




 39  .text
 40  .globl  start, _start, stext, _stext
 41 _start:
 42 start:
 43 _stext:
 44 stext:
 45 ! 0x0000000000404000
 46   b       sparc64_boot
 47  flushw                                 /* Flush register file.      */

        第45行,注释语句表示这个位置的虚拟地址(内核代码开始的虚拟地址0x0000000000404000 )以后注释语句就不解释了。
        第47行,这条指令是在第46行跳转指令的命令槽中,熟悉sparc体系结构的人都知道,命令槽 中的指令会在跳转指令之前执行,除非在跳转指令中指明命令槽无效,这条指令刷新寄存器窗口。

 49 /* This stuff has to be in sync with SILO and other potential boot loaders
 50  * Fields should be kept upward compatible and whenever any change is made,
 51  * HdrS version should be incremented.
 52  */
 53         .global root_flags, ram_flags, root_dev
 54         .global sparc_ramdisk_image, sparc_ramdisk_size
 55         .global sparc_ramdisk_image64
 57         .ascii  "HdrS"
 58         .word   LINUX_VERSION_CODE
 60         /* History:
 61          *
 62          * 0x0300 : Supports being located at other than 0x4000
 63          * 0x0202 : Supports kernel params string
 64          * 0x0201 : Supports reboot_command
 65          */
 66         .half   0x0301          /* HdrS version */
 68 root_flags:
 69         .half   1
 70 root_dev:
 71         .half   0
 72 ram_flags:
 73         .half   0
 74 sparc_ramdisk_image:
 75         .word   0
 76 sparc_ramdisk_size:
 77         .word   0
 78         .xword  reboot_command
 79         .xword  bootstr_info
 80 sparc_ramdisk_image64:
 81         .xword  0
 82         .word   _end


 84         /* PROM cif handler code address is in %o4.  */
 85 sparc64_boot:
 86         mov     %o4, %l7

        第86行,把固件传递给内核的第4个参数保存到l7寄存器中。注意在sparc Linux里,固件为内核做了很多事情,此外由于处理器执行权限的问题,很多事情必须由固件来完成,因为固件运行在超特权级,而内核运行在特权级,所以很多事情必须由内核请求固件服务来完成,可以这样说,内核是运行在固件的基础上。这里的第4个参数就是固件提供给内核的服务函数,就是内核请求固件服务的接口。

 88         /* We need to remap the kernel.  Use position independant
 89          * code to remap us to KERNBASE.
 90          *
 91          * SILO can invoke us with 32-bit address masking enabled,
 92          * so make sure that's clear.
 93          */
 94         rdpr    %pstate, %g1
 95         andn    %g1, PSTATE_AM, %g1
 96         wrpr    %g1, 0x0, %pstate
 97         ba,a,pt %xcc, 1f


99         .globl  prom_finddev_name, prom_chosen_path, prom_root_node
100         .globl  prom_getprop_name, prom_mmu_name, prom_peer_name
101         .globl  prom_callmethod_name, prom_translate_name, prom_root_compatible
102         .globl  prom_map_name, prom_unmap_name, prom_mmu_ihandle_cache
103         .globl  prom_boot_mapped_pc, prom_boot_mapping_mode
104         .globl  prom_boot_mapping_phys_high, prom_boot_mapping_phys_low
105         .globl  prom_compatible_name, prom_cpu_path, prom_cpu_compatible
106         .globl  is_sun4v, sun4v_chip_type, prom_set_trap_table_name
107 prom_peer_name:
108         .asciz  "peer"
109 prom_compatible_name:
110         .asciz  "compatible"
111 prom_finddev_name:
112         .asciz  "finddevice"
113 prom_chosen_path:
114         .asciz  "/chosen"
115 prom_cpu_path:
116         .asciz  "/cpu"
117 prom_getprop_name:
118         .asciz  "getprop"
119 prom_mmu_name:
120         .asciz  "mmu"
121 prom_callmethod_name:
122         .asciz  "call-method"
123 prom_translate_name:
124         .asciz  "translate"
125 prom_map_name:
126         .asciz  "map"
127 prom_unmap_name:
128         .asciz  "unmap"
129 prom_set_trap_table_name:
130         .asciz  "SUNW,set-trap-table"
131 prom_sun4v_name:
132         .asciz  "sun4v"
133 prom_niagara_prefix:
134         .asciz  "SUNW,UltraSPARC-T"
135         .align  4
136 prom_root_compatible:
137         .skip   64
138 prom_cpu_compatible:
139         .skip   64
140 prom_root_node:
141         .word   0
142 prom_mmu_ihandle_cache:
143         .word   0
144 prom_boot_mapped_pc:
145         .word   0
146 prom_boot_mapping_mode:
147         .word   0
148         .align  8
149 prom_boot_mapping_phys_high:
150         .xword  0
151 prom_boot_mapping_phys_low:
152         .xword  0
153 is_sun4v:
154         .word   0
155 sun4v_chip_type:
156         .word   SUN4V_CHIP_INVALID


157 1:
158         rd      %pc, %l0
160         mov     (1b - prom_peer_name), %l1
161         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
162         mov     0, %l2


164         /* prom_root_node = prom_peer(0) */
165         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "peer"
166         mov     1, %l3
167         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 1
168         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
169         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, 0
170         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! ret1
171         call    %l7
172          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array

        这段指令的执行结果等效于 prom_root_node = prom_peer(0),调用固件服务得到节点树的根节点。

174         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20], %l4  ! prom root node
175         mov     (1b - prom_root_node), %l1
176         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
177         stw     %l4, [%l1]

        第174行,从堆栈中取出‘peer’的返回值即prom root node的值到l4中
        第175到176行,跟前面的分析一样,得出 prom_root_node变量的实际地址

179         mov     (1b - prom_getprop_name), %l1
180         mov     (1b - prom_compatible_name), %l2
181         mov     (1b - prom_root_compatible), %l5
182         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
183         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
184         sub     %l0, %l5, %l5

        第179到184行,得到变量 prom_getprop_name, prom_compatible_name, prom_root_compatible变量的地址,分别放在l1,l2,l5寄存器中。

186         /* prom_getproperty(prom_root_node, "compatible",
187          *                  &prom_root_compatible, 64)
188          */
189         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "getprop"
190         mov     4, %l3
191         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 4
192         mov     1, %l3
193         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
194         stx     %l4, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, prom_root_node
195         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! arg2, "compatible"
196         stx     %l5, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x28]  ! arg3, &prom_root_compatible
197         mov     64, %l3
198         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x30]  ! arg4, size
199         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x38]  ! ret1
200         call    %l7
201          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array


 	prom_getproperty(prom_root_node, "compatible",
&prom_root_compatible, 64);

        这里是获得根节点的”compatible”属性的,放在 prom_root_compatible结构中,看这个属性的名字就知道,是用来判断兼容性的,这里得到,后面会使用的,到用到的时候再说。

203         mov     (1b - prom_finddev_name), %l1
204         mov     (1b - prom_chosen_path), %l2
205         mov     (1b - prom_boot_mapped_pc), %l3
206         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
207         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
208         sub     %l0, %l3, %l3
209         stw     %l0, [%l3]
210         sub     %sp, (192 + 128), %sp
212         /* chosen_node = prom_finddevice("/chosen") */
213         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "finddevice"
214         mov     1, %l3
215         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 1
216         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
217         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, "/chosen"
218         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! ret1
219         call    %l7
220          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array
222         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20], %l4  ! chosen device node


	chosen_node = prom_finddevice("/chosen")

        注意在这段汇编中的第209行,把l0中的值存放在变量 prom_boot_mapped_pc,这应该是初始化全局变量 prom_boot_mapped_pc的,l0的值是内核代码段开始时的第几条指令的地址。至于到底是几条,你自己去数吧。

224         mov     (1b - prom_getprop_name), %l1
225         mov     (1b - prom_mmu_name), %l2
226         mov     (1b - prom_mmu_ihandle_cache), %l5
227         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
228         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
229         sub     %l0, %l5, %l5
231         /* prom_mmu_ihandle_cache = prom_getint(chosen_node, "mmu") */
232         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "getprop"
233         mov     4, %l3
234         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 4
235         mov     1, %l3
236         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
237         stx     %l4, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, chosen_node
238         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! arg2, "mmu"
239         stx     %l5, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x28]  ! arg3, &prom_mmu_ihandle_cache
240         mov     4, %l3
241         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x30]  ! arg4, sizeof(arg3)
242         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x38]  ! ret1
243         call    %l7
244          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array

        上面这一段是得到chosen节点的’mmu’属性,放在 prom_mmu_ihandle_cache变量中,等效于

 		prom_mmu_ihandle_cache = prom_getint(chosen_node, "mmu")


246         mov     (1b - prom_callmethod_name), %l1
247         mov     (1b - prom_translate_name), %l2
248         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
249         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
250         lduw    [%l5], %l5                      ! prom_mmu_ihandle_cache
252         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "call-method"
253         mov     3, %l3
254         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 3
255         mov     5, %l3
256         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 5
257         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1: "translate"
258         stx     %l5, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! arg2: prom_mmu_ihandle_cache
259         /* PAGE align */
260         srlx    %l0, 13, %l3
261         sllx    %l3, 13, %l3
262         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x28]  ! arg3: vaddr, our PC
263         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x30]  ! res1
264         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x38]  ! res2
265         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x40]  ! res3
266         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x48]  ! res4
267         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x50]  ! res5
268         call    %l7
269          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array

        上面这段就是用上面得到的mmu属性 prom_mmu_ihandle_cache,调用服务 call-method:
        vaddr 是当前页的基地址

271         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x40], %l1  ! translation mode
272         mov     (1b - prom_boot_mapping_mode), %l4
273         sub     %l0, %l4, %l4
274         stw     %l1, [%l4]
275         mov     (1b - prom_boot_mapping_phys_high), %l4
276         sub     %l0, %l4, %l4
277         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x48], %l2  ! physaddr high
278         stx     %l2, [%l4 + 0x0]
279         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x50], %l3  ! physaddr low
280         /* 4MB align */
281         srlx    %l3, 22, %l3
282         sllx    %l3, 22, %l3
283         stx     %l3, [%l4 + 0x8]

        这一段就是把call-method方法得到的返回值放到相应变量中,分别是prom_boot_mapping_mode, prom_boot_mapping_phys_high和rom_boot_mapping_phys_low

285         /* Leave service as-is, "call-method" */
286         mov     7, %l3
287         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 7
288         mov     1, %l3
289         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
290         mov     (1b - prom_map_name), %l3
291         sub     %l0, %l3, %l3

292         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1: "map"
293         /* Leave arg2 as-is, prom_mmu_ihandle_cache */
294         mov     -1, %l3
295         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x28]  ! arg3: mode (-1 default)
296         /* 4MB align the kernel image size. */
297         set     (_end - KERNBASE), %l3
298         set     ((4 * 1024 * 1024) - 1), %l4
299         add     %l3, %l4, %l3
300         andn    %l3, %l4, %l3
301         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x30]  ! arg4: roundup(ksize, 4MB)
302         sethi   %hi(KERNBASE), %l3
303         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x38]  ! arg5: vaddr (KERNBASE)
304         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x40]  ! arg6: empty
305         mov     (1b - prom_boot_mapping_phys_low), %l3
306         sub     %l0, %l3, %l3
307         ldx     [%l3], %l3
308         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x48]  ! arg7: phys addr
309         call    %l7
310          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array



312         add     %sp, (192 + 128), %sp
314         sethi   %hi(prom_root_compatible), %g1
315         or      %g1, %lo(prom_root_compatible), %g1
316         sethi   %hi(prom_sun4v_name), %g7
317         or      %g7, %lo(prom_sun4v_name), %g7
318         mov     5, %g3
319 90:     ldub    [%g7], %g2
320         ldub    [%g1], %g4
321         cmp     %g2, %g4
322         bne,pn  %icc, 80f
323          add    %g7, 1, %g7
324         subcc   %g3, 1, %g3
325         bne,pt  %xcc, 90b
326          add    %g1, 1, %g1

        第314,315行,把 prom_root_compatible变量的地址存放在g1中,这个变量前面见过把,就是从根节点中获得的“compatible”属性,这里就要使用它了
        第316,317行,把 prom_sun4v_name变量的地址存放在g7中,与prom_root_compatible变量不同,prom_sun4v_name变量在定义的时候就已经初始化好了,你可以到变量定义的代码去看,它被初始化为字符串”sun4v”
        第320行,把g1所指地址即 prom_root_compatible变量的第一个字符放入g4中
        第322行,如果不等,则跳到标记80处执行,但是显然我们这里是会相等的,因为我们所用的sparc cpu正式sun4v模式的,因此,这条分支指令我值分析我们系统实际所走的分支,另外一个分支就不分析了,如果你有兴趣的话可以自己分析

328         sethi   %hi(is_sun4v), %g1
329         or      %g1, %lo(is_sun4v), %g1
330         mov     1, %g7
331         stw     %g7, [%g1]

        第328,329行,把 is_sun4v变量的地址存放在g1中

333         /* cpu_node = prom_finddevice("/cpu") */
334         mov     (1b - prom_finddev_name), %l1
335         mov     (1b - prom_cpu_path), %l2
336         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
337         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
338         sub     %sp, (192 + 128), %sp
340         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "finddevice"
341         mov     1, %l3
342         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 1
343         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
344         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, "/cpu"
345         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! ret1
346         call    %l7
347          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array

cpu_node = prom_finddevice("/cpu")

349         ldx     [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20], %l4  ! cpu device node


351         mov     (1b - prom_getprop_name), %l1
352         mov     (1b - prom_compatible_name), %l2
353         mov     (1b - prom_cpu_compatible), %l5
354         sub     %l0, %l1, %l1
355         sub     %l0, %l2, %l2
356         sub     %l0, %l5, %l5
358         /* prom_getproperty(cpu_node, "compatible",
359          *                  &prom_cpu_compatible, 64)
360          */
361         stx     %l1, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x00]  ! service, "getprop"
362         mov     4, %l3
363         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x08]  ! num_args, 4
364         mov     1, %l3
365         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x10]  ! num_rets, 1
366         stx     %l4, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x18]  ! arg1, cpu_node
367         stx     %l2, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x20]  ! arg2, "compatible"
368         stx     %l5, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x28]  ! arg3, &prom_cpu_compatible
369         mov     64, %l3
370         stx     %l3, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x30]  ! arg4, size
371         stx     %g0, [%sp + 2047 + 128 + 0x38]  ! ret1
372         call    %l7
373          add    %sp, (2047 + 128), %o0          ! argument array

        这两段仍然很熟悉,还是请求固件服务,这里是请求 “getprop”服务,得到cpu节点的 “compatible”属性,存放在 prom_cpu_compatible变量中prom_getproperty(cpu_node, “compatible”, &prom_cpu_compatible, 64)
        前面根节点的 compatible属性为”sun4v”,“sun4v”是平台mmu的类型

375         add     %sp, (192 + 128), %sp
377         sethi   %hi(prom_cpu_compatible), %g1
378         or      %g1, %lo(prom_cpu_compatible), %g1
379         sethi   %hi(prom_niagara_prefix), %g7
380         or      %g7, %lo(prom_niagara_prefix), %g7
381         mov     17, %g3
382 90:     ldub    [%g7], %g2
383         ldub    [%g1], %g4
384         cmp     %g2, %g4
385         bne,pn  %icc, 4f
386          add    %g7, 1, %g7
387         subcc   %g3, 1, %g3
388         bne,pt  %xcc, 90b
389          add    %g1, 1, %g1

        这一段是不是同样很熟悉?前面分析过比较根节点的属性 prom_root_compatible和“sun4v”,这里同样的是比较 prom_cpu_compatible和"SUNW,UltraSPARC-T",这里就不再一行行的分析了,忘记了可以看前面的分析。
        这里就是判断cpu是不是 SUNW,UltraSPARC-T,如果不是就跳到标记4处执行,在标记4处会把sun4v_chip_type设置成SUN4V_CHIP_UNKNOWN,显然我们不会是SUN4V_CHIP_UNKNOWN,即我们是 SUNW,UltraSPARC-T,这里我们就不会跳转了

391         sethi   %hi(prom_cpu_compatible), %g1
392         or      %g1, %lo(prom_cpu_compatible), %g1
393         ldub    [%g1 + 17], %g2
394         cmp     %g2, '1'
395         be,pt   %xcc, 5f
396          mov    SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA1, %g4
397         cmp     %g2, '2'
398         be,pt   %xcc, 5f
399          mov    SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA2, %g4

        第391,392行, prom_cpu_compatible变量的地址放在g1中
        第393行,把 prom_cpu_compatible字符串的第17个字符放在g2中,
        第396行,命令槽指令,跳到5之前把 SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA1放到g4中
        第399行,命令槽指令,如果相等,则把 SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA2保存在g4中
        从上面的分析可以看出,UNW,UltraSPARC-T也是分两种类型的,分别是UNW,UltraSPARC-T1和UNW,UltraSPARC-T2中,这一段就是判断到底是那种类型,然后根据这一类型把相应的SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARAn 保存到g4中

400 4:
401         mov     SUN4V_CHIP_UNKNOWN, %g4
402 5:      sethi   %hi(sun4v_chip_type), %g2
403         or      %g2, %lo(sun4v_chip_type), %g2
404         stw     %g4, [%g2]

        上面这一段则是根据前面的类型设置 sun4v_chip_type变量的值,当然我们的系统中则设置的是


406 80:
407         BRANCH_IF_SUN4V(g1, jump_to_sun4u_init)
408         BRANCH_IF_CHEETAH_BASE(g1,g7,cheetah_boot)
409         BRANCH_IF_CHEETAH_PLUS_OR_FOLLOWON(g1,g7,cheetah_plus_boot)
410         ba,pt   %xcc, spitfire_boot
411          nop

第407行,是一个宏 BRANCH_IF_SUN4V,它的定义如下:

	#define BRANCH_IF_SUN4V(tmp1,label)             \
        		sethi   %hi(is_sun4v), %tmp1;           \
        		lduw    [%tmp1 + %lo(is_sun4v)], %tmp1; \
        		brnz,pn %tmp1, label;                   \

        这个宏的意思就是判断is_sun4v变量的值,如果不为0,则跳转到 label标记处执行,显然is_sun4v变量的值早就设置为1了,这里就会跳转jump_to_sun4u_init处执行

454 jump_to_sun4u_init:
455         /*
456          * Make sure we are in privileged mode, have address masking,
457          * using the ordinary globals and have enabled floating
458          * point.
459          *
460          * Again, typically PROM has left %pil at 13 or similar, and
461          * (PSTATE_PRIV | PSTATE_PEF | PSTATE_IE) in %pstate.
462          */
463         wrpr    %g0, (PSTATE_PRIV|PSTATE_PEF|PSTATE_IE), %pstate
464         wr      %g0, 0, %fprs

        第463行,设置pstate寄存器到一个初始状态 PSTATE_PRIV | PSTATE_PEF | PSTATE_IE

466         set     sun4u_init, %g2
467         jmpl    %g2 + %g0, %g0
468          nop
470         __REF

        跳到 sun4u_init处执行

471 sun4u_init:
472         BRANCH_IF_SUN4V(g1, sun4v_init)
474         /* Set ctx 0 */
475         mov             PRIMARY_CONTEXT, %g7
476         stxa            %g0, [%g7] ASI_DMMU
477         membar          #Sync
479         mov             SECONDARY_CONTEXT, %g7
480         stxa            %g0, [%g7] ASI_DMMU
481         membar  #Sync
483         ba,pt           %xcc, sun4u_continue
484          nop

        第472行,该宏上面分析过,跳到 sun4v_init处,即第486行执行

486 sun4v_init:
487         /* Set ctx 0 */
488         mov             PRIMARY_CONTEXT, %g7
489         stxa            %g0, [%g7] ASI_MMU
490         membar          #Sync

        第488行,把 宏PRIMARY_CONTEXT的值放入g7,这个宏的值实际上就是MMU上primary context 寄存器的地址
        第489行,把0 存入mmu上的primary context寄存器

492         mov             SECONDARY_CONTEXT, %g7
493         stxa            %g0, [%g7] ASI_MMU
494         membar          #Sync
495         ba,pt           %xcc, niagara_tlb_fixup
496          nop

        第492到494行,同上面的一段,不过这里是把MMU上的secondary context寄存器清0

498 sun4u_continue:
499         BRANCH_IF_ANY_CHEETAH(g1, g7, cheetah_tlb_fixup)
501         ba,pt   %xcc, spitfire_tlb_fixup
502          nop
504 niagara_tlb_fixup:
505         mov     3, %g2          /* Set TLB type to hypervisor. */
506         sethi   %hi(tlb_type), %g1
507         stw     %g2, [%g1 + %lo(tlb_type)]


509         /* Patch copy/clear ops.  */
510         sethi   %hi(sun4v_chip_type), %g1
511         lduw    [%g1 + %lo(sun4v_chip_type)], %g1
512         cmp     %g1, SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA1
513         be,pt   %xcc, niagara_patch
514          cmp    %g1, SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA2
515         be,pt   %xcc, niagara2_patch
516          nop

        第510,511行,把 sun4v_chip_type变量的值存放在g1中, sun4v_chip_type变量的值我们已经初始化过了,当时初始化成了 SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA2
        第512,513行,比较 SUN4V_CHIP_NIAGARA2与sun4v_chip_type变量的值,如果相等,则跳到 niagara_patch处执行,我们这里显然不会跳转

518         call    generic_patch_copyops
519          nop
520         call    generic_patch_bzero
521          nop
522         call    generic_patch_pageops
523          nop
525         ba,a,pt %xcc, 80f
526 niagara2_patch:
527         call    niagara2_patch_copyops
528          nop
529         call    niagara_patch_bzero
530          nop
531         call    niagara2_patch_pageops
532          nop

        第527行,调用 niagara2_patch_copyops函数执行,我们看一看这个函数的定义:
26 .type niagara2_patch_copyops,#function
27 niagara2_patch_copyops:
28 NG_DO_PATCH(memcpy, NG2memcpy)
29 NG_DO_PATCH(___copy_from_user, NG2copy_from_user)
30 NG_DO_PATCH(___copy_to_user, NG2copy_to_user)
31 retl
32 nop
        第28,29,30行,有同样的形式,我们就只分析其中的一行,这3行就是这个函数所能 完成的主要功能
        我们看看28,29,30行所用的宏 NG_DO_PATCH,定义如下:

		6 #define BRANCH_ALWAYS   0x10680000
  		7 #define NOP             0x01000000
  		8 #define NG_DO_PATCH(OLD, NEW)   \
 		 9         sethi   %hi(NEW), %g1; \
		 10         or      %g1, %lo(NEW), %g1; \
 		11         sethi   %hi(OLD), %g2; \
 		12         or      %g2, %lo(OLD), %g2; \
 		13         sub     %g1, %g2, %g1; \
 		14         sethi   %hi(BRANCH_ALWAYS), %g3; \
 		15         sll     %g1, 11, %g1; \
 		16         srl     %g1, 11 + 2, %g1; \
 		17         or      %g3, %lo(BRANCH_ALWAYS), %g3; \
 		18         or      %g3, %g1, %g3; \
 		19         stw     %g3, [%g2]; \
 		20         sethi   %hi(NOP), %g3; \
 		21         or      %g3, %lo(NOP), %g3; \
 		22         stw     %g3, [%g2 + 0x4]; \
 		23         flush   %g2;

        第13行,前面的参数NEW,OLD实际上都是相关函数在内存中的逻辑地址值,所以这 里就是计算出,NEW相对与OLD的偏移
        第14行,把 BRANCH_ALWAYS放到g3中, BRANCH_ALWAYS宏在上面有定义, 它实际上就是无条件跳转指令的操作码
        第17行, 把 BRANCH_ALWAYS放到g3中
        第18行,g1|g3>g3中,这样在g3中就放了一条完整的指令了,该指令可以表示成如下 汇编指令:

			ba, %xcc NEW

        第20到22行,把nop指令放到OLD的第二指令的地址中取,这实际上是第一条跳转指 令的命令槽
        经过这样的替换后,当调用OLD函数时,就会跳转到NEW函数处执行,即相当于用NEW函数OLD函数打patch,这样这段汇编的功能就是根据 sun4v_chip_type的类型 给memcpy,___copy_from_user,___copy_to_user 3个函数打上相应的patch

534         ba,a,pt %xcc, 80f

536 niagara_patch:
537         call    niagara_patch_copyops
538          nop
539         call    niagara_patch_bzero
540          nop
541         call    niagara_patch_pageops
542          nop
544 80:
545         /* Patch TLB/cache ops.  */
546         call    hypervisor_patch_cachetlbops
547          nop


549         ba,pt   %xcc, tlb_fixup_done
550          nop

        第549行,跳转到 tlb_fixup_done处执行,我们直接到哪里去看

552 cheetah_tlb_fixup:
553         mov     2, %g2          /* Set TLB type to cheetah+. 
556         mov     1, %g2          /* Set TLB type to cheetah. */
558 1:      sethi   %hi(tlb_type), %g1
559         stw     %g2, [%g1 + %lo(tlb_type)]
561         /* Patch copy/page operations to cheetah optimized versions. */
562         call    cheetah_patch_copyops
563          nop
564         call    cheetah_patch_copy_page
565          nop
566         call    cheetah_patch_cachetlbops
567          nop
569         ba,pt   %xcc, tlb_fixup_done
570          nop
572 spitfire_tlb_fixup:
573         /* Set TLB type to spitfire. */
574         mov     0, %g2
575         sethi   %hi(tlb_type), %g1
576         stw     %g2, [%g1 + %lo(tlb_type)]
578 tlb_fixup_done:
579         sethi   %hi(init_thread_union), %g6
580         or      %g6, %lo(init_thread_union), %g6
581         ldx     [%g6 + TI_TASK], %g4
582         mov     %sp, %l6


 	union thread_union init_thread_union __init_task_data =
          		{ INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task) };
该定义表明它是一个union thread_union共用体类型的变量,这个共用体的变量定义如下:
		union thread_union {
   		     struct thread_info thread_info;
       		     unsigned long stack[THREAD_SIZE/sizeof(long)];

        如果你对Linux的进程熟悉的话,就不会对这个变量感到陌生,Linux中每个进程都有一个描述符struct task_struct结构体类型的变量,每个进程还有一个保存与进程相关信息的变量 struct thread_info结构体类型的变量,该结构体的第一个成员就指向进程的进程描述符,每个进程的 struct thread_info都与进程的内核态堆栈放在一起,就是这里的 union thread_union共用体,这样做的好处是可以根据堆栈指针很容易的找到 struct thread_info变量,从而很容易的找到进程描述符号。
        这里的 init_thread_union已经被初始化了,它的第一个成员指向init_task,init_task就是系统的第一个进程,也就是俗称的0号进程的进程描述符。
        第581行,取出g6中即0号进程的struct thread_info结构的 TI_TASK位置的值到g4中,实际上 TI_TASK的值是0,所以这里就是把0号进程的进程描述符的地址存放在g4中

584         wr      %g0, ASI_P, %asi
585         mov     1, %g1
586         sllx    %g1, THREAD_SHIFT, %g1
587         sub     %g1, (STACKFRAME_SZ + STACK_BIAS), %g1
588         add     %g6, %g1, %sp
589         mov     0, %fp

        第586行,1左移 THREAD_SHIFT存入g1中,这样实际上g1中存放的就是进程的内核堆栈的大小,我们这里是8K
        第587,588行,在前面一段汇编中,g6中存放的是0号进程的struct thread_info结构的地址,实际上就是0号进程的内核堆栈的基地址。这里就是更新堆栈指针sp,使之指向内核堆栈中,至于指向哪个位置,就要对内核堆栈的结构有所了解了,这里就不分析了

591         /* Set per-cpu pointer initially to zero, this makes
592          * the boot-cpu use the in-kernel-image per-cpu areas
593          * before setup_per_cpu_area() is invoked.
594          */
595         clr     %g5
597         wrpr    %g0, 0, %wstate
598         wrpr    %g0, 0x0, %tl


600         /* Clear the bss */
601         sethi   %hi(__bss_start), %o0
602         or      %o0, %lo(__bss_start), %o0
603         sethi   %hi(_end), %o1
604         or      %o1, %lo(_end), %o1
605         call    __bzero
606          sub    %o1, %o0, %o1

        第601,602行,把 __bss_start存入参数0中

609         /* We have this call this super early, as even prom_init can grab
610          * spinlocks and thus call into the lockdep code.
611          */
612         call    lockdep_init
613          nop
614 #endif


616         mov     %l6, %o1                        ! OpenPROM stack
617         call    prom_init
618          mov    %l7, %o0                        ! OpenPROM cif handler


620         /* Initialize current_thread_info()->cpu as early as possible.
621          * In order to do that accurately we have to patch up the get_cpuid()
622          * assembler sequences.  And that, in turn, requires that we know
623          * if we are on a Starfire box or not.  While we're here, patch up
624          * the sun4v sequences as well.
625          */
626         call    check_if_starfire
627          nop
628         call    per_cpu_patch
629          nop
630         call    sun4v_patch
631          nop

        第626行,调用check_if_starfire判断我们 if we are on a Starfire box,starfile是干什么的我不知道,但是我可以确定我们不属于starfire,因此我们不必关心它

633 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
634         call    hard_smp_processor_id
635          nop
636         cmp     %o0, NR_CPUS
637         blu,pt  %xcc, 1f
638          nop
639         call    boot_cpu_id_too_large
640          nop
641         /* Not reached... */


643 1:
644 #else
645         mov     0, %o0
646 #endif
647         sth     %o0, [%g6 + TI_CPU]

        第646行,到这里说明得到了得到了正确的cpuid,把该cpuid存入当前进程的struct thread_info结构的cpu字段中,代表当前进程在哪个cpu上执行

649         call    prom_init_report
650          nop


652         /* Off we go.... */
653         call    start_kernel
654          nop\
655         /* Not reached... */
657         .previous


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