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Matrix Computations (4th Edition)

Matrix Computations (4th Edition)


GPU Architecture Design Tutorial

GPU Architecture Design Tutorial


Quantum Computation and Quantum Information

Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Author: Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang 完整可搜索PDF版


Machine Learning for Computer Vision

书籍《Machine Learning for Computer Vision》


Machine Learning in Computer Vision

书籍《Machine Learning in Computer Vision》


Discrete Differential Geometry

外文书籍《离散微分几何》,by Eitan Grinspun


红青(red, cyan)3D实时渲染代码示例 - Dubois算法

需要戴红青眼镜的真3D实时生成示例代码,使用Dubois算法,在Pixel Shader里组合左右两视角,色彩很丰富。


[PDF]Focus on Photon Mapping -《聚焦光子映射》



控制台3D光栅器源码及文档 - 使用字符为像素的2D绘图板及3D渲染器

在控制台下使用字符为像素的2D绘图板及3D渲染器 不使用任何3D库,纯自己实现的光栅器,模拟GPU光栅化流程,实现: OBJ 格式文件的简单解析( 顶点及法线) 使用四元数旋转实现了第一人称及第三人称摄像机 采用了透视投影完成了顶点变换并使用了基于视线的背向面剔除及扫描线Z-BUFFER 进行消隐,支持2 倍全屏超采样 实现数学库包括矩阵CGMATRIX 类,向量CGVECTOR 类,四元数CGQUATERNION类 由于控制台默认只有4 位色,颜色不够鲜艳,因此使用跨进程API HOOK 的方式将其扩展为24 位色绘制,由于只有内核级程序才能读写Windows Vista/7 系统的csrss.exe 进程空间,因此本程序只能在WINDOWS XP 下执行, 且为了达到良好的效果, 请使用分辨率1024X768 以上的显示器。 具体请参见: http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?p=801975#post801975


Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10

This book presents an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development, using Direct3D 10. It teaches the fundamentals of Direct3D and shader programming, after which the reader will be prepared to go on and learn more advanced techniques. The book is divided into three main parts. Part I explains the mathematical tools that will be used throughout this book. Part II shows how to implement fundamental tasks in Direct3D, such as initialization, defining 3D geometry, setting up cameras, creating vertex, pixel, and geometry shaders, lighting, texturing, blending, and stenciling. Part III is largely about applying Direct3D to implement a variety of interesting techniques and special effects, such as working with meshes, terrain rendering, picking, particle systems, environment mapping, normal mapping, shadows, and rendering to textures. For the beginner, this book is best read front to back. The chapters have been organized so that the difficulty increases progressively with each chapter. In this way, there are no sudden jumps in complexity that leave the reader lost. In general, for a particular chapter, we will use the techniques and concepts previously developed. Therefore, it is important that you have mastered the material of a chapter before continuing. Experienced programmers can pick the chapters of interest. Finally, you may be wondering what kinds of games you can create after reading this book. The answer to that question is best obtained by skimming through this book and seeing the types of applications that are developed. From that you should be able to visualize the types of games that can be developed based on the techniques taught in this book and some of your own ingenuity. Intended Audience This book was designed with the following three audiences in mind: Intermediate level C++ programmers who would like an introduction to 3D programming using the latest iteration of Direct3D. 3D programmers experienced w



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