


//声明:                                                                    */
//                                                                          */
//我联系,我们共同探讨。                                                    */
//我的邮箱是:swnuwangyun@21cn.com                                          */
//                                                                          */
//Matrix.h                                                                  */
//本文件定义了基本的矩阵模板,可以由此复制出各种int,float,double等          */
//等各种类型的矩阵类型。重载了基本的矩阵运算符。为了满足矢量处理的          */
//要求,定义了一系列坐标变换函数                                            */
//                                                                          */
//                                                                          */
//这个版本中将模板参数扩展为3个,有两个是矩阵的行和列,取消了构造时的init参 */
//数,统一初始化为0。这样矩阵就有了默认的构造函数,且模板参数中有足够的信息 */
//有效的解决了上面提出的问题。                                              */
//编写人:王云                                                              */
//开始时间:2002.10.18                                                      */
//结束时间:2002.10.19                                                      */
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c> class Matrix;
//二维向量和点                                                              */
typedef Matrix<int,1,2>      Vector2i;
typedef Matrix<int,1,2>      Vertex2i;
typedef Matrix<float,1,2>    Vector2f;
typedef Matrix<float,1,2>    Vertex2f;
typedef Matrix<double,1,2>   Vector2d;
typedef Matrix<double,1,2>   Vertex2d;
//三维向量和点                                                              */
typedef Matrix<int,1,3>      Vector3i;
typedef Matrix<int,1,3>      Vertex3i;
typedef Matrix<float,1,3>    Vector3f;
typedef Matrix<float,1,3>    Vertex3f;
typedef Matrix<double,1,3>   Vector3d;
typedef Matrix<double,1,3>   Vertex3d;
//四维齐次坐标和向量                                                        */
typedef Matrix<int,1,4>      Vector4i;
typedef Matrix<int,1,4>      Vertex4i;
typedef Matrix<float,1,4>    Vector4f;
typedef Matrix<float,1,4>    Vertex4f;
typedef Matrix<double,1,4>   Vector4d;
typedef Matrix<double,1,4>   Vertex4d;
//常用的向量运算函数模板定义                                                */
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //向量在各个局部坐标轴上的分量
int VectorProjection(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>*pVectorX,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>*pVectorY,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>* pVectorZ);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //计算向量的模
ElemType VectorMo(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //向量单位化
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> VectorUnit(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //绕x轴旋转
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOX(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //绕x轴旋转
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOY(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //绕y轴旋转
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOZ(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //绕z轴旋转
Matrix<ElemType,r,c>  RotateON(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& reel,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //绕任意轴旋转
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> VectorProduct(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& va,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vb);             //向量积
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //坐标的变换
int CoordinateTransfer(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& origin,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& xDirect,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& yDirect,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& zDirect,
        Matrix<ElemType,r,c>*& pVertex,int nVertex);    
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                     //两个向量的夹角
int VectorAngle(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& b,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& a,float* sin,float* cos);
//矩阵类模板的定义                                                          */
//                                                                          */
//                                                                          */
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c> class Matrix
 int row;                                               //行
 int col;                                               //列
 ElemType* pElemType;                                   //存储矩阵数据的类型数组

 Matrix(const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A);                  //深度堆拷贝函数必须在所有的运算函数之

 inline int GetRow() {return row;}
 inline int GetCol() {return col;}

    inline ElemType& operator ()(const int& i,const int& j) {return pElemType[(i-1)*row+j-1];}
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator = (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A);

 friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator + (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator - (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);

    friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const double& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const float& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const int& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
                                                        //是为了能够使用连等式,即C=A=D+E ,同
 friend const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator +=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator -=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);
 friend const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator *=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B);

 friend istream& operator >> (istream& in,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A);
 friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A);






//常用的向量运算函数模板实现代码                                            */
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
ElemType VectorMo(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector)
 ElemType a=vector(1,1),
 return sqrt(a*a+b*b+c*c);
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>                    //向量单位化
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> VectorUnit(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 ElemType mo=1/VectorMo(vector);
    return result;
 return 1/VectorMo(vector)*vector;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>  
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOX(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta)

 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 ElemType x=vector(1,1);
 ElemType y=vector(1,2);
 ElemType z=vector(1,3);

    return result;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>  
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOY(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 ElemType x=vector(1,1);
 ElemType y=vector(1,2);
 ElemType z=vector(1,3);


 return result;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> RotateOZ(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 ElemType x=vector(1,1);
 ElemType y=vector(1,2);
 ElemType z=vector(1,3);


 return result;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c>  RotateON(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& reel,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vector,float beta)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 ElemType reelX=reel(1,1);
 ElemType reelY=reel(1,2);
 ElemType reelZ=reel(1,3);
 ElemType s=sqrt( reelX*reelX + reelY*reelY + reelZ*reelZ );
 ElemType n1=reelX/s;
 ElemType n2=reelY/s;
 ElemType n3=reelZ/s;
 ElemType n1n1=n1*n1,
 ElemType cosBeta=cos(beta),
    result(1,1)=reelX*( n1n1+(1-n1n1)*cosBeta )+reelY*( n1n2*(1-cosBeta)-n3*sinBeta )+reelZ*( n1n3*(1-cosBeta)+n2*sinBeta );
 result(1,2)=reelX*( n1n2*(1-cosBeta)+n3*sinBeta )+reelY*( n2n2+(1-n2n2)*cosBeta )+reelZ*( n2n3*(1-cosBeta)-n1*sinBeta );
 result(1,3)=reelX*( n1n3*(1-cosBeta)-n2*sinBeta )+reelY*( n2n3*(1-cosBeta)+n1*sinBeta )+reelZ*( n3n3+(1-n3n3)*cosBeta );

 return result;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> VectorProduct(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& va,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& vb)             //向量积
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result(1,3,0);
 return result;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
int CoordinateTransfer(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& origin,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& xDirect,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& yDirect,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& zDirect,
        Matrix<ElemType,r,c>*& pVertex,int nVertex)
 return 0;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
int VectorAngle(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& b,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& a,float* sin,float* cos)
{                                                          //求两个向量夹角的正弦和余弦
 ElemType ax=a(1,1),
 *sin=sqrt( 1-(*cos * *cos) );
 return 1;


//矩阵类模板的实现                                                          */
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
 while(  !(this->pElemType=new ElemType[row*col])  );   //要构造一个矩阵,一定能够成功
 for(int i=0;i<row*col;i++)

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c>::Matrix(const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A) //深度堆拷贝构造函数
 while(  !(pElemType=new ElemType[row*col])  );
 for(int i=0;i<row*col;i++)

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& Matrix<ElemType,r,c>::operator = (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A)
 //while(  !(pElemType=new ElemType[row*col])  );
 for(int i=0;i<row*col;i++)
 return *this;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator + (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result=A;                         //注意,这里使用const类型来构造对象的前
 for(int i=0;i<result.row*result.col;i++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator - (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result=A;
 for(int i=0;i<result.row*result.col;i++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>&B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result;
 for(int i=0;i<result.row;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<result.col;j++)
  {                                                  //这里定义了一个temp,避免了累加时,对
   ElemType temp=0;
   for(int k=0;k<A.col;k++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const double& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result=B;
 for(int i=0;i<B.row*B.col;i++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const float& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result=B;
 for(int i=0;i<B.row*B.col;i++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
Matrix<ElemType,r,c> operator * (const int& scale,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 Matrix<ElemType,r,c> result=B;
 for(int i=0;i<B.row*B.col;i++)
 return result;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator +=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 return A;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator -=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 return A;

template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& operator *=(Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A,const Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& B)
 return A;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
istream& operator >>(istream& in,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A)
 cout<<"please input the matrix:"<<endl;
 for(int i=0;i<A.row;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<A.col;j++)
 return in;
template<typename ElemType,int r,int c>
ostream& operator <<(ostream& out,Matrix<ElemType,r,c>& A)
 for(int i=0;i<A.row;i++)
  for(int j=0;j<A.col;j++)
   out<<"   ";
 return out;



//测试函数                                                                  */

void main()
 Vector3f v;
 Vector3f r;

 Matrix<int,4,4> matrix;




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以下是矩阵类模板 matrix 的完整实现代码: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; template<typename T> class matrix { public: matrix(int a, int b); matrix(const matrix<T>& other); ~matrix(); matrix<T>& operator=(const matrix<T>& other); matrix<T> operator+(const matrix<T>& other) const; matrix<T> operator-(const matrix<T>& other) const; matrix<T> operator*(const matrix<T>& other) const; T& operator()(int i, int j); const T& operator()(int i, int j) const; int rows() const; int cols() const; private: int m_rows; int m_cols; T* m_data; }; template<typename T> matrix<T>::matrix(int a, int b) : m_rows(a), m_cols(b), m_data(new T[a * b]) {} template<typename T> matrix<T>::matrix(const matrix<T>& other) : m_rows(other.m_rows), m_cols(other.m_cols), m_data(new T[other.m_rows * other.m_cols]) { memcpy(m_data, other.m_data, sizeof(T) * m_rows * m_cols); } template<typename T> matrix<T>::~matrix() { delete[] m_data; } template<typename T> matrix<T>& matrix<T>::operator=(const matrix<T>& other) { if (this != &other) { delete[] m_data; m_rows = other.m_rows; m_cols = other.m_cols; m_data = new T[other.m_rows * other.m_cols]; memcpy(m_data, other.m_data, sizeof(T) * m_rows * m_cols); } return *this; } template<typename T> matrix<T> matrix<T>::operator+(const matrix<T>& other) const { if (m_rows != other.m_rows || m_cols != other.m_cols) { throw "Matrices must have the same dimensions."; } matrix<T> res(m_rows, m_cols); for (int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++) { res(i, j) = (*this)(i, j) + other(i, j); } } return res; } template<typename T> matrix<T> matrix<T>::operator-(const matrix<T>& other) const { if (m_rows != other.m_rows || m_cols != other.m_cols) { throw "Matrices must have the same dimensions."; } matrix<T> res(m_rows, m_cols); for (int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++) { res(i, j) = (*this)(i, j) - other(i, j); } } return res; } template<typename T> matrix<T> matrix<T>::operator*(const matrix<T>& other) const { if (m_cols != other.m_rows) { throw "Number of columns in first matrix must match number of rows in second matrix."; } matrix<T> res(m_rows, other.m_cols); for (int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < other.m_cols; j++) { T sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < m_cols; k++) { sum += (*this)(i, k) * other(k, j); } res(i, j) = sum; } } return res; } template<typename T> T& matrix<T>::operator()(int i, int j) { if (i < 0 || i >= m_rows || j < 0 || j >= m_cols) { throw "Index out of range."; } return m_data[i * m_cols + j]; } template<typename T> const T& matrix<T>::operator()(int i, int j) const { if (i < 0 || i >= m_rows || j < 0 || j >= m_cols) { throw "Index out of range."; } return m_data[i * m_cols + j]; } template<typename T> int matrix<T>::rows() const { return m_rows; } template<typename T> int matrix<T>::cols() const { return m_cols; } ``` 该矩阵类模板支持以下操作: - 构造函数 `matrix(int a, int b)`:创建一个行数为 `a`,列数为 `b` 的矩阵,所有元素的初值为默认值(例如,0)。 - 拷贝构造函数 `matrix(const matrix<T>& other)`:创建一个与 `other` 完全相同的矩阵。 - 析构函数 `~matrix()`:释放矩阵占用的内存。 - 赋值运算符 `matrix<T>& operator=(const matrix<T>& other)`:将本矩阵赋值为 `other`。 - 加法运算符 `matrix<T> operator+(const matrix<T>& other) const`:返回本矩阵与 `other` 相加的结果。要求本矩阵与 `other` 的行列数相同。 - 减法运算符 `matrix<T> operator-(const matrix<T>& other) const`:返回本矩阵与 `other` 相减的结果。要求本矩阵与 `other` 的行列数相同。 - 乘法运算符 `matrix<T> operator*(const matrix<T>& other) const`:返回本矩阵与 `other` 相乘的结果。要求本矩阵的列数等于 `other` 的行数。 - 括号运算符 `T& operator()(int i, int j)` 和 `const T& operator()(int i, int j) const`:分别用于访问矩阵中第 `i` 行、第 `j` 列的元素。若下标越界,则抛出异常。 - `int rows() const` 和 `int cols() const`:分别返回矩阵的行数和列数。 使用时,需要先定义一个矩阵类模板实例,例如: ```cpp matrix<int> m1(2, 3); matrix<int> m2(3, 2); ``` 然后就可以使用矩阵类模板中定义的各种运算符进行矩阵计算。例如: ```cpp matrix<int> m3 = m1 + m2; matrix<int> m4 = m1 - m2; matrix<int> m5 = m1 * m2; ```


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