RTP Payload Type 列表

Registries included below:
- RTP Payload Types - Closed see [RFC3551], Section 3
- RTP Payload Format media types
- RTP RTCP Control Packet Types
- RTP SDES Item Types
- RTP Profile Names
- FMT Values for RTPFB Payload Types
- FMT Values for PSFB Payload Types
- RTP Compact Header Extensions

Registry Name: RTP Payload types (PT) for standard audio and video encodings - Closed
Reference: [RFC3551]
Registration Procedures: Registry closed; see [RFC3551], Section 3

The RFC "RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control" [RFC3551] specifies an initial set "payload types".  This list maintains and extends that list.

PT      encoding name    audio/video (A/V)  clock rate (Hz)  channels (audio)  Reference
------  -----------------------  -----------------------  -------------------  -----------------------  ---------------
0         PCMU                     A                              8000                  1                              [RFC3551]
1         Reserved  
2         Reserved
3         GSM                        A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
4         G723                       A                  8000             1                 [Kumar]
5         DVI4                        A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
6         DVI4                        A                  16000            1                 [RFC3551]
7         LPC                         A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
8         PCMA                      A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
9         G722                       A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
10        L16                         A                  44100            2                 [RFC3551]
11        L16                         A                  44100            1                 [RFC3551]
12        QCELP                  A                  8000             1                
13        CN                         A                  8000             1                 [RFC3389]
14        MPA                       A                  90000                              [RFC3551][RFC2250]
15        G728                    A                  8000             1                 [RFC3551]
16        DVI4                     A                  11025            1                 [DiPol]
17        DVI4            A                  22050            1                 [DiPol]
18        G729            A                  8000             1
19        Reserved        A
20        Unassigned      A
21        Unassigned      A
22        Unassigned      A
23        Unassigned      A
24        Unassigned      V
25        CelB            V                  90000                              [RFC2029]
26        JPEG            V                  90000                              [RFC2435]
27        Unassigned      V
28        nv              V                  90000                              [RFC3551]
29        Unassigned      V
30        Unassigned      V
31        H261            V                  90000                              [RFC2032]
32        MPV             V                  90000                              [RFC2250]
33        MP2T            AV                 90000                              [RFC2250]
34        H263            V                  90000                              [Zhu]
35-71     Unassigned      ?
72-76     Reserved for RTCP conflict avoidance                                  [RFC3551]
77-95     Unassigned      ?
96-127    dynamic         ?                                                     [RFC3551]

Registry Name: RTP Payload Format media types
Reference: [RFC4855]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action Process or expert approval

In addition to the RTP payload formats (encodings) listed in the RTP Payload Types table, there are additional payload formats that do not have static RTP payload types assigned but instead use dynamic payload type number assignment. Each payload format is named by a registered media subtype as listed in the following table. As new payload formats are specified, their registered media subtypes should be added to this table. In addition, for the payload formats listed in the RTP Payload Types table above, the "encoding name" is also registered as a media subtype under the media type "audio" or "video". The clock rate and number of channels shown here are the normal values for those payload formats that have a normal value.

Registration procedures and a registration template can be found in[RFC4855]

media type    subtype           clock rate (Hz)  channels (audio)  Reference
------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------  ---------
application   parityfec                                            [RFC3009]
application   rtx                                                  [RFC4588]
audio         AMR               8000                               [RFC4867][RFC3267]
audio         AMR-WB            16000                              [RFC4867][RFC3267]
audio         DAT12                                                [RFC3190]
audio         dsr-es201108                                         [RFC3557]
audio         EVRC              8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRC0             8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRC1             8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRCB             8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRCB0            8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRCB1            8000             1                 [RFC4788]
audio         EVRCWB                                               [RFC5188]
audio         EVRCWB0                                              [RFC5188]
audio         EVRCWB1                                              [RFC5188]
audio         G7221             16000            1                 [RFC3047]
audio         G726-16           8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         G726-24           8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         G726-32           8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         G726-40           8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         G729D             8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         G729E             8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         GSM-EFR           8000             1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         L8                                                   [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         RED                                                  [RFC2198][RFC3555]
audio         rtx                                                  [RFC4588]
audio         VDVI                               1                 [RFC3551][RFC4856]
audio         L20                                                  [RFC3190]
audio         L24                                                  [RFC3190]
audio         MP4A-LATM                                            [RFC3016]
audio         mpa-robust        90000                              [RFC3119]
audio         parityfec                                            [RFC3009]
audio         SMV               8000             1                 [RFC3558]
audio         SMV0              8000             1                 [RFC3558]
audio         t140c                                                [RFC4351]
audio         t38                                                  [RFC4612]
audio         telephone-event                                      [RFC4733]
audio         tone                                                 [RFC4733]
audio         DVI4                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         G722                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         G723                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         G728                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         G729                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         GSM                                                  [RFC4856]
audio         L16                                                  [RFC4856]
audio         LPC                                                  [RFC4856]
audio         PCMA                                                 [RFC4856]
audio         PCMU                                                 [RFC4856]
text          parityfec                                            [RFC3009]
text          red               1000                               [RFC4102]
text          rtx                                                  [RFC4588]
text          t140              1000                               [RFC4103]
video         BMPEG             90000                              [RFC2343][RFC3555]
video         BT656             90000                              [RFC2431][RFC3555]
video         DV                90000                              [RFC3189]
video         H263-1998         90000                              [RFC4629]
video         H263-2000         90000                              [RFC4629]
video         MP1S              90000                              [RFC2250][RFC3555]
video         MP2P              90000                              [RFC2250][RFC3555]
video         MP4V-ES           90000                              [RFC3016]
video         parityfec                                            [RFC3009]
video         pointer           90000                              [RFC2862]
video         raw               90000                              [RFC4175]
video         rtx                                                  [RFC4588]
video         SMPTE292M                                            [RFC3497]
video         vc1               90000                              [RFC4425]

Registry Name: RTCP Control Packet types (PT)
Reference: [RFC-ietf-avt-rtp-and-rtcp-mux-07.txt]
Range      Registration Procedures                    Notes
---------  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------
1-191      Specification required or expert review  
194-199    Specification required or expert review    If 200-223 is fully occupied  
200-223    Specification required or expert review    Primary Assignments range
224-254    Specification required or expert review  

The RFC "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications"
[RFC3550] specifies an initial set of "control packet types" for
RTCP.  This list maintains and extends that list.
Value     Abbrev.    Name                                     Reference
--------  ---------  ---------------------------------------  ---------
0                    Reserved                 
1-191                Unassigned                
192       FIR        full INTRA-frame request                 [RFC2032]
193       NACK       negative acknowledgement                 [RFC2032]
194       SMPTETC    SMPTE time-code mapping                  [RFC5484]
195       IJ         Extended inter-arrival jitter report     [RFC5450]
196-199              Unassigned                  
200       SR         sender report                            [RFC3550]
201       RR         receiver report                          [RFC3550]
202       SDES       source description                       [RFC3550]
203       BYE        goodbye                                  [RFC3550]
204       APP        application-defined                      [RFC3550]
205       RTPFB      Generic RTP Feedback                     [RFC4585]
206       PSFB       Payload-specific                         [RFC4585]
207       XR         extended report                          [RFC3611]
208       AVB        AVB RTCP packet                          [IEEE1733]
209-254              Unassigned                      
255                  Reserved                  

Registry Name: RTP SDES item types
Reference: [RFC3550]
Registration Procedures: Not defined

The RFC "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications"
[RFC3550] specifies an initial set of "item types" for the RTCP
SDES control packet.  This list maintains and extends that list. 
Value     Abbrev.      Name                                Reference
--------  -----------  ----------------------------------  ---------
0         END          end of SDES list                    [RFC3550]
1         CNAME        canonical name                      [RFC3550]
2         NAME         user name                           [RFC3550]
3         EMAIL        user's electronic mail address      [RFC3550]
4         PHONE        user's phone number                 [RFC3550]
5         LOC          geographic user location            [RFC3550]
6         TOOL         name of application or tool         [RFC3550]
7         NOTE         notice about the source             [RFC3550]
8         PRIV         private extensions                  [RFC3550]
9         H323-CADDR   H.323 callable address              [Kumar]
10-255                 Unassigned

Registry Name: RTP Profile Names
Reference: [RFC3550]
Registration Procedures: Standards Action Process or expert approval

Profile Name                 Reference
---------------------------  ---------
RTP/AVP                      [RFC3550]
RTP/SAVP                     [RFC3711]
RTP/AVPF                     [RFC4585]

Registry Name: FMT Values for RTPFB Payload Types
Reference: [RFC4585]
Registration Procedures: Specification Required
Value     Name           Long Name                                              Reference
--------  -------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------
1         Generic NACK   Generic negative acknowledgement                       [RFC4585]
2                        Reserved                                               [RFC5104]
3         TMMBR          Temporary Maximum Media Stream Bit Rate Request        [RFC5104]
4         TMMBN          Temporary Maximum Media Stream Bit Rate Notification   [RFC5104]
5-30                     Unassigned 
31        Extension      Reserved for future extensions                         [RFC4585]

Registry Name: FMT Values for PSFB Payload Types
Reference: [RFC4585]
Registration Procedures: Specification Required

Value     Name           Long Name                                   Reference
--------  -------------  ------------------------------------------  ---------
1         PLI            Picture Loss Indication                     [RFC4585]
2         SLI            Slice Loss Indication                       [RFC4585]
3         RPSI           Reference Picture Selection Indication      [RFC4585]
4         FIR            Full Intra Request Command                  [RFC5104]
5         TSTR           Temporal-Spatial Trade-off Request          [RFC5104]
6         TSTN           Temporal-Spatial Trade-off Notification     [RFC5104]
7         VBCM           Video Back Channel Message                  [RFC5104]
8-14                     Unassigned
15        AFB            Application Layer Feedback                  [RFC4585]
16-30                    Unassigned
31        Extension      Reserved for future extensions              [RFC4585]

Registry Name: RTP Compact Header Extensions
Reference: [RFC5285]
Registration Procedure: Expert Review
For extensions defined in RFCs, the URI is recommended to be of the form urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:, and the formal reference is the RFC number of the RFC documenting the extension.

Extension URI                        Description                   Contact             Reference
-----------------------------------  ----------------------------  ------------------  ----------
urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset   Transmission Time offsets     singer&apple.com    [RFC5450]
urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:smpte-tc  SMPTE time-code mapping       singer&apple.com    [RFC5484]
[IEEE1733] "Standard for Layer 3 Transport Protocol for Time Sensitive Applications in Local Area Networks." Work in progress.http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1733
[RFC2029]  Speer, M., and D. Hoffman, "RTP Payload Format of Sun's CellB Video Encoding", RFC 2029, Sun Microsystems, October 1996.
[RFC2032]  Turletti, T., and C. Huitema, " RTP Payload Format for H.261 Video Streams", RFC 2032, MIT, Bellcore, October 1996.
[RFC2198]  C. Perkins, I. Kouvelas, O. Hodson, V. Hardman, M. Handley,J.C. Bolot, A. Vega-Garcia, and S. Fosse-Parisis, "RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data", RFC 2198, September 1997.

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