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转载 精彩控件(5)-Another Month Calendar

 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/selection/MonthCalendar.aspxDownload source files (VS 2003) - 81.4 Kb Download demo (.NET 1.1) - 66.8 Kb Download source files (VS 2005) - 84.3 Kb Download dem

2008-12-18 13:32:00 2105

原创 精彩控件源码(4)--Office 2003 Color Picker

 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/selection/office2003colorpicker.aspxDownload demo project - 103.1 Kb Download source - 26.5 Kb IntroductionWhile working on a project with an Office 2003 loo

2008-12-18 13:30:00 1171

原创 精彩控件件源码(3)-ImageListPopup, a C# class which pops up a window to select an image from an image list

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/selection/imagelistpopup.aspx Download demo project - 49 Kb IntroductionThe ImageListPopup is a quite easy to use Class that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Fo

2008-12-18 13:28:00 1220

转载 精彩控件源码(2)-Farsi Library - Working with Dates, Calendars, and DatePickers

 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/selection/FarsiLibrary.aspxDownload DLLs - 122.5 KB Download source code - 252.8 KB Download demo - 127.7 KB Download documentation - 213.1 KB Introduction

2008-12-18 13:27:00 1555

转载 精彩控件源码--An Outlook Bar Implementation

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/selection/csoutlookbar.aspx?target=button%7cbar Download source files - 33 Kb Table Of Contents Introduction Minimum Requirements Requirements: What

2008-12-18 13:19:00 1009

转载 PDF文件制作示例代码


2008-11-20 14:02:00 1051

转载 用C#制作PDF文件全攻略

 用C#制作PDF文件全攻略丽水市汽车运输集团有限公司信息中心 苟安廷目  录前    言... 3第一部分 iText的简单应用... 4第一章 创建一个Document 4第一步 创建一个Document实例:... 5第二步 创建Writer实例... 6第三步 打开Document 6第四步 添加内容... 10第五步,关闭 document

2008-11-20 14:00:00 5607 1

转载 设计模式(22)-Strategy Pattern

 --------------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/82017.html一、 策略(Strategy)模式策略模式的用意是针对一组算法,将每一个算法封装到具有共同接口的独立的类中,从而使得它们可以相互替换。策略模式使得算法可以在不影响到客户端的情况下发生变化。假设现在要设计一个贩卖各类书籍的电子商务网站的购物车(Shoppin

2008-10-10 09:18:00 521

转载 设计模式(21)-Template Method Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/79894.html一、 模板方法(Template Method)模式准备一个抽象类,将部分逻辑以具体方法以及具体构造子的形式实现,然后声明一些抽象方法来迫使子类实现剩余的逻辑。不同的子类可以以不同的方式实现这些抽象方法,从而对剩余的逻辑有不同的实现。这就是模版方法模式的用意。很

2008-10-10 09:17:00 503

转载 设计模式(20)-Visitor Pattern

 ----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/79719.html一、 访问者(Visitor)模式访问者模式的目的是封装一些施加于某种数据结构元素之上的操作。一旦这些操作需要修改的话,接受这个操作的数据结构则可以保持不变。问题提出System.Collection命名空间下提供了大量集合操作对象。但大多数情况下处理的都

2008-10-10 09:16:00 463

转载 设计模式(19)-Observer Pattern

 ------------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/73723.html一、 观察者(Observer)模式观察者模式又叫做发布-订阅(Publish/Subscribe)模式、模型-视图(Model/View)模式、源-监听器(Source/Listener)模式或从属者(Dependents)模式。观察者模式定义了一种一对

2008-10-10 09:15:00 476

转载 设计模式(18)-Command Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/69858.html一、 命令(Command)模式命令(Command)模式属于对象的行为模式【GOF95】。命令模式又称为行动(Action)模式或交易(Transaction)模式。命令模式把一个请求或者操作封装到一个对象中。命令模式允许系统使用不同的请求把客户端参数化,对请

2008-10-10 09:14:00 433

转载 设计模式(17)-Chain of Responsibility Pattern

 ----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/65850.html行为模式(Behavioral Pattern)是对在不同的对象之间划分责任和算法的抽象化。行为模式不仅仅是关于类和对象的,而且是关于它们之间的相互作用的。行为模式分为类的行为模式和对象的行为模式两种。类的行为模式:类的行为模式使用继承关系在几个类之问分配行为

2008-10-10 09:13:00 428

转载 设计模式(16)-Bridge Pattern

 ------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/62720.html一、 桥梁(Bridge)模式桥梁模式是一个非常有用的模式,也是比较复杂的一个模式。熟悉这个模式对于理解面向对象的设计原则,包括"开-闭"原则(OCP)以及组合/聚合复用原则(CARP)都很有帮助。理解好这两个原则,有助于形成正确的设计思想和培养良好的设计风格。注:《Ja

2008-10-10 09:12:00 577

转载 设计模式(15)-Facade Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/55992.html一、 门面(Facade)模式外部与一个子系统的通信必须通过一个统一的门面(Facade)对象进行,这就是门面模式。医院的例子用一个例子进行说明,如果把医院作为一个子系统,按照部门职能,这个系统可以划分为挂号、门诊、划价、化验、收费、取药等。看病的病人要

2008-10-10 09:11:00 439

转载 设计模式(14)-Flyweight Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/55793.html一、 享元(Flyweight)模式Flyweight在拳击比赛中指最轻量级,即"蝇量级",有些作者翻译为"羽量级"。这里使用"享元模式"更能反映模式的用意。享元模式以共享的方式高效地支持大量的细粒度对象。享元对象能做到共享的关键是区分内蕴状态(Internal

2008-10-10 09:09:00 416

原创 C#设计模式(13)-Proxy Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/48128.html一、 代理(Proxy)模式代理(Proxy)模式给某一个对象提供一个代理,并由代理对象控制对原对象的引用。代理模式的英文叫做Proxy或Surrogate,中文都可译成"代理"。所谓代理,就是一个人或者一个机构代表另一个人或者另一个机构采取行动。在一些情况下,

2008-10-10 09:08:00 427

原创 C#设计模式(12)-Decorator Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/46735.html一、 装饰(Decorator)模式装饰(Decorator)模式又名包装(Wrapper)模式[GOF95]。装饰模式以对客户端透明的方式扩展对象的功能,是继承关系的一个替代方案。引言孙悟空有七十二般变化,他的每一种变化都给他带来一种附加的本领。他变成鱼儿

2008-10-10 09:07:00 429

转载 C#设计模式(11)-Composite Pattern

 ----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/41829.html一、 合成(Composite)模式合成模式有时又叫做部分-整体模式(Part-Whole)。合成模式将对象组织到树结构中,可以用来描述整体与部分的关系。合成模式可以使客户端将单纯元素与复合元素同等看待。从和尚的故事谈起这是小时候我奶奶讲的故事:从前有个山,山

2008-10-10 09:05:00 425

原创 C#设计模式(10)-Adapter Pattern

 ------------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/39386.html结构模式(Structural Pattern)描述如何将类或者对象结合在一起形成更大的结构。结构模式描述两种不同的东西:类与类的实例。根据这一点,结构模式可以分为类的结构模式和对象的结构模式。后续内容将包括以下结构模式:适配器模式(Adapter):Ma

2008-10-10 09:04:00 437

原创 C#设计模式(9)-Prototype Pattern

 -------------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/39257.html一、 原型(Prototype)模式原型模式的用意是:通过给出一个原型对象来指明所要创建的对象类型,然后用复制这个原型对象的办法创建出更多的同类型对象。从孙大圣的手段谈起孙悟空在与黄风怪的战斗中,"使一个身外身的手段:把毫毛揪下一把,用口嚼得粉碎,望

2008-10-10 09:03:00 393

转载 C#设计模式(8)-Builder Pattern

 ------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/37378.html一、 建造者(Builder)模式建造者模式可以将一个产品的内部表象与产品的生成过程分割开来,从而可以使一个建造过程生成具有不同的内部表象的产品对象。对象性质的建造有些情况下,一个对象会有一些重要的性质,在它们没有恰当的值之前,对象不能作为一个完整的产品使用。比如

2008-10-10 09:02:00 414

原创 C#设计模式(7)-Singleton Pattern

 ----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/37246.html一、 单例(Singleton)模式单例模式的特点:单例类只能有一个实例。 单例类必须自己创建自己的唯一实例。 单例类必须给所有其它对象提供这一实例。单例模式应用:每台计算机可以有若干个打印机,但只能有一个Printer Spooler

2008-10-10 09:00:00 391

转载 C#设计模式(6)-Abstract Factory Pattern

 --------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36885.html一、 抽象工厂(Abstract Factory)模式抽象工厂模式是所有形态的工厂模式中最为抽象和最具一般性的一种形态。为了方便引进抽象工厂模式,引进一个新概念:产品族(Product Family)。所谓产品族,是指位于不同产品等级结构,功能相关联的产品组成的家

2008-10-10 08:59:00 376

原创 C#设计模式(5)-Factory Method Pattern

 ------------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36590.html一、 工厂方法(Factory Method)模式工厂方法(FactoryMethod)模式是类的创建模式,其用意是定义一个创建产品对象的工厂接口,将实际创建工作推迟到子类中。工厂方法模式是简单工厂模式的进一步抽象和推广。由于使用了多态性,工厂方法模式保持

2008-10-10 08:44:00 344

转载 C#设计模式(4)-Simple Factory Pattern

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36462.html工厂模式专门负责将大量有共同接口的类实例化。工厂模式可以动态决定将哪一个类实例化,不必事先知道每次要实例化哪一个类。工厂模式有以下几种形态:简单工厂(Simple Factory)模式 工厂方法(Factory Method)模式 抽象工厂(Abstra

2008-10-10 08:43:00 387

转载 C#设计模式(3)

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36068.html三、 依赖倒置原则(DIP) 依赖倒置(Dependence Inversion Principle)原则讲的是:要依赖于抽象,不要依赖于具体。简单的说,依赖倒置原则要求客户端依赖于抽象耦合。原则表述:抽象不应当依赖于细节;细节应当依赖于抽象;要针对接口编程

2008-10-10 08:39:00 379

转载 C#设计模式(2)

 --------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36061.html《人月神话》焦油坑、没有银弹* 软件腐化的原因:问题所在   设计目标----------------------------------------------------------------------------过于僵硬   可扩展性(新性能可以很容易加入系统)

2008-10-10 08:37:00 489

转载 C#设计模式(1)

 -----------http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/articles/36058.html这学期开设设计模式课程,将课件放上来。课本:《C#设计模式》,电子工业出版社,ISBN 7-5053-8979-3。33元含光盘。 课程内容:设计模式来源:亚历山大的建筑模式、Gamma等人(1995)创作的"Design Patterns: E

2008-10-10 08:36:00 505

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(七):在Silverlight 2.0中制作资源加载进度条

 ------------http://dotnet.aspx.cc/article/43a83bc8-48e1-4d7f-9479-ab231af61dfd/read.aspxSilverlight 2.0去掉了原来的downloader对象,代之以WebClient对象。WebClient类为Silverlight插件提供了一整套的HTTP客户端功能。可以下载应用程序数

2008-08-20 10:05:00 469

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(六):Silverlight托管代码调用Javascript中的JSON对象


2008-08-20 10:04:00 591

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(五):JavaScript与Silverlight托管代码相互调用


2008-08-20 10:03:00 501

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(四):Chiron.exe:Silverlight 2打包和动态语言部署工具

 -----------http://dotnet.aspx.cc/article/ad00a2a8-4b01-4be0-b244-5c1c980e3fda/read.aspxVS在编译时Silverlight 2的应用程序时,会先将cs等文件进行编译成dll,然后会调用Chiron.exe这个打包工具打包成.xap文件。也可以使用它进行动态语言无打包部署。Chiron.e

2008-08-20 10:02:00 429

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(三):Silverlight 2应用程序的部署

 ---------http://dotnet.aspx.cc/article/566efcdd-dd19-49bc-a06e-715f83fef976/read.aspx当开发完Silverlight 2的应用程序后,需要进行部署,比起以前版本的Silverlight,Silverlight 2应用程序的部署非常简单了。下面就是简单的部署过程:1,由于Silverli

2008-08-20 10:00:00 444

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(二):开发简单的Silverlight 2应用程序

 ----------http://dotnet.aspx.cc/article/8b5bf13b-27b3-4cc2-a3e1-d7c4a5cb5a76/read.aspx准备工作做好了之后,下面就可以开始进行Silverlight 2的应用程序的开发了。启动VS2008,“新建项目”,可以看到“项目类型”下面有“Silverlight”,选择“Silverlight”,在右边的模板里面

2008-08-20 09:59:00 425

转载 Silverlight 2学习教程(一):开发Silverlight 2应用程序的准备工作

 -------------http://dotnet.aspx.cc/article/f85b05e4-6f19-4953-bc4b-bc79bc729c57/read.aspxSilverLight是什么,这里不再进行介绍了,您可以到网络上进行搜索相关的介绍文章,或者访问《Silverlight 1.0 SDK 中文正式版》,地址是:(http://dotnet.aspx.

2008-08-20 09:58:00 528

转载 Silverlight教程第八部分:使用WPF创建一个Digg桌面应用

 ----------http://blog.joycode.com/scottgu/archive/2008/02/25/114901.aspx这是8个系列教程的第八部分,这系列示范如何使用Silverlight 2的Beta1版本建造一个简单的Digg客户端应用。这些教程旨在按顺序阅读,帮着解释Silverlight的一些核心编程概念。使用WPF创建一个Digg桌面应用这最后一个教

2008-08-18 16:55:00 498

转载 Silverlight教程第七部分: 使用控件模板定制控件的观感

 ----------http://blog.joycode.com/scottgu/archive/2008/02/29/114916.aspx这是8个系列教程的第七部分,这系列示范如何使用Silverlight 2的Beta1版本建造一个简单的Digg客户端应用。这些教程旨在按顺序阅读,帮着解释Silverlight的一些核心编程概念。如何定制控件的观感(Look and Feel)

2008-08-18 16:53:00 426

原创 Silverlight教程第六部分:使用用户控件实现主从表场景

 -----------http://blog.joycode.com/scottgu/archive/2008/02/29/114917.aspx这是8个系列教程的第六部分,这系列示范如何使用Silverlight 2的Beta1版本建造一个简单的Digg客户端应用。这些教程旨在按顺序阅读,帮着解释Silverlight的一些核心编程概念。理解用户控件Silverlight和WPF的

2008-08-18 16:51:00 356

转载 Silverlight 教程第五部分:用 ListBox 和 DataBinding 显示列表数据

 ----------http://blog.joycode.com/scottgu/archive/2008/02/29/114913.aspx这是8个系列教程的第5部分,这个系列示范如何使用 Silverlight 2 的 Beta1 版本来创建一个简单的 Digg 客户端应用。这些教程请依次阅读,将有助于您理解 Silverlight 的一些核心编程概念。用 ListBox 和 Da

2008-08-18 16:49:00 390

Scott Mitchell 的ASP.NET 2.0数据教程

Scott Mitchell 的ASP.NET 2.0数据教程!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Effective Software Test Automation

Introduction There are many books about software testing management. When they discuss software test automation, they introduce third-party testing tools. This book describes techniques for developing a fully automated software testing tool. You can use this tool to generate test scripts for continuous unit testing, integration testing, and regression testing. Software defects are common and cause economic losses from time to time. Today, software organizations invest more time and resources in analyzing and testing software as a unit rather than as independent entities. Software engineers have observed that writing testing code is as expensive and time consuming as developing the product itself. To ensure software quality, organizations encourage software developers and testers to achieve objectives such as these: Locating the source of defects faster and more precisely Detecting bugs earlier in the software development life cycle Removing more defects before the product is released Improved testing tools can reduce the cost of software development and increase the quality of software. An automated testing tool must have the following characteristics: Accurate functionality, reliability, interoperability, and compliance An interface that is user friendly and easy to learn and operate Enhanced fault tolerance and automatic error recoverability Efficient algorithm for time and resource management Stable and mature final products that can be maintained and upgraded Easy portability with regard to installation, uninstallation, adaptability, and security I have used many of the commercial software test tools. Their developers declare that they have the capability to conduct various types of software tests and meet the requirements of an organization. But they have limitations. For example, some of them require users to record a series of mouse clicks and keystrokes. Others require users to write test scripts in a specified script language or to generate a test script automatically to test only one function (member) of a software module. Furthermore, the test scripts produced by these tools and methods need to be edited and debugged before they can be executed to perform the desired tests. Automatic generation of the testing data is beyond the reach of these tools, and integration testing involves extensive manual stubbing and guesswork. Software test engineers would like to see a fully automated software test tool on the market, one that is capable of completing testing tasks from generating test scripts and composing the testing cases to presenting the results and fixing the bugs. But the tool vendors are not able to keep up with the complexity and technology advancements in today’s software projects. In addition, software products can include features that incorporate a company’s trade secrets, which the commercial testing tools won’t have the capability of testing. Engineers are often in the position of having to develop their own tools to cover the gaps. This book presents a way to develop and enhance a testing tool development with full automation. When I was trained to use commercial tools, the trainers from the manufacturers presented hundreds of testing features. Software test engineers do appreciate these features, and they are important in improving the quality of software. But the tedious and time-consuming processes of editing and debugging the generated test scripts sometimes prevent a thorough software test. Thus, software products are delivered to end users with costly errors. These costs are shared by virtually all businesses in the United States that depend on software for their development, production, distribution, and after-sales supports and services. To address these current inadequacies, this book will introduce an automated method to minimize the data editing steps, generate a test script to test the entire application, and free you from having to edit and debug the test script manually. The final product simply accepts an application under test and delivers the test results. Who This Book Is For Software engineers have long relied on the tools and infrastructures supplied by the current software testing tool vendors. Some engineers tell successful stories. But more engineers experience frustrations. The automation is not enough, the test is not efficient, and the test script generation and data composition methods need to be improved. One expert’s solution to software test automation is to develop testing tools instead of purchasing commercial tools developed with the current inadequate infrastructure. This book is written for people who are involved in software engineering and want to automate the software testing process for their organizations. With the methods introduced by this book, software engineers should gain a good understanding of the limited automation provided by the available testing tools and how to improve the current test infrastructure and conduct a fully automated software test. This book is for software engineers who want more effective ways to perform software tests. The automated test tool introduced in this book can serve as an independent software test tool as well as an adjunct to the commercial tools. I assume you are a moderately experienced software developer and a test engineer in the process of conducting software test for your organization. The explanations and examples in this book can be easily understood and followed by any intermediate- to advanced-level programmer interested in expanding their knowledge in both software development and software testing. Knowledge of the fundamentals of software testing is essential for software test engineers. Examining a combination of programming and testing issues leads to a solid solution to software test automation. This book’s content includes sound programming techniques with examples in C#. Then it gradually progresses to the development of a fully automated test tool. Although the sample code is in C# using the Microsoft Windows platform, the concept can be used with other languages and platforms. As economists have reported, software failures result in a substantial economic loss to the United States each year. Approximately half of the losses occur within the software manufacturing industry. If you are a senior managerial administrator of a software organization, you are most likely interested in an improved software test method. The other half of the loss comes out of the pockets of the software end users. If your business or institution consists of software end users, you probably maintain teams to support the software purchased from the contract vendors. Being aware of testing methods will assist you with efficient software application in your organization.


Effective GUI Test Automation

Introduction There are many books about software testing management. When they discuss software test automation, they introduce third-party testing tools. I have used many of the commercial software testing tools. Their developers declare that they have the capability to conduct various types of software tests and meet the requirements of an organization. But they have limitations. For example, many of GUI testing tools require users to record a series of mouse clicks and keystrokes. Others require users to write test scripts in a specified script language. Furthermore, the test scripts produced by these tools and methods need to be edited and debugged before they can be executed to perform the desired tests. This book presents ideas for automating graphical user interface (GUI) testing. The sample code in this book forms a foundation for a fully automated GUI testing tool. Using this tool, users don’t need to record, edit, and debug test scripts. Testers can spend their time creating testing cases and executing the testing.


Effective Methods for Software Testing

Review Aimed at the working test manager or test engineer, the second edition of William Perry’s Effective Methods for Software Testing is one of the most rigorous guides to software testing available. This book provides the latest in standards for measuring how good your organization’s commitment to software testing is and many ways to improve it. In all, with its numerous lists and practical step-by-step guide to testing, this book points the way toward more economical and effective software testing. This book’s major strength is its meticulous 11-step guide to all aspects of today’s software testing process–from initial analysis and test planning to testing software installation and looking at ways to improve the testing cycle the next time around. The book is filled with to-do lists that enumerate the resources and tasks required for each step with helpful hints for what to do, how to work with management, and how to staff and execute a test plan from start to finish. (There is a chapter devoted to each of the 11 steps.) The text also incorporates the latest in testing standards from the Quality Assurance Institute (QAI), and the author does a good job of integrating testing with today’s iterative software methodologies. Another standout here is a look at software tools and how they can simplify the testing process. Of course, few software shops will be as rigorous in real life with the testing process outlined in this book, but there’s little doubt that this exhaustive guide sets a high standard that test engineers can aim for. Written in a somewhat formal–yet clear–style, this book can certainly benefit any software testing engineer or manager. –Richard Dragan Topics covered: Software testing process fundamentals, Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) test quality assessment, software defects, Kiviatt charts, testing economics, methodologies and costs, test plans, risk analysis, structural and functional testing, dynamic and static testing, manual and automated testing, testing tools, stress testing, compliance testing, security testing, requirements testing, regression testing, 11-step software testing process, testing client/server, and Web-based systems. –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Product Description Written by the founder and executive director of the Quality Assurance Institute, which sponsors the most widely accepted certification program for software testing Software testing is a weak spot for most developers, and many have no system in place to find and correct defects quickly and efficiently This comprehensive resource provides step-by-step guidelines, checklists, and templates for each testing activity, as well as a self-assessment that helps readers identify the sections of the book that respond to their individual needs Covers the latest regulatory developments affecting software testing, including Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, and provides guidelines for agile testing and testing for security, internal controls, and data warehouses CD-ROM with all checklists and templates saves testers countless hours of developing their own test documentation


Manage Software Testing

Review …a comprehensive, practical cookbook of software testing with a slight mix of quality spices. …the book is a step-by-step guide of how to perform testing. It is practically focused and, in many of the chapters, the reader can follow the tasks (as if they were recipes) when performing testing activities. -Software Testing, Verification & Reliability, Vol. 15, No. 3, Sept. 2005 Product Description Whether you are inheriting a test team or starting one up,Manage Software Testing is a must-have resource that covers all aspects of test management. It guides you through the business and organizational issues that you are confronted with on a daily basis, explaining what you need to focus on strategically, tactically, and operationally. Using a risk-based approach, the author addresses a range of questions about software product development. The book covers unit, system, and non-functional tests and includes examples on how to estimate the number of bugs expected to be found, the time required for testing, and the date when a release is ready. It weighs the cost of finding bugs against the risks of missing release dates or letting bugs appear in the final released product. It is imperative to determine if bugs do exist and then be able to metric how quickly they can be identified, the cost they incur, and how many remain in the product when it is released. With this book,test managers can effectively and accurately establish these parameters.


Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast

Product Description Among the tests you perform on web applications, security testing is perhaps the most important, yet it’s often the most neglected. The recipes in the Web Security Testing Cookbook demonstrate how developers and testers can check for the most common web security issues, while conducting unit tests, regression tests, or exploratory tests. Unlike ad hoc security assessments, these recipes are repeatable, concise, and systematic-perfect for integrating into your regular test suite. Recipes cover the basics from observing messages between clients and servers to multi-phase tests that script the login and execution of web application features. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to build tests pinpointed at Ajax functions, as well as large multi-step tests for the usual suspects: cross-site scripting and injection attacks. This book helps you: Obtain, install, and configure useful-and free-security testing tools Understand how your application communicates with users, so you can better simulate attacks in your tests Choose from many different methods that simulate common attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and manipulating hidden form fields Make your tests repeatable by using the scripts and examples in the recipes as starting points for automated testsDon’t live in dread of the midnight phone call telling you that your site has been hacked. With Web Security Testing Cookbook and the free tools used in the book’s examples, you can incorporate security coverage into your test suite, and sleep in peace. About the Author Paco Hope is a Technical Manager at Cigital, Inc. and co-author of Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security (April 2005, O’Reilly, ISBN 0596006268). Mr. Hope has also published articles on Misuse and Abuse Cases and PKI. He has been invited to conferences to speak on topics such as software security re-quirements, web application security, and embedded system security. At Cigi-tal, he has served as a subject matter expert to MasterCard International for security policies and has assisted a Fortune 500 hospitality company in writ-ing software security policy. He also trains software developers and testers in the fundamentals of software security. In the gaming and mobile communica-tions industries he has advised several companies on software security. Mr. Hope majored in Computer Science and English at The College of William and Mary and received an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Virginia. Ben Walther is a consultant at Cigital and contributor to the Edit Cookies tool. He has a hand in both normal Quality Assurance and Software Security. Day to day, he designs and executes tests – and so he understands the need for simple recipes, in the hectic QA world. Yet he has also given talks on web ap-plication testing tools to members of the Open Web Application Security Pro-ject (OWASP). Through Cigital, he tests systems ranging from financial data processing to slot machines. Mr. Walther has a B.S. in Information Science from Cornell University.


Greasemonkey Hacks

Greasemonkey Hacks is an invaluable compendium 100 ingenious hacks for power users who want to master Greasemonkey, the hot new Firefox extension that allows you to write scripts that alter the web pages you visit. With Greasemonkey, you can create scripts that make a web site more usable, fix rendering bugs that site owners can’t be bothered to fix themselves, or add items to a web site’s menu bar. You can alter pages so they work better with technologies that speak a web page out loud or convert it to Braille. Greasemonkey gurus can even import, combine, and alter data from different web sites to meet their own specific needs. Greasemonkey has achieved a cult-like following in its short lifespan, but its uses are just beginning to be explored. Let’s say you’re shopping on an e-commerce site. You can create a script that will automatically display competitive prices for that particular product from other web sites. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and your Greasemonkey expertise. Greasemonkey Hacks can’t help you with the imagination part, but it can provide the expert hacks-complete with the sample code-you need to turn your brainstorms into reality. More than just an essential collection of made-to-order Greasemonkey solutions, Greasemonkey Hacks is crammed with sample code, a Greasemonkey API reference, and a comprehensive list of resources, to ensure that every resource you need is available between its covers. Some people are content to receive information from websites passively; some people want to control it. If you are one of the latter, Greasemonkey Hacks provides all the clever customizations and cutting-edge tips and tools you need to take command of any web page you view.


Hacking Exposed Web 2.0

Lock down next-generation Web services “This book concisely identifies the types of attacks which are faced daily by Web 2.0 sites, and the authors give solid, practical advice on how to identify and mitigate these threats.” –Max Kelly, CISSP, CIPP, CFCE, Senior Director of Security, Facebook Protect your Web 2.0 architecture against the latest wave of cybercrime using expert tactics from Internet security professionals. Hacking Exposed Web 2.0 shows how hackers perform reconnaissance, choose their entry point, and attack Web 2.0-based services, and reveals detailed countermeasures and defense techniques. You’ll learn how to avoid injection and buffer overflow attacks, fix browser and plug-in flaws, and secure AJAX, Flash, and XML-driven applications. Real-world case studies illustrate social networking site weaknesses, cross-site attack methods, migration vulnerabilities, and IE7 shortcomings. Plug security holes in Web 2.0 implementations the proven Hacking Exposed way Learn how hackers target and abuse vulnerable Web 2.0 applications, browsers, plug-ins, online databases, user inputs, and HTML forms Prevent Web 2.0-based SQL, XPath, XQuery, LDAP, and command injection attacks Circumvent XXE, directory traversal, and buffer overflow exploits Learn XSS and Cross-Site Request Forgery methods attackers use to bypass browser security controls Fix vulnerabilities in Outlook Express and Acrobat Reader add-ons Use input validators and XML classes to reinforce ASP and .NET security Eliminate unintentional exposures in ASP.NET AJAX (Atlas), Direct Web Remoting, Sajax, and GWT Web applications Mitigate ActiveX security exposures using SiteLock, code signing, and secure controls Find and fix Adobe Flash vulnerabilities and DNS rebinding attacks About the Author Rich Cannings is a senior information security engineer at Google. Himanshu Dwivedi is a founding partner of iSEC Partners, an information security organization, and the author of several security books. Zane Lackey is a senior security consultant with iSEC Partners.


Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition

Review “Erickson presents the material in a manner that is both easy to follow and a joy to read.” — IEEE Security & Privacy, March 2004 “I highly recommend this book.” — IEEE Cipher, March 15, 2004 “This is an excellent book.” — About.com, November 2003 “This would make a great addition to any c


Gray Hat Hacking, Second Edition

Product Description “A fantastic book for anyone looking to learn the tools and techniques needed to break in and stay in.” –Bruce Potter, Founder, The Shmoo Group “Very highly recommended whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the security business.” –Simple Nomad, Hacker From the Back Cover Uncover, plug, and ethically disclose security flaws Prevent catastrophic network attacks by exposing security flaws, fixing them, and ethically reporting them to the software author. Fully expanded to cover the hacker’s latest devious methods, Gray Hat Hacking: The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook, Second Edition lays out each exploit alongside line-by-line code samples, detailed countermeasures, and moral disclosure procedures. Find out how to execute effective penetration tests, use fuzzers and sniffers, perform reverse engineering, and find security holes in Windows and Linux applications. You’ll also learn how to trap and autopsy stealth worms, viruses, rootkits, adware, and malware. Implement vulnerability testing, discovery, and reporting procedures that comply with applicable laws Learn the basics of programming, stack operations, buffer overflow and heap vulnerabilities, and exploit development Test and exploit systems using Metasploit and other tools Break in to Windows and Linux systems with perl scripts, Python scripts, and customized C programs Analyze source code using ITS4, RATS, FlawFinder, PREfast, Splint, and decompilers Understand the role of IDA Pro scripts, FLAIR tools, and third-party plug-ins in discovering software vulnerabilities Reverse-engineer software using decompiling, profiling, memory monitoring, and data flow analysis tools Reveal client-side web browser vulnerabilities with MangleMe, AxEnum, and AxMan Probe Windows Access Controls to discover insecure access tokens, security descriptors, DACLs, and ACEs Find and examine malware and rootkits using honeypots, honeynets, and Norman SandBox technology


Hacking Exposed Wireless

Product Description Secure Your Wireless Networks the Hacking Exposed Way Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute debilitating attacks. Find out how to plug security holes in Wi-Fi/802.11 and Bluetooth systems and devices. You’ll also learn how to launch wireless exploits from Metasploit, employ bulletproof authentication and encryption, and sidestep insecure wireless hotspots. The book includes vital details on new, previously unpublished attacks alongside real-world countermeasures. Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks Perform packet injection from Linux Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools Exploit wireless device drivers using the Metasploit 3.0 Framework Identify and avoid malicious hotspots Deploy WPA/802.11i authentication and encryption using PEAP, FreeRADIUS, and WPA pre-shared keys About the Author Johnny Cache received his Masters in Computer Science from the Naval Postgraduate School in 2006. His thesis work, which focused on fingerprinting 802.11 device drivers, won the Gary Kildall award for the most innovative computer science thesis. Johnny wrote his first program on a Tandy 128K color computer sometime in 1988. Since then he has spoken at several security conferences including BlackHat, BlueHat, and ToorCon. He has also released a number of papers related to 802.11 security, and is the author of many wireless tools. Most of his wireless utilities are included in the Airbase suite, available at 802.11mercenary.net. Vincent Liu , CISSP is the Managing Director at Stach & Liu, a professional services firm providing IT security consulting to the Fortune 500, national law firms, and global financial institutions. Before founding Stach & Liu, Vincent led the Attack & Penetration and Reverse Engineering teams for the Global Security unit at Honeywell International. Prior to that, he was a consultant with the Ernst & Young Advanced Security Centers and an analyst at the National Security Agency. Vincent is a developer for the Metasploit Project and an experienced speaker, having presented his research at conferences including BlackHat, ToorCon, and Microsoft BlueHat. Vincent has been published in interviews, journals, and books with highlights including: Penetration Tester’s Open Source Toolkit; Writing Security Tools and Exploits; Sockets, and Shellcode, Porting, and Coding. Vincent holds a Bachelor of Science and Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania with a major in Computer Science and Engineering and a minor in Psychology.


Kismet Hacking

Book Description The only book on the industry standard for examining wireless network traffic! Product Description Kismet Hacking brings together the premiere wireless security experts to outline how to successfully use the top wireless tool, Kismet. As wireless networking continues to spread in home, corporate and government use, and as Linux continues to replace Windows for many advanced users, Kismet is increasingly the tool that they rely upon. Now with the introduction of Kismet NewCore, people who are using Kismet for applications from wireless network design to wireless security, have an improved version of their favorite wireless application. Kismet Hacking is for both new users who are just starting to use Kismet and those who have been using Kismet for years. Vital user information on getting the most out of wireless Linux setups is contained here. This book covers everything a Kismet user would need to know about Kismet, from the basic installation to advanced subjects such as creating Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems.


Insider Attack and Cyber Security: Beyond the Hacker

Insider Attack and Cyber Security: Beyond the Hacker defines the nature and scope of insider problems as viewed by the financial industry. This edited volume is based on the first workshop on Insider Attack and Cyber Security, IACS 2007. The workshop was a joint effort from the Information Security Departments of Columbia University and Dartmouth College. This book sets an agenda for an ongoing research initiative to solve one of the most vexing problems encountered in security, and includes the following topics: critical IT infrastructure, insider threats, awareness and dealing with nefarious human activities in a manner that respects individual liberties and privacy policies of organizations while providing the best protection of critical resources and services. In some sense, the insider problem is the ultimate security problem. This volume concludes with technical and legal challenges facing researchers who study and propose solutions to mitigate insider attacks.


Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Volume 2

Book Description Completely updated second edition of Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, which has sold 30,000 copies worldwide! Product Description A self-respecting Google hacker spends hours trolling the Internet for juicy stuff. Firing off search after search, they thrive on the thrill of finding clean, mean, streamlined queries and get a real rush from sharing those queries and trading screenshots of their findings. I know because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. As the founder of the Google Hacking Database (GHDB) and the Search engine hacking forums at http://johnny.ihackstuff.com, I am constantly amazed at what the Google hacking community comes up with. It turns out the rumors are true-creative Google searches can reveal medical, financial, proprietary and even classified information. Despite government edicts, regulation and protection acts like HIPPA and the constant barking of security watchdogs, this problem still persists. Stuff still makes it out onto the web, and Google hackers snatch it right up. Protect yourself from Google hackers with this new volume of information. -Johnny Long . Learn Google Searching Basics Explore Google’s Web-based Interface, build Google queries, and work with Google URLs. . Use Advanced Operators to Perform Advanced Queries Combine advanced operators and learn about colliding operators and bad search-fu. . Learn the Ways of the Google Hacker See how to use caches for anonymity and review directory listings and traversal techniques. . Review Document Grinding and Database Digging See the ways to use Google to locate documents and then search within the documents to locate information. . Understand Google’s Part in an Information Collection Framework Learn the principles of automating searches and the applications of data mining. . Locate Exploits and Finding Targets Locate exploit code and then vulnerable targets. . See Ten Simple Security Searches Learn a few searches that give good results just about every time and are good for a security assessment. . Track Down Web Servers Locate and profile web servers, login portals, network hardware and utilities. . See How Bad Guys Troll for Data Find ways to search for usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other juicy information. . Hack Google Services Learn more about the AJAX Search API, Calendar, Blogger, Blog Search, and more.


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