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原创 npm install 报错chromedriver 记录

系统版本:osx 10.11.3➜ npm installnpm WARN deprecated npmconf@2.1.2: this package has been reintegrated into npm and is now out of date with respect to npm> chromedriver@2.21.2 install /Users/user/wisedu/f

2016-07-21 10:12:22 21161 1

原创 坑之:Waiting server-side response timeout

Caused by: com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.TimeoutException: Waiting server-side response timeout.使用dubbo调用thrift的时候出现如下异常: 消费端和服务端都没有更具体的报错原来怀疑是配置问题,因为在同样的文件中用dubbo协议调用服务就是正常的,而用thrift协议调用就会报错调用配置如下<dub

2016-06-17 14:30:39 33852 5

原创 springboot 构建微服务设置远程调试

springboot构建一些基础服务因为业务需求,最近构建了些基础服务,比如短信服务验证码,激活邮件,天气预报,内部消息队列等等。springboot很方便,还可以随时监控服务健康状态但是一直没设置远程调试。因为我是用maven构建的工程。所以自然想到用maven的插件实现。参见: 远程调试maven设置又由于最终打成的是个jar文件到服务器运行,为方便起见,还是使用命令行运行 java

2016-01-08 11:21:21 11581

原创 打开新的eclipse 及 eclipse 中 svn代理设置

~/.subversion  编辑 servers 文件 # http-proxy-exceptions = *.exception.com, www.internal-site.orghttp-proxy-host = = 8787

2015-11-02 17:55:15 502

原创 transient 字段反序列化后是字段类型默认值

transient 字段一些不必要同步的字段,在集群间不传递,因此设置为transienttransient字段就算赋值了,反序列化后,是默认值一些不必要同步的字段,在集群间不传递,因此设置为transient因为一些字段没有在要求集群间必须传递,只在各自主机上保持唯一即可.对这样的需求,当然是使用标记transient了.序列化对象例子class SpecialSerial implemen

2015-08-11 13:55:49 1534

转载 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch websocket 调用 json 报错

Exceptionjavax.json.JsonException: Provider org.glassfish.json.JsonProviderImpl not found七月 23, 2015 2:02:11 下午 org.apache.tomcat.websocket.pojo.PojoEndpointBase onError严重: No error handling confi

2015-07-23 14:10:22 3222

原创 springmvc 返回 json报406错误

springmvc 返回 json报406错误,配置4.1.7.RELEASE

2015-07-18 00:27:17 542

原创 记录下mac查看java 安装路径的问题

MacBook-Pro:~ user$ /usr/libexec/java_home /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0.jdk/Contents/Home备忘

2015-07-16 15:28:36 10530

原创 Docker初次使用记录


2015-07-12 16:38:51 1052

原创 BeanUtils.copyProperties做copy的时候,Long 字段会设置为null

public class MySim { private Long id ;public Long getId() { return id;}public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id;} } 通过BeanUtils.copyProperties做copy的时候,Long ,Integer等字段的默认值设置为null 

2015-01-29 17:40:56 3118

原创 is not allowed to connect to this MySql server

在其他机子上链接到mac上的mysql的时候报错:is not allowed to connect to this MySql serveruserdeMacBook-Pro:~ user$ mysql -h localhost -u rootWelcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.Your MyS

2015-01-17 22:59:35 527

原创 遇到一个ie下新窗口访问父级界面数组很慢的问题,甚是奇怪

问题很简单,在弹出界面访问父级界面的数组很慢,生产环境更慢。于是简单的模拟了一下,还真是很慢。父界面代码如下: start arryAll = [];for(var i =0;i<10000;i++){arryAll.push(i);}var l =arryAll.length;var start = new Date();for(var j=0;j<l;j++

2014-12-06 20:21:43 474

原创 我的缺点,缺少总结啊


2014-11-23 20:05:08 774

原创 布尔代数和权限管理

一、布尔代数    布尔代数相信大家都接触过,根据维基百科的定义:        The basic operations of Boolean algebra are the following ones:And (conjunction), denotedx∧y (sometimes x AND y or Kxy), satisfiesx∧y = 1 if x = y

2014-01-12 00:16:11 1483 1

原创 原始记录一次性能优化过程

起因是协同中有个界面,当数据量达到5w以上的时候,载入速度比较慢。    当时想这个问题很奇怪啊,才5W数据,怎么会造成性能问题呢。经过抓取sql执行时间,得到其中一个sql确实很慢,达到了12837.277 ms。这是不可忍耐的:explain analyseSELECT DISTINCT A .ID,A .Name,A .a,A .b,A .c,A .d,A .e,A .f,A

2013-11-20 12:53:24 954

原创 开始自己的五年计划

周末大体梳理了一下目前的状态。制订了一下接下来的五年计划。包括生活,职业技能等方面。粗略计划如下:0.坚持锻炼身体。目前应该是身体机能最好的时候,但却老觉得自己老了,这可不行,身体是革命的本钱。    坚持徒步,羽毛球等运动。1.每年至少进行一次长途旅行。    就目前实力来说,也就能在国内进行了。看发展而定,目前定南方或者西藏新疆。2.30岁的时候要选定自己十年的方向,是

2013-11-18 14:25:43 815

原创 javascript 中的 new 操作

偶然想起Javascript new 的结果到底是什么的问题,比如:var circle =new Shape( "circle" );     于是查了下ECMA-262-5.1标准。关键是这一步:Let result be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal property of F, providing obj as the

2013-08-13 18:00:12 494

转载 javascript的history.back()进行返回时,有时会提示“网页已过期”,


2013-08-07 18:48:22 1322

原创 标记一下clear:both引起高度变化的处理

.clear {clear: both;height:1px;margin-top:-1px;overflow:hidden;}

2013-08-06 09:31:12 971

原创 select new com.clsss 报 could not instantiate class from tuple

今天原来跑的好好的代码,在sqlserver的数据库中发现有错误 :org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: could not instantiate class [xxx] from tuple; nested exception is org.hibernate.QueryException: could

2013-07-01 15:42:45 5739

转载 CSS选择器的权重与优先规则


2013-06-28 14:03:05 577

转载 记录一下CSS选择器的效率从高到低的一个排序


2013-06-26 22:31:07 880

原创 jquery form API浅层阅读

$()得到的是jquery对象,而不是DOM对象;再通过[]取得的元素才是DOM对象。一类:blur、change、focus、select、submitxxx() 触发每一个匹配元素的xxx事件xxx(handler(eventObject)) 在每一个匹配元素的xxx事件中绑定一个处理函数二类:serialize、serializeArray、valval() 括号中为空的

2013-01-03 22:30:16 323

原创 jquery core API浅层阅读

使用jquery 先要选择某个网页元素,然后对其进行某种操作。选择元素通过一类来实现一类:jQuery() 返回空的集合jQuery( selector, [ context ] ) 设置选择器及环境jQuery( element )/jQuery( elementArray ) 使用 DOM 元素jQuery( jQuery object )  克隆jQuery对象

2013-01-03 22:26:58 370

原创 关于 ConcurrentHashMap 的同步问题

package com.seeyon.v3x.organization.domain;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Map;import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;publ

2012-12-31 20:57:47 1011 1

原创 正面思维


2012-12-09 15:24:16 672

原创 测试数据文件的删除

SQL> drop table tests;Table dropped.SQL> create table tests as select owner,tablespace_name,table_name from all_tables;Table created.SQL> insert into tests select * from tests;1577 rows crea

2012-04-09 16:36:45 646

原创 Building log4j

想要查看log4j的源码。因此下载了最新的apache-log4j-1.2.16来看看。光看还不过瘾,要本机重新打包玩玩。把构建过程中遇到的错误记录如下:0.maven版本 :    mvn -vApache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 16:44:56+0800)Maven home: E:\worksofts\apache-mav

2012-03-15 22:56:15 2478

原创 一次表空间配额错误的处理ORA-01536

今天要转储数据到历史表。运行过程中发现报错:ORA-01536: 超出表空间 'TS_CRM' 的空间限额。把数据单独提出,写个匿名块处理,报错依然。但是单独插入一条是没问题的。因为是生产库,没做多想,直接用:alter user user quota ulimited on tablespace xx;解决。    同时,也可以用:grant unlimited tablespace to

2012-02-14 16:22:23 307

Head in the Cloud

知识大迁移 英文版 Head in the Cloud.epub 《知识大迁移》解读了信息时代的致胜关键!首先,作者剖析了在信息爆炸的时代,人们为什么变得越来越无知,还意识不到自己的无知;其次,通过覆盖全美的调查和研究,以大数据的形式揭示了知识与收入之间的关系,告诉大家学习哪些知识可以更富有、更幸福;最后,作者告诉我们,如何利用现有的媒体、网络等资源,在移动知识时代成为真正的赢家。


Effective Java (3rd Edition)

The Definitive Guide to Java Platform Best Practices—Updated for Java 7, 8, and 9 Java has changed dramatically since the previous edition of Effective Java was published shortly after the release of Java 6. This Jolt award-winning classic has now been thoroughly updated to take full advantage of the latest language and library features. The support in modern Java for multiple paradigms increases the need for specific best-practices advice, and this book delivers. As in previous editions, each chapter of Effective Java, Third Edition, consists of several “items,” each presented in the form of a short, stand-alone essay that provides specific advice, insight into Java platform subtleties, and updated code examples. The comprehensive descriptions and explanations for each item illuminate what to do, what not to do, and why. The third edition covers language and library features added in Java 7, 8, and 9, including the functional programming constructs that were added to its object-oriented roots. Many new items have been added, including a chapter devoted to lambdas and streams. New coverage includes Functional interfaces, lambda expressions, method references, and streams Default and static methods in interfaces Type inference, including the diamond operator for generic types The @SafeVarargs annotation The try-with-resources statement New library features such as the Optional interface, java.time, and the convenience factory methods for collections



This third edition of John Zelle's Python Programming continues the tradition of updating the text to reflect new technologies while maintaining a time-tested approach to teaching introductory computer science. An important change to this edition is the removal of most uses of eval and the addition of a discussion of its dangers. In our increasingly connected world, it's never too early to begin considering computer security issues. This edition also uses several new graphics examples, developed throughout chapters 4-12.



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