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原创 alloc_skb与dev_alloc_skb异同

(1) alloc_skb函数static inline struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned intsize,gfp_t priority){                              return__alloc_skb(size, priority, 0, -1);} __alloc_skb函数定义于文件,它分配sk_bu

2012-10-27 17:20:26 10498

原创 linux-3.4.10 _pci_assign_resource函数bug

linux-3.4.10 _pci_assign_resource函数bugint pci_reassign_resource(struct pci_dev *dev, int resno, resource_size_t addsize,resource_size_t min_align){        //omitted         /* already aligne

2012-10-27 17:09:47 1474

原创 解决BIOS TFTP内核代码bug

TFTP( Trivial File Transfer Protocol)即简单文件传送协议,最初打算用于引导无盘系统(通常是工作站或X终端)。利用BIOS网络引导加载镜像文件,当文件大小超过32M的时候会报错:A duplicate packet was received.  It will be ignored.根据打印信息定位报错的代码文件里面static void tftp

2012-10-13 14:09:51 708

原创 网卡网络唤醒WOL

1. 要实现网络唤醒,网卡要支持WOL (Wake On LAN)技术。网络唤醒帧Magic Packet由AMD公司拥有注册的专利技术,得到很多网卡制造商的支持。Magic Paket的数据包里包含有6字节的'F'和连续重复16次的MAC地址;利用tcpdump工具可以抓下的数据包演示如下(1) 发送魔包工具tftpboot@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo wakeonla

2012-10-12 15:28:29 2330

原创 kernel BUG at mm/slab.c

GMAC: swgmac_linux_xmit_frames No More Free Tx DescriptorsGMAC: swgmac_linux_xmit_frames No More Free Tx DescriptorsGMAC: swgmac_linux_xmit_frames No More Free Tx DescriptorsGMAC: swgmac_linux_xmit

2012-10-12 15:17:51 4929 4

原创 基于ALSA架构的声卡播放录音设置

1.ALSA声卡驱动配置默认为静音所有的输出,必须先用amixer工具解除主音量和PCM音量的静音。amixer不带参数运行时,返回声卡上所有通道的设置情况。利用amixer工具设置ALSA架构的播放音频控制~ #./amixer -c 0 sset 'PCM',0 50% unmute~ #./amixer -c 0 sset 'Master',0 100%,100% unmute

2012-10-07 13:44:13 1367

原创 在BIOS源码里初始化BSS段内存

今天调试BIOS会发生注册ethernet_register_protocol函数里发生注册失败的问题。内核代码:/* netman_start_monitor_device - start the monitor device and all protocol handlers for it */int netman_start_monitor_device(void){

2012-10-06 14:36:27 946

原创 基于ubuntu的TFTP服务器配置

(1) 配置文件server@ubuntu:~$ cat  /etc/xinetd.d/tftp# default: off# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer \# protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boo

2012-10-06 14:24:27 470

原创 解决release模式下的System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException问题

       昨天真是郁闷极了,做了半年的多的项目,应客户的要求加入了新的处理算法,然后调试让系统运行,在debug的模式下一切正常运行,然而后来想做release版本时却出现了System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException,一直在想以前做的软件版本都没有问题,现在仅是加入了一些新的算法幷在控制程序里添加了新功能,却出现了这个郁闷的bug,在客户的工作环境里感到囧死了!      没办法静下心,只有不断地在release模式下打印一些调试信息,不断地添加注释/*...

2010-08-14 16:57:00 6121

原创 VC .NET中String^ 与ANSI C char*互转

VC.NET中的String类是利用Unicode字符集编码来表示文本。Unicode字符集中每个字符(汉字、英文字母)都占2个字节,且其字符串是以2个连续的/0结尾的。 ANSI的ASCII字符集是最常见的字符集,常用于表示txt的文本文件。在ASCII字符集中英文占一个字节,汉字2个字节,且其字符串是以一个/0结尾的。在利用VC.NET进行混合编程时,经常需要实现String与ch

2009-11-20 22:48:00 1429

原创 RedHat 9.0 Network Configuration

     虽然已经利用了Linux编写好些多线程的程序了,但是对于Linux的网络配置却不是很清楚。今天把实验室的Linux服务器挪了地方,重新配置了一些网络,由于本人所使用的RedHat Linux 9.0,也不知其他版Linux是否相同,所以以下的总结都是基于RedHat Linux 9.0的。     实现网络的配置如下:     #vi /etc/sysconfig/netwo

2009-11-15 22:09:00 1059

pci express architecture power management

This paper presents power management guidelines for PCI Express links on Intel-based Mobile platforms. It describes the mapping from platform sleeping states and device power states to link power states, including the procedure to support Mobile-specific S1/POS and CPU C3/C4 scenarios. Device and platform power saving opportunities are identified for each link power state. L1 entry policy is also recommended to optimize device power. Several power optimization techniques are described, including minimizing flow control updates and acknowledgement packets to improve bandwidth efficiency, and pipelining packets to increase opportunities for active state link power management. These power management guidelines enable architectural innovation to achieve power-optimized interconnect performance.


Z-TEK IC-FT232驱动

Z-TEK IC-FT232驱动


Linux Device Drivers.

Device drivers literally drive everything you're interested in--disks, monitors, keyboards, modems--everything outside the computer chip and memory. And writing device drivers is one of the few areas of programming for the Linux operating system that calls for unique, Linux-specific knowledge. For years now, programmers have relied on the classic Linux Device Drivers from O'Reilly to master this critical subject. Now in its third edition, this bestselling guide provides all the information you'll need to write drivers for a wide range of devices. Over the years the book has helped countless programmers learn: * how to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system * how to develop and write software for new hardware under Linux * the basics of Linux operation even if they are not expecting to write a driver The new edition of Linux Device Drivers is better than ever. The book covers all the significant changes to Version 2.6 of the Linux kernel, which simplifies many activities, and contains subtle new features that can make a driver both more efficient and more flexible. Readers will find new chapters on important types of drivers not covered previously, such as consoles, USB drivers, and more. Best of all, you don't have to be a kernel hacker to understand and enjoy this book. All you need is an understanding of the C programming language and some background in Unix system calls. And for maximum ease-of-use, the book uses full-featured examples that you can compile and run without special hardware. Today Linux holds fast as the most rapidly growing segment of the computer market and continues to win over enthusiastic adherents in many application areas. With this increasing support, Linux is now absolutely mainstream, and viewed as a solid platform for embedded systems. If you're writing device drivers, you'll want this book. In fact, you'll wonder how drivers are ever written without it.





PCI to PCI Bridge Architecture

This specification defines the behavior of a compliant PCI-to-PCI bridge. A PCI-to-PCI bridge that conforms to this specification and the PCI Local Bus Specification is a compliant implementation. Compliant bridges may differ from each other in performance and to some extent functionality.



详细介绍了PCI局部总线的原理和操作,内容包括PCI局部总线的基本概念、信号的定义、总线的操作、电气规范、机械规范、配置空间、66 MHz规范、BIOS和PCI-PCI桥等。





Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment - 2nd Edition.chm

本书是被誉为UNIX编程“圣经”的Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment一书的更新版。在本书第一版出版后的十几年中,UNIX行业已经有了巨大的变化,特别是影响UNIX编程接口的有关标准变化很大。本书在保持了前一版的风格的基础上,根据最新的标准对内容进行了修订和增补,反映了最新的技术发展。书中除了介绍UNIX文件和目录、标准I/O库、系统数据文件和信息、进程环境、进程控制、进程关系、信号、线程、线程控制、守护进程、各种I/O、进程间通信、网络IPC、伪终端等方面的内容,还在此基础上介绍了多个应用示例,包括如何创建数据库函数库以及如何与网络打印机通信等。此外还在附录中给出了函数原型和部分习题的答案。   本书内容权威,概念清晰,阐述精辟,对于所有层次UNIX程序员都是一本不可或缺的参考书。


mpg123 linux MP3播放器源码






Audio Codec ‘97规范

This specification defines the Audio Codec ‘97 (AC ‘97) Architecture and Digital Interface (AC-link) specifically designed for implementing audio and modem I/O functionality in mainstream PC systems. This specification does not explicitly define the companion AC ‘97 Digital Controller component (sometimes referred to or abbreviated as DC ‘97), which typically varies in features and implementation, but is AC ‘97 compliant with this specification.



经典收藏 TCP/IP(传输入控制地议/网际协议)是一种网络通信协议,它规范了网络上的所有通信设备,尤其是一个主机与另一个主机之间的数据传输格式以及传送方式



广泛的终端仿真: VT100,VT102,VT220,ANSI,SCO ANSI,Xterm,Wyse 50/60, 和 Linux console 仿真(带有 ANSI 颜色)。 . 优秀的会话管理特性: 新的带标签的用户界面和 Activator 托盘工具,最小化桌面的杂乱。 会话设置可以保存在命名的会话中。 . 协议支持: 支持 SSH1,SSH2,Telnet,RLogin,Serial,和 TAPI 协议。 . Secure Shell: Secure Shell 加密登录和会话数据,包括以下支持: - 端口转发使 TCP/IP 数据更安全 - 口令,公钥,键盘交互和 Kerberos 验证 - AES,Twofish,Blowfish,3DES,RC4,和 DES 加密 - X11 转发 . 文件传输工具: VCP 和 VSFTP 命令行公用程序让使用 SFTP 的文件传输更安全。 . 脚本支持: 支持 VBScript 和 JScript 脚本语言。





Foundations of C++ CLI The Visual C++ Language for .NET 3.5

This book is a beginner’s guide, but it assumes a familiarity with programming basics. And it concentrates on explaining the aspects of C++/CLI that make it the most powerful and fun language of the .NET Framework. As such, this book is ideal if you’re thinking of migrating to C++/CLI from another language. By the end of this book, you’ll have a thorough grounding in the core language elements together with the confidence to explore further that comes from a solid understanding of a language’s syntax and grammar.





Linux C 函数手册



Digital Control System

The book represents a course reference for Universities and Engineering Schools offering courses on applied computer-controlled systems and system identification. In addition to its academic audience, Digital Control Systems is aimed at practising engineers wishing to acquire the concepts and techniques of system identification, control design and implementation using a digital computer. The industrial references for the techniques presented in the book and the various applications described provide useful information for those directly involved in the real-world uses of control. Readers who are already familiar with the basics of computer-controlled systems will find in this book a clear, application oriented, methodology for system identification and the design of various types of controllers for single-input, singleoutput (SISO) systems.


Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications

Description: Cutting-edge, first of its kind resource gives you a comprehensive understanding of the simulation and evaluation methods used for today’s mobile communication systems. Presents several invaluable simulation tools written in MATLAB code, along with clear examples that explain their use.


Understanding Delta Sigma Data Converters - IEEE Press

Book Description Learn how to harness the power of delta-sigma data converters Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters brings readers a clear understanding of the principles of delta-sigma (ΔΣ) converter operation—analog to digital and digital to analog. It introduces the best computer-aided analysis and design techniques available. With an understanding of the great versatility of the ΔΣ converter, readers can apply their new knowledge to a wide variety of applications, including digital telephony, digital audio, wireless and wired communications, medical electronics, and industrial and scientific instrumentation. The authors make the material accessible to all design engineers by focusing on developing an understanding of the physical operation rather than getting mired in complex mathematical treatments and derivations. Written for entry-level readers, the publication has a natural flow that begins with basic concepts, enabling the readers to develop a solid foundation for the book's more complex material. The text, therefore, starts with a general introduction to the ΔΣ converter, including a brief historical overview to place it in context. Next, the publication introduces the first-order ΔΣ modulator, covering oversampling, noise-shaping, decimation filtering and other key concepts. Then, using the first-order modulator as a foundation, second and higher-order modulators are presented and analyzed. Finally, the authors delve into implementation considerations and present several design examples using the Delta-Sigma Toolbox. Everything needed to facilitate quick comprehension and help readers apply their newly learned principles is provided: Simplified methods to understand complicated concepts such as spectral estimation and switched noise References that lead to in-depth analysis of specialized topics Figures and charts that illustrate complex design issues Conclusion section at the end of each chapter that highlights the key points Reference manual for the Delta-Sigma Toolbox, along with numerous practical examples that illustrate the use of the Toolbox This is essential reading for all design engineers who want to learn and fully harness the powerful capabilities of ΔΣ data converters. Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students will find the book's logical organization and clear style, coupled with numerous practical examples, a great entry into the field.


Expert C++/CLI .NET for Visual C++ Programmers

C++/CLI is Microsoft's latest extension to C++ that targets the heart of .NET 2.0, the common language runtime. Expert Visual C++/CLI is written by visual C++ MVP Marcus Heege, who examines the core of the C++/CLI language. He explains both how the language elements work and how Microsoft intends them to be used. Even if you're new to C++/CLI but are planning to migrate to it from another language, this book will ground you in the core language elements and give you the confidence to explore further and migrate effectively. It provides concise, yet in-depth coverage of all major C++/CLI features: short code examples succinctly illustrate syntax and concepts, and more elaborate examples show how C++/CLI should be used



前两部对初学者比较有价值。深入浅出,图文并茂,软硬兼顾。第二部给出了很多实例,且经作者修订验证,很实用。作者或编译者看来是编程专家。语言流畅,准确,易懂。是难得的中文编程好书。以下是目录。我仅将第一章列出详细目录。其他各章仅列出大标题。第1章硬件基础与软件基础1.1 硬件基础1.1.1 CPU1.1.2 存储器1.1.3 总线1.1.4 控制器和外设1.1.5 地址空间1.1.6 时钟1.2 软件基础1.2.1 计算机语言1.2.1 计算机语言1.2.2 什么是操作系统第2章内存管理第3章进程第4章进程间通信机制第5章PCI第6章中断处理与设备驱动程序第7章文件系统第8章网络第9章内核机制与模块第10章处理器第11章Linux内核源代码第12章Linux 数据结构附录A 有用的Web和FTP站点附录B 词汇表第二部 Linux编程实例第1章Hello, World1.1 内核模块的Makefiles文件1.2 多重文件内核模块第2章字符设备文件第3章/proc文件系统第4章把/proc用于输入第5章把设备文件用于输入第6章启动参数第7章系统调用第8章阻塞处理第9章替换printk第10章任务调度第11章中断处理程序第12章对称多处理第13章常见错误附录A 2.0和2.2之间的差异附录B 其他资源附录C 给出你的评价第三部Linux程序员指南第1章Linux操作系统第2章Linux内核第3章Linux libc包第4章系统调用第5章“瑞士军刀”:ioctl第6章Linux进程间通信第7章声音编程第8章字符单元图形第9章I/O端口编程第10章把应用程序移植到Linux上附录以字母顺序排列的系统调用第四部Linux内核概念系统结构第1章系统结构第2章子系统的系统结构第3章结论附录A 术语定义附录B 参考文献第五部分Linux内核具体系统结构第1章前言第2章系统结构第3章子系统结构第4章结论附录A 术语定义附录B 参考文献第六部分附录附录A Linux文档工程拷贝许可证附录B GNU通用公共许可证。


Linux Unix System Programming.pdf

This book stands from the view of Practical Programming. There are lots of program examples to illustrate the system call.


WILEY-Beginning Linux Programming Third Edition




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