IEDE Program Course Agenda

Program Objective: 

  • Innovating education & entrepreneurship and building new skills for a successful career in the global digital economy

Program Schedule/Invited Speakers:

  • Mar. 1 Beijing time/ Feb.28 CA time: Program Overview/ Group Projects discussion/Assignment: Kris Singh

  • Mar. 2 Beijing/ Mar.1 CA: Innovating Digital Healthcare/ Yan Chow/Ajit Singh/Uli Chettipally

  • Mar. 3 Beijing/ Mar. 2 CA: Innovating Education & Entrepreneurship: Kevin Hall, Vice Chancellor, University of Victoria, Cananda Innovating Electric Transportation at NIO: Ganesh Iyer, Managing Director, NIO US 

  • Mar. 4 Beijing/ Mar. 3 CA: “New Business Innovation Opportunities”: Fireside Chat—Kris Singh/ Naveen Jain—Serial Entrepreneur

  • Mar. 5 Beijing/ Mar. 4 CA: Innovating Edge Applications: Roman Shaposnik, Jason Shepherd, Mather Yarger: Zededa/IOT Foundation

  • Mar.8 Beijing/ Mar 7 CA: Innovating Digital Manufacturing: Jay Lee, Enno De Boer, Francisco Betti: Foxconn/McKinsey/World Economic Forum

  • Mar.9 Beijing/ Mar. 8 CA: “Free Access to Information for Everyone”:: Josef Knoll, Secretary General, Global Internet Foundation

  • Liangcai Cao/ Director of Opto Electronics Lab, Tsinghua University 

  • Mar.10 Beijing/ Mar. 9 CA: Edge Computing 2.0: Geng Lin/ Mac Devin/Cole Crawford: F5/IBM/Vapor IO

  • Mar.11 Beijing time/ Mar. 10 CA time: 21st Century Education: Prof. Rao, IIT India/Software development for Digital Economy: Kevin McGrail/Meera Rao/ Greg Stein: Apache Open Source/Synopsys

  • Mar.12 Beijing time// Mar.11 CA time: Program Summary/ Group Projects Review/ Kris Singh 

Complete Group Projects/ Group project presentations Mar. 13—Mar.26:

Group Projects will include the following topics:

  • Innovating Sectors of Economy

    • Innovating Sectors of Economy

    • Innovating Manufacturing 4.0 

    • Innovating Healthcare Services

    • Smart Cities 

    • E-Commerce 

    • Innovating Agriculture Economy 

    • Innovating Education & Entrepreneurship

    • Addressing Environmental Challenges

    • Addressing Global Digital Devide

  • Innovating Digital Technology

    • Big data analytics 

    • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

    • Mobile Technologies—Advances & Challenges

    • Augumented Reality & Virtual Reality

    • Cloud/Edge Computing 

    • Internet of Things (IoT)

    • Robotics Automation

    • Cybersecurity 

    • Blockchain

    • Cryptocurrency 

The course agenda includes the following:

Innovating Digital Manufacturing

Focus topics will include:

  • Digital Transformation for Manufacturing Industry:

  • World Economic Forum Agenda for Digital Manufacturing: World Economic Forum

  • Industrial AI for Smart Manufacturing: Foxconn 

Speakers will include:

  • Jay Lee : Vice Chairman and Board Member of Foxconn

  • Francisco Betti: Head of Advance Manufacturing, World Economic Forum

  • Enno De Boer: Global Head Manufacturing and Partner: McKinsey & Com:

Innovating Agriculture Economy

Focus topics will include:

Creating Internet for Farm & Food:

  • Creating Internet for Farm & Food:

    • Agri-Food chains become more technology/data-driven

    • IoT & Big data Applications

  • Innovate open network infrastructure

  • Innovating Business models: fair share, new opportunities

  • Innovating Food Supply Ecosystem

  • Innovating Governance : Trust, data privacy, security..

Session speakers will include the following:

  • James A. Wilson: Chief Technology Officer, AgGateway

  • R. Andres Ferreyra, PhD :Data Asset Manager, Syngenta Crop Protection LLC

  • Joseph W. Tevis, PhD: CEO, Vis Consulting Inc.

Innovating Digital Healthcare

Focus areas will include the following: 

  • On-demand healthcare:

  • Big data Analytics in healthcare:

  • Predictive healthcare:

  • Virtual reality in heathcare:

  • Artificial intelligence & healthcare:

  • Blockchain and electronic health records:

  • Wearable medical devices:

Session speakers will include the following industry experts: 

  • Naveen Jain: Founder & CEO at Viome

  • Ajit Singh: Partner at Artiman Ventures/ Adjunct Professor at Stanford University:

  • Dr. Yan Chow: Leading Digital Healthcare at Intelligent Automation

  • Dr.Uli Chettipally: Physician Innovator, Technology Enabled Care

Innovating Digital Economy with Edge 2.0

Focus areas will include the following: 

  • Digital transformation accelerated by COVID

  • Distributed cloud enables digital services geographically

  • Edge emerges as a critical factor for digital service experience 

    • Performance

    • Security

    • Data gravity 

    • Complicance

    • Application 

  • On demand edge computing

  • Emergence of intelligent devices 

  • IoT use cases

Session speakers will include the following industry experts: 

  • Geng Lin: CTO at F5 Networks

  • Justin Dustzadeh: CTO at Equinix

  • Mac Devine: VP & CTO, Watson Devision, IBM Fellow

Innovating Global Service Economy with Digital Trust

We are now entering the era of the ecosystem and service economy, with offerings increasingly driven by a network effect spanning multiple entities and backed by a significant service component. Leading technology providers will be those that create differentiated value through services, domain knowledge and necessarily unique software and hardware — not those that are reinventing foundational infrastructure over and over again. The ultimate potential of digital is selling or sharing data, resources and services across total strangers, all while maintaining privacy on your terms. This is the scale factor for driving new business value, however in order to build complex ecosystem relationships that span private and public boundaries we need both open interoperability and tools to ensure that no single entity owns the trust. For this, we need to turn to technology for help because it simply isn’t feasible to build the necessary trust relationships one by one. We’re seeing the industry increasingly step up here, from distributed ledger efforts like IOTA and the emerging Project Alvarium which aims to build out the concept of data confidence fabrics by layering trust insertion technologies with a system-based approach. These projects are focused on facilitating trust in both machine-generated data and across human relationships.

Session speakers will include the following industry experts: 

  • Roman Shaposhnik: Co-founder and head of Product and Strategy at ZEDEDA, Innovating Edge Computing:

    Roman Shaposhnik is a co-founder and head of Product and Strategy at ZEDEDA. Prior to starting ZEDEDA, Roman has spent time building scalable, cloud-native compute and data platforms at Sun microsystems, Pivotal, and Cloudera. He has also contributed to numerous open-source projects and has been on the boards of directors at Linux and Apache Software Foundations.

  • Jason Shepherd: VP of Ecosystem Innovation at ZEDEDA:

    Jason Shepherd is VP of Ecosystem at edge orchestration company ZEDEDA. Prior to joining ZEDEDA, Jason was CTO for the Dell Technologies Edge and IoT Solutions Division. His proven track record as a thought leader in the market is evidenced through his leadership building up the award-winning Dell IoT Solutions Partner Program and establishing the vendor-neutral, open source EdgeX Foundry project to facilitate greater interoperability at the IoT edge. Jason is a board member for LF Edge and was recognized as one of the Top 100 Industrial IoT influencers in both 2018 and 2019. He holds a total of 40 granted and pending US patents.

  • Mathew Yarger: Head of Mobility & Automotive at IOTA Foundation

    Mathew is Head of Mobility and Automotive at the IOTA Foundation, where he develops strategy and solutions around the use of data with distributed ledger technology-based innovations. These solutions focus on enabling flexible and privacy-centric data and value transfer within the public sector for use in smart cities, critical infrastructure, environmental and energy systems, and mobility-focused data industries.

Innovative Cloud Platform for High Performance Computing Applications

Wolfgang Gentzsch, President of UberCloud

15 years ago, Amazon introduced its AWS cloud, and IT organizations started using it mainly for their enterprise applications. Five years later, AWS introduced its first high-performance computing (HPC) instances, and scientists and engineers gained their early experience with moving some of their application simulations to AWS. A few years later, Microsoft followed with Azure, and then Google with its Google Cloud Platform. However, users recognized quickly that it was not trivial to move their complex application workloads to the cloud, and in „do-it-yourself” mode this could easily take a few months. And that’s when cloud service providers like UberCloud, Nimbix, and Rescale started offering their cloud „on-boarding” services to the user community. But the real breakthrough of HPC in the cloud still took several years, until finally, in 2019, market analysts like Hyperion and Intersect360 reported a sudden acceleration for HPC in the cloud. That’s when the era of „democratization” of HPC began to dawn and access to high-performance computing became very easy, and applicability widened to include Digital Twins, Machine Learning, and Big Data Analytics, among others.

This presentation will start with some fundamentals of HPC in the cloud for engineers and introduce a generic and (almost) universal HPC as a Service architecture. As an example of a cloud service implementation we offer some insight into an Engineering Simulation Platform, and demonstrate its benefits with two challenging applications in the field of personalized healthcare: coping with arrhythmia in the living heart, and non intrusive control of schizophrenia in the human brain. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the major benefits og HPC in the cloud for companies and for their engineers. 

Wolfgang Gentzsch

Wolfgang Gentzsch is president and co-founder of UberCloud which offers an automated self-service on-demand Engineering Simulation Platform and high-performance Engineering Simulation Containers to manufacturing, energy, financial services, life-sciences and other compute- and data-intensive applications. Wolfgang was the chairman of the International ISC Cloud Conference series from 2010 to 2015. Previously, he was an Advisor to the EU projects EUDAT and DEISA. He directed the German D-Grid Initiative and the North Carolina Statewide Grid, and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Open Grid Forum and of the US President's Council of Advisors for Science and Technology, PCAST, from 2005 to 2008. 

Before, Wolfgang was a professor of computer science and mathematics at several universities in North Carolina, USA, and Regensburg, Germany, and held leading positions at the MCNC North Carolina Grid and Data Center in Durham, Sun Microsystems in California, the DLR German Aerospace Center in Gottingen, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics in Munich. In the 90s, he founded HPC software companies Genias and Gridware which developed the well-known distributed HPC workload management system Grid Engine. Gridware has been acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2000 and Grid Engine (via Sun, Oracle, and Univa) is now part of Altair Engineering. 





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