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原创 【iOS开发】解决iOS 8无法调用GPS定位信息的问题
近些天有些朋友向我询问了iOS 8无法调用定位信息,打断点后发现按照之前的开发流程操作,根本无法进入-(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations的代理方法。查询相关文档后发现:iOS 8需要我们在两处进行修改才能使用位置信息。首先,打开项
2015-01-16 08:21:41
原创 在ViewController之间传递数据的方法【iOS】
在ViewController之间传递数据的方法有不少,博主这里总结两种最常用的方法给大家:我们假设有 视图控制器A 和 视图控制器B,其中我们设视图控制器B 是由 视图控制器A通过Navigation controller Push过去的,也就是说视图控制器B是视图控制器A的子视图控制器。下面我们就分别通过 A->B 和 B->A传递数据说明两种在视图控制器之间传递数据的方法。1
2015-01-10 00:19:00
原创 How to implement HTML file into GAE project and solution of bindError
These days, I learnt some knowledge about GAE based on python. there are two files which is very important, the first one is app.yaml the other is main.py.We should focus on main.py, where our sou
2014-12-14 14:01:05
原创 Review of codeforces 492C Vanya and Computer Game based on Python
492C is relatively easy. But we should not ignore the exceed time limit problem. I use heap to complete this task. pop out a element each time. We should notice that it is a bad idea to increase the
2014-12-07 11:39:35
原创 Review of codeforces 493B Vasya and Wrestling based on Python
This task is relatively easy. However, we should notice that the concept of lexicographically largeris hard to comprehend. So, what is lexicographically larger.为了便于理解,用中文进行解释,所谓lexicographical
2014-12-04 12:48:18
原创 New Mission Next Month
In this semester, I've learnt Python and being more familiar with UIkit. Also, some basic concept and on-hand experience of CUDA platform. What I gonna do next is to learn 1. How to program on Goo
2014-11-30 08:42:43
原创 Review of codeforces 483B Friends and Presents
The link to 483BThis problem is about binary search. this problem is kind of hard if you don't have knowledge of binary search. If you do, one thing still noising is that how you think about the two
2014-11-27 10:49:48
原创 Review of codeforces 484A Bits based on python
484A. BitsThis task is mainly about using |
2014-11-21 23:56:08
原创 How to share text to Message in the app you are building(iOS platform)
I find it is relatively easy to share text to message and mail(build-in app on ios).No need to use UI
2014-11-16 12:55:19
原创 How to use SET in python
set is a very useful tool in python.You can set a set like this:
2014-11-16 11:19:07
原创 How to control the flash light(iOS platform)
Thesedays, I need to add a function to my iOS project. I need to add a function that we users tou
2014-11-13 05:34:21
原创 Review of Codeforces 5C. Longest Regular Bracket Sequence
5C. Longest Regular Bracket SequenceThis is yet another problem dealing with regular bracket sequences.We should remind you that a bracket sequence is called regular, if by inserting «+» and «1»
2014-11-13 05:21:52
原创 Review of Codeforces 5A and 5B(Python)
5A. Chat Server's Outgoing Traffic
2014-11-12 12:10:53
原创 Difference between Python 2 and Python 3
For the beginner of Python, we may feel confused when use python and
2014-11-11 11:18:57
原创 Greedy and its implementation with python
Thesedays, I have completed some codeforces problem. Some of those problems are about greedy. What I wanna do is us
2014-11-11 11:04:17
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