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转载 页面布局与颜色运用的基本准则

翻译:页面布局与颜色运用的基本准则 [ 2006-08-17 01:36:25 | Author: hauy ] Font Size: Large | Medium | Small 为了走出条条框框的限制,我们需要抛弃框架,打破准则和那些陈词滥调的传统。但是在打破任何准则之前,你必须

2006-10-12 18:42:00 1584

转载 Zsh Workshop

http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/workshops/zsh/toc.html The Zsh Startup FilesLike most shells, zsh processes a number of system and user startup files. It is very important to understand the order in which

2006-09-26 09:32:00 877

转载 Spring+Hibernate 复杂查询分页

网上多很多有分页例子,要么不全,要么不能满足复杂查询的要求,下面是本人写的一个初版,给大家参考。/**分页包装类很简单 :)*/package com.xing.cms.model.util;public class Pager { private int totalPages = 0; private int totalObjects = 0; private int pag

2006-06-22 18:43:00 1296

原创 log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig).

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. 的问题解决: 将log4j.properties放到 /WEB-INF/classes中, 搞定。

2006-06-22 18:40:00 6089 1

转载 GC settings to improve Eclipse performance

eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xverify:none -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=20M -XX:MaxNewSize=32M -XX:NewSize=32M -Xmx256m -Xms256m

2006-06-21 15:51:00 725

原创 关于Rich Client设计的思考

问题1:MVC模式,IoC模式等如何被应用到Java Swing 和Ajax设计中呢?思考:TikeSwing 为我们提供了一种思路设计Java Swing的应用,Spring Rich Client为我们提供了IoC的支持。Eclipse rich client还能给我们带来什么惊喜呢? 问题2:当Rich Clients需要和server side通讯时,如何变化MVC模式以应对呢?思考:Co

2006-05-14 22:05:00 853

原创 JavaScript调试中遇到的两个问题

1.  使用发现JavaScript不支持下面的语法:if (condition1) {}else if (condition2) {}2. 我是在中文环境下,编辑使用MS932日文字符的JS文件,犯了大忌。所有的文件都要使用UTF8才是。

2006-04-24 15:22:00 730

原创 JavaScript调用Applet方法,Applet异步调用远程RPC。

项目中涉及到JavaScript调用Applet方法,然后Applet远程调用Server端的service。虽然Applet已经签名,但由于JavaScript是不被JavaVM信任的,迫不得已使用异步调用remote API。远程API使用Hessian实现的。1。被JavaScript调用的Applet方法    public String deleteFaceId(String f

2006-04-18 12:55:00 2126

转载 "JAVA内存泄漏"一个永恒的主题

"JAVA内存泄漏"一个永恒的主题  陈长君 2006-02-06 09:19      内存不足与泄漏(OutOfMemoryError,以下简称OOM)的发生,就像系统的性能一样,对于JAVA开发人员来说是一个十分棘手的问题,也是让许多开发人员陷于束手无策的局面,而这两个问题却又时常困扰着每个JAVA软件系统。本文主要来探讨关于JAVA内存泄漏的问题,首先简述JVM的基础概念,而后是关于西

2006-04-07 09:12:00 3920 1

转载 XML Escape Characters

There are 5 predefined entity references in XML: < less than > > greater than

2006-04-05 15:26:00 7163

转载 软件开发的未来,是MDA/MDD/面向模式/Plug-in IDE吗?

软件开发的未来,是MDA/MDD/面向模式/Plug-in IDE吗?一、问题:1.  有快速的类似PB的J2EE开发工具吗?2.  客户需求不确定、易变时,如何保证J2EE体系的开发效率?近期开发了套EJB3.0+JSF的业务系统。从技术、开发时间等方面,开发人员是自信的。但是,老板和客户,却觉得开发效率、用户界面操作不够理想。原因在于,老板和客户,认为应当有PB、Delph

2006-03-17 16:06:00 1139

转载 人生这样才精彩


2006-03-16 22:42:00 913

原创 VMware virtual machine's network connection

I tried on Windos Chinese XP + VMware 5.5.1. I found that VM added two network connections in WinXP called VMnet1and VMnet8. My original IP addr is The new IP addrs are a

2006-02-28 19:39:00 1036

原创 Installation of postgre on RHEL4U2

To install PostgreSql with RHEL is easy.1. select PostgreSql(7.4.8) package shiped with RHEL to install.2. The RHEL will create a user and a group named postgres.3. The defalut path of postgre s

2006-02-26 16:09:00 610

原创 Installation of postgre sql on cygwin

1.  Install cygwin with postgre sql 8.1.02. run /usr/bin/cygserver-config to run cygserver, set environment variable CYGWIN=server and make sure if cygserver is runing on services of Windows XP. cyg

2006-02-18 15:30:00 976

原创 在Windows下通过IP获得主机名

nbtstat -a本地连接:Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []           NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table       Name               Type         Status    ----------------------------

2006-02-17 15:11:00 1910

原创 CVS服务器设置指南

我整理的这篇文章大部分内容是我在Red Hat Linux 8.0和9.0上验证过的,希望对你有帮助。 服务器的安装略过不提,因为安装了开发工具的话默认就已经有了CVS。就算没有,更新软件包就可以搞定,除非你一定要安装最新版本。 1. 首先创建用于CVS的组和用户: #groupadd cvs #useradd cvsroot -g c

2006-02-14 19:56:00 1091

原创 如何在windows 2000下通过Cygwin建立CVS服务

最由于在自己的机器上安装了Cygwin,天天让他在那里闲着不太好,需要给他派点用途,正好需要一个安装一个CVS服务器,我就决定不采用cvsnt,在我的机器上安装一个Cygwin下的服务。好了,现在开始: 第一步 :首先需要安装Cygwin,需要选择以下包: Devl/cvs 当然要了 Admin/cygrunsrv 用于把cygwin服务加到windows服务中 Net/inetutils 不需要

2006-02-14 19:53:00 757

原创 Software Configuration Management (SCM)

Below link shares the configuration management research done by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University) between 1988 and 1994 and to provide pointers to other useful sou

2006-02-14 14:14:00 713

原创 Event-driven services in SOA

Responding to real-time changes and events in a timely manner is becoming one of the most important requirements for an enterprise framework. This article discusses technologies and mechanisms that en

2006-02-14 14:12:00 586

原创 Utilities to parse CSV files

The links blow to utilities of parsing CSV (Comma Separated Values) fiels are found on Internet using google.com1.  http://ostermiller.org/utils/CSV.html  is a free Java CSV utility2.  CSV Manager

2006-02-14 14:12:00 676

原创 Testing, the Next Generation

http://testng.org/doc/TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as:JDK 5 Annotations (JDK

2006-02-14 14:09:00 617

原创 DWR (Direct Web Remoting)

http://getahead.ltd.uk/homeDWR (Direct Web Remoting) is a way of calling Java code on the server directly from Javascript in the browser.

2006-02-14 14:09:00 610

原创 SourceLabs SASH Stack For Java

http://www.sourcelabs.com/SASHStack.htmSourceLabs SASH for Java provides innovative open source frameworks, including Struts, Axis Spring and Hibernate and their supporting libraries, certified and in

2006-02-14 14:08:00 571

原创 ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ is a fast open source JMS 1.1 provider and Message Fabric supporting clustering, peer networks, discovery, TCP, SSL, multicast, persistence, XA and integrates seamlessly into J2EE 1.4 contain

2006-02-14 14:07:00 1060 1

原创 Simplify Java Application Deployment

Java To EXE - Why, When, When Not And How --By Dmitry Leskovhttp://javapronews.com/javapronews-47-20050719JavatoEXEWhyWhenWhenNotandHow.html 

2006-02-14 13:48:00 585

原创 Log4J and Apache common logging

The following links are on Log4J and Apache common logging:http://hedong.3322.org/archives/000316.htmlhttp://dev.csdn.net/article/16/16552.shtmhttp://www.infomall.cn/cgi-bin/mallgate/200

2006-02-14 13:47:00 579

原创 Roller Weblogger Project

Roller is the open source blog server that drives Sun Microsystems blogs.sun.com employee blogging site, the Javalobbys JRoller Java community site, and hundreds of other sites. If you want to set u

2006-02-14 13:47:00 702

原创 Doc for netscape.javascript.JSObject


2006-02-14 13:46:00 726

原创 Mule-universal message objects

Mule is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) messaging framework. It is a scalable, highly distributable object broker that can seamlessly handle interactions with services and applications using disparate

2006-02-14 13:46:00 631

原创 Servlet/JSP服务器端的重定向

RequestDispatcher.forward()方法和HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() 方法的区别是:前者仅是容器中控制权的转向,在客户端浏览器地址栏中不会显示出转向后的地址;后者则是完全的跳转,浏览器将会得到跳转的地址,并重新发送请求链接。这样,从浏览器的地址栏中可以看到跳转后的链接地址。所以,前者更加高效,在前者可以满足需要时,尽量使用Request

2006-02-09 10:50:00 743

原创 Useful links for JavaScript and Ajax

I am going to learn AJAX. There are some useful links below:1. The prototype lib. It is a good start to understade Ajax. The authors of AJAX in action developed RICO based on prototype.       A Chin

2005-12-28 13:35:00 1198



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