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转载 Tensorflow--Day 1

import tensorflow as tf# Model parametersW = tf.Variable([.3], dtype=tf.float32)b = tf.Variable([-.3], dtype=tf.float32)# Model input and outputx = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)linear_model = W * x +

2017-10-09 06:31:40 357 1

原创 Algorithms

Programming Thoughts:Reasoning thought; Recursive though; Greedy thought; Enumeration thought; Divid and Conquer; Backtracking; Dynamic Programming; Probability thoughtSorting:Internal sort:All data ha

2017-10-09 04:04:22 340

原创 文章标题

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您阅读造成不便,望请见谅!!)8. PCAA dimensionality reduction algorithm that can be able to significantly speed up unsupervised feature learning algorithm. More importantly, understanding PC

2017-10-09 03:54:24 158

原创 Autoencoders

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您阅读造成不便,望请见谅!!)7.Autoencoders:compress features, same function like PCAs.

2017-10-09 03:53:37 219

原创 CNN

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您阅读造成不便,望请见谅!!)6. CNN1.initialize paremeters and load data.–>2. Bulid model.–>3. compute loss.–>4. Backpropagation.–>5. adjust parametersFully conntected network: all inputs in

2017-10-09 03:52:46 229

原创 Perceptron

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您阅读造成不便,望请见谅!!)5. Perceptron

2017-10-09 03:51:42 308

原创 SVM

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您阅读造成不便,望请见谅!!)4. SVMSVM的学习策略是间隔最大化。SVM的学习算法是求解凸优化规划(convex quadratic programming)的最优化算法。三种由简至繁的模型:Linear SVM in linearly separable case, linear SVM 和Nonlinear SVM。

2017-10-09 03:50:43 176

原创 Boost

3. Boost AlgorithmsAdaBoost算法: 综合多个分类器,得到更精确结果。AdaBoost思想: 1、多轮训练,多个分类器 2、每轮训练增加错误样本的权值,降低正确分类样本权值。 3、降低错误率高的分类器权值,增加正确率高的分类器权值。

2017-10-09 03:49:30 165

原创 KNN

(笔记总结需要!目前粗糙潦草,后期会不断修改。若对您造成不便,望请见谅!!)2. KNN参考链接:http://www.hankcs.com/ml/k-nearest-neighbor-method.html2.1 KNN算法给定一个训练数据集,对新的输入实例,在训练数据集中找到跟它最近的k个实例,根据这k个实例的类判断它自己的类(一般采用多数表决的方法)。KNN模型: 三要素:距离度量方法、K值

2017-10-09 03:33:17 275

转载 Decision Tree

1. Decision TreeReference:http://www.hankcs.com/ml/decision-tree.html代码用ID3生成算法和C4.5生成算法实现,并用matplotlib可视化出来。分类决策树是对实例进行分类的树形结构。由结点和有向边组成。结点分为内部结点和叶节点。内部结点表示一个特征或属性,叶节点表示一个类。分类时,从根节点出发,当前结点设为根节点,且当前结点必

2017-10-09 03:30:11 252

原创 Dynamic Programming--Algorithms

EditDistance(A[1. . . n],B [1. . . m])D(i,0)← iand D(0,j)← jfor all i,jfor jfrom 1to m:  for ifrom 1to n:    insertion← D(i, j− 1) +1    delet

2017-09-30 22:10:19 358

原创 Greatest common divisors & Fibonacci Numbers--Algorithms

Greatest Common Divisors:Naive Algorithm:    Function NaiveGCD(a,b)best ←0for dfrom 1to a+b:  if d|aand d|b:     best← dreturn best

2017-09-30 15:30:35 149

原创 Graphs--Data Structure

DefinitionAn (undirected) Graph is a collection V of vertices, and a collection E ofedges each of which connects a pair of vertices.Vertices: A,B,C,D

2017-09-30 14:36:34 292

原创 Greedy Algorithm--Algorithms

Largest Number:  Find max digit  Append it to the number  Remove it from the list of digits  Repeat while there are digits in the list car fueling:  Refill at the

2017-09-30 14:23:24 550

原创 AVL tree--Data Structure

HeightDefinitionThe heightof a node is the maximum depth of its subtree.AVL PropertyAVL trees maintain the following propert

2017-09-30 13:47:38 195

原创 Binary Search Tree--Data Structure

Hash tableRangeSearch: impossibleNearestNeighbors: impossibleInsert:   O(1)Delete:  O(1)Array:RangeSearch:        O(n)NearestNeighbors: O(n)Insert:                     O(1)Delete

2017-09-30 12:27:16 176

原创 Hash Tables: String Search--Data Structure

Naive AlgorithmFor each position i from 0 to |T| − |P|,check character-by-character whetherT[i..i+ |P| −1] = Por not. If yes, append i to the result.

2017-09-30 12:12:16 146

原创 Hash Tables: Distributed Hash Tables--Data Structure

upload file instantly.Naive Comparison  Upload new file  Go through all stored files  Compare each stored file with new file byte-by-byte  If there's the same file, sto

2017-09-30 11:46:38 220

原创 Hash Table: Hash Functions--Data Structure

Phone BookDesign a data structure to store your contacts: names of people along with their phone numbers. The data structure should be able to do the following quickly:    Add and

2017-09-30 11:04:00 191

原创 Basics of Hash Table--Data Structure

Intro:API: Python: Dict; JAVA: HashMapApplications: File Systems; Password Verification; Store OptimizationIP Address: Main Looplog - array of log lines(tim

2017-09-30 09:16:42 222

原创 Disjoint Sets--Data Structure

Naive algorithm:A disjoint-set data structure supports the following operations:  MakeSet(x) creates a singleton set {x}  Find(x) returns ID of the set containing x:      if x and y lie in the

2017-09-30 08:37:08 313

原创 Priority Queue--Data Structure

(一)Main operations of a queue:    PushBack(e); PopFront().Priority queue is a generalization of a queue where each element is assigned a priority and elements come out in order by priority.

2017-09-30 07:30:22 288

原创 Dynamic Array--Data Structure

Time complexity of Runtime:Get(i)                O(1)Set(i, val)          O(1)PushBack(val)  O(n)Remove(i)         O(n)Size()                O(1)Common Implementations:C++ : Vector

2017-09-29 10:01:08 402

原创 DFS & BFS--Data Structure

Two ways of traversal : DFS, BFSThree methods to implement DFS:InOrderTraversal (tree)  if (tree == null) return;  InOrderTraversal (tree.left);  Print (tree.key);  InOrderTraversal (t

2017-09-29 09:23:31 159

原创 Basic Tree--Data Structure

Pseudocode:Height (tree)if (tree == null) return 0;return 1 + Max ( Height ( tree.left ), Height ( tree.right ));Size (tree)if (tree == null) return 0;return 1 + Size ( tree.left) +Siz

2017-09-29 09:01:32 267

原创 Stack & Queue--Data Structure


2017-09-29 08:10:45 674

原创 Double Linked List--Data Structure

2017-09-29 08:01:18 225

原创 Single Linked List--Data Structure

单链表形式如上图所示,内部包含“key”和“next pointer”指针,且指向一个方向。API操作的时间复杂度:

2017-09-29 07:54:01 183

转载 Bit Manipulation

常用位操作符有:For JAVA:运算符优先级为从上到下递减,但>,>>>优先级相同。操作符功能用法~位求反~expr左移expr1 >>带符号右移,左边空出的位以原来最左边的0或者1填充expr1 >> expr2>>>

2017-09-29 03:16:38 186

转载 JAVA "Public", "Protected", "Private" and "Friendly"的区别--笔记

1、public:public表明该数据成员、成员函数是对所有用户开放的,所有用户都可直接进行调用 2、protected:protected对于子类来说,就是public的,没有任何限制,而对于其他的外部class,protected就变成private。 3、private:private表示私有的意思。除class自己外,任何人都不可以直接使用,即便是子类都不可以使用。

2017-09-29 00:07:04 203



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