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原创 MTK APSOC 5.0.2 Build Process

Host gcc version : gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.9) 5.4.0 20160609 Target gcc version: mipsel-buildroot-linux-uclibc-gcc-4.6.3下面是在ubuntu 16.64 x64上编译MTK_APSoC_SDK V5.0.2的过程.recipe for target ‘...

2018-09-17 11:33:22 4233

原创 Applying CRAD and wireless-regdb

Clone the source code from git librariesGet CRDA source code from CRDA Get the wireless-regdb source code from here wireless-regdbCompile wireless-regdbroot@PC3039:/home/thomas/work/refe...

2018-06-01 18:24:20 1986

原创 CRDA 802.11 Regulatory Management

CRDA 802.11 Regulatory ManagementWhat is CRDA?Central Regulatory Domain AgentCRDA acts as the udev helper for communication between the kernel and userspace for regulatory compliance. It relies ...

2018-05-21 15:07:31 3039 1

原创 网络流量统计方法

从WiFi固件统计 cat /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath10k/fw_stats ath10k PDEV stats ================= Channel noise floor -100 Channel T...

2018-05-21 10:28:15 3856

原创 Try ath10k mesh on 9377

Dmesg of 9377[12556.068295] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: qca9377 hw1.1 target 0x05020001 chip_id 0x003821ff sub 168c:3365[12556.068298] ath10k_pci 0000:03:00.0: kconfig debug 1 debugfs 1 tracing 1 dfs ...

2018-01-26 09:43:24 1238

原创 Try 9377 SDIO Dev board on Ubuntu

AIO Gen for SDIO./aio_gen_bit.sh -t te-f10 -r -k v4.9.31 -i SDIOCompile The DriverModify to x86 platformkylin@kylinc:~/work/kernel/qca9377-lea-1-0_qca_oem/cnss_proc/fixce/AIO/build$ g

2018-01-19 13:26:37 1166

转载 Ubuntu kernel /initramfs install

编译内核make -j4make -j4 modules安装模块内核和initramfssudo sumake modules_installmake install如果已经安装了内核,只是想重新做initramfs, 可以参考下面的步骤.下面是一些使用initramfs的简单帮助查看initramfs的内容# mkdir temp ; cd

2018-01-19 10:15:36 627

Android on X86

An introduction to android optimization for Intel x86.


embedded android

Chapter 1, Introduction, covers the general things you should know about Android’s use in embedded systems, such as where it comes from, how its development model and licensing differ from conventional open source projects, and the type of hardware required to run Android. Chapter 2, Internals Primer, digs into Android’s internals and exposes you to the main abstractions it comprises. We start by introducing the app development model that app developers are accustomed to. Then we dig into the Android-specific kernel modifica‐ tions, how hardware support is added in Android, the Android native user-space, Dal‐ vik, the system server, and the overall system startup. Chapter 3, AOSP Jump-Start, explains how to get the Android sources from Google, how to compile them into a functional emulator image, and how to run that image and shell into it. Using the emulator is an easy way to explore Android’s underpinnings without requiring actual hardware. Chapter 4, The Build System, provides a detailed explanation of Android’s build system. Indeed, unlike most open source projects out there, Android’s build system is nonre‐ cursive. This chapter explains the architecture of Android’s build system, how it’s typ‐ ically used within the AOSP, and how to add your own modifications to the AOSP. Chapter 5, Hardware Primer, introduces you to the types of hardware for which Android is designed. This includes covering the System-on-Chips (SoCs) typically used with Android, the memory layout of typical Android systems, the typical development setup to use with Android, and a couple of evaluation boards you can easily use for prototyping embedded Android systems. Chapter 6, Native User-Space, covers the root filesystem layout, the adb tool, Android’s command line, and its custom init. Chapter 7, Android Framework, discusses how the Android Framework is kick-started, the utilities and commands used to interact with it, and the support daemons required for it to operate properly. Appendix A, Legacy User-Space, explains how to get a legacy stack of “embedded Linux” software to coexist with Android’s user-space. xiv | Preface www.it-ebooks.infoAppendix B, Adding Support for New Hardware, shows you how to extend the Android stack to add support for new hardware. This includes showing you how to add a new system service and how to extend Android’s Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Appendix C, Customizing the Default Lists of Packages, provides you with pointers to help you customize what’s included by default in AOSP-generated images. Appendix D, Default init.rc Files, contains a commented set of the default init.rc files used in version 2.3/Gingerbread and version 4.2/Jelly Bean. Appendix E, Resources, lists a number of resources you may find useful, such as websites, mailing lists, books, and events.


Learning Android, 2nd Edition

What’s Inside Chapter 1, Android Overview An introduction to Android and its history. Chapter 2, Java Review Offers a quick review of Java. xi www.it-ebooks.infoChapter 3, The Stack An overview of the Android operating system and all its parts from a very high level. Chapter 4, Installing and Beginning Use of Android Tools Helps you set up your environment for Android application development. Chapter 5, Main Building Blocks Explains the Android components application developers use to put together an app. Chapter 6, Yamba Project Overview Explains the Yamba application that we’ll build together throughout this book and use as an example to learn Android’s various features. Chapter 7, Android User Interface Explains how to build the user interface for your application. Chapter 8, Fragments Covers the Fragments API, which helps you separate screens within an application. Chapter 9, Intents, Action Bar, and More Covers some of the operating system features that make an application developer’s life easier. Chapter 10, Services Covers building an Android service to process background tasks. Chapter 11, Content Providers Explains the Android framework’s support for the built-in SQLite database and how to use it to persist the data in your own application. Chapter 12, Lists and Adapters Covers an important feature of Android that allows large datasets to be linked ef‐ ficiently to relatively small screens. Chapter 13, Broadcast Receivers Explains how to use the publish-subscribe mechanism in Android to respond to various system and user-defined messages. Chapter 14, App Widgets Shows how to design a content provider to share data between applications, in this case using it to enable our app widget to display data on the home screen. Chapter 15, Networking and Web Overview Covers networking. xii | Preface www.it-ebooks.infoChapter 16, Interaction and Animation: Live Wallpa


Pro Android C with the NDK

Android is one of the major players in mobile phone market, and continuously growing its market share. It is the first complete, open, and free mobile platform that is enabling endless opportunities for mobile application developers. Althrough the official programming language for the Android platform is Java, the application developers are not limited to using only the Java techonology. Android allows application developers to implement parts of their application using native-code languages such as C and C++ through the Android Native Development Kit (NDK). In this book, you will learn how to use the Android NDK to implement performance-critical portions of your Android applications using native-code languages. Android C++ with the NDK provides a detailed overview of native application development, available native APIs, the troubleshooting techniques, including the step by step instructions and screenshots to help Android developers to quickly get up to speed on developing native application. What You Will Learn This book includes the following: n n Installing the Android native development environment on major operating systems. n n Using the Eclipse IDE to develop native code. n n Connecting native code to Java world using Java Native Interface (JNI). n n Auto-generating the JNI code using SWIG. n n Developing multithreaded native apps using the POSIX and Java threads. n n Developing networking native apps using POSIX sockets. n n Debug native code through logging, GDB, and Eclipse Debugger.





802.11 Wireless Networks- The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition

跟上智能设备开发的进程, 补补WIFI课


802.11ac A Survival Guide

一本简述802.11ac的好书, 比较新。



收集了架构师必读的参考书目,包括: Addison.Wesley.Applying.Domain.Driven.Design.and.Patterns.With.Examples.in.C.Sharp.and.dot.NET.May.2006.chm Addison.Wesley.Domain.Driven.Design.Tackling.Complexity.In.The.Heart.Of.Software.eBook-LiB.chm Addison_Wesley_-_Patterns_Of_Enterprise_Application_Architecture.chm Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code (2002, Addison Wesley).pdf Refactoring to Patterns.chm


面向对象的思维过程 第二版



Git from the bottom up



Linux kernel Architecture+Understanding Linux kernel

关于内核和系统编程的书,相互不充,对了解liunx内核有帮助;在Linux Device Driver之前读它会更容易理解



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