如何: 使用自动运行,使用 C#.NET 创建 Office 命令栏和控件

文章编号: 303018 -  查看本文应用于的产品


本文演示如何实现自动化 Excel 创建包含按钮、 下拉列表框、 组合框和弹出式菜单的命令栏。


Visual C#.NET 应用程序捕获,并响应各种命令栏控件将激发的单击并更改事件。 虽然此示例为宿主应用程序使用 Excel,但命令栏代码将每个 Office 应用程序中起作用。
创建 C#.NET 自动化客户端
  1. 启动 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET。文件菜单上单击新建,然后单击项目项目类型下单击Visual C# 项目,然后在模板下单击Windows 应用程序默认情况下,将创建 Form1。
  2. 添加到Microsoft Excel 对象库Microsoft Office 对象库的引用。若要执行此操作,请执行以下步骤:
    1. 项目菜单上,单击添加引用
    2. COM选项卡上查找Microsoft Excel 对象库并单击选择

      注意: Microsoft Office 2003年包括主互操作程序集 (Pia)。Microsoft Office XP 中没有包含 Pia,但它们可能会被下载。有关 Office XP Pia 的其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章:
      328912 Microsoft Office XP Pia 将可供下载的信息:
    3. 单击确定中的添加引用对话框中,接受您的选择。
  3. 视图菜单上,单击工具箱以显示工具箱,然后将一个按钮添加到 Form1。
  4. 双击Button1为 Button1, onClick事件在打开代码窗口。到 Form1.cs 的顶部添加以下项:
    using Office = Microsoft.Office.Core;
    using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
  5. 在代码窗口中,将下面的代码
    private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Declare variables.
    Office.CommandBarButton oButton;
    Office.CommandBarComboBox oEdit;
    Office.CommandBarComboBox oDrop;
    Office.CommandBarComboBox oCombo; 
    Office.CommandBarButton oPopupButton;
    private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    	// Declare variables.
    	Excel.Application oExcel;
    	Office.CommandBar oCommandBar;
    	Office.CommandBarPopup oPopup;
    	Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    	// Start Excel.
    	oExcel = new Excel.Application();
    	// Show Excel and set UserControl
    	oExcel.Visible = true;
    	oExcel.UserControl = true;
    	// Add a new workbook
    	// Create a new command bar.
    	oCommandBar = oExcel.CommandBars.Add("Billiards Sample",oMissing,oMissing,
    	// Add a button to the command bar.
    	oButton = (Office.CommandBarButton)oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Set the caption and face ID.
    	oButton.Caption = "New game";
    	oButton.FaceId = 1845;
    	// Set up a delegate for the Click event.
    	Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler oButtonHandler = 
    			new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(oButton_Click);
    	oButton.Click += oButtonHandler;
    	// Add an edit box to the command bar.
    	oEdit = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Show a vertical separator.
    	oEdit.BeginGroup = true;
    	// Clear the text and show a caption.
    	oEdit.Text = "";
    	oEdit.Caption = "Enter your name:";
    	oEdit.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
    	// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
    	Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oEditHandler = 
    			new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oEdit_Change);
    	oEdit.Change += oEditHandler;
    	// Add a combo box to the command bar.
    	oCombo = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Add items to the combo box.
    	// Set the caption and style.
    	oCombo.Caption = "Choose your opponent:";
    	oCombo.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
    	// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
    	Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oComboHandler = 
    			new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oCombo_Change);
    	oCombo.Change += oComboHandler;
    	// Add a drop-down list box to the command bar.
    	oDrop = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Add items to the list box.
    	oDrop.AddItem("8 Ball",oMissing);
    	oDrop.AddItem("9 Ball",oMissing);
    	oDrop.AddItem("Straight Pool",oMissing);
    	// Set the value to the first in the list.
    	oDrop.ListIndex = 1;
    	// Set the caption and style.
    	oDrop.Caption = "Choose your game:";
    	oDrop.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
    	// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
    	Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oDropHandler = 
    			new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oDrop_Change);
    	oDrop.Change += oDropHandler;
    	// Add a pop-up menu to the command bar.
    	oPopup = (Office.CommandBarPopup) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Add a separator before the pop-up button.
    	oPopup.BeginGroup = true;
    	// Set the caption.
    	oPopup.Caption = "Rack 'em Up!";
    	// Add a button to the pop-up.
    	oPopupButton = (Office.CommandBarButton) oPopup.CommandBar.Controls.Add(
    	// Change the face ID and caption for the button.
    	oPopupButton.FaceId = 643;
    	oPopupButton.Caption = "Break!";
    	// Set up a delegate for the Click event.
    	Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler oPopupButtonHandler = 
    			new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(oPopupButton_Click);
    	oPopupButton.Click += oPopupButtonHandler;
    	// Show the command bar to the user.
    	oCommandBar.Visible = true;
    private void oButton_Click(Office.CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool Cancel)
    	// Reset all values.
    	oEdit.Text = "";
    	oDrop.ListIndex = 1;
    	oCombo.Text = "";
    	Console.WriteLine("New game button clicked");
    private void oEdit_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
    	Console.WriteLine("oEdit_Change event fired -- Player's name = " + Ctrl.Text);
    private void oCombo_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
    	Console.WriteLine("oCombo_Change event fired -- New opponent = " + Ctrl.Text);
    private void oDrop_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
    	Console.WriteLine("oDrop_Change event fired -- Game type = " + Ctrl.Text);
    private void oPopupButton_Click(Office.CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool Cancel)
    	System.Random oRand;
    	Console.WriteLine("oPopupButton_Click event fired");
    	// Create a new random number class.
    	oRand = new System.Random();
    	String sWinner;
    	// Get a random number and check its range.
    	if (oRand.NextDouble() > 0.5) 
    		sWinner = oEdit.Text;
    		sWinner = oCombo.Text;
    	// Show a message box to the user.
    	MessageBox.Show("Game: " + oDrop.Text + "\r\n\r\nName: " + oEdit.Text + 
    		"\r\nOpponent: " + oCombo.Text + "\r\n\r\nWinner: " + sWinner,"Game Results");
  6. 按 F5 键生成并运行该程序。
  7. 单击Button1以启动 Excel,插入一个新的命令栏,该命令栏上插入控件。
Office XP 的其他注意事项
Office XP 应用程序都有一个安全选项,以使 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 对象模型以编程方式访问。 如果此设置为"off"(默认值),您可能会收到一个错误时运行该代码示例。 有关此设置和如何纠正该错误的其他信息,请单击下面的文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库中相应的文章:
282830 PRB: Office XP VBA 项目以编程方式访问被拒绝


Office 自动化的详细信息,请参阅下面的 Microsoft Office 开发 Web 站点:


文章编号: 303018 - 最后修改: 2007年1月30日 - 修订: 5.6
  • Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 标准版
  • Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2002 标准版
  • Microsoft Office Excel 2003
  • Microsoft Excel 2002 标准版
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