429The allocation of the hierarchy table failed.【分配层次结构表失败。】
ERROR_DS_INTERNAL_FAILURE8430The directory service encountered an internal failure.【目录服务遇到内部故障。】
ERROR_DS_UNKNOWN_ERROR8431The directory service encountered an unknown failure.【目录服务遇到未知故障。】
ERROR_DS_ROOT_REQUIRES_CLASS_TOP8432A root object requires a class of ‘top’.【根对象需要“top”类。】
ERROR_DS_REFUSING_FSMO_ROLES8433This directory server is shutting down, and cannot take ownership of new floating single-master operation roles.【此目录服务器正在关闭,无法获得新的浮动单主机操作角色的所有权。】
ERROR_DS_MISSING_FSMO_SETTINGS8434The directory service is missing mandatory configuration information, and is unable to determine the ownership of floating single-master operation roles.【目录服务缺少必需的配置信息,无法确定浮动单主机操作角色的所有权。】
ERROR_DS_UNABLE_TO_SURRENDER_ROLES8435The directory service was unable to transfer ownership of one or more floating single-master operation roles to other servers.【目录服务无法将一个或多个浮动单主机操作角色的所有权转移到其他服务器。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_GENERIC8436The replication operation failed.【复制操作失败。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_INVALID_PARAMETER8437An invalid parameter was specified for this replication operation.【为此复制操作指定的参数无效。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_BUSY8438The directory service is too busy to complete the replication operation at this time.【目录服务太忙,此时无法完成复制操作。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_DN8439The distinguished name specified for this replication operation is invalid.【为此复制操作指定的可分辨名称无效。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_NC8440The naming context specified for this replication operation is invalid.【为此复制操作指定的命名上下文无效。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_DN_EXISTS8441The distinguished name specified for this replication operation already exists.【为此复制操作指定的可分辨名称已存在。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_INTERNAL_ERROR8442The replication system encountered an internal error.【复制系统遇到内部错误。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_INCONSISTENT_DIT8443The replication operation encountered a database inconsistency.【复制操作遇到数据库不一致。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_CONNECTION_FAILED8444The server specified for this replication operation could not be contacted.【无法联系为此复制操作指定的服务器。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_BAD_INSTANCE_TYPE8445The replication operation encountered an object with an invalid instance type.【复制操作遇到实例类型无效的对象。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_OF_MEM8446The replication operation failed to allocate memory.【复制操作无法分配内存。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_MAIL_PROBLEM8447The replication operation encountered an error with the mail system.【复制操作遇到邮件系统错误。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_ALREADY_EXISTS8448The replication reference information for the target server already exists.【目标服务器的复制引用信息已存在。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_REF_NOT_FOUND8449The replication reference information for the target server does not exist.【目标服务器的复制引用信息不存在。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_IS_REP_SOURCE8450The naming context cannot be removed because it is replicated to another server.【无法删除命名上下文,因为它已复制到其他服务器。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_DB_ERROR8451The replication operation encountered a database error.【复制操作遇到数据库错误。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_NO_REPLICA8452The naming context is in the process of being removed or is not replicated from the specified server.【命名上下文正在被删除或未从指定服务器复制。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_ACCESS_DENIED8453Replication access was denied.【复制访问被拒绝。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_NOT_SUPPORTED8454The requested operation is not supported by this version of the directory service.【此版本的目录服务不支持请求的操作。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_RPC_CANCELLED8455The replication remote procedure call was canceled.【复制远程过程调用已取消。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_DISABLED8456The source server is currently rejecting replication requests.【源服务器当前正在拒绝复制请求。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SINK_DISABLED8457The destination server is currently rejecting replication requests.【目标服务器当前正在拒绝复制请求。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_NAME_COLLISION8458The replication operation failed due to a collision of object names.【由于对象名称冲突,复制操作失败。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_REINSTALLED8459The replication source has been reinstalled.【已重新安装复制源。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT8460The replication operation failed because a required parent object is missing.【复制操作失败,因为缺少所需的父对象。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_PREEMPTED8461The replication operation was preempted.【复制操作被抢占。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_ABANDON_SYNC8462The replication synchronization attempt was abandoned because of a lack of updates.【由于缺少更新,复制同步尝试被放弃。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SHUTDOWN8463The replication operation was terminated because the system is shutting down.【复制操作已终止,因为系统正在关闭。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_INCOMPATIBLE_PARTIAL_SET8464Synchronization attempt failed because the destination DC is currently waiting to synchronize new partial attributes from source. This condition is normal if a recent schema change modified the partial attribute set. The destination partial attribute set is not a subset of source partial attribute set.【同步尝试失败,因为目标DC当前正在等待从源同步新的部分属性。如果最近的架构更改修改了部分属性集,则此情况是正常的。目标部分属性集不是源部分属性集的子集。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SOURCE_IS_PARTIAL_REPLICA8465The replication synchronization attempt failed because a master replica attempted to sync from a partial replica.【复制同步尝试失败,因为主副本尝试从部分副本同步。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_EXTN_CONNECTION_FAILED8466The server specified for this replication operation was contacted, but that server was unable to contact an additional server needed to complete the operation.【已联系为此复制操作指定的服务器,但该服务器无法联系完成此操作所需的其他服务器。】
ERROR_DS_INSTALL_SCHEMA_MISMATCH8467The version of the directory service schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of the directory service on this computer.【源林的目录服务架构版本与此计算机上的目录服务版本不兼容。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_LINK_ID8468Schema update failed: An attribute with the same link identifier already exists.【架构更新失败:已存在具有相同链接标识符的属性。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_RESOLVING8469Name translation: Generic processing error.【名称转换:一般处理错误。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_FOUND8470Name translation: Could not find the name or insufficient right to see name.【名称翻译:找不到名称或没有足够的权限查看名称。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE8471Name translation: Input name mapped to more than one output name.【名称转换:输入名称映射到多个输出名称。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_MAPPING8472Name translation: Input name found, but not the associated output format.【名称转换:找到输入名称,但没有找到关联的输出格式。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_DOMAIN_ONLY8473Name translation: Unable to resolve completely, only the domain was found.【名称转换:无法完全解析,仅找到域。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_NO_SYNTACTICAL_MAPPING8474Name translation: Unable to perform purely syntactical mapping at the client without going out to the wire.【名称转换:在客户端执行纯粹的语法映射时,如果不进行连接,则无法执行。】
ERROR_DS_CONSTRUCTED_ATT_MOD8475Modification of a constructed attribute is not allowed.【不允许修改构造的属性。】
ERROR_DS_WRONG_OM_OBJ_CLASS8476The OM-Object-Class specified is incorrect for an attribute with the specified syntax.【对于具有指定语法的属性,指定的OM对象类不正确。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_REPL_PENDING8477The replication request has been posted; waiting for reply.【复制请求已发布;正在等待答复。】
ERROR_DS_DS_REQUIRED8478The requested operation requires a directory service, and none was available.【请求的操作需要目录服务,但没有可用的目录服务。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME8479The LDAP display name of the class or attribute contains non-ASCII characters.【类或属性的LDAP显示名称包含非ASCII字符。】
ERROR_DS_NON_BASE_SEARCH8480The requested search operation is only supported for base searches.【请求的搜索操作仅支持基本搜索。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_ATTS8481The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database.【搜索未能从数据库检索属性。】
ERROR_DS_BACKLINK_WITHOUT_LINK8482The schema update operation tried to add a backward link attribute that has no corresponding forward link.【架构更新操作试图添加没有相应前向链接的后向链接属性。】
ERROR_DS_EPOCH_MISMATCH8483Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object’s epoch number. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.【跨域移动的源和目标在对象的历元数上不一致。源或目标没有对象的最新版本。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_NAME_MISMATCH8484Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the object’s current name. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the object.【跨域移动的源和目标在对象的当前名称上不一致。源或目标没有对象的最新版本。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_NC_IDENTICAL8485Source and destination for the cross-domain move operation are identical. Caller should use local move operation instead of cross-domain move operation.【跨域移动操作的源和目标相同。调用者应该使用本地移动操作而不是跨域移动操作。】
ERROR_DS_DST_NC_MISMATCH8486Source and destination for a cross-domain move are not in agreement on the naming contexts in the forest. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the Partitions container.【跨域移动的源和目标在林中的命名上下文上不一致。源或目标没有分区容器的最新版本。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_AUTHORITIVE_FOR_DST_NC8487Destination of a cross-domain move is not authoritative for the destination naming context.【跨域移动的目标不是目标命名上下文的权威。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_GUID_MISMATCH8488Source and destination of a cross-domain move do not agree on the identity of the source object. Either source or destination does not have the latest version of the source object.【跨域移动的源和目标在源对象的标识上不一致。源或目标没有源对象的最新版本。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_DELETED_OBJECT8489Object being moved across-domains is already known to be deleted by the destination server. The source server does not have the latest version of the source object.【跨域移动的对象已被目标服务器删除。源服务器没有源对象的最新版本。】
ERROR_DS_PDC_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS8490Another operation which requires exclusive access to the PDC FSMO is already in progress.【另一个需要独占访问PDC FSMO的操作已在进行中。】
ERROR_DS_CROSS_DOMAIN_CLEANUP_REQD8491A cross-domain move operation failed such that two versions of the moved object exist - one each in the source and destination domains. The destination object needs to be removed to restore the system to a consistent state.【跨域移动操作失败,因此存在两个版本的移动对象-源域和目标域中各有一个版本。需要删除目标对象才能将系统恢复到一致状态。】
ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_XDOM_MOVE_OPERATION8492This object may not be moved across domain boundaries either because cross-domain moves for this class are disallowed, or the object has some special characteristics, e.g.: trust account or restricted RID, which prevent its move.【此对象可能无法跨域移动,原因可能是不允许此类跨域移动,或者该对象具有某些特殊特性,例如:信任帐户或受限RID,这些特性阻止其移动。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_WITH_ACCT_GROUP_MEMBERSHPS8493Can’t move objects with memberships across domain boundaries as once moved, this would violate the membership conditions of the account group. Remove the object from any account group memberships and retry.【一旦移动,就无法跨域边界移动具有成员资格的对象,这将违反帐户组的成员资格条件。请从任何帐户组成员身份中删除该对象,然后重试。】
ERROR_DS_NC_MUST_HAVE_NC_PARENT8494A naming context head must be the immediate child of another naming context head, not of an interior node.【命名上下文头必须是另一个命名上下文头的直接子级,而不是内部节点的直接子级。】
ERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE8495The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context name because it does not hold a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the domain naming master role is held by a server that is configured as a global catalog server, and that the server is up to date with its replication partners. (Applies only to Windows 2000 Domain Naming masters)【目录无法验证建议的命名上下文名称,因为它没有在建议的命名上下文上方保存命名上下文的副本。请确保域命名主机角色由配置为全局编录服务器的服务器持有,并且该服务器与其复制伙伴是最新的。(仅适用于Windows 2000域命名主机)】
ERROR_DS_DST_DOMAIN_NOT_NATIVE8496Destination domain must be in native mode.【目标域必须处于本机模式。】
ERROR_DS_MISSING_INFRASTRUCTURE_CONTAINER8497The operation cannot be performed because the server does not have an infrastructure container in the domain of interest.【无法执行该操作,因为服务器在感兴趣的域中没有基础结构容器。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_ACCOUNT_GROUP8498Cross-domain move of non-empty account groups is not allowed.【不允许跨域移动非空帐户组。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_RESOURCE_GROUP8499Cross-domain move of non-empty resource groups is not allowed.【不允许跨域移动非空资源组。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_SEARCH_FLAG8500The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The ANR bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode or Teletex strings.【属性的搜索标志无效。ANR位仅对Unicode或电传字符串的属性有效。】
ERROR_DS_NO_TREE_DELETE_ABOVE_NC8501Tree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed.【不允许从NC头作为子体的对象开始删除树。】
ERROR_DS_COULDNT_LOCK_TREE_FOR_DELETE8502The directory service failed to lock a tree in preparation for a tree deletion because the tree was in use.【目录服务无法锁定树以准备删除树,因为该树正在使用中。】
ERROR_DS_COULDNT_IDENTIFY_OBJECTS_FOR_TREE_DELETE8503The directory service failed to identify the list of objects to delete while attempting a tree deletion.【尝试删除树时,目录服务无法识别要删除的对象列表。】
ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE8504Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Directory Services Restore Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.【由于以下错误,安全帐户管理器初始化失败:%1。错误状态:0x%2。单击“确定”关闭系统并重新启动到目录服务还原模式。有关详细信息,请查看事件日志。】
ERROR_DS_SENSITIVE_GROUP_VIOLATION8505Only an administrator can modify the membership list of an administrative group.【只有管理员才能修改管理组的成员列表。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOD_PRIMARYGROUPID8506Cannot change the primary group ID of a domain controller account.【无法更改域控制器帐户的主组ID。】
ERROR_DS_ILLEGAL_BASE_SCHEMA_MOD8507An attempt is made to modify the base schema.【试图修改基本架构。】
ERROR_DS_NONSAFE_SCHEMA_CHANGE8508Adding a new mandatory attribute to an existing class, deleting a mandatory attribute from an existing class, or adding an optional attribute to the special class Top that is not a backlink attribute (directly or through inheritance, for example, by adding or deleting an auxiliary class) is not allowed.【不允许向现有类添加新的强制属性、从现有类中删除强制属性或向特殊类Top添加非反向链接属性的可选属性(直接或通过继承,例如,通过添加或删除辅助类)。】
ERROR_DS_SCHEMA_UPDATE_DISALLOWED8509Schema update is not allowed on this DC because the DC is not the schema FSMO Role Owner.【不允许在此DC上更新架构,因为该DC不是架构FSMO角色所有者。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_UNDER_SCHEMA8510An object of this class cannot be created under the schema container. You can only create attribute-schema and class-schema objects under the schema container.【无法在架构容器下创建此类的对象。只能在架构容器下创建属性架构和类架构对象。】
ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SRC_SCH_VERSION8511The replica/child install failed to get the objectVersion attribute on the schema container on the source DC. Either the attribute is missing on the schema container or the credentials supplied do not have permission to read it.【副本/子安装无法获取源DC上架构容器的objectVersion属性。架构容器中缺少该属性,或者提供的凭据没有读取该属性的权限。】
ERROR_DS_INSTALL_NO_SCH_VERSION_IN_INIFILE8512The replica/child install failed to read the objectVersion attribute in the SCHEMA section of the file schema.ini in the system32 directory.【副本/子安装无法读取文件架构部分中的objectVersion属性架构.ini在system32目录中。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_GROUP_TYPE8513The specified group type is invalid.【指定的组类型无效。】
ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_GLOBALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN8514You cannot nest global groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.【如果组已启用安全性,则不能在混合域中嵌套全局组。】
ERROR_DS_NO_NEST_LOCALGROUP_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN8515You cannot nest local groups in a mixed domain if the group is security-enabled.【如果组已启用安全性,则不能在混合域中嵌套本地组。】
ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBER8516A global group cannot have a local group as a member.【全局组不能将本地组作为成员。】
ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBER8517A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.【全局组不能将通用组作为成员。】
ERROR_DS_UNIVERSAL_CANT_HAVE_LOCAL_MEMBER8518A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.【通用组不能将本地组作为成员。】
ERROR_DS_GLOBAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_MEMBER8519A global group cannot have a cross-domain member.【全局组不能有跨域成员。】
ERROR_DS_LOCAL_CANT_HAVE_CROSSDOMAIN_LOCAL_MEMBER8520A local group cannot have another cross domain local group as a member.【本地组不能有另一个跨域本地组作为成员。】
ERROR_DS_HAVE_PRIMARY_MEMBERS8521A group with primary members cannot change to a security-disabled group.【具有主要成员的组不能更改为禁用安全的组。】
ERROR_DS_STRING_SD_CONVERSION_FAILED8522The schema cache load failed to convert the string default SD on a class-schema object.【架构缓存加载无法转换类架构对象上的字符串默认SD。】
ERROR_DS_NAMING_MASTER_GC8523Only DSAs configured to be Global Catalog servers should be allowed to hold the Domain Naming Master FSMO role. (Applies only to Windows 2000 servers)【只有配置为全局编录服务器的DSA才允许拥有域命名主机FSMO角色。(仅适用于Windows 2000服务器)】
ERROR_DS_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILURE8524The DSA operation is unable to proceed because of a DNS lookup failure.【由于DNS查找失败,DSA操作无法继续。】
ERROR_DS_COULDNT_UPDATE_SPNS8525While processing a change to the DNS Host Name for an object, the Service Principal Name values could not be kept in sync.【处理对对象的DNS主机名的更改时,服务主体名称值无法保持同步。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_RETRIEVE_SD8526The Security Descriptor attribute could not be read.【无法读取安全描述符属性。】
ERROR_DS_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE8527The object requested was not found, but an object with that key was found.【找不到请求的对象,但找到了具有该键的对象。】
ERROR_DS_WRONG_LINKED_ATT_SYNTAX8528The syntax of the linked attribute being added is incorrect. Forward links can only have syntax,, and, and backlinks can only have syntax【正在添加的链接属性的语法不正确。正向链接只能有语法2.5.5.1、和2.5.5.14,反向链接只能有语法2.5.5.1】
ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_PASSWORD8529Security Account Manager needs to get the boot password.【安全帐户管理器需要获取启动密码。】
ERROR_DS_SAM_NEED_BOOTKEY_FLOPPY8530Security Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk.【安全帐户管理器需要从软盘获取启动密钥。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_START8531Directory Service cannot start.【目录服务无法启动。】
ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE8532Directory Services could not start.【目录服务无法启动。】
ERROR_DS_NO_PKT_PRIVACY_ON_CONNECTION8533The connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better.【客户端和服务器之间的连接要求数据包隐私或更好。】
ERROR_DS_SOURCE_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST8534The source domain may not be in the same forest as destination.【源域可能与目标域不在同一林中。】
ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_FOREST8535The destination domain must be in the forest.【目标域必须在林中。】
ERROR_DS_DESTINATION_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLED8536The operation requires that destination domain auditing be enabled.【此操作要求启用目标域审核。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_FIND_DC_FOR_SRC_DOMAIN8537The operation couldn’t locate a DC for the source domain.【操作找不到源域的DC。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_OBJ_NOT_GROUP_OR_USER8538The source object must be a group or user.【源对象必须是组或用户。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_SID_EXISTS_IN_FOREST8539The source object’s SID already exists in destination forest.【目标林中已存在源对象的SID。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_AND_DST_OBJECT_CLASS_MISMATCH8540The source and destination object must be of the same type.【源对象和目标对象的类型必须相同。】
ERROR_SAM_INIT_FAILURE8541Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot into Safe Mode. Check the event log for detailed information.【由于以下错误,安全帐户管理器初始化失败:%1。错误状态:0x%2。单击“确定”关闭系统并重新启动到安全模式。有关详细信息,请查看事件日志。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_INFO_SHIP8542Schema information could not be included in the replication request.【复制请求中无法包含架构信息。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SCHEMA_CONFLICT8543The replication operation could not be completed due to a schema incompatibility.【由于架构不兼容,无法完成复制操作。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_EARLIER_SCHEMA_CONFLICT8544The replication operation could not be completed due to a previous schema incompatibility.【由于以前的架构不兼容,无法完成复制操作。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_OBJ_NC_MISMATCH8545The replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information regarding a recent cross-domain move operation.【无法应用复制更新,因为源或目标尚未收到有关最近跨域移动操作的信息。】
ERROR_DS_NC_STILL_HAS_DSAS8546The requested domain could not be deleted because there exist domain controllers that still host this domain.【无法删除请求的域,因为存在仍承载此域的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_GC_REQUIRED8547The requested operation can be performed only on a global catalog server.【请求的操作只能在全局编录服务器上执行。】
ERROR_DS_LOCAL_MEMBER_OF_LOCAL_ONLY8548A local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain.【本地组只能是同一域中其他本地组的成员。】
ERROR_DS_NO_FPO_IN_UNIVERSAL_GROUPS8549Foreign security principals cannot be members of universal groups.【外部安全主体不能是通用组的成员。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ADD_TO_GC8550The attribute is not allowed to be replicated to the GC because of security reasons.【由于安全原因,不允许将属性复制到GC。】
ERROR_DS_NO_CHECKPOINT_WITH_PDC8551The checkpoint with the PDC could not be taken because there too many modifications being processed currently.【无法使用PDC的检查点,因为当前正在处理的修改太多。】
ERROR_DS_SOURCE_AUDITING_NOT_ENABLED8552The operation requires that source domain auditing be enabled.【此操作要求启用源域审核。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_CREATE_IN_NONDOMAIN_NC8553Security principal objects can only be created inside domain naming contexts.【安全主体对象只能在域命名上下文中创建。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_NAME_FOR_SPN8554A Service Principal Name (SPN) could not be constructed because the provided hostname is not in the necessary format.【无法构造服务主体名称(SPN),因为提供的主机名不是必需的格式。】
ERROR_DS_FILTER_USES_CONTRUCTED_ATTRS8555A Filter was passed that uses constructed attributes.【传递了使用构造属性的筛选器。】
ERROR_DS_UNICODEPWD_NOT_IN_QUOTES8556The unicodePwd attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes.【unicodePwd属性值必须用双引号括起来。】
ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED8557Your computer could not be joined to the domain. You have exceeded the maximum number of computer accounts you are allowed to create in this domain. Contact your system administrator to have this limit reset or increased.【您的计算机无法加入域。您已超过允许在此域中创建的最大计算机帐户数。请与系统管理员联系以重置或增加此限制。】
ERROR_DS_MUST_BE_RUN_ON_DST_DC8558For security reasons, the operation must be run on the destination DC.【出于安全原因,操作必须在目标DC上运行。】
ERROR_DS_SRC_DC_MUST_BE_SP4_OR_GREATER8559For security reasons, the source DC must be NT4SP4 or greater.【出于安全原因,源DC必须为NT4SP4或更高。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_TREE_DELETE_CRITICAL_OBJ8560Critical Directory Service System objects cannot be deleted during tree delete operations. The tree delete may have been partially performed.【在树删除操作期间,无法删除关键目录服务系统对象。树删除可能已部分执行。】
ERROR_DS_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLE8561Directory Services could not start because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.【由于以下错误,目录服务无法启动:%1。错误状态:0x%2。请单击“确定”关闭系统。您可以使用恢复控制台进一步诊断系统。】
ERROR_DS_SAM_INIT_FAILURE_CONSOLE8562Security Accounts Manager initialization failed because of the following error: %1. Error Status: 0x%2. Please click OK to shutdown the system. You can use the recovery console to diagnose the system further.【由于以下错误,安全帐户管理器初始化失败:%1。错误状态:0x%2。请单击“确定”关闭系统。您可以使用恢复控制台进一步诊断系统。】
ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_HIGH8563The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current forest functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.【安装的操作系统版本与当前林功能级别不兼容。必须升级到操作系统的新版本,此服务器才能成为此林中的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_HIGH8564The version of the operating system installed is incompatible with the current domain functional level. You must upgrade to a new version of the operating system before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.【安装的操作系统版本与当前域功能级别不兼容。您必须升级到操作系统的新版本,此服务器才能成为此域中的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_FOREST_VERSION_TOO_LOW8565The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current forest functional level. You must raise the forest functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this forest.【此服务器上安装的操作系统版本不再支持当前林功能级别。必须提升林功能级别,此服务器才能成为此林中的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_VERSION_TOO_LOW8566The version of the operating system installed on this server no longer supports the current domain functional level. You must raise the domain functional level before this server can become a domain controller in this domain.【此服务器上安装的操作系统版本不再支持当前域功能级别。必须提升域功能级别,此服务器才能成为此域中的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION8567The version of the operating system installed on this server is incompatible with the functional level of the domain or forest.【此服务器上安装的操作系统版本与域或林的功能级别不兼容。】
ERROR_DS_LOW_DSA_VERSION8568The functional level of the domain (or forest) cannot be raised to the requested value, because there exist one or more domain controllers in the domain (or forest) that are at a lower incompatible functional level.【无法将域(或林)的功能级别提升为请求的值,因为域(或林)中存在一个或多个处于较低不兼容功能级别的域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_NO_BEHAVIOR_VERSION_IN_MIXEDDOMAIN8569The forest functional level cannot be raised to the requested value since one or more domains are still in mixed domain mode. All domains in the forest must be in native mode, for you to raise the forest functional level.【无法将林功能级别提升到请求的值,因为一个或多个域仍处于混合域模式。林中的所有域都必须处于本机模式,才能提升林功能级别。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_SUPPORTED_SORT_ORDER8570The sort order requested is not supported.【不支持请求的排序顺序。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE8571The requested name already exists as a unique identifier.【请求的名称已作为唯一标识符存在。】
ERROR_DS_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_CREATED_PRENT48572The machine account was created pre-NT4. The account needs to be recreated.【机器帐户是在NT4之前创建的。需要重新创建帐户。】
ERROR_DS_OUT_OF_VERSION_STORE8573The database is out of version store.【数据库超出版本存储。】
ERROR_DS_INCOMPATIBLE_CONTROLS_USED8574Unable to continue operation because multiple conflicting controls were used.【无法继续操作,因为使用了多个冲突控件。】
ERROR_DS_NO_REF_DOMAIN8575Unable to find a valid security descriptor reference domain for this partition.【找不到此分区的有效安全描述符引用域。】
ERROR_DS_RESERVED_LINK_ID8576Schema update failed: The link identifier is reserved.【架构更新失败:链接标识符已保留。】
ERROR_DS_LINK_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE8577Schema update failed: There are no link identifiers available.【架构更新失败:没有可用的链接标识符。】
ERROR_DS_AG_CANT_HAVE_UNIVERSAL_MEMBER8578An account group cannot have a universal group as a member.【帐户组不能将通用组作为成员。】
ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_INSTANCE_TYPE8579Rename or move operations on naming context heads or read-only objects are not allowed.【不允许对命名上下文头或只读对象执行重命名或移动操作。】
ERROR_DS_NO_OBJECT_MOVE_IN_SCHEMA_NC8580Move operations on objects in the schema naming context are not allowed.【不允许对架构命名上下文中的对象执行移动操作。】
ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_DISALLOWED_BY_FLAG8581A system flag has been set on the object and does not allow the object to be moved or renamed.【已在对象上设置系统标志,不允许移动或重命名对象。】
ERROR_DS_MODIFYDN_WRONG_GRANDPARENT8582This object is not allowed to change its grandparent container. Moves are not forbidden on this object, but are restricted to sibling containers.【不允许此对象更改其祖级容器。此对象上不禁止移动,但仅限于同级容器。】
ERROR_DS_NAME_ERROR_TRUST_REFERRAL8583Unable to resolve completely, a referral to another forest is generated.【无法完全解析,将生成对另一个林的引用。】
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_STANDARD_SERVER8584The requested action is not supported on standard server.【标准服务器不支持请求的操作。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_ACCESS_REMOTE_PART_OF_AD8585Could not access a partition of the directory service located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question.【无法访问位于远程服务器上的目录服务分区。确保至少有一台服务器正在为有问题的分区运行。】
ERROR_DS_CR_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_VALIDATE_V28586The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition) name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming master.【目录无法验证建议的命名上下文(或分区)名称,因为它既不包含副本,也不能与建议的命名上下文上方的命名上下文副本联系。请确保在DNS中正确注册了父命名上下文,并且域命名主机至少可以访问此命名上下文的一个副本。】
ERROR_DS_THREAD_LIMIT_EXCEEDED8587The thread limit for this request was exceeded.【已超出此请求的线程限制。】
ERROR_DS_NOT_CLOSEST8588The Global catalog server is not in the closest site.【全局编录服务器不在最近的站点中。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DERIVE_SPN_WITHOUT_SERVER_REF8589The DS cannot derive a service principal name (SPN) with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the corresponding server object in the local DS database has no serverReference attribute.【DS无法派生用于相互验证目标服务器的服务主体名称(SPN),因为本地DS数据库中的相应服务器对象没有serverReference属性。】
ERROR_DS_SINGLE_USER_MODE_FAILED8590The Directory Service failed to enter single user mode.【目录服务无法进入单用户模式。】
ERROR_DS_NTDSCRIPT_SYNTAX_ERROR8591The Directory Service cannot parse the script because of a syntax error.【由于语法错误,目录服务无法分析脚本。】
ERROR_DS_NTDSCRIPT_PROCESS_ERROR8592The Directory Service cannot process the script because of an error.【由于出现错误,目录服务无法处理脚本。】
ERROR_DS_DIFFERENT_REPL_EPOCHS8593The directory service cannot perform the requested operation because the servers involved are of different replication epochs (which is usually related to a domain rename that is in progress).【目录服务无法执行请求的操作,因为所涉及的服务器属于不同的复制时期(这通常与正在进行的域重命名有关)。】
ERROR_DS_DRS_EXTENSIONS_CHANGED8594The directory service binding must be renegotiated due to a change in the server extensions information.【由于服务器扩展信息发生更改,必须重新协商目录服务绑定。】
ERROR_DS_REPLICA_SET_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_DISABLED_CR8595Operation not allowed on a disabled cross ref.【不允许对禁用的交叉引用执行操作。】
ERROR_DS_NO_MSDS_INTID8596Schema update failed: No values for msDS-IntId are available.【架构更新失败:没有可用的msDS IntId值。】
ERROR_DS_DUP_MSDS_INTID8597Schema update failed: Duplicate msDS-INtId. Retry the operation.【架构更新失败:重复的msDS INtId。请重试该操作。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTS_IN_RDNATTID8598Schema deletion failed: attribute is used in rDNAttID.【架构删除失败:rDNAttID中使用了属性。】
ERROR_DS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED8599The directory service failed to authorize the request.【目录服务授权请求失败。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_SCRIPT8600The Directory Service cannot process the script because it is invalid.【目录服务无法处理脚本,因为它无效。】
ERROR_DS_REMOTE_CROSSREF_OP_FAILED8601The remote create cross reference operation failed on the Domain Naming Master FSMO. The operation’s error is in the extended data.【在域命名主机FSMO上的远程创建交叉引用操作失败。操作的错误在扩展数据中。】
ERROR_DS_CROSS_REF_BUSY8602A cross reference is in use locally with the same name.【在本地使用的交叉引用具有相同的名称。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DERIVE_SPN_FOR_DELETED_DOMAIN8603The DS cannot derive a service principal name (SPN) with which to mutually authenticate the target server because the server’s domain has been deleted from the forest.【DS无法派生用于相互验证目标服务器的服务主体名称(SPN),因为服务器的域已从林中删除。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_DEMOTE_WITH_WRITEABLE_NC8604Writeable NCs prevent this DC from demoting.【可写NC阻止此DC降级。】
ERROR_DS_DUPLICATE_ID_FOUND8605The requested object has a non-unique identifier and cannot be retrieved.【请求的对象具有非唯一标识符,无法检索。】
ERROR_DS_INSUFFICIENT_ATTR_TO_CREATE_OBJECT8606Insufficient attributes were given to create an object. This object may not exist because it may have been deleted and already garbage collected.【没有为创建对象提供足够的属性。此对象可能不存在,因为它可能已被删除并已被垃圾收集。】
ERROR_DS_GROUP_CONVERSION_ERROR8607The group cannot be converted due to attribute restrictions on the requested group type.【由于请求的组类型的属性限制,无法转换该组。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_APP_BASIC_GROUP8608Cross-domain move of non-empty basic application groups is not allowed.【不允许跨域移动非空的基本应用程序组。】
ERROR_DS_CANT_MOVE_APP_QUERY_GROUP8609Cross-domain move of non-empty query based application groups is not allowed.【不允许跨域移动基于查询的非空应用程序组。】
ERROR_DS_ROLE_NOT_VERIFIED8610The FSMO role ownership could not be verified because its directory partition has not replicated successfully with at least one replication partner.【无法验证FSMO角色所有权,因为其目录分区尚未与至少一个复制伙伴成功复制。】
ERROR_DS_WKO_CONTAINER_CANNOT_BE_SPECIAL8611The target container for a redirection of a well known object container cannot already be a special container.【用于重定向已知对象容器的目标容器不能已经是特殊容器。】
ERROR_DS_DOMAIN_RENAME_IN_PROGRESS8612The Directory Service cannot perform the requested operation because a domain rename operation is in progress.【目录服务无法执行请求的操作,因为正在进行域重命名操作。】
ERROR_DS_EXISTING_AD_CHILD_NC8613The directory service detected a child partition below the requested new partition name. The partition hierarchy must be created in a top down method.【目录服务在请求的新分区名称下面检测到子分区。分区层次结构必须以自顶向下的方法创建。】
ERROR_DS_REPL_LIFETIME_EXCEEDED8614The directory service cannot replicate with this server because the time since the last replication with this server has exceeded the tombstone lifetime.【目录服务无法与此服务器进行复制,因为自上次与此服务器进行复制以来的时间已超过逻辑删除生存期。】
ERROR_DS_DISALLOWED_IN_SYSTEM_CONTAINER8615The requested operation is not allowed on an object under the system container.【不允许对系统容器下的对象执行请求的操作。】
ERROR_DS_LDAP_SEND_QUEUE_FULL8616The LDAP servers network send queue has filled up because the client is not processing the results of it’s requests fast enough. No more requests will be processed until the client catches up. If the client does not catch up then it will be disconnected.【LDAP服务器网络发送队列已满,因为客户端处理其请求结果的速度不够快。在客户端赶上之前,不会再处理任何请求。如果客户端没有跟上,那么它将被断开。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_OUT_SCHEDULE_WINDOW8617The scheduled replication did not take place because the system was too busy to execute the request within the schedule window. The replication queue is overloaded. Consider reducing the number of partners or decreasing the scheduled replication frequency.【由于系统太忙,无法在计划窗口内执行请求,因此未进行计划的复制。复制队列过载。考虑减少合作伙伴的数量或减少计划的复制频率。】
ERROR_DS_POLICY_NOT_KNOWN8618At this time, it cannot be determined if the branch replication policy is available on the hub domain controller. Please retry at a later time to account for replication latencies.【此时,无法确定集线器域控制器上的分支复制策略是否可用。请稍后重试以考虑复制延迟。】
ERROR_NO_SITE_SETTINGS_OBJECT8619The site settings object for the specified site does not exist.【指定站点的站点设置对象不存在。】
ERROR_NO_SECRETS8620The local account store does not contain secret material for the specified account.【本地帐户存储不包含指定帐户的机密资料。】
ERROR_NO_WRITABLE_DC_FOUND8621Could not find a writable domain controller in the domain.【在域中找不到可写域控制器。】
ERROR_DS_NO_SERVER_OBJECT8622The server object for the domain controller does not exist.【域控制器的服务器对象不存在。】
ERROR_DS_NO_NTDSA_OBJECT8623The NTDS Settings object for the domain controller does not exist.【域控制器的NTDS设置对象不存在。】
ERROR_DS_NON_ASQ_SEARCH8624The requested search operation is not supported for ASQ searches.【ASQ搜索不支持请求的搜索操作。】
ERROR_DS_AUDIT_FAILURE8625A required audit event could not be generated for the operation.【无法为该操作生成所需的审核事件。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_SEARCH_FLAG_SUBTREE8626The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The subtree index bit is valid only on single valued attributes.【属性的搜索标志无效。子树索引位仅对单值属性有效。】
ERROR_DS_INVALID_SEARCH_FLAG_TUPLE8627The search flags for the attribute are invalid. The tuple index bit is valid only on attributes of Unicode strings.【属性的搜索标志无效。元组索引位仅对Unicode字符串的属性有效。】
ERROR_DS_HIERARCHY_TABLE_TOO_DEEP8628The address books are nested too deeply. Failed to build the hierarchy table.【通讯簿嵌套太深。未能生成层次结构表。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_CORRUPT_UTD_VECTOR8629The specified up-to-date-ness vector is corrupt.【指定的最新矢量已损坏。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_SECRETS_DENIED8630The request to replicate secrets is denied.【复制机密的请求被拒绝。】
ERROR_DS_RESERVED_MAPI_ID8631Schema update failed: The MAPI identifier is reserved.【架构更新失败:MAPI标识符已保留。】
ERROR_DS_MAPI_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE8632Schema update failed: There are no MAPI identifiers available.【架构更新失败:没有可用的MAPI标识符。】
ERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_KRBTGT_SECRET8633The replication operation failed because the required attributes of the local krbtgt object are missing.【复制操作失败,因为缺少本地krbtgt对象所需的属性。】
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