SUN常用的诊断命令和工具(简介) [zt]

adb Analyze dumps and a running system.
AnswerBook Display online reference manuals in areas of hardware, user,
system administration, and other
arch Display architecture and kernel architecture information.
arp Display the Address Resolution Protocol tables
aset Use the Automated Security Enhancement Tool
catman -w Create the /usr/share/man/windex database for use with
index function available through the apropos command
crash Analyze crash dumps
devlinks Create symbolic links in /dev using information in /devices
df -k Display disk space usage in Kbytes, including free space
dfmounts Display remote file system mount information
dfshares Display shared file system information
diffCompare file contents
dmesg Analyze recent log messages
disks Create symbolic links in /dev/dsk and /dev/rdsk
drvconfig Configure the devices directory and the device information tree
eeprom Analyze and change programmable read-only memory (PROM) settings
file Determine a file’s type
find Search for specific files in the file system structure
format Analyze or modify disk partition information
fsck Check UFS file systems for inconsistencies
fsdb Use file system debugger (see fsdb_ufs in man page s)
fstyp Display extensive file system parameters for a specified file system
groups Display group definitions for a given user
grpck Check the /etc/group file for syntax errors or
ifconfig Analyze the status of network interfaces
infocmp Compare tic formatted files
iostat Analyze I/O performance issues
kadb Trap kernel and low-level faults
last Display history of system login information
ls Analyze file properties
ndd Get and set named device driver parameters
netstat (-i, -r) Analyze network tuning information, including active routes.
newfs Create and examine file system parameters
nfsstat Analyze NFSTM performance information
nm Display symbol table information for (unstripped) executables (in /usr/ccs/bin)
pagesize Print the size of a memory page in bytes
perfmeter Provide a graphic display of performance metrics
ping Contact network hosts by sending Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) request and reply datagrams
pkgchk Check file integrity and accuracy of installation
prtdiag (on sun4u and sun4d)
Display system configuration and diagnostic information
(kept in /usr/platform/‘uname -m‘/sbin)
prtconf -v Get system device information from POST probe
prtconf -vp Display PROM version (OBP)
ps List properties of running processes (/bin/ps, /usr/ucb/ps)
pwck Check the /etc/passwd file for errors and inconsistencies
route Add, remove, and display kernel route table information
rpcinfo Display information about Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services
A running system Compare symptoms and results between functioning and faulting systems
sar Analyze system performance information (must be initialized in /etc/init.d/perf)
shells Use -x and -v options to provide debugging information
showrev -p List currently installed patches; patchadd -p in Solaris 2.6 and above
snoop Display and analyze network traffic
strings Search object and binary files for ASCII strings
SunSolve database List bug, patch, release, and general technical information for hardware and software
sysdef Analyze device and software configuration information
swap Add, delete, and monitor system swap areas
sum Calculate and print a checksum value for a named file
SyMON? Use system monitor utility package with interfaces to the
diagnostics package, SUNvts
sys_unconfig Enable you to change information entered during sysidtool
phase of installation
tail -f Leave file open for reading and display what is there
tapes Create logical links to device special files in /devices for tapes
tic Terminfo compiler; translate a terminfo file from the sourceformat into the compiled format
timex List runtime and system activity information during command execution
traceroute Show the routes followed by packets transferred in a subnetted environment
truss Trace system calls issued and used by a program or command
tunefs Modify file system parameters that affect layout policies /usr/proc/bin/* Use utilities that exercise the functions of the /proc file system
uname Print platform, architecture, operating system, and system node information
vmstat Analyze memory performance statistics
who am i Display the effective current user name, terminal line and login time




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