// Declare variables.
Office.CommandBarButton oButton;
Office.CommandBarComboBox oEdit;
Office.CommandBarComboBox oDrop;
Office.CommandBarComboBox oCombo;
Office.CommandBarButton oPopupButton;
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Declare variables.
Excel.Application oExcel;
Office.CommandBar oCommandBar;
Office.CommandBarPopup oPopup;
Object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
// Start Excel.
oExcel = new Excel.Application();
// Show Excel and set UserControl
oExcel.Visible = true;
oExcel.UserControl = true;
// Add a new workbook
// Create a new command bar.
oCommandBar = oExcel.CommandBars.Add("Billiards Sample",oMissing,oMissing,
// Add a button to the command bar.
oButton = (Office.CommandBarButton)oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Set the caption and face ID.
oButton.Caption = "New game";
oButton.FaceId = 1845;
// Set up a delegate for the Click event.
Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler oButtonHandler =
new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(oButton_Click);
oButton.Click += oButtonHandler;
// Add an edit box to the command bar.
oEdit = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Show a vertical separator.
oEdit.BeginGroup = true;
// Clear the text and show a caption.
oEdit.Text = "";
oEdit.Caption = "Enter your name:";
oEdit.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oEditHandler =
new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oEdit_Change);
oEdit.Change += oEditHandler;
// Add a combo box to the command bar.
oCombo = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Add items to the combo box.
// Set the caption and style.
oCombo.Caption = "Choose your opponent:";
oCombo.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oComboHandler =
new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oCombo_Change);
oCombo.Change += oComboHandler;
// Add a drop-down list box to the command bar.
oDrop = (Office.CommandBarComboBox) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Add items to the list box.
oDrop.AddItem("8 Ball",oMissing);
oDrop.AddItem("9 Ball",oMissing);
oDrop.AddItem("Straight Pool",oMissing);
// Set the value to the first in the list.
oDrop.ListIndex = 1;
// Set the caption and style.
oDrop.Caption = "Choose your game:";
oDrop.Style = Office.MsoComboStyle.msoComboLabel;
// Set up a delegate for the Change event.
Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler oDropHandler =
new Office._CommandBarComboBoxEvents_ChangeEventHandler(oDrop_Change);
oDrop.Change += oDropHandler;
// Add a pop-up menu to the command bar.
oPopup = (Office.CommandBarPopup) oCommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Add a separator before the pop-up button.
oPopup.BeginGroup = true;
// Set the caption.
oPopup.Caption = "Rack 'em Up!";
// Add a button to the pop-up.
oPopupButton = (Office.CommandBarButton) oPopup.CommandBar.Controls.Add(
// Change the face ID and caption for the button.
oPopupButton.FaceId = 643;
oPopupButton.Caption = "Break!";
// Set up a delegate for the Click event.
Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler oPopupButtonHandler =
new Office._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(oPopupButton_Click);
oPopupButton.Click += oPopupButtonHandler;
// Show the command bar to the user.
oCommandBar.Visible = true;
private void oButton_Click(Office.CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool Cancel)
// Reset all values.
oEdit.Text = "";
oDrop.ListIndex = 1;
oCombo.Text = "";
Console.WriteLine("New game button clicked");
private void oEdit_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
Console.WriteLine("oEdit_Change event fired -- Player's name = " + Ctrl.Text);
private void oCombo_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
Console.WriteLine("oCombo_Change event fired -- New opponent = " + Ctrl.Text);
private void oDrop_Change(Office.CommandBarComboBox Ctrl)
Console.WriteLine("oDrop_Change event fired -- Game type = " + Ctrl.Text);
private void oPopupButton_Click(Office.CommandBarButton Ctrl, ref bool Cancel)
System.Random oRand;
Console.WriteLine("oPopupButton_Click event fired");
// Create a new random number class.
oRand = new System.Random();
String sWinner;
// Get a random number and check its range.
if (oRand.NextDouble() > 0.5)
sWinner = oEdit.Text;
sWinner = oCombo.Text;
// Show a message box to the user.
MessageBox.Show("Game: " + oDrop.Text + "\r\n\r\nName: " + oEdit.Text +
"\r\nOpponent: " + oCombo.Text + "\r\n\r\nWinner: " + sWinner,"Game Results");