vb.net 基于MySql.Data.dll 封装为连贯操作的类(XP可用)

所谓的连贯操作,类似于 mysql.table("table").where("1").find()。我不太喜欢为了写个查询,写多行语句。所以封装了一下。

框架为.net framework4,mysql.data.dll也是基于此框架。最低可用在XP系统上。最高目前为win10可用。


Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Mysql
    Private _where As String
    Private _table As String
    Private _field As String
    Private _join As String
    Private _limit As String
    Private _group As String
    Private _order As String
    Private _sql As String
    Public _db_prefix As String
    Public Db_host As String
    Public Db_user As String
    Public Db_pwd As String
    Public Db_db As String
    Private field_struct As IDictionary
    Dim info As Information
    Dim con As New MySqlConnection()
    Dim adapter As MySqlDataAdapter
    Dim sqlCmd As MySqlCommand
    Public Sub New(Optional ByVal host As String = "", Optional ByVal user As String = "", Optional ByVal pwd As String = "", Optional ByVal database As String = "", Optional ByVal db_prefix As String = "")
        _field = "*"
        Me.Db_host = host
        Me.Db_user = user
        Me.Db_pwd = pwd
        Me.Db_db = database
        Me._db_prefix = db_prefix
    End Sub

    Public Sub close()
        Debug.Print("con.state=" & con.State)
        If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Connect() As Information
        Dim pingResult As Boolean = False
            pingResult = con.Ping()
        Catch ex As Exception
            pingResult = False
        End Try
        If (pingResult = True) Then
            Return New Information(1, "ok")
        End If
            Dim M_str_sqlcon As String = "server=" & Db_host & ";user id=" & Db_user & ";password=" & Db_pwd & ";database=" & Db_db & ";Allow Zero Datetime=True;Connect Timeout=30;"
            con = New MySqlConnection(M_str_sqlcon)
            Return New Information(1, "ok")
        Catch ex As MySqlException
            Debug.Print("连接数据库失败。" & ex.Message)
            Return New Information(-1, ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Function BuildSql()
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -1
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Dim sql As String = "SELECT " & _field & " FROM " & _table & IIf(_join <> "", _join, "") & IIf(_where <> "", " WHERE" & _where, "") & IIf(_group <> "", " GROUP BY" & _group, "") & IIf(_order <> "", " ORDER BY" & _order, "") & IIf(_limit <> "", _limit, "")
            info.code = 1
            info.ret_str = sql
        End If
        Return info
    End Function
    Public Function Find()
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -1
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        Me.Limit(0, 1)
        Dim build_result As Information
        build_result = buildSql()
        If (build_result.code < 0) Then
            info.code = -2
            info.message = build_result.message
            Return info
            Dim sql As String = build_result.ret_str
            Dim result As Information
            Me._sql = sql
            result = _query(sql)
            Return result
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function Find(sql As String)
        Me._sql = sql
        Dim result As Information = _query(sql)
        Return result
    End Function

    Public Function Query()
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -2
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
            Dim build_result As Information
            build_result = buildSql()
            If (build_result.code < 0) Then
                info.code = -2
                info.message = build_result.message
                Return info
                Dim result As Information
                Dim sql As String = build_result.ret_str
                Me._sql = sql
                result = _query(sql)
                Return result
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function Query(sql As String)
        Dim result As New Information
        result = _query(sql)
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Function SetInc(field As String, Optional ByVal number As Double = 1)
        Return Me.IncDec(field, 1, number)
    End Function

    Public Function SetDec(field As String, Optional ByVal number As Double = 1)
        Return Me.IncDec(field, "-1", number)
    End Function

    Private Function IncDec(field As String, ByVal action As Int16, Optional ByVal number As Double = 1)
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -3
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        If (Me._where = "") Then
            info.code = -4
            info.message = "SetInc方法要求必须指定where条件"
            Return info
        End If
        Dim Sql As String
        Sql = "UPDATE " & _table & " SET " & field & "=" & field & IIf(action = "1", "+", "-") & number & IIf(_where <> "", " WHERE" & _where, "")
        Dim Result As New Information
        Me._sql = Sql
        Result = Me._query(Sql)
        Return Result
    End Function

    Public Function Count(Optional field As String = "*")
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -5
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        If (Me._where = "") Then
            info.code = -6
            info.message = "SetInc方法要求必须指定where条件"
            Return info
        End If
        Dim sql As String, result As New Information
        If field <> "*" Then
            sql = "SELECT COUNT(" & field & ") as " & field
            sql = "SELECT COUNT(" & field & ")"
        End If
        sql &= " FROM " & _table & IIf(_join <> "", _join, "") & " WHERE" & IIf(_where <> "", _where, " 1") & IIf(_group <> "", " GROUP BY" & _group, "")
        Me._sql = sql
        result = _query(sql)
        Return result
    End Function
    Private Function _sum(Sql_str As String)
        Dim sql As String
        If _field <> "" And _field <> "*" Then
            Sql_str &= "," & _field
        End If
        sql = "SELECT " & Sql_str & " FROM " & _table & IIf(_join <> "", _join, "") & " WHERE" & IIf(_where <> "", _where, " 1") & IIf(_group <> "", " GROUP BY" & _group, "")
        Me._sql = sql
        Dim result As Information = Me._query(Sql)
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Function Sum(param As String)
        Dim Sql_str As String
        Sql_str = "sum(" & param & ") as " & param
        Return Me._sum(Sql_str)
    End Function
    Public Function Sum(param(,) As String)
        Dim Sql_str As String = "", sql As String = ""
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -7
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(param)
            Sql_str &= "sum(" & param(i, 0) & ") as " & param(i, 1) & ","
        Sql_str = Left(Sql_str, Len(Sql_str) - 1)
        Return Me._sum(Sql_str)
    End Function
    Public Function Execute(sql As String)
        Me._sql = sql
        Dim result As Information = Me._query(sql)
        Return result
    End Function

    Public Function Add(data(,) As String, Optional Replace As Boolean = False)
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -8
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        If data.Length = 0 Then
            info.code = -9
            info.message = "要写入的数据是空的"
            Return info
        End If
        Dim sql_str As String, result As New Information, getFieldResult As Boolean, exeCmd As String

        If field_struct Is Nothing Then
            getFieldResult = Me.GetFields(_table)
        ElseIf field_struct.Count = 0 Then
            getFieldResult = Me.GetFields(_table)
            getFieldResult = True
        End If

        If getFieldResult = False Then
            result.code = -10
            result.message = "无法获取表的结构"
            Return result
        End If
        If Replace = True Then
            exeCmd = "REPLACE INTO "
            exeCmd = "INSERT INTO "
        End If
        sql_str = exeCmd & _table & " SET " & Me.implode(data, ",")
        Me._sql = sql_str
        result = Me._query(sql_str)
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Function Save(data(,) As String)
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -11
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        If (Me._where = "") Then
            info.code = -12
            info.message = "save方法要求必须指定where条件"
            Return info
        End If
        If data.Length = 0 Then
            info.code = -13
            info.message = "要保存的数据是空的"
            Return info
        End If
        Dim sql_str As String, result As New Information, getFieldResult As Boolean

        getFieldResult = Me.GetFields(_table)
        If getFieldResult = False Then
            result.code = -14
            result.message = "无法获取表的结构"
            Return result
        End If

        sql_str = "UPDATE " & _table & " SET " & Me.implode(data, ",") & " WHERE" & _where
        Me._sql = sql_str
        result = Me._query(sql_str)
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Function delete()
        If (_table = "") Then
            info.code = -15
            info.message = "没有指定表名"
            Return info
        End If
        If (Me._where = "") Then
            info.code = -16
            info.message = "delete方法要求必须指定where条件"
            Return info
        End If
        Dim sql As String
        sql = "DELETE FROM " & _table & " WHERE" & _where
        Me._sql = sql
        Return _query(sql)
    End Function

    Public Function AddAll(data(,,) As String, Optional replace As Boolean = False)
        Dim keys As String = "", value As String, result As New Information, values_last As String = "", sql As String, getFieldResult As Boolean
        Dim i As Int16, j As Int16

        If field_struct Is Nothing Then
            getFieldResult = Me.GetFields(_table)
        ElseIf field_struct.Count = 0 Then
            getFieldResult = Me.GetFields(_table)
            getFieldResult = True
        End If
        If getFieldResult = False Then
            result.code = -17
            result.message = "无法获取表的结构"
            Return result
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(data, 2)
            If (data(0, i, 0) IsNot Nothing) Then
                If (field_struct.Contains(data(0, i, 0)) = True) Then
                    keys &= "`" & data(0, i, 0) & "`" & ","
                End If
            End If
        If (keys <> "") Then
            keys = "(" & Left(keys, Len(keys) - 1) & ")"
            result.code = -18
            result.message = "获取表结构时没有获取字段信息" & keys
            Return result
        End If

        For i = 0 To UBound(data)
            value = ""
            For j = 0 To UBound(data, 2)

                If (data(i, j, 0) IsNot Nothing) Then

                    If (field_struct.Contains(data(i, j, 0)) = True) Then
                        value &= Me.quote(data(i, j, 1), Me.field_struct.Item(data(i, j, 0)).item("Type")) & ","
                    End If
                End If
            If value <> "" Then
                values_last &= "(" & Left(value, Len(value) - 1) & "),"
            End If

        values_last = Left(values_last, Len(values_last) - 1)

        If (values_last <> "") Then
            sql = IIf(replace, "REPLACE INTO ", "INSERT INTO ") & _table & keys & " VALUES " & values_last
            Me._sql = sql
            result = _query(sql)
            Return result
            info.code = -11
            info.message = "无法构建多个values数据,结果为空。"
            Return info
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function Field(field_value As String)
        Me._field = field_value
        Return Me
    End Function

    Public Function GetLastSql()
        Return _sql
    End Function

    Public Function Table(table_value As String, Optional alias_value As String = "")
        _table = _db_prefix & table_value
        If (alias_value <> "") Then
            _table &= " as " & alias_value
        End If
        Return Me
    End Function

    Public Function Limit(start_value As Int32, Optional limit_value As Int32 = 0)
        Dim limit_final As String = CInt(IIf(limit_value > 0, limit_value, 0))
        Dim start_final As String = CInt(IIf(start_value > 0, start_value, 0))

        If (start_final > 0 And limit_final > 0) Then
            _limit = " LIMIT" & start_final & ", " & limit_final
        ElseIf (limit_final > 0) Then
            _limit = " LIMIT " & limit_final
        ElseIf (start_final > 0) Then
            _limit = " LIMIT " & start_final
            _limit = ""
        End If
        Return Me
    End Function

    Public Function Order(Optional oder_str As String = "")
        If (oder_str <> "") Then
            Me._order = " " & oder_str
        End If
        Return Me
    End Function
    Public Function Group(Optional group_str As String = "")
        If (group_str <> "") Then
            Me._group = " " & group_str
        End If
        Return Me
    End Function
    Public Function Join(Optional join_str As String = "")
        If (join_str = "") Then
            Me._join = ""
            Return Me
        End If
        Dim rgx As Regex = New Regex("__(.*?)__")
        join_str = rgx.Replace(join_str, _db_prefix & "$1")
        Me._join &= " " & join_str
        Return Me
    End Function
    Public Function Where(ParamArray Items())
        If (Items.Length = 1) Then
            Me._where = " " & (Items(0))
        ElseIf (Items.Length = 0) Then
            Me._where = ""
            Dim result As String
            result = Me._sprintf(Items)
            Me._where = " " & result
        End If
        Return Me
    End Function

    Public Function _sprintf(ParamArray Items()) As String
        Dim num As Int16 = Items.Length
        Dim oStr = Items(0)
        Dim rgx As Regex = New Regex("%\w?")
        For i = 1 To num - 1
            oStr = rgx.Replace(oStr, Me.quote(Items(i).ToString(), "text", False), 1)
        Return oStr
    End Function
    Public Sub StartTrans()
        Dim ret_code As Long
        Call Connect()

        sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;start transaction;", con)
        ret_code = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
    End Sub
    Public Sub Rollback()
        Dim ret_code As Long
        Call Connect()
        sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1;", con)
        sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("rollback;", con)
        ret_code = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
    End Sub
    Public Sub Commit()
        Dim ret_code As Long
        Call Connect()
        sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1;", con)

        sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand("commit;", con)
        ret_code = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

    End Sub

    Private Function implode(arr(,) As String, Optional glue As String = ",")
        Dim glue_final As String, sql_str As String = "", cmd As String = ""
        glue_final = " " & glue & " "
        Dim i As Int16
        For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
            If arr(i, 0) IsNot Nothing Then
                If field_struct.Contains(arr(i, 0)) = True Then
                    sql_str &= cmd & "`" & arr(i, 0) & "`" & "=" & Me.quote(arr(i, 1), Me.field_struct.Item(arr(i, 0)).item("Type"))
                End If
                cmd = glue_final
            End If
        Return sql_str
    End Function

    Private Function quote(str As String, type As String, Optional withquote As Boolean = True)
        If Mid(type, 1, 3) = "int" Or Mid(type, 1, 6) = "bigint" Or Mid(type, 1, 9) = "mediumint" Or Mid(type, 1, 7) = "tinyint" Or Mid(type, 1, 8) = "smallint" Or Mid(type, 1, 7) = "decimal" Or Mid(type, 1, 5) = "float" Or Mid(type, 1, 6) = "double" Then
            If str = "" Or str = Nothing Then
                Return 0
            End If
            Return str
        End If
        If type = "tinytext" Or Mid(type, 1, 7) = "varchar" Or Mid(type, 1, 4) = "char" Or type = "text" Or Mid(type, 1, 10) = "mediumtext" Or Mid(type, 1, 8) = "longtext" Or Mid(type, 1, 4) = "enum" Then
            Return IIf(withquote = True, "'", "") & Replace(Replace(str, "\", "\\"), "'", "\'") & IIf(withquote = True, "'", "")
        End If
        Return IIf(withquote = True, "'", "") & Replace(Replace(str, "\", "\\"), "'", "\'") & IIf(withquote = True, "'", "")
    End Function
    Private Function _query(sql As String) As Information
        Dim iDataTable = New DataTable, cmd As String
        Call Connect()
        cmd = UCase(Mid(sql, 1, InStr(sql, " ") - 1)).Trim
            If (cmd = "UPDATE" Or cmd = "DELETE" Or cmd = "REPLACE" Or cmd = "INSERT") Then
                Dim ret_code As Long
                sqlCmd = New MySqlCommand(sql, con)
                ret_code = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
                If cmd = "INSERT" Then
                    ret_code = sqlCmd.LastInsertedId
                ElseIf cmd = "REPLACE" Then
                    If sqlCmd.LastInsertedId > 0 Then
                        ret_code = sqlCmd.LastInsertedId
                    End If
                End If
                If ret_code > 0 Then
                    info.code = ret_code
                    info.ret_str = ret_code
                    info.code = -101
                    info.message = "操作失败。ret_code=" & ret_code & "。your sql is " & sql
                End If
            ElseIf cmd = "SELECT" Then
                adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(sql, con)
                Dim iMySqlCommandBuilder = New MySqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
                info.code = 1
                info.data = iDataTable
            End If
            _where = ""
            _table = ""
            _join = ""
            _field = "*"
            _limit = ""
            _group = ""
            _order = ""
            field_struct = Nothing
            Return info
        Catch ex As Exception
            _where = ""
            _table = ""
            _join = ""
            _field = "*"
            _limit = ""
            _group = ""
            _order = ""
            field_struct = Nothing
            info.code = -1000
            info.message = ex.Message & "。your sql is " & sql
            Return info
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function GetFields(table_name As String)
        'Debug.Print("获取表的字段" & table_name)
        Dim sql As String, iDataTable = New DataTable
        If table_name.Trim() = "" Then
            Return False
        End If
        sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" & table_name & "`"
            Call Connect()
            adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(sql, con)
            Dim iMySqlCommandBuilder = New MySqlCommandBuilder(adapter)
            Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of String, IDictionary)
            For Each dr As DataRow In iDataTable.Rows
                Dim dc As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
                dc.Add("Field", dr.Item("field"))
                dc.Add("Type", dr.Item("Type"))
                dc.Add("Null", dr.Item("Null"))
                dc.Add("Key", dr.Item("Key"))
                dict.Add(dr.Item("Field"), dc)
            field_struct = dict
            Return True
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function
End Class


Dim str As String = (("308027"))
        Debug.Print(Mid(str, str.Length - 3))
        'Dim data(,) As String = New String(3, 1) {{"fullname", "李一二"}, {"password", "222"}, {"age", 222}, {"regdate", 123}}
        'Dim data(,,) As String = New String(2, 3, 1) {{{"fullname", "张三"}, {"password", "1111"}, {"age", 10}, {"regdate", 123}}, {{"fullname", "李四"}, {"password", "2222"}, {"age", 20}, {"regdate", 456}}, {{"fullname", "王五"}, {"password", "3333"}, {"age", 30}, {"regdate", 789}}}
        Dim d As New Information
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid > 2").group("fullname").count()
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid=0").delete()
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid=13").AddAll(data, True)


        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid > 2").count()

        'Dim param(,) As String = {{"regdate", "reg"}, {"uid", "id"}}
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").field("uid,fullname").where("uid>8").Sum(param)
        'If (d.code > 0) Then
        '    Debug.Print(d.data.Rows(0).Item("id"))
        '    Debug.Print(d.message)
        'End If

        'Dim para As String = "regdate"
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").field("uid,fullname").where("uid>8").Sum(para)
        'If (d.code > 0) Then
        '    Debug.Print(d.data.Rows(0).Item("regdate"))
        '    Debug.Print(d.message)
        'End If

        'd = Module1.mySql.Find("select fullname from c_user where uid=1")


        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").Where("uid>=%d", 6).add(data, True)
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").Where("uid>=%d", 6).save(data)
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").Where("uid=%d", 2).Find()
        'd = Module1.mySql.Find("select * from c_user where uid=1")
        'd = Module1.mySql.Query("select * from c_user where uid=1")
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").Where("uid>=%d", 1).query()
        'd = Module1.mySql.Execute("update c_user set fullname='大老张' where uid>1")
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid=13").delete()
        'd = Module1.mySql.Table("user").where("uid=13").AddAll(data, True)

        'Debug.Print("d.code=" & d.code)
        'If d.code <= 0 Then
        '    Debug.Print("code=" & d.code & ",msg=" & d.message)
        '    Debug.Print("code>0")
        'End If


Public Structure Information
		Dim code As Int64
		Dim message As String
		Dim ret_str As String
		Dim data As DataTable
		Dim count As Long
		Public Sub New(ByRef codeV As Int64, ByRef msg As String, Optional data_table As DataTable = Nothing)
			code = codeV
			message = msg
			data = data_table
		End Sub
	End Structure

module1 mysql 的定义:

public mySql
mySql = New Mysql(db_host, db_user, db_pwd, db_name, db_prefix)




mysql.data.dll xp可用(版本6.3.7.0)-桌面系统文档类资源-CSDN下载





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