
package org.geotools.data.postgis;

import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.geotools.data.DefaultQuery;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.ConnectionPool;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.JDBCDataStoreConfig;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.MockConnectionPoolDataSource;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.fidmapper.BasicFIDMapper;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.fidmapper.FIDMapper;
import org.geotools.data.jdbc.fidmapper.MultiColumnFIDMapper;
import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder;
import org.geotools.feature.FeatureType;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleTypeBuilder;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleTypeFactoryImpl;
import org.opengis.filter.And;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2;
import org.opengis.filter.Id;
import org.opengis.filter.Not;
import org.opengis.filter.Or;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsBetween;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLike;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNull;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Add;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Divide;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Multiply;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Subtract;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Beyond;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Crosses;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.DWithin;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Disjoint;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Equals;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Intersects;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Overlaps;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Touches;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Within;

import com.mockrunner.mock.jdbc.MockConnection;
import com.mockrunner.mock.jdbc.MockResultSet;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;

public class PostgisSQLEncoderTest extends TestCase {

     * Factory for creating filters
    FilterFactory2 ff;
     * The data store
    PostgisDataStore dataStore;
     * The dsql encoder
    PostgisSQLEncoder encoder;
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        //create the factory used to create filters / expressions
        ff = (FilterFactory2) CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory( null );
        //build a feature type
        SimpleTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleTypeBuilder( new SimpleTypeFactoryImpl() );
        builder.setName( "test" );
        builder.setNamespaceURI( "http://www.geotools.org/test" );
        //builder.setCRS( CRS.decode( "EPSG:4326" ) );
        builder.attribute( "intProperty", Integer.class );
        builder.attribute( "doubleProperty", Double.class );
        builder.attribute( "stringProperty", String.class );
        builder.attribute( "pointProperty", Point.class );
        FeatureType type = builder.feature();
        //create teh datastore
        MockConnection connection = new MockConnection();
        MockResultSet result = new MockResultSet("postgis_version");
        result.addColumn( "postgis_version" );
        result.addRow( new Object[]{ "1.1 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1" } );
            "SELECT postgis_version();", result
        MockConnectionPoolDataSource cpds =
            new MockConnectionPoolDataSource( connection );
        ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool( cpds );
        JDBCDataStoreConfig config =
            new JDBCDataStoreConfig( "http://www.geotools.org/test", "test", 0 );
        dataStore = new PostgisDataStore( pool, config , -1 );
        dataStore.setFIDMapper( "test", new BasicFIDMapper( "fid", 100 ) );
        //create teh encoder
        encoder = new PostgisSQLEncoder( type, dataStore, ff );
    public void testEncodePropertyNameSimple() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Object data = encoder.visit( name, null );
        assertEquals( "\"intProperty\"", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
        assertEquals( Integer.class, data );
    public void testEncodePropertyNameXpath1() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "//intProperty" );
        Object data = encoder.visit( name, null );
        assertEquals( "\"intProperty\"", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
        assertEquals( Integer.class, data );
    public void testEncodeLiteralInt1() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2 );
        encoder.visit( literal, Integer.class );
        assertEquals( "2", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralInt2() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2 );
        encoder.visit( literal, null );
        assertEquals( "2", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralDouble1() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2.5 );
        encoder.visit( literal, Double.class );
        assertEquals( "2.5", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralDouble2() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2.0 );
        encoder.visit( literal, null );
        assertEquals( "2.0", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralDouble3() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2.5 );
        encoder.visit( literal, Double.class );
        assertEquals( "2.5", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralDouble4() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2 );
        encoder.visit( literal, null );
        assertEquals( "2", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralBoolean1() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( true );
        encoder.visit( literal, Boolean.class );
        assertEquals( "true", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralBoolean2() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( true );
        encoder.visit( literal, null );
        assertEquals( "true", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralBoolean3() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 1 );
        encoder.visit( literal, Boolean.class );
        assertEquals( "true", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralBoolean4() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 0 );
        encoder.visit( literal, Boolean.class );
        assertEquals( "false", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLiteralString() throws Exception {
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2 );
        encoder.visit( literal, String.class );
        assertEquals( "'2'", encoder.getSQL().toString() );

    public void testEncodePropertyIsEqualTo1() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal literal = ff.literal( "2" );
        PropertyIsEqualTo equalTo = ff.equals( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( equalTo, null );

        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeAnd1() throws Exception {
        Filter left = ff.equals(
            ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( "2" )
        Filter right = ff.equals(
            ff.property( "stringProperty" ), ff.literal( "hello" )
        And and = ff.and( left, right );
        encoder.visit( and, null );
            "( ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 ) ) AND ( ( \"stringProperty\" ) = ( 'hello' ) )", encoder.getSQL().toString()
    public void testEncodeAnd2() throws Exception {
        Filter single = ff.equals(
            ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( "2" )
        List children = new ArrayList();
        children.add( single );
        And and = ff.and( children );
        encoder.visit( and, null );
        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeOr() throws Exception {
        Filter left = ff.equals(
            ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( "2" )
        Filter right = ff.equals(
            ff.property( "stringProperty" ), ff.literal( "hello" )
        Or r = ff.or( left, right );
        encoder.visit( or, null );
            "( ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 ) ) OR ( ( \"stringProperty\" ) = ( 'hello' ) )", encoder.getSQL().toString()
    public void testEncodeId1() throws Exception {
        HashSet fids
            = new HashSet( Arrays.asList( new Object[] { ff.featureId( "fid" ) } ) );
        Id id = ff.id( fids );
        encoder.visit( id , null);
        assertEquals( "( \"fid\" ) = ( 'fid' )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeId2() throws Exception {
        //set a multi fid mapper
        FIDMapper mapper =  new MultiColumnFIDMapper(
            "public", "test", new String[]{"fid1","fid2"},new int[]{Types.VARCHAR,Types.INTEGER},
            new int[]{ 100, 100 }, new int[]{0,0}, new boolean[]{false,false}
        dataStore.setFIDMapper( "test", mapper );
        HashSet fids
        = new HashSet( Arrays.asList( new Object[] { ff.featureId( "fid&2" ) } ) );
        Id id = ff.id( fids );
        encoder.visit( id , null);
        assertEquals( "( ( \"fid1\" ) = ( 'fid' ) ) AND ( ( \"fid2\" ) = ( 2 ) )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeNot() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal literal = ff.literal( "2" );
        PropertyIsEqualTo equalTo = ff.equals( name, literal );
        Not not = ff.not( equalTo );
        encoder.visit( not, null );

        assertEquals( "NOT ( ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 ) )" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeBetween1() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal lower = ff.literal( "1" );
        Literal upper = ff.literal( "2" );
        PropertyIsBetween between = ff.between( name, lower, upper );
        encoder.visit( between, null );

        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) BETWEEN ( 1 ) AND ( 2 )" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeBetween2() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "stringProperty" );
        Literal lower = ff.literal( "1" );
        Literal upper = ff.literal( "2" );
        PropertyIsBetween between = ff.between( name, lower, upper );
        encoder.visit( between, null );

        assertEquals( "( \"stringProperty\" ) BETWEEN ( '1' ) AND ( '2' )" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLike1() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "stringProperty" );
        PropertyIsLike like = ff.like( name, "h?el*lo"  );
        encoder.visit( like, null );

        assertEquals( "\"stringProperty\" LIKE 'h_el%lo'" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLike2() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "stringProperty" );
        PropertyIsLike like = ff.like( name, "h\\?el*lo");
        encoder.visit( like, null );

        assertEquals( "\"stringProperty\" LIKE 'h?el%lo'" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeLike3() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "stringProperty" );
        PropertyIsLike like = ff.like( name, "hSelMlo", "M","S", "E");
        encoder.visit( like, null );

        assertEquals( "\"stringProperty\" LIKE 'h_el%lo'" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeNull() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "stringProperty" );
        PropertyIsNull isNull = ff.isNull( name );
        encoder.visit( isNull, null );

        assertEquals( "\"stringProperty\" IS NULL" , encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeBBOX1() throws Exception {
        BBOX bbox = ff.bbox( "pointProperty", 0, 0, 1, 1, "EPSG:4326" );
        encoder.visit( bbox, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0))', 4326 )",
    public void testEncodeBBOX2() throws Exception {
        BBOX bbox = ff.bbox( "pointProperty", 0, 0, 1, 1, null );
        encoder.visit( bbox, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POLYGON ((0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0))', 0 )",
    public void testEncodeIntersects() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Intersects intersects = ff.intersects( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( intersects, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) AND intersects( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeBeyond() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Beyond beyond = ff.beyond( name, literal, 10, null );
        encoder.visit( beyond, null );
            "distance( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) ) > 10.0",
    public void testEncodeDWithin() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        DWithin dwithin = ff.dwithin( name, literal, 10, null );
        encoder.visit( dwithin, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND distance( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) ) <= 10.0",
    public void testEncodeCrosses() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Crosses crosses = ff.crosses( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( crosses, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND crosses( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeDisjoint() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Disjoint disjoint = ff.disjoint( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( disjoint, null );
            "disjoint( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeEquals() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Equals equals = ff.equal( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( equals, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND equals( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeOverlaps() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Overlaps verlaps = ff.overlaps( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( overlaps, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND overlaps( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeTouches() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Touches touches = ff.touches( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( touches, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND touches( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeWithin() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "pointProperty" );
        Literal literal =
            ff.literal( new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) );
        Within within = ff.within( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( within, null );
            "\"pointProperty\" && GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) " +
            "AND within( ( \"pointProperty\" ) , ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ) ) )",
    public void testEncodeAdd1() throws Exception {
        Literal l1 = ff.literal( 1 );
        Literal l2 = ff.literal( 2 );
        Add add = ff.add( l1, l2 );
        encoder.visit( add, null );
        assertEquals( "( 1 ) + ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeAdd2() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal literal = ff.literal( 2 );
        Add add = ff.add( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( add, null );
        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) + ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeAdd3() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal literal = ff.literal( "2" );
        Add add = ff.add( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( add, null );
        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) + ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeAdd4() throws Exception {
        Literal l1 = ff.literal( 1 );
        Literal l2 = ff.literal( 2 );
        Literal l3 = ff.literal( 3 );
        Add add1 = ff.add( l1, l2 );
        Add add2 = ff.add( add1, l3 );
        encoder.visit( add2, null );
        assertEquals( "( ( 1 ) + ( 2 ) ) + ( 3 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeAdd5() throws Exception {
        PropertyName name = ff.property( "intProperty" );
        Literal literal = ff.literal( "2.5" );
        Add add = ff.add( name, literal );
        encoder.visit( add, null );
        assertEquals( "( \"intProperty\" ) + ( 2.5 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeSubtract() throws Exception {
        Literal l1 = ff.literal( 1 );
        Literal l2 = ff.literal( 2 );
        Subtract sub = ff.subtract( l1, l2 );
        encoder.visit( sub, null );
        assertEquals( "( 1 ) - ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeDivide() throws Exception {
        Literal l1 = ff.literal( 1 );
        Literal l2 = ff.literal( 2 );
        Divide div = ff.divide( l1, l2 );
        encoder.visit( div, null );
        assertEquals( "( 1 ) / ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeMultiply() throws Exception {
        Literal l1 = ff.literal( 1 );
        Literal l2 = ff.literal( 2 );
        Multiply mul = ff.multiply( l1, l2 );
        encoder.visit( mul, null );
        assertEquals( "( 1 ) * ( 2 )", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeIncludeFilter() throws Exception {
        encoder.visit( Filter.INCLUDE, null );
        assertEquals( "1 = 1", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testEncodeExcludeFilter() throws Exception {
        encoder.visit( Filter.EXCLUDE, null );
        assertEquals( "1 = 0", encoder.getSQL().toString() );
    public void testSelect() throws Exception {
        Filter filter = ff.and(
                ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.add( ff.literal( 1 ), ff.literal( 2 ) )
                ff.property( "doubleProperty"),
                ff.subtract( ff.property( "intProperty"), ff.literal( 5 ) )
        DefaultQuery query =
            new DefaultQuery( "test", filter, new String[]{ "pointProperty","stringProperty" } );
        String sql = encoder.select( query );
            "SELECT astext( force_2d( \"pointProperty\" ) ), \"stringProperty\" " +
            "FROM \"test\".\"test\" " +
            "WHERE ( ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( ( 1 ) + ( 2 ) ) ) " +
            "AND ( ( \"doubleProperty\" ) < ( ( \"intProperty\" ) - ( 5 ) ) )", sql   
    public void testSelectWithWKB() throws Exception {
        Filter filter = ff.equals( ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( 2 ) );
        DefaultQuery query =
            new DefaultQuery( "test", filter, new String[]{ "pointProperty","stringProperty" } );
        encoder.setUsingWKB( true );
        String sql = encoder.select( query );
            "SELECT asbinary( force_2d( \"pointProperty\" ), 'XDR' ), \"stringProperty\" " +
            "FROM \"test\".\"test\" " +
            "WHERE ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )", sql
    public void testSelectWithWKBAndByteA() throws Exception {
        Filter filter = ff.equals( ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( 2 ) );
        DefaultQuery query =
            new DefaultQuery( "test", filter, new String[]{ "pointProperty","stringProperty" } );
        encoder.setUsingWKB( true );
        encoder.setUsingByteA( true );
        String sql = encoder.select( query );
            "SELECT encode( asbinary( force_2d( \"pointProperty\" ), 'XDR' ), 'base64' ), \"stringProperty\" " +
            "FROM \"test\".\"test\" " +
            "WHERE ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )", sql
    public void testDelete() throws Exception {
        Filter filter = ff.equals( ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( 2 ) );
        String sql = encoder.delete( filter );
        assertEquals( "DELETE FROM \"test\".\"test\" WHERE ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )", sql );
    public void testUpdate() throws Exception {
        String[] names = new String[]{ "pointProperty", "intProperty", "stringProperty" };
        Object[] values = new Object[] {
            new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) , new Integer( 2 ), "foo"
        Filter filter = ff.equals( ff.property( "intProperty" ), ff.literal( 2 ) );
        DefaultQuery query = new DefaultQuery( "test", filter, names );
        String sql = encoder.update( query, values );
            "UPDATE \"test\".\"test\" " +
            "SET \"pointProperty\" = GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ), " +
            "\"intProperty\" = 2, \"stringProperty\" = 'foo' " +
            "WHERE ( \"intProperty\" ) = ( 2 )", sql
    public void testInsert() throws Exception {
        String[] names = new String[]{ "pointProperty", "intProperty", "stringProperty" };
        Object[] values = new Object[] {
            new GeometryFactory().createPoint( new Coordinate( 0, 0 ) ) , new Integer( 2 ), "foo"
        String sql = encoder.insert( names, values );
            "INSERT INTO \"test\".\"test\" ( \"pointProperty\", \"intProperty\", \"stringProperty\" ) " +
            "VALUES ( GeometryFromText( 'POINT (0 0)', 0 ), 2, 'foo' )", sql




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