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转载 js模拟hashmap

//利用JS模拟HashMap<br />function HashMap(){<br /> this.keyArr = new Array();//存放键值的数组<br /> this.valueArr = new Array();//存放内容值的数组<br /> this.length = 0;<br />}<br />//利用JS模拟HashMapd的put方法<br />HashMap.prototype.put = function (key, value)<br />{<br /> key

2011-05-30 15:05:00 429

原创 AJAX核心三部曲

//创建对象function createXMLHttpRequest(){if(window.ActiveXObject){xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }else if(window.XMLHttpRequest){xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }}//前台界面事件调用的函数function

2009-09-15 16:39:00 335

原创 Tomcat连接池配置

/------------------------------------连接池配置(tomcat/wed.xml)-----------------------------------------------------/ maxWait="10000" maxIdle="20" maxActive="20"  username="yuxing" password="yuxing" driver

2009-09-15 16:38:00 344

转载 JAVA定时器

======================================================定时器=========================================================  java.util.Timer timer;   timer = new Timer(true);  timer.schedule(new TimerTask(){

2009-09-15 16:37:00 350

转载 Struts+Hibernate+Spring结合

===============================================struts和spring框架结合配置=============================================要将Spring作为Struts的一个插件来使用,在struts-config.xml文件中加入如下配置:在Web.xml中通过下面的方式加载Spring    contex

2009-09-15 16:35:00 341

富文本编辑器 ueditor



jEasyUI API中文版 CHM

jQuery EasyUI 入门指南 下载程序库并导入EasyUI的CSS和Javascript文件到您的页面。 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/default/easyui.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/icon.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/default/easyui.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/icon.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script> 一旦你导入了EasyUI必须的文件,你就可以通过标记或Javascript定义一个EasyUI组件。例如:定义一个带可折叠功能的面板,你需要写的HTML代码如下: <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" iconCls="icon-save" collapsible="true"> The panel content </div> <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" iconCls="icon-save" collapsible="true"> The panel content </div> 当通过标记创建一个组件的时候从1.3版开始'data-options'属性可以用来支持HTML5兼容属性名称。所以你可以改写上面的代码为: <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" data-options="iconCls:'icon-save',collapsible:true"> The panel content </div> <div id="p" class="easyui-panel" style="width:500px;height:200px;padding:10px;" title="My Panel" data-options="iconCls:'icon-save',collapsible:true"> The panel content </div> 下面的代码演示了如何创建一个组合框,并绑定onSelect事件。 <input class="easyui-combobox" name="language" data-options=" url:'combobox_data.json', valueField:'id', textField:'text', panelHeight:'auto', onSelect:function(record){ alert(record.text) }" />


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'init' initializes autoNumeric $(selector).autoNumeric('init', {options}); 'destroy' disables autoNumeric for the selected element $(selector).autoNumeric('destroy'); 'update' updates options - can be called multiple times $(selector).autoNumeric('update', {options}); 'set' returns a formatted string via ".val()" or ".text' $(selector).autoNumeric('set', value); 'get' returns un-formatted object via ".val()" or ".text()" $(selector).autoNumeric('get'); 'getString' returns a string 'URL encoded' from the selected form $(selector).autoNumeric('getString'); 'getArray' returns a array of objects from the selected form $(selector).autoNumeric('getArray'); 'getSettings' returns settings for the selected element $(selector).autoNumeric('getSettings');






1 Database Fundamentals . . . .. . . . . . 1 Critical Skill 1.1 Define a Database . 2 Critical Skill 1.2 Learn the Oracle Database 11g Architecture 4 The Control Files . . 5 The Online Redo Logs . 5 The System Tablespace 5 The Sysaux Tablespace 6 Default Temporary Tablespace . 6 Undo Tablespace . 6 The Server Parameter File . . . . . 6 Background Processes . 7 Project 1-1 Review the Oracle Database 11 g Architecture . . 9 The Database Administrator . . . 10 Critical Skill 1.3 Learn the Basic Oracle Database 11g Data Types . . . 11 varchar2 . 12 number . . 12 date . . 13 timestamp 13 clob . . 13 blob . . 14 Critical Skill 1.4 Work with Tables . . 14 Tables Related to part_master . . 14 Critical Skill 1.5 Work with Stored Programmed Objects . 16 Views 16 Triggers . . 18 Procedures . . . . . . 18 Functions . 18 Packages . 19 v Critical Skill 1.6 Become Familiar with Other Important Items in Oracle Database 11g . 21 Indexes . . 21 Users . 22 Tablespace Quotas 22 Synonyms 23 Roles . 24 Default User Environments . . . . 24 Critical Skill 1.7 Work with Object and System Privileges 25 Select 25 Insert . 26 Update . . 26 Delete 26 System Privileges . . 26 Critical Skill 1.8 Introduce Yourself to the Grid . 27 Critical Skill 1.9 Tie It All Together . 31 Chapter 1 Mastery Check 32 2 Installing Oracle . . . . . . 35 Critical Skill 2.1 Research and Plan the Installation . . . . . 36 Define System Requirements . . . 37 Linux Installation . . 37 Critical Skill 2.2 Set Up the Operating System . . 42 Project 2-1 Configure Kernel Parameters . . 44 Critical Skill 2.3 Get Familiar with Linux . . . 47 Critical Skill 2.4 Choose Components to Install . 48 Critical Skill 2.5 Install the Oracle Software . 49 Database Configuration Assistant 57 Verify the Installation . . 61 Chapter 2 Mastery Check 63 3 Connecting to Oracle . . 65 Critical Skill 3.1 Use Oracle Net Services . . 66 Network Protocols . 67 Optimize Network Bandwidth . . 67 Connections . . . . . 68 Maintain Connections . 69 Define a Location . 70 Critical Skill 3.2 Learn the Difference Between Dedicated and Shared Server Architectures . 71 Dedicated Server . . 71 Shared Server . . . . 72 Set Dispatchers . . . 74 Views to Monitor the Shared Server . . . . 76 Critical Skill 3.3 Define Connections 77 vi Oracle Database 11g : A Beginner’s Guide A Connect Descriptor . 77 Define a Connect Descriptor . . . 77 The Oracle Connection Manager 78 Session Multiplexing . . 79 Firewall Access Control 79 Critical Skill 3.4 Use the Oracle Net Listener 80 Password Authentication . . . . . . 82 Multiple Listeners . 82 Connection Pooling 83 Critical Skill 3.5 Learn Naming Methods . . . 83 Directory Naming Method . . . . . 83 Directory Information Trees . . . . 84 Distinguished Names . . 85 How to Find the Directory Naming Information . . . . 85 Net Service Alias Entries . . . . . . 86 The Local Naming Method . . . . 86 The Easy Naming Method . . . . . 87 The External Naming Method . . 87 Which Naming Method to Use . 87 Critical Skill 3.6 Use Oracle Configuration Files 87 Critical Skill 3.7 Use Administration Tools . . 89 The Oracle Enterprise Manager/Grid Control 89 The Oracle Net Manager . . . . . . 90 The OEM Console . 91 The OEM Components 91 The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant . 91 The Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant 92 Command-Line Utilities 92 The Oracle Advanced Security Option . 94 Dispatchers . . . . . . 94 Project 3-1 Test a Connection . . . . 95 Critical Skill 3.8 Use Profiles . . . . . . 97 Critical Skill 3.9 Network in a Multi-tiered Environment . 98 Critical Skill 3.10 Install the Oracle 11g Client Software . 99 Chapter 3 Mastery Check 104 4 SQL: Structured Query Language . 105 Critical Skill 4.1 Learn the SQL Statement Components . . 106 DDL . 106 DML . 107 Critical Skill 4.2 Use Basic Insert and Select Statements . . 108 Insert . 108 Select 109 Critical Skill 4.3 Use Simple Where Clauses 111 A Where Clause with and/or . . . 113 Contents vii The Where Clause with NOT . . 115 The Where Clause with a Range Search . . . 115 The Where Clause with a Search List . . . 116 The Where Clause with a Pattern Search 116 The Where Clause: Common Operators 117 Critical Skill 4.4 Use Basic Update and Delete Statements 118 Update . . 119 Delete 120 Critical Skill 4.5 Order Data 122 Critical Skill 4.6 Employ Functions: String, Numeric, Aggregate (No Grouping) . . . . . 124 String Functions . . . 124 Numeric Functions 124 Aggregate Functions . . 124 Critical Skill 4.7 Use Dates and Data Functions (Formatting and Chronological) . . . . . 126 Date Functions . . . 126 Special Formats with the Date Data Type . . 127 Nested Functions . . 128 Critical Skill 4.8 Employ Joins (ANSI vs. Oracle): Inner, Outer, Self . . . 129 Inner Joins 129 Outer Joins . . . . . . 134 Project 4-1 Join Data Using Inner and Outer Joins . . . . . 134 Project 4-2 Join Data Using ANSI SQL Joins . . 137 Self-Joins . 139 Critical Skill 4.9 Learn the Group By and Having Clauses 140 Group By . 140 Having . . 141 Project 4-3 Group Data in Your Select Statements . . . . . 141 Critical Skill 4.10 Learn Subqueries: Simple and Correlated Comparison with Joins . . 145 Simple Subquery . . 145 Correlated Subqueries with Joins 146 Critical Skill 4.11 Use Set Operators: Union, Intersect, Minus 147 Union 147 Union All 148 Intersect . . 148 Minus 149 Project 4-4 Use the Union Function in Your SQL . . . . . . 149 Critical Skill 4.12 Use Views . . . . . . 150 Critical Skill 4.13 Learn Sequences: Just Simple Stuff . . . . 152 Critical Skill 4.14 Employ Constraints: Linkage to Entity Models, Types, Deferred, Enforced, Gathering Exceptions 153 Linkage to Entity Models . . . . . . 154 viii Oracle Database 11g : A Beginner’s Guide Types . 154 Deferred . 156 Critical Skill 4.15 Format Your Output with SQL*Plus . . . 156 Page and Line Size 157 Page Titles 157 Page Footers . . . . . 157 Formatting Columns . . 157 Project 4-5 Format Your SQL Output . . . . . 157 Writing SQL*Plus Output to a File . . . . . 160 Chapter 4 Mastery Check 160 5 PL/SQL . . . 163 Critical Skill 5.1 Define PL/SQL and Learn Why We Use It . . 164 Critical Skill 5.2 Describe the Basic PL/SQL Program Structure . . . . . . 166 Critical Skill 5.3 Define PL/SQL Data Types . 168 Valid Characters . . 168 Arithmetic Operators . . 168 The varchar2 Data Type . . . . . . 171 The Number Data Type 171 The Date Data Type . . 172 The Boolean Data Type 173 Critical Skill 5.4 Write PL/SQL Programs in SQL*Plus . . . 174 Project 5-1 Create a PL/SQL Program . . . . . 176 SQL in Your PL/SQL Programs . . 177 PL/SQL Cursors . . . 177 The Cursor FOR Loop . 179 Critical Skill 5.5 Handle Error Conditions in PL/SQL . . . . 181 Error Handling Using Oracle-Supplied Variables . . . . 185 Critical Skill 5.6 Include Conditions in Your Programs . . . 187 Program Control . . 187 Project 5-2 Use Conditions and Loops in PL/SQL . . . . . . 195 Critical Skill 5.7 Create Stored Procedures—How and Why . . 196 Critical Skill 5.8 Create and Use Functions . 201 Project 5-3 Create and Use a Function . . . . 201 Critical Skill 5.9 Call PL/SQL Programs . . . . 203 Chapter 5 Mastery Check 204 6 The Database Administrator . . . . . 207 Critical Skill 6.1 Learn What a DBA Does . . 208 Critical Skill 6.2 Perform Day-to-Day Operations 209 Architecture and Design . . . . . . 209 Capacity Planning . 209 Backup and Recovery . 210 Security . . 210 Performance and Tuning . . . . . . 210 Contents ix Managing Database Objects . . . 210 Storage Management . . 211 Change Management . . 211 Schedule Jobs . . . . 211 Network Management . 211 Troubleshooting . . 211 Critical Skill 6.3 Understand the Oracle Database 11 g Infrastructure . . 212 Schemas . 212 Storage Structures . 215 Critical Skill 6.4 Operate Modes of an Oracle Database 11g . 216 Modes of Operation . . 216 Database and Instance Shutdown . . . . . 217 Critical Skill 6.5 Get Started with Oracle Enterprise Manager . 219 Instance Configuration . 219 User Sessions . . . . . 220 Resource Consumer Groups . . . 220 Schema, Security, and Storage Management 221 Distributed Management . . . . . . 222 Warehouse Features . . 222 Other Tools . . . . . . 222 Critical Skill 6.6 Manage Database Objects . 223 Control Files . . . . . 223 Redo Logs 223 Undo Management 224 Schema Objects . . 225 Critical Skill 6.7 Manage Space . . . . 226 Archive Logs . . . . . 227 Tablespaces and Data Files . . . . 227 Critical Skill 6.8 Manage Users . . . . 229 Create a User . . . . . 229 Edit Users 230 Critical Skill 6.9 Manage Privileges for Database Users . . 231 Grant Authority . . . 232 Roles . 233 Profiles . . 234 Project 6-1 Create Essential Objects 235 Chapter 6 Mastery Check 237 7 Backup and Recovery . . . 239 Critical Skill 7.1 Understand Oracle Backup and Recovery Fundamentals . . . . . . 240 Where Do I Start? . . 240 Backup Architecture 241 Oracle Binaries . . . . 242 Parameter Files . . . . 242 x Oracle Database 11g : A Beginner’s Guide Control Files . . . . . . 242 Redo Logs . 243 Undo Segments . . . . 243 Checkpoints . . . . . . 244 Archive Logs . . . . . . 244 Data Files, Tablespaces, Segments, Extents, and Blocks 245 Dump Files 247 Critical Skill 7.2 Learn about Oracle User-Managed Backup and Recovery 248 Types of User-Managed Backups . 248 Cold Backups . . . . . 248 Hot Backups . . . . . . 249 Recovery from a Cold Backup . . . 251 Recovery from a Hot Backup . . . . 252 Seven Steps to Recovery 252 Recovery Using Backup Control Files . . . 253 Critical Skill 7.3 Write a Database Backup . . . 254 Critical Skill 7.4 Back Up Archived Redo Logs 256 Critical Skill 7.5 Get Started with Oracle Data Pump . . . . . 257 Critical Skill 7.6 Use Oracle Data Pump Export . . 258 Critical Skill 7.7 Work with Oracle Data Pump Import . . . . 264 Critical Skill 7.8 Use Traditional Export and Import . . . . . . 269 Critical Skill 7.9 Get Started with Recovery Manager . . . . . 270 RMAN Architecture . 271 Set Up a Recovery Catalog and Target Database . . . . . 274 Key RMAN Features 274 Backups 277 RMAN Using Enterprise Manager 278 Performing Backups . 281 Restore and Recovery . . 282 Project 7-1 RMAN End to End . . . . . 283 Chapter 7 Mastery Check 285 8 High Availability: RAC, ASM, and Data Guard 287 Critical Skill 8.1 Define High Availability . . . 288 Critical Skill 8.2 Understand Real Application Clusters . . 289 Critical Skill 8.3 Install RAC 290 Critical Skill 8.4 Test RAC . 295 Workload Manager 296 ASM . 297 Critical Skill 8.5 Set Up the ASM Instance . . 297 Project 8-1 Install ASMLib 301 Critical Skill 8.6 Create ASM Disk Groups . . 302 Project 8-2 Create Disk Groups . . . 303 Critical Skill 8.7 Use ASMCMD and ASMLIB 304 Contents xi Critical Skill 8.8 Convert an Existing Database to ASM . . . 306 Critical Skill 8.9 Understand Data Guard . . . 308 Critical Skill 8.10 Explain Data Guard Protection Modes . 309 Critical Skill 8.11 Create a Physical Standby Server . . . . . 312 Project 8-3 Create a Physical Standby Server . . 313 Chapter 8 Mastery Check 315 9 Large Database Features . . 317 Critical Skill 9.1 Learn to Identify a Very Large Database . 318 Critical Skill 9.2 Why and How to Use Data Partitioning . 319 Why Use Data Partitioning . . . . 319 Implement Data Partitioning . . . 323 Project 9-1 Create a Range-Partitioned Table and a Local-Partitioned Index . . . . . . 340 Critical Skill 9.3 Compress Your Data . . . . . 344 Data Compression . 344 Index Key Compression 346 Critical Skill 9.4 Use Parallel Processing to Improve Performance . . . . 347 Parallel Processing Database Components . . 347 Parallel Processing Configuration . . . . . 348 Invoke Parallel Execution . . . . . 350 Critical Skill 9.5 Use Materialized Views . . . 351 Uses for Materialized Views . . . 352 Query Rewrite . . . . 353 When to Create Materialized Views . . . 354 Create Materialized Views . . . . . 355 Critical Skill 9.6 Use SQL Aggregate and Analysis Functions . 356 Aggregation Functions . 356 Analysis Functions . 359 Other Functions . . . 367 Critical Skill 9.7 Create SQL Models 367 Project 9-2 Use Analytic SQL Functions and Models . . . 370 Chapter 9 Mastery Check 372 A Mastery Check Answers 375 Chapter 1: Database Fundamentals . 376 Chapter 2: Installing Oracle 379 Chapter 3: Connecting to Oracle . . . 380 Chapter 4: SQL: Structured Query Language 381 Chapter 5: PL/SQL . . . . 384 Chapter 6: The Database Administrator . . . . 385 Chapter 7: Backup and Recovery . . . 387 Chapter 8: High Availability: RAC, ASM, and Data Guard 390 Chapter 9: Large Database Features . 391



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